Summary: God shall supply all your need.”This is the blessed assurance for you in this new year. What is your need? He will provide for you. Are you lacking in finance? He will supply for you. He will finish his work in you/and for you. He will supply all your nee


“But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.(Phil.4:19).

Beloved this is the last day of the year.We are stepping in the new year,in a few hours.Here is a promise for a blessed New year.And I pray that we may all cling to this blessed promise of God,that we may enter this New year,with new blessings,with new healing,new deliverances. Paul is addressing the church at Phillipi,He says.My God shall supply all “Your” needs.Now is he speaking to one or to the whole church?In English translatioin of our text it may be difficult to know becos the pronoun you can be either singular or plural,bt in Greek there is a difference,and it is the plural that is used.So today on this great day of the New year.This promise is to one and to all as well.Yu can claim this promise for the New year.Because God is concerned about each one of you.If he has promised to supply the need of the Philipian church,he promises to do so for Vineyard Workers church Dapodi ,India as well.To every church that has his candle stand shining.To all of you.Whether you are Mary or John,whether Pastor or teacher,to each one of you present this beginning of the year. The Philippian church teaches us that God can meet the need of his churches and his children who remain good stewards of all he has entrusted to them. The Philippian church teaches us some valuable lessons in being good stewards of all God has given us. Paul was particularly joyful when he thought of Philippian church. for six times he mentioned joy and eight times rejoice in this small letter to the church. Paul had many reasons to rejoice over this church, and that brought forth the blessed benediction upon this church.

Beloved this year everyone of you can be blessed. God is very powerful. He can do it. Does not Moses say “but as truly as I live all the earth shall be filled/with the glory of the lord.”(Num.14:21).Even in the times of Elisha the prophet, the land was reeling ,reeling with starvation, since there was no water.but then Elisha said. Make this valley full of ditches. For thus saith the LORD, Ye shall not see wind, neither shall ye see rain; yet that valley shall be filled with water, that ye may drink, both ye, and your cattle, and your beasts.(2Kings.3:16).Let us learn three points for our blessing for this New Year.


