For those not familiar with an Anglican Service there are four Scripture readings prior to the Message. Today's assigned readings are: Acts 4:5-12; Psalm 23; 1 John 3:16-24 and John 10:11-18.
A certain butcher ....had sold all his cleaned poultry .....except ......for one hen.
A woman then entered the store ......and asked for a hen.
The butcher weighed his one remaining chicken ...... and said that would be $4.85
"Do you have a larger one?" .....asked the lady.
The butcher thought fast.
He returned the chicken to the ice barrel, ......stirred it for a bit, .....and came up again ....with the same hen.
Weighting it, .....he said .....that would be $5.25
The women thought for a moment: and said......." I guess I'll take both of them! (Long Pause)
Our Gospel text today...... addresses the role of a Good Shepherd .....and an vital attribute of a Good Shepherd integrity.
The butcher must have turned many different shades of red .....when the lady requested..... both of the chickens.
......He was not being ......honest with her.
He was a little weak the area of integrity, ....and now .....he was about be caught.
Jesus .... In our before the people once again.....telling them a story.... A short parable..... about .....a good shepherd.
A shepherd with integrity.... A shepherd who was caring, .....compassionate.......A shepherd..... willing to die .....for his sheep.
Jesus in this story also telling us ....something about himself,..... for he is..... the Eternal.... Good shepherd.
Jesus uses a story about shepherds .....because the people in his day .....knew the kind of life ....that a shepherd lived.
It was a difficult life,........ a hard life.
A Shepherd would protect and guard the sheep ...... often times fighting off wild animals .....who sought to kill and devour them.
At times he would also fight off robbers ......who would attempt to steal the sheep.
It was a lonely life, ....a difficult life, ......but if a shepherd did well .......everyone in the community would know... that he....... Was a good shepherd.
So what is meant..... by this term Good?
In the Greek, ....which was the language that New Testament was written......There are two words that are translated .....into English ....As good.
The first is agathose (ä-gä-tho's)......which implies a moral .......and capable quality ......about a person.
In this case....A person is good .... If they perform their assigned tasks well.
Now there is another word that is also translated good and it is: kalos. (kä-lo's)
Kalos not only encompasses the attributes of the agathose, (ä-gä-tho's) ......but adds the qualities of being genuine,....of beauty and magnificence, .....being praiseworthy.
And that is the term that Jesus uses in our text today... a goodness .....far beyond just doing the work ....of a shepherd.
It is a type of goodness ....that would make you feel secure..... and at Peace.
A goodness that is permeated...... with a love.
A love so deep...... That Jesus ...the Good Shepherd .....would lay down his life ....for the sheep.
Jesus was not a hired hand, seeking get paid .... To just complete a job....he was willing to lay down his life down, .... For the sheep.
Our Lord is the Good Sheppard.... The kalos, (kä-lo's) Shepherd ...
And He will not flee when trouble comes, .....he willingly lays down his life, sacrifice his life ...for us... for the sheep.... so that we might gain .....eternal life. (Pause)
There was a pastor .....who visited a sheep herd.....and saw.... a very strange lamb.
It looked though it had 2 heads ......and 8 feet.
He asked the owner ....about it.
The owner explained .....that one of their sheep had a baby ....but the mother died.
They tried to give the orphan sheep..... to another mother-sheep..... but when she smelled it, ....she rejected it.
Then they skinned the dead sheep ....and put the skin ....on the live lamb.
Now the mother-sheep ....accepted the lamb her own ....and cared for it.
Beloved, .....Jesus ..... the good shepherd ......died for us..... as the Lamb of God, ......and God accepts us ..... for we are clothed .....with the Lamb's robe ....of righteousness.
Jesus willingly laid down his life for us, that we might have life, .....eternal life.... with him.
Jesus the Good Sheppard .... The kalos Shepherd loves us so much, ....cares for us so much..... that he willingly ......sacrificed himself .....for us.
He did not die as a martyr, ...killed by men; ..... He, willingly laid down His life ....for us..... for the sheep.
Five times in our text, .....Jesus ....clearly affirmed .....the sacrificial nature ....of His death (John 10:11, 15, 17--18).
He laid down his life.
Jesus cares for us so deeply ....that we are told .....he knows each sheep.
He knows you..... not just your name.
He knows you... He knows the real you... and ........he loves you. (Pause)
Now.....Sheep by nature are not particularly bright animals.
They are easily distracted ..... easily led astray.
"A few years ago, .....while traveling across Europe, .....a pastor found their bus ....parked next to a truck.
It was one of those trucks...... where there are two levels of storage space ......for live animals.
This time, was loaded with sheep.
There must have been least a hundred sheep .....crammed into that vehicle, ......all on their way to the slaughterhouse.
He said....As I observed the animals,..... they were behaving rather amusingly ......some were sticking out their noses .......sniffing away.
While others were trying to peek out curiously they experienced .....the new smells, sights, and sounds ......that were quite different .....from their usual .....farmstead.
Little did they know ....they were on their way be butchered!"
"While we might smile at the silliness of the sheep, is also a vivid illustration .....of our human state.
On a daily basis, ......we are offered joyrides .....that promise pleasure and adventure,..... opportunities that seem to incite our ambition for recognition, power, .....intimacy, .....and even meaning.
Knowingly or Unknowingly, .....we accept invitations for rides ......which take us on roads..... that could result a slow spiritual death.
Sadly, the sheep we are....we often are not aware...... of the looming danger.
