Summary: In Acts 10 - God loves to challenge our thinking, He confronts our "box thinking" and He leads us to new doors of opportunity and transformation.

Scripture: Acts 10:44-48

Acts 10:44-48English Standard Version (ESV)

The Holy Spirit Falls on the Gentiles

44 While Peter was still saying these things, the Holy Spirit fell on all who heard the word. 45 And the believers from among the circumcised who had come with Peter were amazed, because the gift of the Holy Spirit was poured out even on the Gentiles. 46 For they were hearing them speaking in tongues and extolling God. Then Peter declared, 47 “Can anyone withhold water for baptizing these people, who have received the Holy Spirit just as we have?” 48 And he commanded them to be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ. Then they asked him to remain for some days.

Our Dancing God - Or God at the Improv

1. God loves to challenge our way of thinking

2. God confronts our "Box Thinking"

3. God Opens New Doors - If we are Ready to Receive and Rejoice


Good morning! This morning, I want to start by asking you some simple questions. Do you know what Michael Jordan, Robin Williams and J. S. Bach all have in common? What about Michael Jackson, Robin Williams and Louis Armstrong?

While they do have more in common than we might think, one of the things that each of them was simply a genius at was improvisation [im-prov-uh-zey-shuh n]. Whether it was with a basketball, an orchestra score, the ability to act or dance, each of the above were able to quickly adapt to their audience and to what was going on at the time.

Remember the little show Mork and Mindy (1978 - 1982) which starred Pam Dauber and Robin Williams. Writers of that show would leave certain sections of the script blank so that Robin could ad lib. He was a master at improv acting. He could do better comedy on the fly than most of the writers could do it sitting down together planning it.

The same was true for Jordan. While his coach Phil Jackson (Chicago Bulls) definitely drew up plans for Jordan and the team, the wonder of Jordan was watching his creativity. He was able to create basketball magic. At times it did look like he knew how to fly.

This morning how good are you improv. How good are you at composing, talking or working on the fly? How good are you at brainstorming or do something off the top of your head? Are you able to spontaneously adjust to a certain audience or situation? Or are you better at going by a script? Making a list and doing your best not to delineate from that script or list?

Or course some people are a lot better at improv than others. Some people seem to have a "jazz" beat down in the deepest parts of their soul. Others live better having a daily game plan, with a premeditated lists of what they are going to do that day.

We need both types in our world today. We need the planners and those that can just wing it. We need both well thought out designers and those that can formulate right on the spot. In fact, any great organization has plenty of both. And if you and I are going to be successful in this life we need to be a little of both. We need the ability to both plan and to improvise in this life.

This morning our passage shows that God loves to both plan and improv. From Heaven God is implementing this grand plan of global evangelism. He is moving His Church to understand the vastness of mercy and grace. And at the same time He is encouraging his disciples to improvise their way of thinking on the fly. To be able to move with the HOLY SPIRIT as one moves with a partner in dance. And it is in this dance with God that we see some deep spiritual truths that we need to both enjoy and receive with thanksgiving.


44 While Peter was still saying these things, the Holy Spirit fell on all who heard the word.

Actually we have to go back and read all of Acts 10 to get the total back fill of what is taking place here in verse 44. So, let's back up and give a quick overview.

Acts 10 starts off with Luke introducing us to Cornelius. Almost immediately we know something is up for Cornelius is not a Hebrew name. It is not even Aramaic. It is through and through Roman name and Cornelius is through and through a Roman.

And then we are hit with the second big item, Cornelius is not just a Roman, he is over a regiment of Roman soldiers. What? First, he is a Roman and then a soldier and not just any soldier but one that has some rank in the military. He is a commander of soldiers.

And before we can get our bearings, Luke shares with us that this Gentile, this Roman, this high ranking soldier is also:

+A person who is devout - he is pious - he is committed to his faith, he is spiritual.

+He is a man who reverences God - who believes in the same God as the Hebrews - who has rejected the pagan gods of the Romans and have surrendered to the God of Israel.

+He is a man who leads his family in worship. He is the spiritual leader of his home.

