Summary: Psalms 1 provides for us God's plan to experience a Genuine Human Life. 1. Being a progressive learner. 2. Being a productive and prosper person 3. Knowing how to finish strong

Scripture: Psalms 1 and Genesis 1:26-28

Theme: God's Plan for Genuine Human Life


Good morning and God's richest blessings!

What a wonderful Lord's day! What a great time to live and experience the joy of God's Love, Mercy and Holy Spirit in our worship and in our lives. What a great day to Praise the LORD!

Let's turn to Genesis chapter one, where we discover this incredible story of God creating everything! We read how God shaped the heavens and the earth, and most particularly, we read the story of how God created humans in his own image and entrusted them with the rest of His creation:

Then God said, "Let us make Human in our own image, according to our likeness; and let Human reign over the fish of the sea, the birds of the sky, the animals, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth. So God created Human in his image; in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. And God blessed them, and God said to them, 'Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the earth, and bring it into order; and reign over the fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, and over every living creature that goes on the ground." (Genesis 1:26-28 - N. T. Wright Translation)

Humans were created to be fruitful, to multiply and fill this earth with people made in God's image. We were created to be rulers and stewards of all creation on earth. We were given the power and authority to do bring everything around us into God's order. We were created to partner with God on bringing His creation to genuine fulfillment.

Genesis reveals to us that creation is an ongoing project of God. Genesis 1 and 2 tell us:

1. God creates everything

2. He rests and creates the Sabbath

3. Then God initiates a covenant partnership of creation with Adam and Eve.

It was God's plan for humans to be a vital part of earth's continual creation. While initial creation was completed the Earth project was not complete. Otherwise, we would read where God filled the whole earth with humans, named everything and put everything in order. But that is not what we read, instead, we read about this amazing opportunity given to us humans.

God intended for humans; this strange creature that is made up of both common dirt/earth and the divine breath of God, to be the means by which His creation on earth, would find genuine fulfillment. Take a moment and allow that to sink in your mind and heart. Let me iterate that one more time : God intended for humans; this strange creature that is made up of both common dirt/earth and the divine breath of God, to be the means by which His creation on earth, would find genuine fulfillment.

The garden, and all the living plants, animals and other creatures, each were designed to find their fulfillment, their true essence, through the leadership and stewardship of humans. God placed the very first humans, Adam and Eve, as rulers and overseers of the earth project. a. They were to fulfill God's plan for His Earth.

+They were to care for the Garden and expanded to include all of the earth.

+ They were to produce children and fill the earth with God's people, made in His divine image.

+ Adam and Eve were to bring order and stability to God's earth.

In order to do this, Adam and Eve and their prodigies would need to keep in tune with God.

Everything was in order, creation was beautiful and mankind was pure, obedient and innocent. All that was needed now was the passage of time for man to fulfill his mission for God. All was needed was some time when all the earth would be a true Garden of Eden. All the necessary ingredients were in place, now all that was needed was the passage of time.

However, we all know that did perfect plan did not happen. Genesis 3 sadly shares the story of Adam and Eve's selfish rebellion and rejection of God's Rule over their life and creation. God's perfect plan was tossed away for some false promises from that liar the Devil. They choose instead to listen to hiss of that snake called the Devil and brought into God's perfect creation, sin, death and the grave. They sold their birthright for a bowl of sorrow, pain and suffering. And humans have been eating out of that bowl ever since.

Adam and Eve had to leave the Garden. Their rebellion changed them, who they were and how they interacted with one another and the earth. They changed the earth but not for the better. Our earth bears the marks and scars of how humans have browbeat God's planet and its inhabitants. Our planet suffers today from man's misuse of God's water, plants and animals. Our society suffers from man's tyranny and suffers from the sins of hatred, greed and selfishness to name just a few. While God intended for earth to become a Garden of Eden, by listening to the Devil, man created a Hell on earth.