And .....By the time we arrive at the slaughterhouse, is too late escape.
Sheep are, use John Wesley's phrase,..... "prone to wander," ......and must often be searched for ......and brought back.... to the fold (Luke 15:3--7).
The Pharisees, contrast to a good shepherd, ......had no loving concern.... for the sheep.
Jesus knows His own.... He knows ....his sheep (John 10:14--15).
In the Gospel of John, ....the word know means much more .....than intellectual.... awareness.
It speaks of an intimate relationship..... between God .....and His people (John 17:3).
The Eastern shepherd .....knows his sheep personally .....and therefore knows best to minister to them.
The Good Shepherd ......knows each of His sheep by name. (John 10:3)
And He also knows .....their natures.
While all sheep are alike their essential nature, ......each sheep has its own distinctive characteristics
And the loving shepherd ......recognizes these traits.
One sheep may be afraid of high places, .....another of dark shadows.
A faithful shepherd ......will consider the needs of each sheep....... as he tends .....the flock.
Have you ever noticed different the Apostles were .....from one another?
Peter was impulsive and outspoken, .....while Thomas was hesitant.
Andrew was a "people person" ......who was always bringing someone.... to Jesus.
Jesus knew each of them personally,..... and He met their needs .......personally.
Our Good Shepherd .....knows our natures, ......and He also knows....... our needs.
If we are honest....Often, .....we do not even know our own needs..... yet our Lord does.
Psalm 23.... is a beautiful poetic description..... of how the Good Shepherd ....cares for His sheep.
In the pastures, the waters, ......and even through the valleys, ......the sheep need not fear.
Why?.......because the shepherd caring for them .......and meeting their needs.
And as the shepherd cares for the sheep, .....the sheep .....begin to know .....their shepherd.
They begin to know Him better .... By experiencing His daily care.......and by listening to His voice.
By listening for his voice. (Pause)
Before refrigerators, .....people used ice-houses preserve their food.
Ice-houses had thick walls, windows, .....and a tightly fitted door.
In the winter, ....when streams and lakes were frozen, ....large blocks of ice were cut, .....hauled to the ice-houses, ....and covered with sawdust.
Often the ice would last .....well into the summer.
One man lost a valuable watch ....while working... in an ice-house.
He searched diligently for it, ......carefully raking through the sawdust, ....yet he could not find it.
His fellow workers also looked, ....but their efforts too,.... proved futile.
A small boy ....who heard about ....the fruitless search .....slipped into the ice-house .....during the noon hour ....and soon emerged ....with the watch.
Amazed, .....the men asked him he found it.
The boy replied...... "I closed the door,"...."laid down in the sawdust, ....and kept very still.
Soon ....I heard .....the watch .....ticking." (Pause)
The question is not .....whether God is speaking, .....but whether we are being still enough, ... quiet enough, hear.
If you are not clear to the sound of Our Sheppard's voice.... Then dwell into.....(Lift Bible) .....His Holy Word.
The Scriptures are a textbook .....with information about God.... Used as a handbook lead others to salvation.... As a weapon to defeat the devil...... and his angels.
But the Scriptures are far more then that.... Far more.
Beloved .....move forward in the faith ......and allow the Scriptures become a conversation ..... a conversation between you ....and God.
Go beyond ......Just reading the words.... Words are not words ...when they are holy.
Read God's Word .... The Holy Bible....slowly ..... Quiet yourself and listen to what ....they are telling you.
Enter into his presence... and Listen for his voice.
Allow The Scriptures to move beyond words.... Allow God to speak to you ....through His Holy Word.
The question is not whether God is speaking, .....but whether we are being still enough, ... quiet enough, hear.
"I know my own and my own know me."
Do you know the Shepherd.... Do you really know the shepherd?
A famous actor..... was the after dinner speaker a large function ......and when he stood up to speak, .....he invited his audience choose a poem for him to recite.
There was a long silence ....until a retired pastor raised his hand .....and asked for... the 23rd Psalm.
The actor was slightly taken back,.... but agreed to do so .....provided ..... the pastor would recite it after him.
The actor recited Psalm 23 .....and received a standing ovation. (Pause)
Then the elderly Pastor stood ....and recited the Psalm, When he had finished .....there was not a dry eye the house.
The actor came over to the clergyman ......and announced to all of the guests.
"The difference between his version..... and my version is this:..... I know the 23rd Psalm ..... he knows .....the Shepherd." (Pause)
Jesus said: I know my own and my own know me.
Do you know the Shepherd?
Do you truly ....Know the Shepherd?
O' Beloved.....Seek time with the one you call Savior and Lord... be in relationship with him.
Seek the Kalos will hear his voice!
Let us stand as one body (Lift up the Scripture insert) and boldly recite in together ......the 23rd Psalm.
The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not be in want. He makes me lie down in green pastures and leads me beside still waters. He revives my soul and guides me along right pathways for his Name's sake. Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I shall fear no evil; for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me You spread a table before me in the presence of those who trouble me; you have anointed my head with oil, and my cup is running over. Surely your goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever. (Psalm 23)
Amen and Amen!
Help: I retired in November 2017 and am attempting to supplement my income by sharing on Sermoncentral. If this Message has been helpful to you, please consider a nominal donation: Send to The Rev. Jeff Smead 11725 Regent Park Drive Chardon Ohio 44024. Blessed To Be A Blessing.
I received much insight for the opening of this Message from a Sermon by Tim Zingal Titled " What is good about the good shepherd" and I commend it to you.
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