Mr. Humble.
(This children’s talk is based on Matthew 5: 21-37, as part of the Sermon on the Mount.)
Theme: Jesus is Mr. Humble.
1. To teach the meaning of being humble.
2. To teach the good news that Jesus is Mr. Humble.
Key Words/Phrase:
1. to be humble
2. Jesus is Mr. Humble
1. A4 size paper
2. Coloured pens
Draw a Mr. Humble caricature with a cross in the background. You might like to draw a similar caricature to the ‘Mr. Men’ series characters.
Drama Points:
1. To help settle the children, begin as quickly as possible.
2. “Good morning everyone. This morning, I feel a bit like Jesus. When Jesus sat down to teach, his small group of young disciples sat at his feet just like you are this morning. And all the people who followed him sat near by and listened just like our congregation.”
3. “On one particular day, Jesus was teaching them how to be humble. Jesus gave them many example of being humble. These examples are often known as The Beatitudes, or the Sermon on the Mount. A good example to help explain how to be humble is to ‘love your enemies’ ”.
4. “To be humble is a very hard thing to do. To be humble means saying you are sorry to someone you have upset, hurt, or stuck your tongue out at them. To be humble means forgiving the person that has hurt you. To be humble means helping someone that you really do not like. It might mean asking them to play with you or helping them with their school work.”
5. “Learning to be humble is harder than learning to spell, read and write. It is not taught at school since there’s no one to teach it. When learning to spell, read and write gets too hard you can ask the teacher to help you. They are good at spelling, reading and writing and can help you every time.”
6. “There is only one person you can ask to help you to become humble, and that is Jesus. Jesus is Mr. Humble. He is good at it and can help you every time.”
7. Now would be an appropriate time to hold up and show your picture of Mr. Humble. Hopefully you’ll get a few giggles and smiles for your efforts.
8. “Jesus who is Mr. Humble loves his enemies. He forgives us all our sins.”
9. “Jesus who is Mr. Humble continues to care for us in every way even when we don’t listen to him and are mean to others.”
10. “Jesus who is Mr. Humble can help us to be humble.”
11. “And after much practice, being humble leads to fewer tears, more friends and joy.
12. Let us finish with prayer. “Dear Jesus, thank you for being humble, teach us and help us to be humble and care for people as you care for us. Amen.”