In spite of all their rebellion, God did not give up on Adam and Eve and their children. However, for a time during the life of Noah, it looked like God was finished with us as a species and our world as a project. We had filled the earth with violence, with perversion and with idolatry. And so, God washed it all away, but not before He gave humanity another chance. Not before, He had Noah build an ark of safety for man and animal. Our God made a way for humans to be restored, to be redeemed, and is the wonderful story that is shared in our Bibles.

It is the story blazed all over our New Testament.

+ The early Christians believed by faith, that the blood of Jesus, can bring redemption, renewal and a restoration of God's image in every believer.

+They believed that through Jesus' sacrificial death on a cross and subsequent resurrection, we are enabled by the power of the Holy Spirit, to live the Life God intended for humans.

+They believed that Jesus showed us what life would look like if God were running things.

+They believed that through the power of the Holy Spirit, humans could be obedient to God's leadings, fulfill His plan of stewardship over the planet, and bring about a whole new creation.

+They believed that it was their mission to go to all the world and made disciples who would then make more disciples.

In other words, they believed that it was their mission to create a whole new world in which Jesus is Lord and Savior. A world that would reflect God's glory and honor.

Now, they knew that one day, God would create a whole new heaven and a new earth (Revelation 21:2). They knew that one day, God, would take away all the sin, the pain and suffering of our present earth (Romans 8:18-23). But they also knew that God had given them the task of praying for His Kingdom to come and then do all they could to bring about God's kingdom in this present world (Matthew 6:10-11; 28:18-20). This is why they were to experience the outpouring of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2). The Holy Spirit came to give us the power we need to go about redeeming humanity and our earth. Right now, the Holy Spirit is active and working in the hearts and minds of humans. The Holy Spirit is redeeming our earth and bringing to pass God's kingdom here on earth. He is doing that again through us humans.

Please understand that God has not abandon His primary plan. As redeemed, blood bought, spirit-filled people, we have been given the task of praying for and doing all we can to bring about God's Kingdom here on earth. We are called to make disciples and transform our world. That is our Christian mission this morning. This is the very reason why we humans are not instantly raptured up into heaven after we come to salvation.

If God had abandon His original plans, we might believe the following:

1. The Holy Spirit would first convicted people of their sinfulness - John 16:7-9

2. Through the name of Jesus they would receive salvation - Acts 4:8-12

3. And then that person would suddenly be raptured up into Heaven with Heaven being the final goal for a disciple of Jesus.

Heaven will be our everlasting home one day. And we will enjoy a new heaven and a new earth, for the Bible tells us over and over in Revelation this truth. But right now, at this time in history, our goal is to live the life of prayer and holiness that Jesus calls us to live. Our goal is to be redeemed by the blood of Jesus, to be filled with the power of the Holy Spirit and live out a life of worship and reflect God's glory in our world. Our goal is to make disciples and lead sinners to Jesus so that they can be redeemed by His blood and baptized in His Holy Spirit.

And that is why I would like for us to take a few moments to look at Psalms 1. Psalms 1 is a wisdom psalm. Psalms 1 is a song that God wrote so that we may know how to live in the here and now. It is a song about purity, sanctification and holiness.

Over the years, we humans have learned that one of the easiest ways to teach certain things is by using music. We have created songs that are not only fun to sing but have helped us learn all kinds of wisdom and knowledge. For example, many of us learned the alphabet through a song. We learned how to count using music and song. Many of the young adults here today first learned about how a law came to be in America through that little song, THE BILL ON CAPITAL HILL. Schools and educators have used music and musical songs for centuries to teach languages, math, science and history.

But humans were not the first one to use music that way. Our God used music to teach His people how to live. This morning, turn to Psalms 1 where we find a song that God wrote to teach His people how to live a genuine human life.

It is God's song revealing to us how live a life of blessedness. It is a song that show us how to live in such a fashion as to receive God's favor and blessing. It is a song about that involves two people - one who obeys God and one who chooses not to obey God. Part of the song deals with the story of the life of a wicked man and his tragic demise.