“God shall supply all your need.” This is the blessed assurance for everyone tonight. What is your need? He will provide for you. Are you lacking in finance? He will supply for you. He will finish his work in you/and for you. He will supply all your needs. He will complete what he has started in you, if you just permit him to have his way in your life. He is a God of completion. Like when he made the heaven and the earth. he rested.why?he finished all his work. Wht is your need?Is it spiritual?That also will be fulfilled/he will fill you with his wisdom,to face this world boldly.Didnt he say every valley shall eb filled? What is your need tonight?Is it healing.tht will also be fulfilled. “Thou shall make/me full/of joy with thy countenance.”(Acts.2:28). Supply also means tht things will be ended/yu sorrow shall end/yur pain shall end. This year.know who the lord is.Come closer to him. Paul says “to know the love of Christ, which passes knowledge that you might be filled/with the fullness of God.”(Eph.3:19).Because of this revelation. Paul never suffered. God often opened miraculous doors for him. Like once he said “Bt I have all and abound, I am full/ having received of Epaphroditus the things which were sent from you, an odour of a sweet smell…”(Phil.4:18).These last 25 yrs,we have seen the faithfulness of God. He never let us down. I never wrote to any man of God for supply. But yes, when God touched them, they did supply to us.Bt we never lacked till today.Because we know whom we serve. we know the one who called us.That is why like Paul I say this year.” we don’t cease to pray for you and to desire that you might be filled/ with the knowledge of his will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding.”(Col.1:9).My God shall supply. Paul was so confident. He didn’t say. May God supply all your needs. nor did he say. He may supply. but he said. SHALL, supply that means verily. he will supply. He had an experience of this supply.You need to believe, you need to visualize,what God can do for you. Sometimes some preachers preach. My God shall supply all your needs, not your wants. if you believe that statement then you go to the other extreme and you forget the fact that Father wants to gives you more than your needs. God is not stingy. He just does not give you crumbs. He calls it children’s bread, not children crumbs. He wants to give you full supply. Does not Paul say I abound…He said “unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think.”(Eph.3:20).David didn’t say. My cup is half full, nor did he say, my cup is full, but my cup runs over. He will give you beyond your measure.O those who preach that God only meets our needs, are out of touch with God. How gloriously God gave his people, at times he gave them so much that he said it will come out of their nostrils. What is your need? Do you want pardon? He will wash you and make you yeollow?No.He will make you whiter than snow. You want pardon once he will forgive you once.You want pardon 1000 times, he will forgive you 1000 times.Your sin will end not his pardon, nor his blood.You want clothing, and he will give you sackcloth?No.Look at the father of the prodigal son.He said.” bring forth best robe, and put it on him.Yu want gold ring,and he will give you bentex ring? ring.and best sandals.and what kind of party to have?ordinary party?No.”And bring hither the fatted calf, and kill it; and let us eat, and be merry:”(lk.15:23).Such party in the world, people will give only when their son/daughter completes his/her degree. Here the father gave such a party because his wayward/foolish son returns home. What will he give you, when you finish your degree in school of the Holy Spirit? Did the father say’s he has come in rags, I will give you a slightly better dress.No.the best. for the worst. He will give not according to your value,but according to his riches. So those who say.Gd only supplies ones needs not wants. they are going to the other extreme. and they forget that the father wants to give you more than you can believe. I know what they are trying to come against. they are trying to come against people who are covetous and abuse Gods word for their own selfish gain. But why do it to the exclusion of our fathers desires to bless us above what we ask? why do it, just because man is covetous, and give a different gospel? If God is a giving Gd,then say that God is a giving God. Why speak of God in lesser glory than he deserves, just because we find people covetous. Let God get all his glory. and yet you can say. it is mans folly that take Gds abundance and misuse it. If we want to teach on that we should never make a lower glory of we should say that you can have what you desire, that God will give to you the fullness, but see that you don’t use it for your selfish gain. That would be better than to say. My God shall supply all your needs and not your wants. Didn’t Jesus feed all the five thousand and above with fish and bread, and how many left over baskets were collected?12.You remember how the disciples were with Jesus, and Jesus said. Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees. they said.O by God we are sorry, we know he is speaking of leaven that means he is giving us a hint of bread,that we forgot to carry. Jesus was speaking of the leaven of the Pharisees. and Jesus said.” Jesus knew what they were thinking and said: You surely don't have much faith! Why are you talking about not having any bread? Don't you understand? Have you forgotten about the five thousand people and all those baskets of leftovers from just five loaves of bread? And what about the four thousand people and all those baskets of leftovers from only seven loaves of bread? Don't you know by now that I am not talking to you about bread? Watch out for the yeast of the Pharisees and Sadducees!(Mt.16:8-11).There are people who still don’t realize that he like the earthly father in one sense. Those of you who are parents, will you just supply your children’s needs, and not at times cater to their wants? Just imagine you went to a hotel for food. and then your son/daughter says.daddy,can I have an ice-cream. You don’t say.No.dont ask for any ice-cream am here to just feed you with your needs not your wants. The ice-cream is extra. I cannot do that. Just your needs. Eat only those vegetables and rice. that is all I can give you. and then your wife says. Can I have that extra chicken platter. and you say. No that is luxury. you can just have that vegetable. No you say. Honey you can have that too, and if it remains, we will pack it up and carry home. or then give it to the poor outside the hotel. Think about parents doing that? what kind of relationship will you have with your children? As parents you do meet their wants at times. and in fact many times. They ask for one pencil, and you buy a pack. they ask for one chocolate you buy two. I am not saying you spoil the child. but you pamper them,because you love them, and you know, that to what extent you can meet their wants at times. If your children want something that you know is not good for them, you may teach them what is not good for them. Those people who read Ps.23.they say.” The lord is my shepherd and I shall not live in need.”No I shall not live in want.God will supply your want that he knows is good for you.


