LIFE APP – Talking to the App Builder
James 5:7-20 (p. 849) October 19, 2014
I downloaded a hunting app for my iPhone last was produced by Mossy Oak and it would tell you the weather, the wind direction, and other vital info. It could not guarantee that I will get a giant “buck” that surpassed the state record...but I bought it nonetheless.
While filling out some of the necessary info I ran into some issues I didn’t understand, and when it comes to technology, that’s not too difficult for me. (for the past two Wednesdays I couldn’t even get the DVD player to work in my class! lol)
But this App had a “live” help feature...where I could talk to the App builders and they would explain how to load in my locations, even pinpoint them via GPS.
Talking to the App builder from Mossy Oak, or whoever they partnered with, to make this app helped me understand a lot of things that didn’t make sense.
I think James was a firm believer in talking with “the heavenly App builder” when our patience is tested...when life demands a very real application of what we say we believe because we as Christ followers.
“Be patient, then brothers and sisters until the Lord’s coming.”
Last week James mentioned people who were abused and mistreated by powerful rich individuals who cared more for their wealth than the needs of others...The same kind of people who murdered the “innocent one,” Jess, for their own “evil agendas.”
James says...if you want to live out your faith in the real world...a place where innocence is killed and poor people are mistreated...Be patient until the Lord’s return.
There are some “test tubes” that are great places for patience to be produced over the fire. Places that we learn that prayer is a lot more than, “God bless this meal!”
James reminds those who are suffering, those who are being mistreated or persecuted for their faith that God holds the test tube in His hand. He did this for the prophets He sent...and He did this for Job through His time of suffering.
The whole point here is...God is working...TRUST HIM WHILE HE’S WORKING.
“See how the farmer waits for the land to yield its valuable crop, patiently waiting for the autumn and spring rains. You too, be patient and stand firm, because the Lord’s coming is near.” (James 5:8)
Scripturally people need to understand to become a child of God, you die to self and’s covered by Christ’s sacrifice on the cross...We are buried with Him in death, and rise to be led by the Holy Spirit in new life. That’s what believing, accepting, confessing, repenting and being baptized is all about.
And for those who just think it’s about them not going to’s a wake up call...Romans 8:28-29.
ROMANS 8:28-39 (p. 787)
A quicker paraphrase...God has a plan for His people...He calls and for those who answer, He saves. And then He begins to shape our attitudes and hearts into the attitude and heart of Jesus. Since He loved us so much He gave His precious son. He will give us everything we need for that to happen...No matter what we go through here...God’s still in control. WE WIN!!!
There are many who call themselves Christians but have no desire to be shaped by God. No desire to be conformed in His test tube to have the attitude and heart of Jesus. These individuals are who Christ is talking to in Matthew 7:21-23.
MATTHEW 7:21-23 (p. 679)
You cannot know Jesus without participating with Him in the “test tube” of life! The apostle Paul says:
“I want to know Christ – yes, to know the power of His resurrections and participate in His sufferings, becoming like Him in His death. (Phil. 3:10)
How do you come to know Christ...and the power of His participate with Christ in His life, its sufferings and struggles...even death...and God works...and God provides...and God gives an ultimate victory beyond this life.
You believe, like Jesus...that even if there is a cross...even if there is suffering...God rewards faithful, obedience on the other side of it, even if it’s after death.
Jesus says, “you know we count as blessed those who have persevered.” (v.11)
Remember Christianity is only a theory until it’s tested.
Faith that stands firm...Faith that doesn’t grumble...having stood the test...according to James will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love Him. (James 1:12)
By the way...that crown...that reward isn’t given until the Judge returns...but it’s essential to remember.
I want to live my life so that if I know the Lord was returning tomorrow I wouldn’t change a thing.
Tim McGraw has a song called, “Live Like You Were Dying.
“Someday I hope you’ll get the chance to live like you were dying! Well today is that someday...because you are!
If we really expect the Lord’s return...then everyday needs to be lived in expectations that today might be the day the Judge opens the door.
One of the spiritual disciplines that keep us anticipating Jesus’ return is prayer.
Prayer affects our connection to God...and it affects our connection to people.
Many people believe in God, but use Him as Santa...or proof that they’re not lying.
Why do some view God like Santa? Because the only time they talk with Him is when they want something...a gift.
“God get me out of this mess.” God if you’ll just do this for me I’ll never ask anything again.” (or at least until I really need you) please Santa God!!!
Or God comes into the conversation to prove we’re serious and telling the truth.
“Honest to God officer I haven’t been drinking!” I swear to God I’m telling the truth.”
“Above all (James says) do not swear – not by heaven or by earth or anything else. All you need to say is a single “yes” or “no” otherwise you will be condemned.