As we sing, Psalms 1, we sing about how such a person progressively descends down into a life of total rebellion and ruin. This person, first hangs around with the ungodly listening to their counsel and advice. They absorbs all their ungodly thoughts and opinions. They then begins to put all this ungodly advice into action. They actively being to live a life of full of sin and rebellion. They have progressed from mere thinking to actual doing. Sadly, they are not finished. They regress even more emotionally, socially, physically and spiritually. They end up living a hellish life. They want nothing from God, like the Devil they want nothing to do with God. Their song ends as a life of chaff ( a life of nothingness) , a life that cannot stand up to God's coming judgment. Their song ends tragically as we sing of a life wasted. In some ways this part of Psalms 1 sounds like an old Hank Williams song or a modern day rap song. It is the song of one who chose to live in Hell rather than the Garden of Eden.

The other part, the happier part of Psalms 1, is about a person who has chosen to live a life of righteousness; a life of holiness. They have chosen to make God's instructions and God's advice second nature in their life. They have chosen to put God's words into everyday practice and at the end of the day, they have also enjoyed a life of prosperity, a life of productivity and a life that ends with an everlasting relationship with God.

The Israelites taught their children Psalms 1. They sang it at worship in the Temple, at synagogue and at home. Psalm 1 became an important part of their life because it showed them how to live.

I. Psalms One is a song that teaches us God's Word and challenges us to be a progressive learner of His Word.

Psalms 1 tells us that the righteous man is so unlike the wicked man. Whereas the wicked man main source of how to live came from ungodly, the sinner, and the scoffer, the wise man gained his strength from God. He choose God's Words to feed on, meditate on and gain understanding. He chose to find a way to live through meditating, reflecting and allow God's Word to transform his heart, mind and soul.

He did this by employing two different styles of learning:

a. The first way was to learn in a communal setting. They believed in what today we would call small group Bible Studies. They would gather together into small groups similar to our Sunday School classes and intensely study God's word. The majority of the time would be spent reading, reflecting, instruction, correcting, coming to understanding and wisdom a passage of scripture. They would share some from traditional writings but the majority of time would be focused on the text - on a certain Biblical passage.

It is interesting that in two the Psalmist uses the Hebrew word - HAGAH. Hagah is a rather extraordinary word - for it is used in two very different ways:

Hagah can be the word one uses to describe the sound of a lion growling over the catch of the day. There is a voracity to it as one images how a lion devours its food. But it can also refer to the sound of birds cooing. Hagah can be the word one would use to describe what happens when birds sit quietly in the morning

In those communal settings at times they did sound like lions growling as everyone would share and get excited and the room would be full of noise. That is the joy of being in a small group; especially when everyone gets engaged and involved. At times it seems chaos rules, but in reality everyone is just participating and sharing. There is an excitement that happens as people learn together in a small group setting.

b. A second way they went about learning was more private. They would go off by themselves and meditate and reflect on what they had just studied or read. They would take some alone time to process and absorb. This is what we what Jesus saw Nathanael doing in John 3. Jesus told him that he knew about his alone time, something Nathanael knew only God would know. Nathanael had gotten away from everyone to think, to ponder, to meditate and to pray with God. Only God knew about this time and here Jesus revealed that He was God in flesh.

You and I are no different than our Jewish ancestors. We need small group encounters and we need our private times with the LORD. Small group time simply is not an option. Each and every one of us need to be a part of a small group Bible class. To not be is to not be in obedience to God's Word. If Jesus felt that He needed to be a part of a small group (called the 12 disciples) what makes us think that we do not need to be a part of a small group?

If you don't have a small group or Sunday School class, let me invite you to join one or contemplate the idea of starting one. Go to Jerry, our Sunday School chairman about allow him to help you start one. All it takes is two or three people or more willing to study the Bible together and share life. Iron sharpens iron. We all need the learning dynamics of a small group.