Now why did Paul gave them this blessed benediction? There has to be a genuine reason behind it. There is a general grace that God sends upon all his people,but this was unique and that is what we are going to study this time. Paul says “Notwithstanding ye have well done, that ye did communicate with my affliction.”(Phil.4:14).Paul is saying it was good of you to help me when I was having such a hard time. Now we don’t know exactly why he needed financial blessing. He was in much affliction.Now we know Paul went thru much suffering due his preaching the gospel. One thing we know that he was in prison cell in Rome. In Rome there is this place called “The Mamertine Prison”.’ where tradition says Paul was imprisoned. They even say Peter was imprisoned there,bt it is more likely Paul was imprisoned below in the dungeon. Even today if you go to Rome there is this dungeon in which it is said that Paul was confined to. Here Paul wrote his letters. The prison is dug out of solid rock, and it was underground. Prisoners were lowered thru an opening the size of a manhole. this manhole was the only door thru which Paul must have lowered down. It is said. that Roman prison of this sort was under the market place. So rain and debris from the marked and from the animal droppings drop into this house of darkness. It was so filthy and dark,that even the human waste did not found out a way. so it was all stench. You need to go down a flight of steps to enter this dark room. There was no sunlight,bt the only lights were the fires to provide heat in the winter or to cook food. Prisoners were shackled with chains, and they could just move enough. they had to just sit or stand, or walk just a distance. Now a few prisoners might have had friends or paid guards to provide clothing/blankets/food and water. and these were the same people who would change the bedding stray and clean away the human waste as well. Some other prisoners had no such provision. There was Paul all alone. Maybe a short chain held his movements, and he may have had to depend upon others for everything.That was the time. a message must have come. some people who call themselves your brethren have come to visit you.That means the Philippian church members risked everything to meet Paul to help him. Lydia must have visited him. and the jailor and his family, and Eurodia,and Syntyche,and Clement may have gone personally to visit Paul to comfort him in his affliction.

They must have said. We cannot let the good apostle starve, and so let us each one make our contribution. Paul may have said. My God has taken care of me. and surely God will bless these people. let me write a letter from this dungeon to them. Beloved God has been supplying our needs week after week.

When I think of my staff, I see how every month God has been faithfully been supplying for more than 20 yrs to give their salary. How can I do it alone? I cannot. My wife and I cannot. when I think of the orphans in the Good shepherd home. Every year we go there and have a party for them, stitching them new clothes and sponsoring food for them. for yrs today. the children have grown up. and we had seen as small children today they are grown up.O Gd has been a blessing. I want to do more sponsor work for these orphanages. Gd willing we will do.

Now mind you. the prison visitor was not just anybody.because anybody seen to visit these prisoners came under the eye of the Roman law. At times they were also thought of being associated with the alleged crimes of the prisoners. So do you know why Paul gave them such a prayer benediction? Do you see under what circumstances, Paul prays. My God shall supply all your need. It was not like I gave a donation, or paid my tithes. or gave my offerings. But under what circumstance they gave was also regarded. The leaders of the Roman Empire would be anxious as to know who this visitor ws.Yes.they heard some from the Philippi church had come with blankets,clothes,food,and money.Ex:I remember even last month,somebody put a case against us,for preaching the gospel, and saying about healing. and the cops had come to take our statement. and so on. Even in such a pressure, people were waiting out to get prayed, and we were praying for each one of them. Little do people realize what we go through. But on the other hand, there were two of three people. who love us who were constantly fighting our case. and even giving their names and testimonies. Yes to all such ones also we proclaim this benediction.” My God shall supply all your needs.”Now there were two incidents of which Paul speaks of.He said twice you had given me monetary help.Now I am just assuming.It could be also when he was in the Roman prison.It ws not easy.The Roman guards would want to know why the money was given,why they were assisting a culprit of the Roman empire.they would even interrogate with questions.why did Jesus commend them on the last day by saying.”I ws naked and you clothed me,I ws sick,and you visited me,I ws in prison,and you came unto me.”(Mt.25:36).Yes. he was speaking of the likes of the Philippian church that came visiting Paul in the prison. Then Jesus would say on the last day.” Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world:”(Mt.25:34).It is not like we see today.we just visit them tht are in prison.then the Christians who obeyed the lord and visited those who were in prison, they did more than perform an inconvenient or unpleasant act.They were let down into the prison by rope, they left only at the pleasure of the guards. Paul says “even in Thessalonica.” he reminds them that when he was there establishing the church. he met with much opposition and persecution, and he wanted supplies, he wanted monetary help and the church gave him. Paul says.” No other church communed with me.”But you did.”In works of charity,sometimes we ask.what did other people give?did they give?how much they gave?bt the church of Philipi never considered that.It ws to their honor tht they were the only church who were generous to Paul.Paul reminds them saying,”Now ye Philippians know also, that in the beginning of the gospel, when I departed from Macedonia, no church communicated with me as concerning giving and receiving, but ye only. For even in Thessalonica ye sent once and again unto my necessity.”(Phil.4:15,16).But then listen they must hve sent very little to him,just enough for him,.just those things as he had need of.Maybe it was according to their ability.and he did not desire great things.Paul says you sent once again.” that means they often relieved and refreshed him in his necessities. But something happened, for a long time they did not send any money to him. But look at the way he deals with them in his/thru his letter. they did not inquire or they didn’t send anything. but yet he acted like his great Master Jesus, instead of upbraiding them for their neglect, he makes an excuse for them. what does he say? “But I rejoiced in the Lord greatly, that now at the last your care of me hath flourished again; wherein ye were also careful, but ye lacked opportunity.”(Phil.4:10).Look at Paul’s talk. He said. at last you thought about me, I know actually you were always thinking about me, but you didn’t have any chance to show it. I know you have been concerned about me, but you didn’t have the chance to help me. It may have been an overlooking on their part. But then how could they lack opportunity, if they had been resolved upon it? they could have sent a messenger with a gift on purpose. But yet the apostle is wiling to give the benefit of the doubt, he is willing to suppose in favor of them, that they would have done it if a fair opportunity had been offered to them.O how contrary is this to the conduct of many to their friends, by whom neglects which really can be excusable, are resented and vehemently spoke of. whereas Paul excused that which he had reason enough to resent. Yes many say.” be ye warmed, be you filled,and give not those things they have need of wht does it profit?(Jms.2:16).Do you see the reason for the benediction?Beloved let us recall all the good things tht we have done for the whole of the past year.Have we been faithful in our tithing/in our offerings/in our help to the ministries,or minister.?then this year shall be a year of plenty for you.Not only the giving was the reason for blessing,bt the condition under which they gave. Does it not say in the word.” since the people began to bring the offerings in the house of the lord,we have had enough/to eat,and have left plenty,for the lord has blessed his people,and that which is left is this great store.”(2Chro.31:10).