Quick paraphrase...liars can’t be trusted...people of integrity and truth can.
It’s the same with our connection to God...words don’t prove our faith, but our faith certainly affects whether we speak and seek God’s wisdom and power...whether we desire an intimate, open and real relationship with Jesus. No matter what is happening in our lives.
Listen to the message version of James 5:13-20:
Are you hurting? Pray. Do you feel great? Sing. Are you sick? Call the church leaders together to pray and anoint you with oil in the name of the Master. Believing-prayer will heal you, and Jesus will put you on your feet. And if you’ve sinned, you’ll be forgiven—healed inside and out.
Make this your common practice: Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you can live together whole and healed. The prayer of a person living right with God is something powerful to be reckoned with. Elijah, for instance, human just like us, prayed hard that it wouldn’t rain, and it didn’t—not a drop for three and a half years. Then he prayed that it would rain, and it did. The showers came and everything started growing again.
My dear friends, if you know people who have wandered off from God’s truth, don’t write them off. Go after them. Get them back and you will have rescued precious lives from destruction and prevented an epidemic of wandering away from God.
The core of these verses is, “The prayer of a person living right with God is something powerful to be reckoned with!”
Living a prayerful life of expectation helps us pray when we’re in trouble, praise when we’re happy. It helps us be connected to other believers who share life with us. When we’re sick, or struggling with becomes our common practice.
It keeps us focused on why we’re here and where we’re going.
James even mentions the prophet Elijah who was human just like us.
[Elijah was a prophet during the time of Israel’s worship of the god Baal. The god who supposedly oversaw what came from the sky, rain, sun...King Ahab did more evil than any other King according to 1 Kings 16:30 probably because he was teamed up with the horrible Queen Jezebel.
What was Elijah’s purpose...He was the mouthpiece of Jehovah God...calling for the Israelites to repent and return. He served the one true God in the midst of an apathetic and worldly people. Who even sacrificed their babies on Baal’s altars to appease the “sky god.”
What does Elijah do? He prays and expects the God of all heaven and earth to answer him...Remember Baal is supposedly the god of the sky.
In 1 Kings 18 Elijah stands on Mt. Carmel before 850 of Jezebel and Ahab’s prophets and the people of Israel. Here’s what Elijah said,
1 KINGS 18:21-24 (p. 246)
Long story short...Baal’s prophets go first, cry out all day long, even cut themselves and spray blood, no one one answers...Their sky god is silent...
Then Elijah prays:
1 KINGS 18:36-39 (p. 247)
Elijah began his ministry proving the power of prayer, and who really was the God of the heavens. 1 Kings 17 says, “Elijah the Tishbite from Tishbe (Cause that’s where Tishbites are from lol) in Gilead, said to Ahab “As the Lord the God of Israel lives, whom I serve, there will be neither dew or rain in the next few years except by my Word.” (v. 1)]
Folks, there’s much I could say about our calling. That we are “human like Elijah,” but represent the same powerful God among an apathetic and idolatrous people.
What’s our goal...our purpose:
JAMES 5:19-20 (p. 849)
Our goal isn’t just to tell people they’re going to Hell...our mission is to turn people from error (with truth), it’s to SAVE THEM from death, and cover sin in the precious blood of Jesus.
To do this effectively we must live lives in relationship with God and each other. Praying to God for wisdom and confessing our sin sinfulness to brothers and sister that keep us accountable and covered in grace!
[I have 3 or 4 friends that know my deepest desires and most frequent stumbles. They know my heart and they know my soul. Jesus did the same thing with Peter, James and John. 12 he mentored, one was lost from the beginning, 8 were close, 3 shared a closeness that only happens through God and friendship.]
Linda Mae Richardson wrote a poem called “Comforters.” She must have been reading from James:
When I Was Diagnosed with Cancer
My first friend came up and expressed his shock by saying,
"I can't believe that you have cancer.
I always thought you were so active and healthy."
He left and I felt alienated and somehow very different.
My second friend came and brought me information
about different treatments being used for cancer. He said,
"Whatever you do, don't take chemotherapy. It's a poison!"
He left and I felt scared and confused.
My third friend came and tried to answer my "whys?"
With the statement,
"Perhaps God is disciplining you for some sin in your life?"
He left and I felt guilty.
My fourth friend came and told me,
"If your faith is just great enough God will heal you."
He left and I felt my faith must be inadequate.
My fifth friend came and told me to remember that,
"All things work together for good."
He left and I felt angry.
My sixth friend never came at all.
I felt sad and alone.
My seventh friend came and held my hand and said,
"I care, I'm here, I want to help you through this."
He didn’t leave and I felt LOVED!
Source: Written by Linda Mae Richardson, Assistant Director of Victory in the Valley.
Let’s Pray.