+He is a man who is gracious and provides resources for the poor and needy

+He is a man open to the leadings and workings of the Holy Spirit.

+He is both a planner and a man who can improvise. He knows how to dance with the HOLY SPIRIT.

That is how Luke describes Cornelius, not before the Holy Spirit falls on him in verse 44 but before that wonderful event.

And while all of that is happening in the first few verses of chapter 10, some thirty miles away in Joppa, the LORD is doing an improv dance with the Apostle Peter. While Peter is waiting for lunch, God challenges his whole way of looking at things via a vision. Peter's whole world is suddenly challenged. The way he thinks, they way he was taught to believe and they way he has lived. Suddenly, God is messing with his heart and mind. God is inviting him to dance with the Holy Spirit. To dance the dance of transforming his heart, life and soul.

Now, why all of this planning? Why all of this improv dancing invitation from the Holy Spirit? What was God up to? All that we read was done to move the Church out of its present comfort zone of Jerusalem and Samaria. It was to move the church to Judea and to the uttermost parts of the earth. It was all done to fulfill God's Great Commission. It was done to create a global church with a global mission.

God constantly challenges the way His people think and what they hold to be orthodox. God loves to take all of our little traditions, rules and regulations and turn them upside down and inside out. It is forever God's desire to enlarge our hearts and their minds in order for the message of Jesus to grow supernaturally in our midst. God employs both premeditated planning and improvisation, yesterday, today and tomorrow.

And at the moment our passage deals with, God chose a Roman to initiate that movement. Now, take a moment and reflect on just that revolutionary fact. God chose a Roman of all people. Wasn't it the Romans who had been terrorizing the Jews for almost a hundred years? Wasn't it also a company of Roman soldier's that flogged Jesus and nailed him to the Cross? How in the world could God use them to start a spiritual movement? And how in the world could Peter as a good Jew ever accept, eat with and reside under the roof of a Roman Gentile?

At times we don't always appreciate it when God challenges our traditions and well thought out rituals. We don't like it when God upsets our plans and over turns our apple cart philosophies. Many of us have these little nice little ideas of how Church is suppose to work. Many are assured that they know exactly what a worship service is to look like, feel like and smell. Sadly, some believe that they even know where different races and cultures are to meet and all too often that means being segregated and away from each other. In fact, in America many congregations have decided that they have a pretty good idea just who is a part of the "in group" and who belongs in the "out group".

However, this passage and many others tell us another story. They lead us down a new path. They tell us that if we are truly a part of the Body of Christ, we will experience a transformation of that kind of thinking and theology. For we will see that not only does God challenge the way we think of Church and the way we look at people, God will ...


45 And the believers from among the circumcised who had come with Peter were amazed, because the gift of the Holy Spirit was poured out even on the Gentiles. 46 For they were hearing them speaking in tongues and extolling God.

If we can just listen and follow the LORD's leading. He will reveal to us that He is able to do amazing things in our lives, in our families and even in our churches. He will invite us to a whole new dance of the Holy Spirit.

Isaiah 43:18-19 (ESV)

18 “Remember not the former things,

nor consider the things of old.

19 Behold, I am doing a new thing;

now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?

I will make a way in the wilderness

and rivers in the desert.

God confronts the prophet and tells him to remember not the former things, but to get ready for a new thing. He tells Isaiah to get ready for a new way of experiencing life. He invites Isaiah to an improv dance. The invitation was not only to Isaiah but also to us today.

I am sure that after Pentecost the disciples may have thought that things were going to get back to normal. While it would be true that the Holy Spirit would lead them into lives of great miracles, it would all take place within certain boundaries, certain boxes, certain traditions and rituals.

However, after Pentecost we see that things were no longer normal. In fact, the new normal is the fact that there is no normal. The infilling presence of the HOLY SPIRIT broke the molds. The Holy Spirit tore the box apart. The new normal is the fact that the Age of the Holy Spirit has arrived. And the Holy Spirit continues to blow like the wind, spread like a roaring fire and communicate in wonderful and new ways. The Holy Spirit goes wherever and does whatever He desires. Even the church does not control the Holy Spirit. Instead, the church is invited to dance with the Holy Spirit. We are invited to experience life on ever new and refreshing ways. We are invited to enjoy His Presence, His Power and His Peace.