Why will he supply all your needs? You be obedient to him this year. Like the servant of Abraham. he was faithful in what he did. and he went to seek for a spouse among believers. for Isaac.what happened. see the faithfulness of says “and it came to pass before he had done/speaking.tht behold Rebecca came out, with a pitcher upon her shoulder.”(Gen.24:15).Did you see that?He was inquiring.but God immediately.responded.He did supply for him the answer.He says it.”and before I had done/speaking in mine heart,behold Rebekah came forth with her pitcher,on her shoulder,and she went down unto the well,and drew water.and I said unto her.let me drink I pray thee.”(Gen.24:45).Did you see that? How quick was the supply to Abraham, and Isaac, and his servant. Yes Jesus will supply all your needs. Isnt he our Joseph then? Doesnt the bible say.” and it came to pass when they had eaten up/the corn which they had brought out of Egyt,their father said unto them. Go again, buy us a little food.”(Gen.43:2).Yes every time you are in want/the lord becomes your shepherd,and you shall not want.

Why was supply made to the Galatians church? Because they had been a blessing to Paul. why was the barrel of meal not wasted/ neither the cruse of oil failed/ in Zarephath? Because the widow made bread for the prophet. and so it says “and the barrel of meal wasted/not, neither did the cruse of oil,fail,according to the word of the lord, which he spoke by Elijah.”(1Kings.17:16).The outsiders may suffer,but you wont.”the eyes of the wicked shall fail/and they shall nto escape,and their hope shall be as the giving up of the ghost.”(Jb.11:20).Bible says “if they obey and serve him,they shall spend/their days in prosperity,and their yrs in pleasures.”(Job.36:11). “My flesh and my heard faileth,bt Gd is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.”(Ps.73:26).Yiu know how that widow lady had no food,and she was in debt.and she approached Elisha the prophet of Gd,bt what ws she basing the blessings upon?she said.” Thy servant my husband is dead; and thou knowest that thy servant did fear the LORD:”(2Kings.4:1).He was a servant of God.and she said now the creditor is come to take my two sons.And Elisha said unto her, What shall I do for thee? tell me, what hast thou in the house? And she said, Thine handmaid hath not any thing in the house, save a pot of oil.He said.borrow as many empty jars as you can from your friends and neighbors.

Then go into your house with your sons and shut the door behind you. Pour olive oil from your flask into the jars, setting each one aside when it is filled." So she did as she was told. Her sons kept bringing jars to her, and she filled one after another. Soon every container was full to the brim! "Bring me another jar," she said to one of her sons. "There aren't any more!" he told her. And then the olive oil stopped flowing. When she told the man of God what had happened, he said to her, "Now sell the olive oil and pay your debts, and you and your sons can live on what is left over." “That I may cause those tht love me to inherit substance,and I will fill their treasures.”(Prov.8:21).


