Summary: Daniel teaches us be example how to live righteously for Jesus. His consistent life and confident trust in Yahweh should be a great encouragement to us as we live in an ever increasing Godless culture and world.

Intro: We are living in a culture that is much like Daniel’s today. Politically correct and privately motivated. Daniel is old possibly 80 or 90 years old. He has probably seen his family and friends grow old around him. His Hebrew accent is most likely gone and he wears the clothing styles and has a home decorated in Persian décor. However through all the changes that Daniel has faced, taken from his home country, taught a new language, living through king after king, Daniel remains consistent.

What is it that makes Daniel so consistent? It is the character that is formed through his devotion and connection to God. We can learn from Daniel how to have character in a culture that praises everything but godliness and integrity.

Remember that trials and trouble do not make you who you are the simply reveal who you are.

This chapter as all the ones before it that God is in charge and he will bring justice to the wicked and reward those that are faithful.

Daniel reminds us of what Paul teaches in 2 Timothy 3:12 “In fact, all those who want to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted.”

Daniel also encourages us that,

Proverbs 14:2 “Whoever lives with integrity fears the Lord, but the one who is devious in his ways despises Him.”

The purpose of the Church is to Glorify God. If we are coming to church and not seeking to show other people who he is we are fooling ourselves about church. Church is not a place you go but the person you are!!

Here is statement I wrote not too long ago that describes what I pray and desire for our attitude and atmosphere to be at Immanuel:

We at Immanuel seek to Glorify God by Cultivating His life in common in order to Seek Him above all things, Serve Him as His hands and feet and Share Him with all people.

This portion of Daniel’s story begins with Darius getting things in order in his portion of the Medo-Persoian Empire.

I.) Daniel was set up (6:1-5)

Why was Daniel set up?

A) Because he was different

Everything was business as usual in the new empire. Darius was setting up governors and administrators to keep the peace and collect taxes.

It was in this context that Daniel 6:3 “distinguished himself above the administrators and satraps because he had an extraordinary spirit, so the king planned to set him over the whole realm.”

Daniel was a man of stability in a shaky world

Daniel was a man of purity in a dirty world

Daniel was a man of integrity in a shady world

It was because of this distinct character that the other leaders despised him. He was not a man manipulating his way to the top of the ladder of the kingdom. What about us? He had an extraordinary spirit because he was seeking to please God rather than men.

B) Because he was dutiful (Daniel 4:6)

Chuck Swindol said it brilliantly

The World Needs men,

who cannot be bought;

whose word is their bond;

who put character above wealth;

who possess opinions and a will;

who are larger than their vocations;

who do not hesitate to take chances;

who will not lose their individuality in a crowd;

who will be as honest in small things as in great things;

who will make no compromise with wrong;

whose ambitions are not confined to their own selfish desires;

who will not say they do it" because everybody else does it";

who are true to their friends through good report and evil report, in adversity as well as in prosperity;

who do not believe that shrewdness, cunning, and hardheadedness are the best qualities for winning success;

who are not ashamed or afraid to stand for the truth when it is unpopular;

who can say "no" with emphasis, although all the rest of the

world says "yes."

Charles Swindoll, Living Above the Level of Mediocrity, p.107-8.

Daniel was doing what Paul said in Colossians 3:23-24 “Whatever you do, do it enthusiastically, as something done for the Lord and not for men, 24 knowing that you will receive the reward of an inheritance from the Lord. You serve the Lord Christ.

Daniel was dutiful and diligent and the other leaders couldn’t find him negligent or corrupt in anything regarding the kingdom. Daniel was punctual because he was on time for the Lord. Daniel was respectful because as he respected others he respected the Lord. He paid attention to detail because the details declare God’s glory. He was kind because kindness was done unto the Lord. He was honest. Wow!! What a man. What an example to live up to!

Why was Daniel set up because he was different? How was Daniel set up? The other leaders decide to play off his consistency. That probably wouldn’t happen with you and me.