Likewise we need our own personal quiet time. A time where we can meditate on God's Word and talk to the LORD. Again, don't let this just be an option. And don't let anyone cheat you in this area of your spiritual journey. So many people talk about a one minute Bible study, a two minute reading time. They talk about it because they think a little is better than nothing. And in some cases they may be correct, but more often than not; those little one minute lessons are a lot like spiritual fast food that while it will put something in you, it won't do very much to help you grow. We all know in order to get something wonderful to happen in our lives we have to put something in our lives as wonderful. Output determines a great deal on imput. You get out what you put in. And if you only put in a couple of minutes a day, should we be surprised that we have no power, no peace and no joy?

If we want strong healthy bodies, we have to feed them real food, healthy food. It is impossible to build a healthy life on a fast food diet. Neither can you build a quality spiritual life on a spiritual fast food experience with God. Input does determines output. If you want to truly enjoy your life in the LORD, then you have to pay the price and that means both small group Bible studies and quality personal time with the LORD.

Determine right now to make your #1 priority each day to have a great time with the LORD. I know we are all busy. But we moderns have the same 24 hours that our ancestors had and they still found time to be with the LORD. And they did not have all the modern conveniences that we enjoy today. How did they do it? They made being with God, coming to church to worship, and growing in the faith a personal conviction and not simply an option. They knew that their #1 task here on earth was to become a holy people, not a rich people, not a popular people or a pleasure seeking people, but a holy people. They understood that you could gain the whole world and yet lose your eternal soul. And they were not about to allow anything to keep them from loving and serving God.

You see, we have to seriously ask ourselves some tough questions. If we don't passionately desire to spend time with God here while we are on this earth, why in the world would we want to go to Heaven? I mean after all, Heaven is where we will be in His presence for all eternity. And if we don't want to spend time with Him here, I am not sure we would enjoy heaven.

So, let me encourage you to spend some quality time in the morning and evening with the LORD. Meditate on what you read throughout the day. Ask the Holy Spirit to saturate you with His thoughts all day long. You will notice that everything in your life we begin to prosper.

Knowing how to live a righteous life does not come automatically. That is why Jesus asked his disciples to follow Him. The only way they would know how to live the way He wanted them to live was to spend time with Him. So, for over three years they did just that. They ate with Jesus, walked with Jesus, stayed in His house, worked with Jesus, listened to him teach and watched everything He did and said. They took notes, that is how we got the Gospel stories and that is how they learned how to live life abundantly, genuinely and wholly.

You could say that they got their PhD's in Jesus. Now, that's a PhD that we all need to work on receiving.

II. Psalm 1 is a song about having a dynamic and productive life.

Notice in verse three the song uses the metaphor of a tree. The song tells us that the righteous person is like a tree planted by God near living waters.

We don't plant ourselves. We allow God to plan and plant our lives. More often than not you and I can have a knack of mess up our live if we are totally in charge. We can mess up where we go to school, where we work and even where we live. But when we allow God to plant us; when we allow God to show us where to live, where to go to school, where to work - suddenly we find out that we are prospering and are productive.

For God will plant us in the best of places to receive His instruction, His Spirit and His will. He will provide for us opportunities to have deep roots and prosper. And what is amazing is all of this can happen in the strangest of places.

Moses discovered that you could grow with God on the backside of the desert. Joseph of old found out that you could with God even in a dugeon/prison. Ruth experienced growth in God at the same time she was picking up wheat and barley for her family to survive. Elijah found out you can grow with God having to depend on ravens as your meal ticket.

If God places you in the desert, in prison, in the fields working hard or having to constantly depend on miracles you will find that God also provides streams for you to be nourished and grow. Where God plants you, you will grow and prosper. It may some time but it will happen.

