Summary: STOP HIDING IN CHURCH!!! Go outside and share Jesus!

One problem with man’s denominational teaching is that HOLINESS in

many churches and groups means stay away from them sinners! The

only way sinners can see Jesus Christ is through the Church (The Body

of Christ). The local church is a part of the larger body of blood washed

believers. Sinners can only see the light of Jesus Christ through US. Now

I am not saying Christians should go to bars and nightclubs…BUT we do

have to interact with sinners! Jesus went to places where people

congregate. I remember many of my fellow preachers telling saints they

shouldn’t go to bowling alleys, teens shouldn’t play sports, and saints

don’t go swimming! These are in some people’s minds what “holiness” is

all about!

True holiness means we are set apart for God’s use and purposes. God’s

highest purpose is that we influence people to accept Christ! I don’t

think you can do that locked up in your church 7 days a week with black

suits, long wool skirts, and doilies on your head! I used to witness on the

streets of Song Tan City in Korea, there were nothing but bars,

nightclubs, and whorehouses in this sin filled town. Many professed

“Spirit-filled” Christians would warn me about going downtown. They

would tell me it was dangerous and that there was too much temptation, they

forget that the Holy Spirit is our companion and comforter in battle.

Sinners are supposed to be

drawn by the Christ IN US! Greater is He (The Godhead – see I John 5:7)

that is in us, than He (The Enemy) that is in the world! We are walking

Temples of God! Remember the Old Testament Temple? God’s presence

would fill the Temple as the people of God offered sacrifice unto God.

Well today Jesus is our once and for all sacrifice. Holiness churches are

locking themselves in just like the Amish and the Mennonites. We are

supposed to be an influence on the world. You cannot influence

someone you are avoiding. Jesus was out in the workplace, in the

marketplace, in the wilderness, in the mountains, in the Temple, and yes

in the company of prostitutes and tax collectors. Jesus did NOT sin while

hanging out with sinners…and you don’t have to either. The power of

the Holy Ghost is MORE than enough to help you stay saved (Jude 24

and Romans 8:32)

We can believe God for new cars, healing, new jobs, and house but we

don’t believe He can keep us saved in an evil world! Daniel and the 3

Hebrew boys WERE NOT Spirit-filled, yet they resisted the world and

influenced those around them! We have a MUCH BETTER covenant than

they did! Jesus EXPECTS us to mingle with sinners from day to day, and

influence THEM! Stop being a coward and GO into the highways and

hedges! No one in your community will get saved because you go to “Mt.

Zion AME Baptist Fire Baptized Primitive Holy Nazarene COGIC”

every Sunday. They will get saved if you talk to them about Jesus and

become a part of their lives! True holiness makes us interact and

become a part of the lost lives.

The Holy Spirit we brag about having

was given to us to help us be lights in a dark world. We are not

supposed to run from sinners, rather run to them with the love of Jesus

Christ. Stop worrying about sinners rubbing off on you, We are the Salt

of the Earth! When I was in the Air Force stationed in Korea, I was

invited to a Super Bowl party by a co-worker, he wasn't saved and none

of the guys at the party were either, my Christian friends scolded me

and said I shouldn't go because they were going to be drinking and


I learned early in my Christian walk that the Holy Ghost is NOT

traditional nor does He think like us. I went to the party, and most of

them knew I was a saved deacon. I didn't act snobbish are pious, I

simply drank my coke and enjoyed the game. By halftime most of them

were asking me questions about the Bible and the Lord. I kept the

answers simple and invited them to Bible study. That Tuesday 8 of the

15 brothers showed up for Bible study. My Christian friends had nothing

to say to me anymore.

True holiness is fearless and confrontational, we are supposed to

stand in the midst of evil and be a beacon. How can evil men and women

be converted and saved unless WE lead them to Christ Jesus? One of the

first things I noticed after I got filled with the Holy Ghost was an

indument of courage. I always thought I was a pretty brave guy, but the

power of the Holy Spirit is like steroids for the soul. I have preached on

street corners, prisons, mental institutions, overseas in Muslim

countries, and anywhere the Holy Ghost leads me.