Earthly vs. Spiritual
Philippians 3:17-21
This chapter started with Paul as an accountant, then an athlete, and finally, realizing he is an alien in a foreign land.
1st 3 words of v. 18 and last 4 words of v. 19 tell the story.
"For many walk...who mind earthly things."
These are 1 dimensional humans - they see life from one limited perspective. The only question they ever ask is, "How will this affect me now on earth." They cannot see over the horizon. They have earthly values.
ill.--Miley Cyrus talks of her rejection of her parent's conservative values, and says the Bible is full of fairy tales. She then states something very revealing:
Sexually, Cyrus said she is “down with” anything. She views her sexuality and even her gender identity as fluid. “I am literally open to every single thing that is consenting and doesn’t involve an animal and everyone is of age. Everything that’s legal, I’m down with. Yo, I’m down with any adult—anyone over the age of 18 who is down to love me,” she said. “I don’t relate to being boy or girl, and I don’t have to have my partner relate to boy or girl.”
Question for her: Why not involve an animal? On what basis does she decide that? Besides, if there’s no God and she’s just a result of evolution, then she is merely an animal anyway. And those she interacts with sexually are just animals—so why not any animals? In other words, she has decided to draw a line for some reason—but what reason? It’s actually because in her heart she knows God exists (Romans 1), she knows she is different from the animals as she is made in God’s image (Genesis 1)—and she has a conscience (as seared as it is because of her sinful rebellion) because the law is written on our hearts (Romans 2).
Question for her: Why only those over the age of 18? On what basis did she decide that? If there’s no God, why have any age restriction? On what basis would she argue against pedophilia? Why not do whatever anyone wants to do?
Warning: Where Miley Cyrus is now in her thinking is where our culture is heading as more and more people abandon Christian morality based on the Bible and decide to make their own rules/laws. Yes, the culture is becoming like that described in the book of Judges.
In those days there was no king in Israel; everyone did what was right in his own eyes. (Judges 21:25)
And it won’t stop where Miley Cyrus is currently. Romans 1:21-32 gives a picture of what will happen.
And a final warning for all to heed: Romans 1:18 says such people will “suppress the truth in unrighteousness.” Those who rebel against God’s laws cannot stand those people who stand on the absolute authority of the Word of God. It’s a clash of worldviews. Because of our sin nature, those who reject God and His Word will increasingly look on Christians as the enemy. We are seeing just that today in our culture. Those who want to do “what is right in their own eyes” don’t want freedom of religion; they are increasingly demanding that Christians accept what they do as okay or Christians shouldn’t be allowed to have freedom in the culture.
The message God gave to Israel is also a message for Miley Cyrus and all who reject Him:
Ezekiel 33:11
Say unto them, As I live, saith the Lord GOD, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked; but that the wicked turn from his way and live: turn ye, turn ye from your evil ways; for why will ye die, O house of Israel?
ill.--What next? We have so many plans for this life, but haven't thought past death.
This is the earthly mind.
We must live with eternity in view!
vv. 18-19 Paul is weeping in the middle of this book about joy. But his tears are not for himself, but for those he calls here the enemies of Christ...and I don't think he's talking about his persecutors, who were trying to kill off Christianity. He's speaking of professing Christians who are dominated by things of the earth. In actuality, they are enemies of the cross.
1 John says love not the world, and if you do, the love of the Father is not in you!
Their destiny
v. 19 'whose end is destruction'
The Bible puts emphasis on final destination. And this verse is a strong condemnation of those who claim to be saved but don't act like it. Paul weeps for them, because if they don't look into the mirror before it is too late...they will pay for it!
Now, I don't want to create false doubts in the hearts of any true believers, but how many have their name on our roll books, but won't hear their name called when the roll is called up yonder?
Like Paul, I can't bear the thought of one of you going to hell. Perhaps the only thing worse than going to hell would be going to hell deceived that you were on your way to heaven.
So, the Bible says to examine ourselves, and work out our own salvation with fear and trembling!
1 John 3:1-10 give us the marks of a true Christian:
They practice righteousness.
They love other Christians in spite of differences.
They are never content to remain in a sinful state.
Why didn't the prodigal son remain in the pigpen? Because he was not a pig!
I'm not trying to scare you...unless you have reason to be scared. Doctors do it all the time, as do policemen. If you are doing wrong, you have reason to be scared. [Rom. 13 says we should be afraid if we are doing wrong against God's authority.]
I'd rather alarm you into heaven than lull you into hell with feel good sermons.
Their destiny...
Their deity
v. 19 'whose God is their belly'
Romans 16:18
For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly;
It's not just talking about our stomachs and food. It's about a life that is lived for self-satisfaction. This could be drugs, sex, money, pride.
Our generation is pleasure crazed. If it feels good, do it.
In "The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire" the author gives 5 reasons why Rome went down...and one was their 'mad craze for pleasure.'
It's a fallout effect of evolutionary teaching. Tell a person they are an animal and they will act like it. They will follow every instinct and grab all the gusto they can until they die...because you only go around once. It's earthly thinking.
We are not just a body. Inside is an eternal soul that will exist forever somewhere! And Jesus said not to be so concerned about the body as the soul.
"Fear not those that destroy the body but the One that has the power to destroy body and soul in hell!"
ill.--the ancient Persians would play a game with a slave, making him a king for 3 days. They would lavish him with gifts and fine food and clothing and any pleasure he desired. The catch? At the end of 3 days he would be killed. They had morbid fun with that game.
It reminds me of our world today, who enjoy the short term pleasures of life with no regard for the destruction which looms over their heads!
We keep hearing of young people dying, far before their time. None of us is guaranteed tomorrow.
Their destiny, their deity...
Their depravity.
v. 19 'glory in their shame'
This is being proud of what you should be ashamed of.
ill.--woman's husband would go out and get drunk every night and come home and snore it off. She was tired...of the snoring! She read that if you tie a ribbon around the nose it sometimes will fix it. That night he came home plastered and flopped into bed and started snoring. She tied a blue ribbon around his nose, and sure enough, it worked! The next morning she awoke to him staring at himself in the mirror. She asked, "Where were you last night and what did you do?" He said, "I don't know, but whatever it was, I won first place!"
Now there's a guy that is proud when he should be ashamed!
ill.--is Bruce Jenner truly a hero to be celebrated? Should he really now be the world record holder in the women's long jump?
ill.--what is a gay pride march? It is glorying in shame!
Now Paul shifts gears in v. 20...
v. 20 This is being spiritually minded!
v. 21 God will one day rid us of all earthly, and all will be spiritual.