Summary: A sermon examining the primary focus of our ministry.

Evaluating Your Ministry Mindset

Galatians 2:1-10

After a town-wide revival had concluded, three pastors were discussing the results with one another. The Methodist minister said, “The revival worked out great for us! We gained four new families.” The Presbyterian preacher said, “We did better than that! We gained six new families.” The Baptist pastor said, “Well, we did even better than that! We got rid of our 10 biggest trouble makers!” (Steve Shepherd

If you have been around church for any length of time you know that you will encounter some “unique” individuals. And if we are honest, some of them are harder to love than others. ...Some people are great assets to the church... Some are givers... Some are takers... Some are only there for what they can get out of the church... Some are there simply to cause trouble... Some are extremely positive ...Some can find fault at the drop of a hat... Some will do anything that is needed... And some won’t do anything...But I am thankful that in the church you can find some sold out devoted servants of Christ.

I can’t imagine what life would be like without my faith family. There are certain words that I would use to describe most of the people in this church.

- Loving

- Faithful

- Encouraging

- Supportive

- Devoted

- Compassionate

- Prayerful

- Spiritual

There are many other words that I could use to describe the actions and attitudes of those who are a part of this assembly. One thing that I am extremely thankful for is that we have a church filled with “Ministers”. When I say “minister” I am not referring to vocational ministry but rather “one who serves others”. Let’s take this even further, a true “minister” is someone who is first and foremost a “servant of Jesus Christ”. You are more than just a member of this church… you are a part of this ministry. And when it comes to ministry I want you to ask yourself an important question……Are you having a positive impact or a negative impact? There is no middle ground, there is no neutral! You are either adding to this ministry or taking away from it!

Ask yourself the old question “What kind of church would my church be if every member was just like me?” - I think it is important for us to periodically take a moment and evaluate our personal contributions to the ministry. If we look real close, then we may find that there are some changes to be made in how we serve others and most importantly how we serve our Savior.

Background: Thus far in his Epistle to the Galatians, Paul has covered a great deal of information. He has declared and defended his Apostleship. He has reminded the people of Christ’s sacrifice for their sins. He has reinforced the idea of salvation through GRACE! He has addressed the issue of returning to the bondage of the Law. He has exposed and warned against false teaching. In the verses immediately preceding our text for today, Paul shared: a brief testimony of his life before Christ, he talked about his conversion and his life in Christ up to this point. Here in chapter 2, he continues to describe some of the issues that he had faced since he began to serve the Lord. He is telling the believers of Galatia that the issues they were facing were not new, he had dealt with these same problems and similar troublemakers in the past.

In our selected text, Paul speaks about the actions concerning different groups of people.

1. There were some who Paul served - The Galatians

2. There were some who served with Paul - Titus & Barnabas

3, There were some who hindered Paul’s service - The Judaizers

Some of them had a positive impact on the ministry and some had a negative impact. The same types of people and the same actions can be found in churches today. It is my desire that through this message you can identify what sort of impact you are having. Let’s look to the text and consider the subject “Evaluating Your Ministry Mindset” As we perform this ministry evaluation there are 3 questions that I would like to ask you:

i. Do You Invest In Others?

ii. Do You Work With Others?

iii. Do You Cause Trouble For Others?

Each of these are common actions found in most churches today. So, as we “Evaluate Our Ministry Mindset” I ask you…

I. Do You Invest In Others? - v1 Then fourteen years after I went up again to Jerusalem with Barnabas, and took Titus with me also.

When Paul returned to Jerusalem he was accompanied by Barnabas and Titus. These three men were fellow-laborers in the ministry. They worked together to spread the Gospel, but they also benefited each another. These men who were being used of God to minister to others also ministered to one another. Notice:

A. Barnabas Invested In Paul - Acts 9:26 and when Saul was come to Jerusalem, he assayed to join himself to the disciples: but they were all afraid of him, and believed not that he was a disciple. 27 But Barnabas took him, and brought him to the apostles, and declared unto them how he had seen the Lord in the way, and that he had spoken to him, and how he had preached boldly at Damascus in the name of Jesus.