“according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” It is not what will supply your need, but who will. It was not Egypt that gave his brethren corn, it was the person Joseph. Joseph is the type of Jesus. He will supply all your need. As Paul was concerned about the church’s need. Every pastor of the local church has to behave in such a way for the ones that are perishing in Canaan. And as a pastor of VWC, my heart yearns over each one of you. and we will see that we send our your wagons to bring you down to the land where there is plenty.but see that you don’t the living among the dead.You don’t stay upon the husks that the prodigal ate. Come back home with a true heart, a heart that is sprinkled with a clear conscience, and he will supply all your needs. Yes if the world gives you something, it can also give you wormwood and vinegar to drink. How can we expect to get water from wells which the Philistines had chocked up with rubbish?What they did to Abrams well, they did to Isaac’s well. they will not be happy to see you drink from the water of delight. they will fight for your well. But God will bring you to a well of Rehoboth/to an enlarged place.

What will he give?His riches.Not pain/suffering.Only riches.Only the best things.all good things come from God.The blessings of the lord makes one rich and adds no sorrow to it.“O God thou has prepared of thy goodness for the poor.”(Ps.68:10).Jesus will bless you this year. All your need. besides that what more do you want? Besides all your need, what does anyone want. Here there is no restriction, no limitation. All we need to keep us humble in prosperity, keep us patient in adversity, all we need to make us valiant in the fight of faith. all we nee to sustain us in the hour of temptation and trial. all we need for the present life and for death. It is a fact My God shall supply. It will come according to his riches. the riches of him who scattered the stars thru the firmament with a word, who rules all mind and all matter. by whom Kings reign and prince decree justice. The riches of him, From him, that glory which eye has not seen nor ear heard nor heart conceived? When you live for God. God supplies every need of your, even thru the help of angels and men. Does not the bible say.tht Elisha who served Gd.used to pass the house of a great woman of Shunem,and she saw him, and would constrain him to eat bread and then go ahead with his work.(2Kings.4:8).and then she told her husband. I perceive that this is a holy man of God, which passes by our house continually. let us Let's build a small room on the roof, put a bed, a table, a chair, and a lamp in it, and he can stay there whenever he visits us.” Beloved this is the blessing of God. Yu know when the children of Israel were in the wilderness, they wanted non vegetarian to eat. Moses said. Lord these are 6 lacs people. How can we feed them? God said. I will feed them for a whole month also. Moses said. Lord could enough cattle and sheep be killed to satisfy them? Are all the fish in the sea enough for them? God said. Is there a limit to my power? Yu will see it. Didnt God say to Job. Can you prepare prey for the lions? Who sends rain to satisfy the parched ground? O God is Master of it all. David says “The lord will perfect/that which concerns me.”(Ps.138:8). “Thou will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee,because he trusteth in thee.”(Isa.26:3). Yes. he shall give you a full supply. Are you surrounded by enemies? he will send his fully supply of help. Like he did for know how the servant saw the enemies surround his Master, and he was scared. Elisha said. Lord I pray thee open his eyes that he may see. and the lord opened the eyes of the young man, and he saw, and behold the mountain was full/of horses and chariots of fire, round about Elisha.”(2Kings.6:17).how many were there?Full supply.It shall not be in meager supply,but full supply.did not Job say “till he fill/thy mouth with laughting and thy lips with rejoicing.”(Job.8:21).It shall be full.what do you want?Open you rmouth wide and he will fill it. “for he satisfies/the longing soul and fills/the hungry soul with goodness.”(Ps.107:9).Did not Boaz say to Ruth.”at meal time come here,and eat of the bread and dip your morsel in the vinegar,and she sat beside the reapers and he reached her parched corn and she did eat,and was sufficed/and left.”(Ruth.2:14).David said “as for me I will behold thy face in righteousness.I shall be satisfied/when I awake with thy likeness.”(Ps.17:15).“They shall not be ashamed in the evil time,and in the days of famine they shall be satisfied/ “(Ps.37:19).Jesus will give you riches.In his name,you get your healing/blessing/deliverance/protection/life/forgiveness.Yes God will supply in the name of Jesus.

Did not the people ask and he brought quails and satisfied/them with bread from heaven? So believe he is going to do it. and for those who have not been like the Philippian church, don’t worry, out of his grace he will bless you,bt you can do one or two things. This beginning of the year. start sowing. start paying your regular tithes, start helping the work of God, and the end of the year we will come together to reap the benediction in a real sense. Now I take this opportunity along with my wife and daughter Sandra to wish you all a blessed New Year. But I would love to say it biblically. My God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” Receive this blessing by faith.God bless you all!!!