The Lord’s Supper
Mark 14:12-26
- Reminder, final msg in Mark, Wed Oct 22, will be “open forum” style
- Jesus is demonstrated in this book as a “servant”
- The past several messages gave us LOTS of information with a huge emphasis:
-- PREPARATION! We need to be prepared and to pay attention!
-- There is a coming day where Jesus will return, this is a promise
-- For us, we have not only this promise but job to KNOW what He taught
- Today we continue the final week of Jesus’ life and ministry
- It is very important to note that nothing that happens catches Jesus off-guard
-- There is a preparation for these events, and Jesus knows what is to happen
-- Some suggest that perhaps to avoid the agony God spared Him knowledge
-- But if the Son of God needed sparing, how could He suffer for us? (Isaiah 53)
- These events unfold for us in clear, dramatic form for us to learn from
- Read Mark 14:12-26
∆ Point 1 – Preparing for Passover (12-16)
- Jewish custom has them celebrate this feast on the 8th day of Passover (v12)
-- It is the Feast of the Unleavened Bread
-- Since they are in Bethany, the disciples knew this had to be prepared for
-- Their question is one of ceremony, and so they ask “where” to celebrate
-- Being their leader, they ask Jesus what he would prefer and where
- So He sends the disciples to go and prepare a place for the meal (v13)
-- Mark does not record which disciples, but Luke does record these men
-- Luke 22:8, “Jesus sent Peter and John, saying, "Go and make preparations for us to eat the Passover.”
- Jewish custom and work would have women carrying jars of water
-- They would fetch water for the day’s events (cooking, washing, etc.)
-- Therefore, to see a man doing this would’ve been unique
-- APP: This is why Jesus tells them to look for him – he’d be easy to spot
- Jewish custom requires residents, if they have room, to allow it to be used
-- For Passover, this was a sign of courteousness for a fellow Jew
-- Man already had the room prepared (v15); Disciples just needed to meet him
- Peter and John would prepare this meal for them to celebrate Passover
-- APP: Meal is specific menu which reminds them of their past struggles
- Turn to and read Exodus 12:8-20
-- Lamb is a memory of the lamb’s blood spread on the doorposts
-- Unleavened bread reminds them of the haste in which they left Egypt
-- Bitter herbs are a reminder of the suffering they endured under Pharaoh
-- Later in time, they added in the drinking of wine during the meal
- TRANS: The Lord’s Supper provides a very intimate setting for the Disciples
-- It also gives Jesus the opportunity to talk very openly with these men
∆ Point 2 – Betrayal and the First Covenant (17-22)
- When the evening arrived, Jesus arrived at the location with the Disciples
-- They had spent the day in Bethany, only a few miles away from the city
-- The Jewish day begins at sundown, so this is Thursday night in Jerusalem
- While they are eating (v17) Jesus makes a prediction that worried them
-- Consider this: You are eating with the Lord, and He calls one of them out
-- Surely, this would cause a massive panic throughout the Disciples
-- Their reaction is typical, and I’m sure we can see ourselves in this also
- You see, having dinner with someone is a special bond of trust/friendship
-- Celebrating the Passover was a sign of intimacy, of communion
-- We observe the same: Lord’s Supper is sign of fellowship, common bond
-- It is a sense of community that they are celebrating and look what happens
- Jesus announces that one of them will betray Him; it’s treacherous! (v18)
-- More so: It is one of the intimate ones who’ve been with Him for 2 yrs.
-- APP: The disciples didn’t know what Judas did in v10-11; but Jesus did!
- The disciple’s sadness (v19) is completely understandable here
-- This brings them to question Jesus, one by one, and ask Him directly
-- Surely, even Judas would ask this question to maintain his cover-up
-- He would not want to reveal to any that he had betrayed Jesus
- Jesus’ only response is that it is in fact one of the Twelve (v20)
-- But He does not reveal the exact one (probably out of common sense)
-- Consider: Had He said it was Judas, Peter would’ve acted rashly
- Judas’ betrayal was for his own selfish reasons, to force Jesus to act
-- However, the betrayal was REALLY for prophetic reasons for God’s glory
-- (v21) Woe to the man who betrays Jesus; because he was never saved!
-- His woe is not that he’s worthless; but that he would not accept Christ
- Jesus then offers the bread He spoke of, as a sign of commitment (v22)
-- The bread was a covenant for them to stand on, for all of eternity
-- It represented the body which would be broken for all of us
-- Christ commands: “Do this in remembrance of me” (Luke 22:19)
- It is a sacrificial sign of love that Jesus will demonstrate for them
-- Much like the promise He has already given them in earlier teachings
-- John 15:13, “Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.”
∆ Point 3 – The Blood Covenant (23-26)
- What is incredible here is the word choice that Jesus uses in v23
-- “Then he took the cup” indicates that they were drinking wine during dinner
-- And the phrase “give thanks” literally means “Eucharist” in Greek
-- “eucharistia” is the term used in Mark and what this is referred to
- At Calvary, Jesus would do two things for all of the Father’s creation
-- 1) He would fulfill the Old Testament covenant from the Father, and,
-- 2) He would establish a new covenant with all who would receive Him
-- IMP: This is a literal promise of redemption: “poured out for many”
- The new covenant would take away our sins … forever
-- IF … if we would receive and confess that we are in need of salvation
-- Paul goes to great length in Romans to discuss this (re: Sunday school)
-- Romans 10:9, “If you declare with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.”
- Jesus promises that He will not take part in this again (v25) until …
-- Until He comes again in power and glory to receive those who call Him Lord
- In v26 there is great celebration, and they sing together before going out
-- Psalm 116 is the traditional Passover hymn, and what they sing together
-- They rejoice at what God has done, and who He is, and what He can do!
- The covenant that God has established reveals God’s eternal promise
-- 2 Peter 3:9, “The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.”
- Why is the blood important?
-- Turn to and read Hebrews 9:11-15
-- God uses the blood as a sign of commitment; Jesus paid ULTIMATE sacrifice
∆ Big Ideas
- 1) Jesus institutes the Lord’s Supper with His Disciples
-- It is a time of remembrance, of intimacy shared among believers
-- It is why Paul speaks so harshly about doing so improperly (1 Cor 10 - 11)
- 2) He reveals that He will be betrayed by a Disciple
-- This brings each of them to examine their intentions, to ask questions
-- It is the unfaithful man who will lie to the Lord directly to His face
- 3) God is STILL faithful to fulfill His promises!
-- The covenants of body and blood are forever sealed in the promise of Bible
-- These are as firm as John 1:1, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”
-- The Word will NEVER pass away; it is our foundation if we live by it
- Pray