It is not God's desire for us to live unhappy, unproductive lives. We were not designed for that kind of living. Perhaps that is why we have the stories of both Joseph and Daniel in the Old Testament. Even though they found themselves in difficult situations and circumstances they both lived productive and prosperous lives.

And when we find things difficult at work, at school or at home we must reach for new and living water. For God will bring us fruit at His appointed time. There are seasons in life. Some are season of planting, some are seasons of pruning and some are seasons of harvest.

The more you and I can spend in nature, watching how plants grow, how animals grow and how real life begins, grows and mature the better we will be able to live out a holy life. At times we get so caught up in our microwave, instagram, no wait world that we think that the Holy Life should happen like instant oats or text messaging. As soon as we want it, send it - we are ready to eat and ready to receive.

Our God is a God of seasons, of preparing, planting, pruning and producing. So, too must we be as well. Otherwise we will always be anxious and critical and judgmental. It takes time to grow quality foods and a quality life. There are seasons of growth, seasons of strengthening and seasons of great harvest. So too is it in our lives.

Don't get in a hurry. Don't look around at someone else's walk. Just allow the LORD to plant you, nourish you and do your best to grow and produce knowing that if you just surrender to the LORD, He will see that you have a productive and prosperous life.

III. Finally, Psalms 1 is about Finishing Well

The way of the ungodly as we have seen is that of chaff and that of perishing. However, the life of the godly is one in which God knows. It is the life in which God is actively involved and working.

Over the years I have had the privilege to hear a lot of singing. Individuals singing, small groups singing and choir singing. One of the best I had the privilege to hear was a small choir that came from a little school called Mt. Carmel Bible School located in Jackson County, Kentucky. It wasn't a large school but each year they would perform Handel's Messiah during the Christmas season.

Handel's Messiah is not only difficult to sing but it takes about two hours to sing it. And the last number is the big one - it is the one that takes all of one's breath, energy and ability. But to get there you have to sing for almost two hours.

It is a difficult task. You have to plan and prepare. You have to practice and have a strong voice, lungs and be able to stand for two hours without falling over. It is not something that you can just get ready for in a couple of sessions.

They would practice for months getting ready. It was their Christmas gift to God and His people and they gave an excellent gift. As far as I knew they never failed over all the years they sang Handel's Messiah. Each time they would end as strong, if not stronger, than they started. They would end on a high note. They would end with everyone knowing that they had heard heavenly voices.

What they did, you and I have seen on the football field, on the basket ball court and in life. We love to watch the team that is prepared to play the fourth person who finishes out on top and the life that has been well lived. Daniel, Paul and Moses all show us that this is possible.

David ends his life weakened physically but spiritually he has left behind a legacy that has lasted up to this day. We sometimes forget that David made it financially possible for his son to build God's Temple. It has been estimated using today's dollars, King David gave over 800 million dollars in silver and gold for the Temple to be built. (

No longer could David physically fight the Goliaths but he could make sure that God's Temple would be built. King Solomon was able to built it because his father, David finished well. Not a bad ending for a little shepherd boy that when it came to supper time was forgotten about (see 1 Samuel 16).

This morning, all of us are invited to sing Psalms 1. We can sing the verses that speak about the life of the wicked. We can join in and sing life that progressively gets worse until in the end it is like chaff , that simply blows away and perishes, or, we can sing about a life that

+Progressively deepens in the Word of the LORD

+Finds ways to be productive and prosperous

+A life that ends by being with God

I am glad that through Jesus we can live a godly life. I am glad this morning that Jesus calls us to live a life of holiness, a life of the sanctified believer. It will not happen by accident. It will only happen as we choose each day to follow God.

On the back of your bulletin this morning, you will a musical paraphrase of Psalms 1 by Charles Wesley (you can find a copy by going to - it is public domain). Let us end our service by singing this psalm and by allowing it to guide and lead us in living out the life of holiness this week.

This morning our altars are open (ALTAR CALL)