Summary: Cause and effects - PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request – email:


• Incident #1:

• Cause of failure – Lack of Faith (vs 14-21).

• Incident #2:

• Cause of grief – Lack of Understanding (vs 22-23).

• Incident #3:

• Cause of amazement – Faith in Action (vs 24-26).



• Famous failures.

• You Tube video clip:

• (1). He wasn't able to speak until he was almost 4 years old and his teachers said he would "Never amount to much".

• Albert Einstein Physicist & Nobel Prize Winner.

• (2). Was demoted from her job as a news anchor because she "Wasn't fit for television".

• Host of a multi-award winning talk show & said to be 'The most influential woman in the world'.

• (3). Fired from a newspaper for "Lacking imagination" and "Having no original ideas".

• Walt Disney - creator of Mickey Mouse & winner of 22 Academy Awards.

• (4). At age 11 he was dropped from his team after being diagnosed with a growth hormone deficiency, which made him smaller in stature than most kids his age.

• Lionel Messi - 3 times Fifa World Player of the Year.

• (5). At 30 years old he was left devastated and depressed after being unceremoniously removed from the company he started.

• Steve Jobs - Co-founder of Apple Inc. & Co-founder of Pixar Animation Studios.

• (6). Rejected by Decca Recording Studios, who said "We don't like their sound...they have no future in show business".

• The Beetles - The most commercially successful and critically acclaimed band in history.

• (7). His first book was rejected by 27 publishers.

• Dr Seuss - bestselling children author in history.

• (8). His finance died, he failed in business, he had a nervous breakdown and was defeated in 8 elections.

• Abraham Lincoln - 16th President of the U.S.A.

• TRANSITION: Everyone wants to be a success.

• I have never met anyone who purposely set out to be a failure.

• That may explain why so much has been written on the topic;

• The popularity of books on the topic of “How to be a Success” are big sellers.

• Quote: I think it was Theodore Roosevelt who said,

• “The only man who never makes a mistake is the man who never does anything.”

• The simple reality is that failure is one of those ugly realities of life;

• It is a common experience to all of us to some degree.

• And the ability to handle failure in its various forms and degrees;

• Is a vital part of a Christian’s spiritual life and maturity.


• A study of the Bible soon reveals that most of the great figures of the book;

• Experienced failure at one time or another,

• Yet those failures did not keep them from effective service for God.

• i.e. Just think of Abraham, Moses, Elijah, David, and Peter.

• Though they failed at some point, and often in significant ways,

• They not only recovered from their failure, but they used it as a tool of growth;

• They learned from their failure, confessed it to God,

• And were often able to be used in even mightier ways.

• In this passage of Matthew’s gospel we have three short stories;

• We see the disciples fail; we see the disciples dejected and we see Peter flabbergasted!

• But their failure need not be a total disaster;

• They can use it as a tool of growth, helping them mature in their faith.

• And what is true for the disciples is true for all of us here today!

• In this passage we see the disciples fail twice;

• But the chapter does not end in failure because in the third incident;

• We see Peter getting it right!

Incident #1:

Cause of failure – Lack of Faith (vs 14-21).

14 When they came to the crowd, a man approached Jesus and knelt before him. 15 ‘Lord, have mercy on my son,’ he said. ‘He has seizures and is suffering greatly. He often falls into the fire or into the water. 16 I brought him to your disciples, but they could not heal him.’

17 ‘You unbelieving and perverse generation,’ Jesus replied, ‘how long shall I stay with you? How long shall I put up with you? Bring the boy here to me.’ 18 Jesus rebuked the demon, and it came out of the boy, and he was healed at that moment.

19 Then the disciples came to Jesus in private and asked, ‘Why couldn’t we drive it out?’

20 He replied, ‘Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, “Move from here to there,” and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.’

• Verse 14 says; “When they came to the crowd,”

• The ‘they’ mentioned here are Jesus, Peter, James & John,

• Who have been with Jesus on the Mountain of Transfiguration.

• Mark in his gospel (chapter 9 verse 14);

• Makes that clear to us: “When they came to the other disciples”

When Jesus, Peter, James & John arrive on the scene:

• It is chaotic;

• A distraught father brings his afflicted son to Jesus.

• The other nine disciples of Jesus were powerless to help the father and his son;

• Mark in his gospel (chapter 9 verse 14) tells us;

• That “the teachers of the law arguing with them”

Jesus looked around at:

• The embarrassed disciples, the arguing religious leaders and the needy father and son;

• Jesus was saddened and angry at their attitudes;

• Their unbelief and spiritual perversity were a burden to him.