3) Because the king was prideful (Daniel 6:6-9)

The leaders played on the king’s pride. Hey king why don’t we say that for 30 days no one can pray or ask any god but you. So what did the king say, No, no I couldn’t do that. He said well yes that is a smashing idea, bring me some parchment. I kinda like the idea of being god for a month. Why did this work. Because the Persian culture believed that their kings were divine and couldn’t make mistakes. That is why not even the king could change the laws he spoke that would speak of fallibility. So this king was fooled into getting rid of his best worker because of his pride.

Now that Daniel is set up the other leaders seek to get him locked up.

II) Daniel was locked up

What did Daniel do when he found out the document had been signed? Did he say, ‘God will understand if I back off for a little bit. I mean I’ve been pretty consistent for about 80 years now. What’s a month? God really needs someone like me here, what will happen if I’m gone?

Instead he did what he always did. He went to his home got down on his knees and gave thanks to God and prayed. Do you think he did this because he always felt like it? No! If we only do things based on feeling like it we will never do anything.

I started exercising about 12 weeks ago. You know there are days that I really am pumped and ready to go and other days I pray God just let me get through.

Prayer can be the same. There are days that I can’t stop praying and days it is really hard to start. Prayer and connection to God are not based on our feelings. It based on God’s command.

In Luke 18:1 Jesus tells a parable so that we will know that we ought to always pray and not loose heart.

Paul echo’s it in 1 Thessalonians 5:17 “pray without ceasing.”

Because he is consistent the leaders are coming to catch him in the act of praying. So they leave the king and get to his house and probably goes like this. You go in first no you, no you.

They break his privacy and find him doing exactly what they expected. You have to know this truth that Ray Pritchard said, “Doing right doesn’t mean everything will always go right.”

Daniel is being thrown in the lion’s den because of his disciplined consistent obedience to God!

III) Daniel was let go

Do you realize that Daniel spent the night in the Lion’s den? In spite of the fact that Daniel was innocent he still had to go through the Lion’s den. You must understand that there are things in life that God must take you through instead of out. So that others can see the reality of your faith and trust and character. That is why God’s people often suffer. God is glorified when we come out the other side telling the kings of this world, “I’m ok God shut the mouths of the Lions”

It is clear in 6:23 “The king was overjoyed and gave orders to take Daniel out of the den. So Daniel was taken out of the den, uninjured, for he trusted in his God.”

We even see God’s justice when those that maliciously lied about Daniel were brought and thrown into the lion’s den.

IV) God was lifted up

1) By Daniels consistent lifestyle

a) He was consistent in his walk with God (Daniel 6:16, 20)

Daniel established holy habits. He didn’t wait until the pressures was on to spend time with God.

Daniel 6:10 tells us that after Darius signed the edict that would send him to the lions did he went up to his room and prayed on his knees three times a day as he always did!

If you don’t have a prayer life before life gets tough you won’t when the pressure is on. The difficult situations in Daniels life simply revealed the disciplined devotion he had to God.

b) He was consistent in his witness to others

No matter what it cost Daniel was always more concerned about purity and God’s name than his own comfort. Daniel was rewarded

Daniel is a picture of Jesus. 600 years later Jesus would come and they would find no fault in him yet he would be placed in a tomb with a stone rolled in front of it. That tomb couldn’t hold him either! Foreshadowing of the lion laying down with the lamb.

2) By Darius confession and command

What was the result of this consistent walk and witness? A Clear declaration and decree from Darius to worship Daniels God. Daniel’s God lives, reigns and rescues. Daniels God performs signs and wonders.

As a result of Darius eyes being opened God rewarded Daniels faithfulness and consistency by prospering him during the reign of Darius and Cyrus.

Conclusion: Church the world is full of leaders and people that are like the satraps and administrators. Sneaky, dirty, shady. God is looking for people that will be consistent and concerned about character and purity.

God is looking for fat people. Faithful, available, trustworthy and teachable. Are you willing to be thrown in the lion’s den for the glory of God?