Summary: The book of Hebrews is all about Jesus!



HEBREWS 13:1-4


-There are some downright crazy people in our world.

-This last week in the news we had…

-A band of atheists from New Jersey who were offended by a 10 commandments monument outside of a Court House in Florida.

-They sued to get the display taken down and told they were allowed to set up their own monument.

-What kind of monument would an atheist put on display?

-A bench. We aren’t sure who the monument is dedicated to, since they don’t believe in any god.

-There were 200 people showed up at the dedication ceremony including one protester with a sign which read “go home Yankees”

-There are a lot of crazy people in our world. They think crazy things, do crazy things, and say crazy things.

-The thing that makes us different as Christians is that we believe in being crazy together! And they think we’re crazy.

-Our Lord Jesus didn’t just save us. He made us into a body; we are connected in a spiritual way because of our common faith.

-He made us into a family; we look after each other and take care of each other because we are brothers and sisters.

-He made us into a winning team; we are working together to defeat a common enemy.

-He made us into an army; we are advancing on the gates of Hades battering down gates and setting prisoners free.

-Jesus placed a great emphasis on his followers living, working, worshipping, and serving together for a common purpose.

-And the first part of Hebrews 13 this morning gives us some insights as to how that looks practically.

-We aren’t just “together in spirit”! Christ actually intended for us to do life together!


-American Xianity has so emphasized our personal relationship w/Jesus that we sometimes forget Christ’s emphasis on others.

-The world says look out for number 1!

-Jesus said love your neighbor as much as you love yourself.

-The world says it all about me, what makes me happy.

-Jesus said it’s not about you; it’s about serving those around you.

-The world says only do what you are obligated to do for others.

-Jesus said go the extra mile for other people.

-The world teaches the “me first” attitude.

-Jesus said in his Kingdom the first shall be last, & the last first.

-Living with other people in mind is the principle here.

-But our text names a few examples of what that looks like.

13:1 Keep on loving each other as brothers and sisters.


-That sounds basic right? Love each other as brother & sisters in…

-In the church family there should be love between us.

-We’ve talked about the different words used for love in Scripture

-Surprisingly, the word that’s used here is not agape love.

-It’s “phileo” which is the family or brotherly love.

-Keep on showing each other…brotherly and sisterly love.

-But Erik, My brother is a total loser.

-Erik, I successfully avoid my sister 364 days a year.

-You want me to love my fellow Christian w/a family kind of love?

-Some of you are thinking, “I come from a dysfunctional family!”

-Then you’ll fit right into the church!

-Some pastors/teachers act like somehow our individual relationships with Christ will totally eliminate our trouble with one another.

-They act like Christians are supposed to be above controversy, beyond the temptation to fight, that everything is always supposed to be puppies and sunshine in the church.

-I would respectfully disagree with those people. Sound nice.

-Hebrews 12 tells us that we’ll be free from the drama and the nonsense one day in heaven.

-But we’re not in heaven just yet. And here on earth we still struggle with sin, and bitterness, and turmoil.

-The absence of conflict isn’t what makes us the church.

-The absence of trouble between believers is not what proves our faith in Jesus Christ.

-It’s our determination to love one another that reveals the quality of our faith.

-Our determination to work through problems with each other is what should make us different than the people in the world.

-In John 13:35 Jesus said, “Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples.”

-We shouldn’t be fighting, dividing, slandering, and being petty.

-We ought to have a stubborn determination to keep on loving one another.

-We ought be known as people who refuse to let sin divide us.

-If we are going to be known as people who follow Jesus, then we have to be people who love.

-And he says, “we have to keep on loving.”

-Is almost like our author anticipated that we would get downright sick and tired of each other and want to quit loving!

-But that would never happen among Christians! Would it?

-Keep on loving each other.

-That means that love isn’t just something you say one time, or do one time…it’s a continuous action.

-I heard a guy say one time, “I told my wife I loved her on our wedding day and if I change my mind I’ll let her know.”

-And I said, “Have fun sleeping on the couch tonight.”

-Love isn’t a sentiment you express once and then move on.

-It’s not something we have on the shelf in case of emergencies, it’s something we are supposed 2B doing.

-It requires effort to keep on loving. Sometimes a lot of effort.

-There are some people who try really hard to be unlovable!

-People can be really annoying…they get on our nerves.

-People can be rude…and inconsiderate of our feelings.

-People can say hurtful things…wound us with their words.

-People can let us down…not make good on their promises.

-But, it doesn’t matter what other people do.

-Because other people’s behavior does not determine our values.

-In Matt 22 Jesus said the greatest commandment is to, “love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.’ And the “second is equally important: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.”

-Because we follow the commands of Jesus we are the people must who love each other.

-That’s part of living with Christ’s people in mind.

-Here’s the second piece of advice he gives in vs 2:

2 Don’t forget to show hospitality to strangers, for some who have done this have entertained angels without realizing it!


-This is just one more way we live with other people in mind.

-It’s surprised me to learn this week that the word for hospitality literally means a love for strangers.

-So not only are we supposed to love our church family, we’re also supposed to love people who aren’t in the church family.

-We show hospitality to all people. Think of all the opportunities we have to show hospitality to strangers.

-This last week I’m trying to go jogging with my wife around the

Linfield track. This is a new thing for us, rather painful.

-We’re almost done with our first lap around the track which is a mile and a half…so it was also our last lap! 