“You unbelieving and perverse generation,’ Jesus replied, ‘how long shall I stay with you? How long shall I put up with you?”

• Jesus heals the boy in verse 18;

• And the story switches from a public place to a private place in verse 19.

• In private the nine disciples ask Jesus what they had done wrong.

• “Then the disciples came to Jesus in private and asked, ‘Why couldn’t we drive it out?’”

• They said this because in chapter 10 verses 1-2:

• Jesus sent the disciples out with power to preach, heal and cast out demons;

• And up to this incident it seems they had been successful.

• But on this occasion the nine disciples fail!

• And they are puzzled as to why in this situation they are powerless to act,


• Jesus tells them straight;

• He puts his finger right on the spot by saying in verses 21-22;

• They failed because of their lack of faith!

• It seems to me that they were trying to remedy this situation;

• In their own strength and power.

• The disciples' needed reminding that the power and authority to heal was not their own:

• It came from Jesus. It was delegated by Jesus and it is sustained by Jesus.

• To act independently of him is a guarantee to fail!


• Like a car running out of petrol on the motorway;

• Like a shopper running out of money in a supermarket,

• Like McDonalds running out of food at a busy lunchtime,

• I believe that these disciples ran out of dependence on Jesus when they needed him most!

• And as a result the disciples were powerless to act

• “they could not heal him.”


• If you have had kids you have probably experienced the time;

• When they decided they were big enough to use the bathroom or a public toilet;

• Without anyone’s help.

• They feel big enough to be self-sufficient.

• You wait for them, and you wait for them and then you go and investigate;

• And find that they cannot unlock the door.

• They have been trying with every ounce of their strength,

• But they are unable to do it.

• And as parents we stand outside explaining to them how to get the lock open;

• Or worse still we have to take some other form of action.


• The disciples like small children thought they could handle things on their own;

• The end result was failure and embarrassment.


• Sign seen in a textile mill, "When your thread becomes tangled, call the foreman."

• A young woman was new on the job.

• Her thread became tangled and she thought,

• "I'll just straighten this out myself."

• She tried, but the situation only worsened.

• Finally she called the foreman and said to him: "I did the best I could,"

• The foreman replied:

• "No you didn't. To do the best, you should have called me."

• TRANSITION: Christian when you find yourself saying;

• "I'll just straighten this out myself."

• Stop! And remember to call on him!

Note the words of Jesus in verse 20:

He replied, ‘Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, “Move from here to there,” and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.’

• The mustard seed is not the smallest seed in the world;

• But it was probably the smallest seed that the Jews sowed in the gardens or fields.

• i.e. It took 725-760 mustard seeds to weigh a gram (28 grams equal one ounce).

• So we’re talking about a very tiny seed.

Quote: William Barclay:

“When Jesus spoke about removing mountains he was using a phrase the Jewish people knew well. A great teacher, who could really expound and interpret scripture and who could explain and resolve difficulties, was regularly known as an UPROOTER or even a PULVERSISER, of mountains. To tear up, to uproot, to pulverise mountains were all regular phrases for removing difficulties.”

Incident #2:

Cause of grief – Lack of Understanding (vs 22-23).

“When they came together in Galilee, he said to them, ‘The Son of Man is going to be delivered into the hands of men. 23 They will kill him, and on the third day he will be raised to life.’ And the disciples were filled with grief.”

• This is the second time that Jesus has spoken openly to his disciples;

• Concerning his death and resurrection,

• (The first time was Matthew chapter 16 verse 21).

• But just like the first time the disciples are still not able to grasp,

• To understand what he meant.

• The Jewish people were looking for a political Messiah;

• Who would kick out their Roman oppressors and set up God’s kingdom on earth;

• They were not expecting a Messiah who was going to die!

• Be raised from the dead;

• And sometime in a future time set up his earthly kingdom.


• I have told you before about the humours birthday card that I once saw;

• I was going to send to my wife Penny, But decided that was not a wise thing to do!

• The front of the card read: “Darling you are the answer to my prayers!”

• Then inside it said:

• “You are not exactly what I prayed for but apparently you are the answer!”

• TRANSITION: Jesus was the answer to the disciples and every Jews prayers:

• Only they were unable to appreciate it!

• The disciples had yet to figure out that before the crown of kingship;

• There would need to be a cross of sacrifice.

• Notice the verb used in verse 22: “Delivered”,

• This clearly indicates that his death was not an accident, or martyrdom.

• He would give, he would deliver, he would hand over his life to his enemies;

• And of course we know he would do this for a reason.