INSIDE THE BOX is an excellent article written by Jessica Olien1. In that article she relates the fact that as much as American society says that it loves creative individuals (like the Steve Jobs and the Van Gogh) the reality is the polar opposite. Jessica states that from the government to the school house while creativity is tolerated, in the box thinking is both praised and promoted as the golden standard. Olien states that while imagination and improv thinking is theoretically encouraged in practice schools really encourage those that adapt to the status quo.

She goes on to state the following:

" ... We are taught that our own creativity will be celebrated as well, and that if we have good ideas, we will succeed.

It's all a lie. This is the thing about creativity that is rarely acknowledged: Most people don’t actually like it. Studies confirm what many creative people have suspected all along: People are biased against creative thinking, despite all of their insistence otherwise."

She backs up her thesis with further studies done by Barry Staw, a researcher at the University of California–Berkeley business school who specializes in creativity. Staw says most people are risk-averse. He refers to them as satisfiers. “As much as we celebrate independence in Western cultures, there is an awful lot of pressure to conform,” he says. "Satisfiers avoid stirring things up, even if it means forsaking the truth or rejecting a good idea."

At times even in the church we are guilty of doing all we can to promote the status quo. To avoid rocking the boat even if at times we too have to suffer truth or reject a good idea.

However, we must understand that the very tenets we depend on, GRACE, FORGIVENESS, MERCY and LOVE are all words, ideas and philosophies that can only live in a creative, improv world. In order to dance with the Holy Spirit we must be open at all times to an environment of creativity and transformation.

Both of the main characters in our passage had to get out of their boxes. For the Roman it meant to surrender his authority to a Jew. For the Jew it meant to open his world to that of a Roman. It was not easy for either of them. For Peter it meant obeying the Lord's Vision when it went against everything he had been taught. For Cornelius it meant obeying God and submitting to both Peter and to the leadings of the Holy Spirit.

What will it mean for us? What nice little bunch of rules and regulations and traditions do we need to make sure don't box in our God? What boxes do we need for the Holy Spirit to tear apart?

Perhaps it is the box that involves music. Are we open to dancing with the Holy Spirit if the Holy Spirit decides to use traditional, hymn, contemporary or modern? Are we open to dancing with the Holy Spirit if he chooses white, black or brown? Are we open to the Holy Spirit if He leads us to minister to the those who have been imprisoned, addicted to drugs or alcohol or even an alternative lifestyle?

Are we open to a new dance with the Holy Spirit like Peter and Cornelius?

If we are then ...


Then Peter declared, 47 “Can anyone withhold water for baptizing these people, who have received the Holy Spirit just as we have?” 48 And he commanded them to be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ. Then they asked him to remain for some days.

When we allow the Holy Spirit to direct the dance - when we allow His planning and His improvisation we are going to be on the receiving end of supernatural miracles and living.

Did you notice in this passage how God upset the normal order. If we had been directing Cornelius, he would have first been baptized with water and then received the baptism of the Holy Spirit. I mean did God know what He was doing? What about our systems, our traditions and our orders of service?

Isn't it wonderful that God is the one in control! Don't you love it when God's plan comes into focus? God knew they needed a miracle and before they knew it Cornelius was filled with the Holy Spirit. He had all the signs and wonders around him. There was no doubt that God had not only crossed a line, God had gotten rid of the line. There was no doubt that the Holy Spirit was at work.

And instead of it harming the Gospel, it enhanced it. Instead of it watering down the message, it brought power and glory to God.

I remember years ago when the church we were working in had its first official church baby shower for an unwed mother. Yes, there had been sin. Yes, she was having a baby outside of marriage. But yes too was she forgiven. The Holy Spirit led us to understand that we were not condoning sin, instead we were embracing the new life that was coming into the church. We were not only standing beside one who had asked for forgiveness we were welcoming a little one into our fellowship.

Forever, that child would know that a church loved them and accepted them and reached out to them. And while there were some who were so frighten that we were letting down our guard, that we were compromising the faith, they came to realize the joy of a life transformed. they came to realize that we were being Jesus to both mother and child. It was amazing.