-And we come around the corner where a lady is walking with two unleashed dogs. Of course the dogs want to chase me, so I have to stop and tell ‘em to beat it.

-And I yell back at the lady, “There’s a leash law in town.”

-And I as continued jogging I remembered what I was preaching on this morning…hospitality; showing Christ’s love to strangers.

-We have daily opportunities to show strangers the love of Christ.

-I was talking to Michael Dean Friday and he told me a story of a big intimidating man approaching him at a gas station.

-Just walked right to Michael, clearly intoxicated and said “I’m hungry feed me.”

-So Michael asked him what his name was and the man said, “Wolf”. So Michael took the man into Subway and bought him a sandwich and told him before he left, “God loves you.”

-Our passage says that by showing hospitality like that, some people have entertained angels and didn’t even know it.

- Abraham (Genesis 18:1-22) and Lot (Genesis 19:1-3) had that happen, maybe you and I have entertained angels as well.

-There are countless opportunities to show hospitality.

-Even at church. Sit in towards the front so that late comers and visitors can find a seat without making a commotion.

-Sit by people who are sitting alone.

-Serve in the children’s ministry so adults can sit and listen to the Word of God uninterrupted.

-We need some people to help fill up the summer rotation for kids

-Park your cars in the far parking spots to save the good spots for visitors and people who can’t walk so well.

-We are people of hospitality.

-Some of you have grossly underestimated your ministry ability

-You don’t see yourself ever speaking publically, leading a ministry, heading out on the mission field.

-But you are good at having people over to your house.

-And you’ve never seen the ministry potential in that.

-Do you know one of the dirty secrets in American culture is loneliness? People are desperately lonely.

-25% of Americans say they have no one they can talk to about issues in their life. No friends, no family, no one to turn to.

-Inviting them to your home for a BBQ this summer, or for

thanksgiving, or for a football game in the fall or out to pizza after church…hospitality could be your ministry!

-I think the most important role in our life2life groups is the host home…creating another venue for discipleship where people feel safe!

-Hospitality is making other people comfortable, making other people feel welcomed, making other people happy!

-Hospitality is part of living life with Christ’s people in mind.

3 Remember those in prison, as if you were there yourself. Remember also those being mistreated, as if you felt their pain in your own bodies.


-He mentions prisoners, and those who are being mistreated.

-The idea is to remember those who are struggling or hurting.

-How many times have you noticed that someone from church hasn’t been around for a while…and you didn’t call?

-Some of us know people who are in prison…have you written them a letter lately?

-Some of us know older people who can’t get out, have you dropped by to give them some encouragement?

-What about people from your life2life group that had a baby, or are dealing with sickness…have you dropped off a meal?

-What about your friend that just got divorced?

-What about that boy in your neighborhood without a father figure in his life?

-What about the co-worker that lost their mom or dad?

-If we are going to live with Christ’s people in mind, with other people in mind, we’re going to end up helping the hurting.

-You’ll notice that God sees us as connected. It says, “as if you felt their pain in your own bodies.”

-When someone in the body of Christ is hurt, we feel the pain.

-If I punch _________ in the arm, we all say “ow”.

-Take time to make that phone call, text somebody a Scripture.

-Write an email, hang out, visit, get a cup of coffee, or at the very least….stop and pray for those people who are hurting.

-Skip down to verse 16…

16 And don’t forget to do good and to share with those in need. These are the sacrifices that please God.


-Some people say “those Christians are a bunch of do gooders.”

-And here vs 16 says “do good”.

-Is that really such a bad thing to be known for?

-I could think of worse things to be called.

-When you bring a smile to someone’s face…

-When you bring a tear of joy to someone’s eyes…

-When you feed someone or clothe someone…

-When you give someone an ounce of energy, or a minute of your time.

-When you mow the neighbor’s yard, or fix the widow’s car.

-When you give your time talent and treasure you are making a sacrifice.

-But whenever you make a personal sacrifice, someone else benefits. And that’s the life that Christians live.

-But notice that our sacrifices are pleasing to the Lord.

-When we sacrifice for brothers and sisters, when we show love to strangers, when we help the hurting and do good…

-It brings a smile to face of God! It pleases him.

-Ironically, many Christians isolate, insulate, and generally avoid other people…even fellow Christians.

-It’s those same people that often feel slighted, neglected, and ignored when they are the sick person or the hurting person.

-They whine when no comes to visit them, or check in on them.

-The people who show the least interest in their fellow Christians are often the loudest complainers when no one shows them love and hospitality.

-Here’s some sober truth for you this morning.

-Friendly, helpful Christians who serve, & sacrifice for others have no shortage of people looking out for them when trouble comes.

-Those who love and show hospitality have no trouble getting help on the project or finding a hand up when are down.

-Those people who live with an external focus…who are always watching for ways to help others prosper…will prosper themselves.

-That is practical advice. That’s Biblical advice.

-And that’s what it looks like to live with other people in mind.

-Those crazy people in the world think we are crazy for all this.

-After all, why would anyone look for more ways to serve others?

-Why would anyone take time away from their own troubles to help with other people’s troubles?

-Once upon a time JC stooped down from heaven’s throne to help us. He didn’t have to. He didn’t owe use.

-He wasn’t forced to do it. He loved us enough to have us in mind.

-He saw our need and decided to act. He came to serve.

-And since we follow Jesus, we must live w/others in mind.