Saul of Tarsus had a reputation among the early church. Paul has already made mention of his past. He said that his goal and passion in life had been to destroy the church. His life had been spent persecuting Christians. But all that changed on Damascus Road when Jesus called him out. There has been a great change in his life, but the people did not know about it, and those who did didn’t believe it. When Paul desired to join the other Disciples of Christ, they “were afraid of him and didn’t believe that he was a disciple” - This could have been a devastating time for Paul, but praise God Barnabas was there! Barnabas realized that the Lord had radically transformed this man and he took a stand for his new brother in Christ. Barnabas had nothing to gain personally from befriending Paul, but he did so because it was the right thing to do! Barnabas spent time with Paul and helped him in his new life in Christ. He then went with Paul on his first missionary journey. Barnabas lived up to his reputation as the “son of consolation” and the “great encourager”! He invested in the life of Paul and Paul benefited greatly as a result!

- Not only did “Barnabas Invest In Paul” we see that “Paul Invested In Titus”

B. Paul Invested In Titus - Notice how Paul referred to Titus in -Titus 1:4 “To Titus, mine own son after the common faith”

Somewhere along the way Paul encountered Titus and as a result Titus encountered Jesus! Titus was not just someone that Paul had lead to the Lord. There was a relationship… He calls him is “son in the faith” - Relationships require an investment of time! Paul invested much time and work into Titus’s life. As a result of Paul investing into Titus’s life, Titus grew and became beneficial to the ministry. The Gospel ministry has a “chain reaction” so to speak.

- “Barnabas Invested In Paul”, “Paul Invested In Titus” and as a result “Titus invested In Others”. Notice in Titus 1:5:

C. Titus Invested In Others - Titus 1:5 For this cause I {Paul} left thee in Crete, that thou shouldest set in order the things that are wanting, and ordain elders in every city, as I had appointed thee:

Paul had ministered to the Christians in Crete. Paul’s journeys led him elsewhere but there was still work to be done. Paul left Titus in Crete to continue the work of the ministry. This speaks to how much time and effort Paul had invested into Titus. He trusted him enough to leave him behind to accomplish the things that were necessary.

I wonder where Paul would have been at this point in his life if there had been no Barnabas. I wonder where Titus would have been at this point in his life if there had been no Paul. I wonder where the believers at Crete would have been if there was no Titus. Can you imagine where would you be if certain people had not invested in you?

- Throughout my life there have been people who have invested in me: I had parents and grandparents who taught me about the Lord. I have had pastors, youth leaders and Sunday school teachers who taught me. I have had Christian friends who I have benefited from in many ways. And there are still people (many of whom are here today) who are investing in my life.

It is vitally important that each of us, who are born again, take the time and “Invest In Others”. Jesus Himself tells us to “go and make disciples” What about you? Do you invest in others? Will you take the time to:

- Witness to someone

- Teach someone

- Encourage someone

- Lead someone

- Pray with someone

Will you do what it takes to help someone along the way? I love to see people saved! I wish that the baptistery was used each and every week. But our responsibility doesn’t end when they pass through the waters and their name is on the church roll! Once they are saved and baptized, then the discipleship process begins.It is good for a new believer to sit under biblical preaching. It is good for them to attend a Sunday school or small group. But they still need more… The new convert needs mature believers to invest into their life!

After a distinguished performing career, famous violinist Jascha Heifetz accepted an appointment as professor of music at UCLA. Asked what had prompted his change of career, Heifetz replied: “Violin playing is a perishable art. It must be passed on as a personal skill; otherwise it is lost.” We need to listen to this great musician. Living the Christian life is a highly personal experience. We can’t pull it off merely by watching skilled veterans “perform.” We need hands-on instruction. (Today in the Word, February 8, 1997, p. 15).

