Summary: Jesus states clearly for us everything that we need to know about the end times for one reason: "So be on your guard; I have told you everything ahead of time" (Mk 13:23). Honestly, what MORE could we need to know or to prepare for than what Jesus says?

Signs of the End of the Age, Part 1

Mark 13:1-23

- Jesus is demonstrated in this book as a “servant”

- Jesus’ teachings, while difficult for some to deal with, are always timely

-- God always allows us to hear from Him at just the right time

- Today we begin to look at Jesus’ final teachings to His disciples

-- What’s unique about these teachings is how others tried to interpret them

-- His teaching is clear, concise, and means exactly what it says

-- Consider this: It means exactly what the Holy Spirit confirms to us it means

- Therefore, we need to be wise when we repeat them, and wiser still in hearing

-- APP: When we hear nonsense, the Spirit moves our heart, we should know it

-- Let’s dive into this chapter which mirrors Matthew 24 in content/application

-- Lots to cover – please pray for me to deliver it well to us tonight!

- Read Mark 13:1-4

∆ Point 1 – The beginning of the End (1-4)

- The temple in Jerusalem as we’ve discussed was massive

-- It represented 46 years of planning and construction in Jerusalem

-- Even the exterior was covered in gold to appear shimmering and glorious

- The foundation stones of the temple were incredible in size as well (v1)

-- They measured 40 feet long, by twelve feet high, and eighteen feet wide

-- They were made of pure white and glistened in the sunlight

-- Remember, the courtyard was 4 ½ football fields long

-- In Jerusalem, the temple complex was about 1/6 of the entire city

- So rather than enjoy this construction, Jesus cuts right to the quick (v2)

-- In 70 AD, exactly what Jesus said would happen did when it was conquered

-- Jerusalem was laid waste by Titus and not a stone was left standing

- In v3, we see the inner circle of disciples ask Jesus about this statement

-- The disciples asked two specific questions which frame the entire chapter: (v4)

-- 1) When will these things happen?

-- 2) What will be the sign that these things are about to happen?

- Their curiosity I am sure mirrors our own, as we’d like to know also

-- For example, every Christian entertained thoughts that Hitler was anti-Christ

-- Every Christian has wondered about the return of the Messiah

- What Jesus does is answer them but not how they expected it to be

-- This is exactly like the mind of God: Isaiah 55:8, “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the LORD.”

- TRANS: One thing Jesus gives us is this: “It’ll get worse before it gets better.”

- Read Mark 13:5-8

∆ Point 2 – Get Ready! (5-8)

- Jesus begins by giving the disciples a command to be ready, to prepare

-- His instructions to them are clear and without confusion

-- APP: Confusion does not come from God; He is certain in His ways

-- 1 Corinthians 14:33, “For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints.”

- Jesus warns again and again that we know what know; to avoid deception (v5)

-- This is a command that we be aware, and prepared, to live for Christ

-- APP: It’s not the life of a sluggard who succeeds, but one who is prepared

- Then, Jesus gives us indication of things that are “non-signs” to happen (v6)

-- The first is that people will proclaim that they are Jesus reincarnated

-- David Koresh in Waco was a perfect example of this kind of heresy

-- NOTE: He wore coke-bottle thick glasses … Jesus incarnate needs glasses?

- Jim Jones is another example of someone claiming to have Word from God

-- 800+ people lost their lives following this fool’s teachings for no reason

-- Why does this happen? B/C people are searching for answers and hope

-- IMP: Jesus Christ is the ONLY thing that can provide such hope to anyone

- The concept of war and nations at war (v7-8) is nothing new to any of us

-- FACT: We’ve (USA) been at war since January 1991 in Middle East

-- Jesus’ promise is that war will continue, and we shouldn’t be surprised

-- Additionally, the same concerns are shed for disasters of large magnitude

-- Jesus confirms these will continue, and they will occur again and again

- But, it’s His word use in v8 that is of particular interest to us

-- “The beginning of birth pains” is meant to invoke all that it suggests

-- When a woman goes into labor, it is the beginning of more pain to come

-- Jesus states this is the beginning of things – not the end – and to be aware!

