Now, however, I am on my way to Jerusalem in the service of the Lord’s people there. - Romans 15:25
Have you ever observed a waiter serving people well? They are constantly looking to serve the people who they are taking care of. Their eyes are always looking to try and anticipate what the people would need next. To have a heart of a servant is to always look for ways to serve people without them even asking for the help. I remember at Bible College all students were encouraged to serve in various positions, it was a great feeling that we all were a part of taking care of the property where we were studying at. I remember leaving my time at the school and one thing I could say was that I learned to be a servant more. A pastor once was teaching that someone with a servants heart does not even need to be told what to do but they seek out and find what needs to be done and do it. That was a convicting thought to me because I was not always seeking to serve others or find things that needed to be done. When we consider ourselves and how we spend our time and actions we can be very self-centered in our activities. We need to consciously choose to deny self in every part of life to serve others and think of other needs then our own.
Andrew Murray says, "Before we can know how to please our neighbour, self-denial must first exercise itself in our own personal life. It must rule the body. The holy fasting of Him who said, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God." Choosing to be a servant is not just something spiritual but it becomes very practical in our flesh. If we are going to be one who is able to be a servant spiritually we need to also put to death our desires of the body which themselves are selfish. Our Lord practiced such disciplines as fasting, long periods of prayer, and at times solitude. By such practices our Lord was able to gain the right focus from God to serve others. The Apostle Paul shares with the believers in Rome that he was going to Jerusalem, and we catch his heart, that he was going to be a servant. He has no ambitions and big plans or desires but simply wanted to go and find out how he could help. There is a rest and peace in Christian work when we simply are servants and have no big plans at times but to serve and do what is needed. Choose today to be a servant, look for opportunities to help serve. When we each as brothers and sisters look to wash each others feet we will see how arguments and disagreements will cease. Lower yourself today, bow the knee, grab a bowl of water and towel, serve one another.