• A church received personal greetings from the Kejave Medical Centre staff;

• Which is a mission hospital in Kenya.

• It contained the following story.

• Eight-year-old Monica fell into a pit,

• The fall broke her leg and she laid helplessly at the bottom of the pit unable to get out.

• An older woman, Mama Njeri,

• Happened to go along the same path;

• She saw the girl in distress and climbed into the pit to help get Monica out.

• In the process of helping Monica;

• A dangerous black Mamba snake bit both Mama Njeri and Monica.

• Monica was taken to Kejave Medical Centre and admitted.

• Mama Njeri went home, but never awoke from her sleep.

• The next day a nurse explained Mama Njeri's death to Monica,

• Telling her that the snake had bitten both of them,

• But all of the snake's poison was expended on Mama Njeri;

• She was alive because there was no poison left to infect Monica.

• Transition: On the cross Jesus had taken the poison of sin;

• He died willingly, so that we could live!


• Verse 32: “…and after three days he will rise”

• Jesus never spoke of his death without linking it to the resurrection!

• They are Siamese twins that are bound together.

• You can’t have one without the other!

Incident #3:

Cause of amazement – Faith in Action (vs 24-26).

24 After Jesus and his disciples arrived in Capernaum, the collectors of the two-drachma temple tax came to Peter and asked, ‘Doesn’t your teacher pay the temple tax?’

25 ‘Yes, he does,’ he replied.

When Peter came into the house, Jesus was the first to speak. ‘What do you think, Simon?’ he asked. ‘From whom do the kings of the earth collect duty and taxes – from their own children or from others?’

26 ‘From others,’ Peter answered.

‘Then the children are exempt,’ Jesus said to him. 27 ‘But so that we may not cause offence, go to the lake and throw out your line. Take the first fish you catch; open its mouth and you will find a four-drachma coin. Take it and give it to them for my tax and yours.’


• This little miracle (if you can call a miracle ‘little’!)

• Is quite unique – it is exceptional for a number of reasons:


• Remember Matthew was a former tax collector,

• So he had a natural link with the events of this miracle.

• Quote: “Two things you cannot escape in life – death & taxes!”


• Matthew’s gospel is also called the Gospel of the King,

• And throughout his gospel Matthew portrays Jesus as the King.

• i.e. At his birth - Matthew chapter 2 verse 2:

• The Magi/wise men come looking for a baby; "Born to be KING of the Jews".

• i.e. At his death - Matthew chapter 27 verse 37:

• On the cross a sign was nailed, "This is Jesus, the KING of the Jews".

• In the verses we have a great paradox:

• A King so poverty-stricken,

• That he has no money to pay the annual temple tax of only a half-shekel!

Notice: The miracle comes out of a question (verses 25b-26):

When Peter came into the house, Jesus was the first to speak. “What do you think, Simon?” he asked. “From whom do the kings of the earth collect duty and taxes—from their own sons or from others?”

26“From others,” Peter answered.

“Then the sons are exempt,” Jesus said to him.


• In the ancient world,

• Earthly kings did not tax their own sons.

• That was part of the privilege of being in the royal family.

• The taxes kept the royals in the lifestyle they were accustomed too.

• In these verses:

• Jesus affirms the fact, that he was the Son of a King, i.e. The Son of God.

• And therefore he was free from paying this tribute.

• Worth noting that humanly speaking;

• Jesus was too poor to pay even a half-shekel;

• He had no money!

• And having left their various business to follow Jesus,

• The twelve disciples were as poor as He was!


• We know that Jesus lived a life of poverty:

• (a). Luke chapter 9 verse 38:

58Jesus replied, “Foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head.”

• (b). Luke chapter 12 verse 16

• He had to borrow a coin for an illustration.

• (c). Again in this passage,

• Jesus did not have the financial wealth to pay the tax.

Notice; The solution (verses 27):

“But so that we may not offend them, go to the lake and throw out your line. Take the first fish you catch; open its mouth and you will find a four-drachma coin. Take it and give it to them for my tax and yours.”

• Jesus would exercise His kingship over nature to provide what was needed:

• Peter was not able to command the fish and find the money.

• But Jesus was!


• Jesus Christ exercised dominion over not only the fish,

• But also over the animals (Matthew chapter 21 verses 1-7)

• And the birds (Matthew chapter 26 verse 34, verses 74-75).

• The wind, rain and sea obeyed him (Matthew chapter 14 verses 22-36).

• There was only one part of creation that failed to recognise and obey him:

• Mankind (John chapter 1 verse 10):

• “He was in the world, and though the world was made through him, the world did not recognize him”.