I remember years ago when one of our churches had someone do an interpretive dance as a special. Some where not sure about this whole dancing thing. How could someone dance in church. And yet, while she was dancing you could sense and feel the Holy Spirit at work. You could tangibly sense His Presence and Power. It opened up a whole new ministry of dance, of imagination and joy.

I remember when we had a Revival with the speakers talking about Victory - victory over divorces, victory over grief and victory over disease and illness. Again, some wondered about whether we cross some lines and yet, people where brought closer to the LORD. Instead of focusing on divorce, they shared about new life and new relationships. Instead of focusing on death and heartache, they focused on God's ability to give peace and love. Instead of focusing on the constant pain of an illness, they instead shared how God can walk through the valley of the shadow of death and give you comfort, strength and guidance.

You and I serve a God who desires to challenge us. He desires to enlargen our minds and our hearts. He invites us to join Him as He invites more and more people into the kingdom.

Acts 10 was a pivotal time for the Early Church. It followed the dance with the HOLY SPIRIT and opened its doors to all kinds of new ministries. Today, you and I have Paul's writings because of what happened in Acts 10. For through Acts 10 - the Church obeyed and the doors were opened to new ministries and new people. God then called Paul to open those doors even further and now today here we sit most of us Gentiles and yet Children of God's Holy Kingdom.

This morning, how open are we to reach out to others?

1. Could we go down to the local bar and build friendships hoping that they would lead to transformed lives? Or are those places out of the reach of the Church?

2. Could we open our doors to addicts or should we make sure that we always keep up our guard to those who are suffering from an addiction?

3. Could we open our doors to all races and all cultures?

4. Could we open our doors to those who once we have argued with, held grudges against and just do not like? Could we open our doors to past or present enemies?

5. Could we open our doors to the least and the lost?

6. Could we open our doors to those who do not share our political view?

7. Could we open the door to those that choose right now not to live like we want them to live - the gay community, those that choose to live outside the bonds of marriage or those that practice fornication? Could we open our doors and hearts with such overwhelming love that while we do not condone any sin, we welcome any so that all might be redeemed?

8. Could we open our minds to allowing the Holy Spirit to be in full control? To allow Him to lead the dance of our lives, to surrender our will to Him?

This morning, the God of the Bible is a

+God who will challenge your thinking

+God who confronts our boxes

+God who will lead us to experience the dance of transformation, renewal and revival.

This morning, as we close -

+Take a moment and think of someone that right now if they walked through our doors would be a person that many would believe do not normally fit here in our church. Now, take some time and allow the Holy Spirit to assist you in praying for that person, family or group of friends. Commit to pray that through you or through someone else that they could be reached with the Gospel of Jesus. Now be open to somehow, someway we sharing the love of Jesus with them.

+Finally, be open and allow God to challenge all your thoughts, and to rid yourself of any limited "box thinking". Invite the Holy Spirit to be in control of your mind, heart an life. End with praising God for what wonderful things He is going to lead you to witness and experience. Praise Him for the new ministries, opportunities and people that we all are going to be led by the Holy Spirit to share the love of Jesus.


Peter along with Cornelius and all that were around them had no clue what God was up to in the beginning. They had no clue who God was wanting to reach or what changes He was ready to make in the hearts and lives of people all over the world.

They were not ready for God to break out the box completely but

God doesn’t fit in your box.

Our God can do AMAZING things!

(Isa 43:18-19 KJV) Remember ye not the former things, neither consider the things of old. {19} Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.


E. Stanley Jones tells of a missionary who got lost in an African jungle--nothing around him but bush and a few cleared places. He found a native hut and asked the native if he could lead him out. The native said he could. "All right," said the missionary, "show me the way." The native said, "Walk." So they walked and hacked their way through unmarked jungle for more than an hour. The missionary got worried. "Are you quite sure this is the way? Where is the path?" The native said, "Bwana, in this place there is no path. I am the path."

You may not have a clue where God is leading you, and at times there doesn’t even seem to be a path. But perhaps God is wanting to do something new, and all you need to do is to stay close to him.