I encourage you to find someone who is young in the faith and become a mentor to them. You are where you are because people invested in you… WILL YOU INVEST IN OTHERS? As we move further I would like to ask you another question:

II. Do You Work With Others? - v7 …when they saw that the gospel of the uncircumcision was committed unto me, as the gospel of the circumcision was unto Peter; 8 (For he that wrought effectually in Peter to the apostleship of the circumcision, the same was mighty in me toward the Gentiles:)v9 And when James, Cephas, and John, who seemed to be pillars, perceived the grace that was given unto me, they gave to me and Barnabas the right hands of fellowship;

Here we find that Peter, John, James, Barnabas and Paul were on the same page concerning the ministry. God had revealed to Paul that he should go to Jerusalem. He met with Peter, John & James those Apostles who were considered to be “pillars” or leaders of the church. Paul shared the message that he had been preaching to the Gentiles. The other Apostles supported Paul and the work that he was doing. Paul says that they did not demand that Titus be circumcised (as some thought he should). And the Lord’s Apostles did not add anything to what Paul was preaching.

Peter, John & James gave Paul & Barnabas the right hand of Christian fellowship. In the Near East, the “right hand of fellowship” represented a solemn vow of friendship and a mark of partnership. Though there may have been some troublemakers among the churches, the TRUE servants of the Lord were “working together”. We must take the proper steps to ensure that we are “working together” for the cause of Christ! If you are saved there is a work for you to do! You have a gift and God has a plan for your life, and that plan involves serving Him.

- When it comes to believers working together we find that:

A. There Are Different Missions - Paul says that “we should go unto the heathen, and they unto the circumcision”

Barnabas’ and Paul was to minister to the Gentiles. Peter and the others were focused on the Jews. It worked out this way because God planned it this way! Jesus identified Paul’s mission when He sent Ananias to touch Paul in Damascus. These were different men, in different places, with a different crowd and a different calling. This is still the case today:

-We are different people

- We have different callings

- We have different methods

- We have different spheres of influence

- We have different abilities

- We have different gifts

* This is addressed in - 1 Corinthians 12:4 There are different kinds of spiritual gifts, but the same Spirit is the source of them all.5 There are different kinds of service, but we serve the same Lord.6 God works in different ways, but it is the same God who does the work in all of us.7 A spiritual gift is given to each of us so we can help each other.

Some of us may share the same mission or calling or there may be some vast differences in our methods but the key is found in this fact: There May Be Different Missions…BUT THERE IS ONE MESSAGE! Notice:

B. There Is One Message -what is that message? - “the gospel”

Though Paul and Barnabas were ministering to the Gentiles and the others were reaching out to the Jews, they ALL had the same message… THE GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST! We have our own areas of influence and ability. You may be better suited to minister to certain types of people.

- Some have a way with Children

- Some of you connect better with Youth

- Some have are better suited to minister to Seniors

- Some are more comfortable talking to Men about Jesus

- Some are more comfortable talking to Women about Jesus

- Some of you have great connections where you can witness to Young Adults

- Some of you may have a passion to reach out to Drug Addicts or Alcoholics.

All of these groups need to hear about Jesus! And it takes different methods to reach each of these specific situations. It is fine for the methods to vary, but the MESSAGE NEVER CHANGES… IT IS ALWAYS THE GOSPEL!

First of all are you working for the Lord? If not, then you need to make things right with Jesus! But if you are working, are you working with others? As we have seen there were some who were working against Paul and they were hindering the ministry. Many times, well meaning brethren work against each other in the name of ministry. Some people are so focused on their own specific ministry or “pet project” that they neglect to support or even hinder other forms of ministry. Most churches have several different ministries. And if not careful the members of the church will begin to elevate one “ministry” over the other. And before you know it... The Brotherhood is fighting with the WMU... The R.A’s are opposed to the G.A’s ...The women’s class is against the men’s class... The youth committee and children’s committee become rivals and the devil sits back and laughs because he has the church right where he wants it!

This happens on an even broader scale at times. Let’s say that First Baptist Church Anytown is growing and thriving for the Kingdom. People are being saved and baptized every week.Then some families will leave 2nd Baptist Church Anytown and join 1st Baptist Church Anytown. As a result the members (or even the pastor) 2nd Baptist become jealous and begins to look for problems in 1st Baptist. Then those members begin to run 1st Baptist in the ground all over town. Instead of rejoicing that God is moving and that the Kingdom is growing, some members of 2nd Baptist become a hindrance to what God is trying to do in the church down the street.

Folks, we are not in competition with any biblical church! If they are preaching Jesus Christ and Him crucified then we are on the same team! We must set aside ego and work together for the sake of the GOSPEL!! Whether it is in our own local assembly or in the church universal we must WORK TOGETHER with our brothers and sisters in Christ! ....So again I ask, “Do You Work With Others?”

If we can ever wrap our minds around the fact that we can do more working together than against each other, then we can accomplish great things for Jesus! But let’s be honest, some folks are just troublemakers! I have encountered several people in my lifetime that thrive on conflict and discord. And to be honest I am concerned about the salvation of MOST of them! I would be terrified to cause trouble in the Lord’s church, but some people make a sport out of it.

- As we conclude our “Evaluation Of Our Ministry Mindset”, I ask one final question:

III. Do You Cause Trouble For Others? - v4 …because of false brethren unawares brought in, who came in privily to spy out our liberty which we have in Christ Jesus, that they might bring us into bondage: 5 To whom we gave place by subjection, no, not for an hour; that the truth of the gospel might continue with you.

Here Paul describes some of the troublemakers that he had dealt with in the past. These individuals were VERY similar to those who would cause trouble and division in the Galatian church. (And these same types are present today!!!) Paul addresses the most important fact right here in verse 4… “FALSE BRETHREN! “. These Judaizers were not TRUE BELIEVERS! They lived in “no man’s land” so to speak. They professed devotion to Christ and this was opposed to Judaism, then they called from circumcision and obeying the Mosaic Law so they were in opposition to Christianity. Whether they knew it or not they were being used of Satan to “spy out the believer’s liberty in Christ”

Paul paints a picture of a spy entering in and infiltrating the enemy’s camp. The goal of that spy was to “bring the Christians into bondage”. The “bondage” referred to was the rituals, rules and regulations of Judaism. Paul and Titus never retreated from their position of salvation by grace through CHRIST ALONE! But the enemy had set his sights on the believers of Galatia, and his “spies had infiltrated the church and were causing great trouble”

And today, the enemy would love to cause trouble in the church. He will take every opportunity to have someone infiltrate a church and sow discord. Just as sure as we must watch for false prophets in the church (Galatians 1:6-9). We also must watch for those who would come in the church and cause division! Just as Paul refused to give in to the Judaizers, we must refuse to fall for the evil works of troublemakers in the church!

Have you, would you or are you causing trouble in the church? If so, I beg you to get saved today! You are living on very dangerous ground! You may think that you are proving a point in some way but you are actually being used as a tool of the devil! And one day you will face the wrath of Almighty God! There are many different actions that you will find in the ministry.

Which ones describe you?

i. Do You Invest In Others?

ii. Do You Work With Others?

iii. Do You Cause Trouble For Others?

If you have performed this “Evaluation Of Your Ministry Mindset” and you don’t like the results… better yet of Jesus doesn’t like the results, then you can make things right, RIGHT NOW!

How many times have I said "I love Jesus",

And turned a deaf ear to a need

How many times have I said I'm a Christian,

But never one soul did I lead,

How many luxuries have I passed by,

To have more to give to the Lord?

Jesus I promise as long as I live,

from now on I'm gonna do more.

No wonder the members have bowed down with sorrow,

I never did offer to share

No wonder the heathen are dying in sin,

No wonder the missions are lack,

My heart is so cold and I've lost my first love,

But Jesus I'm on my way back.

I wonder what kind of church would my church be,

If every member was just like me?

How many souls would be saved today,

If it all depended on what I say?

I wonder how many prayers would my Lord have to answer,

If all that He heard came from me?

I wonder, what kind of church would my church be,

If every member was just like me?