24After Jesus and his disciples arrived in Capernaum, the collectors of the two-drachma tax came to Peter and asked, “Doesn’t your teacher pay the temple tax?”

25“Yes, he does,” he replied.

Jesus always used his miraculous power for the good of others:

• ill: To feed a hungry crowd (he provided food).

• ill: To heal the broken hearted sisters Mary & Martha (he raised Lazarus back to life).

• His miracles were always for the good of other people.

• He never used his power selfishly, or in the wrong way!

• You might remember in Matthew chapter 4 verse 34:

• During the three temptations by the devil in the desert wilderness,

• Satan had tempted Christ to use His divine powers for Himself,

• But He had refused!


• That in this case, Jesus did not use His power selfishly,

• In this story others was also affected by this miracle.

• Verse 27: “But so that we may not offend them”

• Was the Lord’s explanation for the miracle.

• The word “Offended” means “a stumbling block”,

• Jesus did not want to cause other people to trip up and fall.

• Therefore Jesus paid the tax not out of obligation,

• But as a good example to other people.


• Remember the tax in question was for the Temple,

• Which was the house of God.

• Jesus was the Son of God

• Ill: Luke chapter 2 verse 49: When his parents were looking for him:

• “Did you not know I must be about my Father’s business?”

• How could the Son be under obligation to pay the tax which was for his Father’s house?

• Technically, Jesus did not have to pay the tax;

• But for practical reasons, He paid it.


• Jesus paid the Temple tax,

• He paid into the treasury of the very establishment that would betray him to death!

• Ironic that from this fund;

• Judas would receive thirty pieces of silver!


• The tax referred to in this story had its origin in the days of Moses,

• On the basis of Exodus chapter 30 verse 13:

• Every male over twenty years of age must pay an annual temple tax.

• This tax was equivalent to two days wages.

• Rabbi’s were exempt from paying the tax,

• But Jesus was not an official Rabbi,

• That’s way they question Peter in verse 24.

• And want some money from Jesus.

The reason for the tax is worth noting:

• The money was to be a reminder to the Jews;

• That they had been redeemed from Egyptian slavery.



• Luke chapter 5 verses 1-11:

• Jesus had multiplied the fish for Peter’s incredible catch,

• And He would repeat that type of miracle for Peter and the other disciples;

• In John chapter 21 verses 11-13.


• In this case, Jesus used only one fish.

• But this miracle is far more complex than the so called bigger catch miracles.

Consider the complexity of this miracle:

• First, someone had to lose a coin in the water.

• Then, a fish had to take that coin in its mouth and retain it.

• That same fish then had to bite on Peter’s hook;

• Remember the fish already had an impediment in its mouth,

• And it had to be caught.

• You cannot explain all of this in a natural way.

• It is too complex for an accident,

• And too difficult for human management.

• Notice:

• The miracle was witnessed by and performed for Peter:

• How the other disciples paid their taxes, we are not told.

• This was one of many miracles that Jesus performed for Peter.

• i.e. He healed Peter’s mother-in-law (Mark chapter 1 verses 29-34),

• i.e. He helped Peter to catch fish (Luke chapter 5:1-11),

• i.e. He enabled him to walk on the water (Matthew chapter 14 verses 22-33),

• i.e. He healed Malchus’ ear (Mathew chapter 26 verses 47-56),

• i.e. And delivered Peter from prison (Acts chapter 12 verses 1-19).


• Look at verse 28!

• Gotcha! There is no verse 28!

We would expect another verse that would read:

“And Peter went to the sea, cast in a hook, and drew up a fish; and when he had opened its mouth, he found there a coin, and used it to pay the temple tax for himself and for Jesus.”

• But verse 28 is not there:

• Question: How do we know that the miracle took place?

• Answer: Because Jesus said it would!

Quote: Warren Wiersbe:

“We must commend Peter for his faith.

The people at the seashore were accustomed to seeing Peter with a net in his hand,

not a hook and line.”

That day Jesus not only put a coin in the mouth of the fish:

• He also placed something in Peter’s heart.

• A coin, with the stamp of sovereignty on it.

• Jesus never sends us on errands that are unfruitful!

• Peter had faith in God’s Word, and God honoured that faith.

• Peter did a normal thing,

• That produced an abnormal result.

• That day by way of a coin and a fish,

• Jesus paid Peter’s earthly debt,

• Soon by hanging on a cross he would pay his spiritual debt!

• A debt paid not with silver or gold but with his precious blood!

Sermon Audio: