INTRODUCTION: Jesus’ ascension into heaven is something that probably doesn’t get enough attention. With Christmas and Easter we make a pretty big deal over his birth and his death and resurrection, but what about the ascension? We might think the ascension is not all that important but if we overlook this event we will miss out on learning some valuable lessons. Without the ascension the work of Jesus would be incomplete.
1) 40 days (vs. 1-3) Why 40 days? Is there any significance or meaning behind the specific number 40? Got sent rain for 40 days and nights when the flood occurred. The Israelites wandered in the desert for 40 years. When Moses went up the mountain and into the presence of God he was there 40 days and nights. The spies spent forty days spying out the land of Canaan. Goliath taunted the Israelites forty days until David showed up. When Elijah ate the food the angel had brought him he traveled for forty days and nights. Jesus was tempted by the devil for forty days. The bible has forty different writers.
We see that the number 40, as with other numbers in the bible, has significance. We see in some of these references it was a time of testing and judgment. Yet in these times of testing and difficulty at the end there is relief and blessing. The flood waters receded, the Israelites entered the Promised Land, David slew Goliath, Jesus had victory over Satan, etc. We see in the case of Moses and Elijah that the forty days were a time of divine presence and power. Jesus’ 40 days before his ascension were significant too.
We see in vs. 2 he spent that time giving instructions to his apostles. We see it was for the purpose of providing many convincing proofs that he did in deed raise from the dead in bodily form. Jesus appeared to many people during this time. 1st Cor. 15:6 states that he appeared to more than 500 people at one time. The forty days of Jesus’ time between his resurrection and ascension is a significant period of time. It coincided with the amount of days of many other significant biblical accounts and thus links them together. 40 is an important number in the bible so Jesus’ post-resurrection time of forty days makes sense. It was once of divine presence and power and it was going to be followed by a time of blessing for God’s people.
2) Never mind that, focus on this! (vs. 4-8) Vs. 6-7-They were eager to know things that Jesus didn’t want them to be thinking about. Their focus was not where it needed to be. End times-looking for signs for Jesus’ return. Not that it’s wrong but if that begins to consume our time then we are missing out. We are missing out on the rest of the bible that is meant for our instruction regarding the here and now-our sanctification. And if we focus too heavily on end-times scripture we could miss out on our ministry to others. If we are too obsessed on looking up in anticipation of Christ’s return then we won’t be looking out into the field of opportunity.
Vs. 8-Jesus gave instructions for his disciples to go to Jerusalem and wait. They were waiting for Jesus to send the Holy Spirit; which he did ten days later at Pentecost. Jesus tried to encourage them that his departure was actually a good thing John 16:5-7. Literal translation, “It is advantageous for you that I should go.” Can you picture the disciples’ reaction? “Seriously? We’re going to be facing all this persecution and doing it without you here with us but somehow that’s to our advantage? How could it be better for us that you’re leaving?” One way in which it was better would be that through the Holy Spirit Jesus would not just be with his disciples, he would be in his disciples; and this would prove to be the better thing.
John 14:15-18. The Holy Spirit is something that’s not understood by the world. The work He does in us is unexplainable but completely verifiable. William Burkitt’s commentary states, “The benefit of Christ's conversation was great; but the advantage of the Spirit's renovation and holy inspiration is much greater; the one encourages and incites us to be holy, but the other quickens and enables us to be holy.” When we see the apostles’ lives after the Holy Spirit came at Pentecost we see a drastic change from how they were before. Where once Peter was thinking of himself and cutting ears off and denying Jesus after the Holy Spirit comes he turns into this bold preacher and powerful leader. Where once the Apostles all scattered when Jesus was arrested, after the Holy Spirit comes we see their boldness and dedication.
We don’t have Jesus with us in bodily form. But we do have him in Spirit form; all the time, everywhere we go. We have Jesus himself living inside of us. The Ascension proved to be a blessing as it prepared the disciples for the coming of Jesus’ spiritual presence, no longer confined to the limitations of time and a physical body. Augustine reflects this benefit in a prayer: “You ascended from before our eyes, and we turned back grieving, only to find You in our hearts.”
3) I’ll be back! (vs. 9-11) It’s hard to say good-bye. The apostles had been Jesus’ closest companions for three years. They had been through a lot together. Now it was time to say good-bye. It had to be a very emotional time. I’m sure even Jesus was emotional as he prepared to depart. Like a typical good-bye when a loved one leaves generally three things happen-we share our emotions in the good-bye, we commit to keeping in touch and we make plans to see each other again. Jesus’ ascension is no different-there was the emotional good-bye, there was the plan to keep in touch (Matt. 28:20, “surely I am with you always” with the indwelling Holy Spirit) and there was a statement that assured the disciples that a plan was in place to see them again.
The disciples may have thought this was good-bye when in fact it was really just see you later. “The same way you saw him go up he will return as such.” The angel gives them hope. He isn’t gone forever. He’s coming back-just as he said he would. Jesus was silent during much of his trial when the false accusations were being hurled at him but in Mark 14:62, after the high Priest asked Jesus if he was the Christ, Jesus answered that he was. Then he said, “And you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of the Mighty One and coming on the clouds of heaven.”
Even with this promise, I’m sure it was still a scary moment for his disciples as they watched him disappear. They may have been wondering, ‘what’s going to happen now’? What they may not have realized is that this wasn’t the end it was actually the beginning of a new chapter.
“Why are you standing here?” Luke 24:52-53, “Then they worshipped him and returned to Jerusalem with great joy. And they stayed continually at the temple, praising God.” The disciples were encouraged and inspired by what the angel had told them. This is good for us to hear also. don't worry; Jesus is coming back so don't stand around-be busy doing his work. The Great Commission. Instead of continuing to look up in anticipation, look out with initiation; go spread the gospel. Go tell others what you have seen and heard.
Just before Stephen was stoned to death he saw Jesus as he said in Acts 8:56, “Look, I see heaven open and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God.” This was the affirmation that Jesus had ascended at was now at God’s side.
And the Apostle John was given the privilege of being able to see and hear the proclamation of Jesus’ return in Rev. 1:7-8, “Look, he is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see him, even those who pierced him; and all the peoples of the earth will mourn because of him. So shall it be! Amen. “I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, “who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty.”
Jesus prayed to the Father in John 17:5, “And now, Father, glorify me in your presence with the glory I had with you before the world began”. The ascension is where Jesus was restored and returned to his rightful place-with his Father; on his throne. Exchanging humiliation for glorification. Exchanging the cross for a throne. Exchanging a crown of thorns for a crown of glory.
1st Pet. 3:22 states that Jesus has gone into heaven and is at God’s right hand with angels, authorities and powers in submission to him. When Jesus ascended into heaven it was the exclamation point on his triumph over his foes. Jesus has accomplished his mission; he has conquered death, defeated Satan and is back in his rightful place and position. We have the testimony that what Jesus said is true.
And the blessing for us is that as Jesus ascended into heaven we who are his followers will too. 1st Thess. 4:16-18. Christ’s ascension is now a symbol of our own ascension and we are to encourage each other with this truth. That’s what we are to be doing. Going and fulfilling the great commission. And within the gospel message, along with telling others about Jesus’ death and resurrection, we also tell them about his ascension and we tell them that it shows what will happen to us someday. We rejoice over our salvation and eventual ascension into heaven.
4) To bring us home John 14:1-3. If I were moving my family to another state, first I would go and get things set up like a home, a school, and make sure everything was good and ready for them. Before I left, I would tell them, “Don’t be afraid. I’ll go and make sure everything is all right. When it is, I will come back for you and we can all be together again.” So our ascended Savior would speak to us as well. “Don’t be afraid. I know the world is a hard place. There are many sorrows and dangers. I will always be with you. I will never leave you alone. I am getting a place in heaven ready for you. When I come again, I will take you home and we will be together forever.”
Matt. 6:19-20. When we know our real home is in heaven we will start planning for and investing in our future. Henry Rimmer wrote a letter to Charles Fuller when he heard that Fuller was going to preach on the subject of heaven one Sunday night at church. Rimmer was an old man about to die. He wrote to Fuller & he said, "I would like so much to be in church Sunday night to hear your sermon on the subject of heaven. But my physical impairment will not allow me to be there. The reason I would like to be there is because I have great interest in that place. "I own a piece of land with clear deed & title in that wonderful place that you are going to be talking about. I didn’t buy it," he said. "It was given to me without price & without money, although the One who gave it to me purchased it at great cost.”I don’t have it as an idle investment," he continued. "I have been busy sending materials to the master architect for more than 50 years, & He is building for me a house of my dreams. It will never have to be painted or remodeled because it is being made just for me. Termites will never eat away at its foundation because it is built on the Rock of Ages. "Fire will never destroy it. Winds will never blow it away. There will be no locks on its doors because no evil people will ever live in that blessed land. Between me & my home there is a valley, a dark valley. And I must cross it. I am not afraid," he said, "because One has gone before. And He will lead the way. I am ready to take His hand. My house is almost finished. I would like to hear your sermon on heaven because I have a great interest in that land." Because of the ascension, we have a home in glory land that outshines the sun. There’s cause to celebrate the ascension.