- APP: Jesus wanted us to be prepared and to know that times WILL be turbulent

-- There will not “an easy way” out of what we have to see as a people

-- However, here’s the promise: John 16:33, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

- TRANS: Do not be deceived … many more things WILL come before He does!

- Read Mark 13:9-13

∆ Point 3 – Do not be discouraged (9-13)

- Jesus prepares us (ALWAYS) for the time ahead with encouragement to LIVE

-- This is critical in understanding how we are to view such troubling times

- He promises (v9) that persecution WILL follow those who follow Him

-- This is not a suggestion, but a promise of things to come for the Gospel cause

-- But why? Why would these things happen to follows of God?

- For two reasons:

-- 1) They hated Jesus so they killed Him

-- 2) (v10) The Gospel MUST be preached to all nations

- IMP: At no time does Jesus promise a bed of roses for us; count on it being hard

-- But He commands us like this: Matthew 28:19-20, “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

- Jesus promises that the Holy Spirit will instruct us (v11) and we need to obey

-- Peter does this perfectly in Acts 2, 3, & 4 and we can learn from this completely

- Jesus even tells us that condemnation and persecution comes from those we love

-- The promise in v12-13 is that we will suffer because of hatred of Jesus

- The Romans declared that any non-follow of Caesar was to be eliminated

-- You were considered treasonous if spoke against him and government

-- Even your own family would cast you out and consider you dead

- APP: The cause of Christ is NOT for the weak, and Jesus confirms this

-- His death was not for the weak to even witness, yet He was faithful to God

-- Isaiah 52:14, “Just as there were many who were appalled at him -- his appearance was so disfigured beyond that of any human being and his form marred beyond human likeness.”

- Jesus demonstrates in v14, “the one who stands firm to the end will be saved”

-- IMP: Genuine faith is not in works, but revealed through trials and troubles

-- It comes out in our integrity and response to what we hold firm too

-- Jesus says (TJ’s words): “Want eternal life? Live for me … it’s worth it!”

- TRANS: The church would suffer great persecution to grow, but that’s not all …

- Read Mark 13:14-23

∆ Point 4 – Can run - but can’t hide (14-23)

- We discussed this (v14) in our Revelation study as a promise to the believers

-- Many may wonder what The Abomination of Desolation is:

-- In 167 B.C. a Greek ruler by the name of Antiochus Epiphanies set up an altar to Zeus over the altar of burnt offerings in the Jewish temple in Jerusalem.

-- He also sacrificed a pig on the altar in the Temple in Jerusalem

-- To the Jews, this is defiling to their traditions (pigs are unclean)

-- Bible prophecy says that the anti-Christ will perform this very same act

-- He orders that sacrifices are made to His image

- In 2 Thessalonians 2:4 we are informed that the “man of lawlessness”, who is the Antichrist, will set himself up in God’s Temple and proclaim himself to be God. “He will oppose and will exalt himself over everything that is called God or is worshiped, so that he sets himself up in God’s temple, proclaiming himself to be God.”

- It’s a fulfillment of Daniel’s prophecy from Daniel 11:31, “His armed forces will rise up to desecrate the temple fortress and will abolish the daily sacrifice. Then they will set up the abomination that causes desolation.”

- Jesus tells them that when this happens, flee immediately (v15-16)

-- Do not stop to go collect your belongings, just run away from this area

-- Jesus even tells them how horrible it will be if it happens in winter

-- APP: there won’t be time to gather a cloak for added food: just RUN!

- V20-23 shows us a shift in Jesus’ teaching which is vital to us today

-- It shows the end times, and of the catastrophe to come upon all humanity

-- For the sake of the elect (v20) is a reference to the people of God

-- In hiding, those who’ve come to Christ during this time will find mercy

- Therefore, do not believe the rumors of things that “might be” (v21-23)

-- Even God’s people can be deceived by trickery and false hope & miracles

-- Jesus says, “I’ve told you everything ahead of time … so you WILL KNOW!”

-- IMP: He is not a liar, and He’s given us all the information that we need

- APP: We are to look to Him, to live for Him, to exalt and honor Him

-- Once we start looking to our own logic, we’ve tuned this information out

- Not really out of sermon … just out of time

-- So, we are going to pick this up right here on Sunday morning

∆ Big Ideas

- In light of all of this, and from your pastor, I can only offer this:

I don’t know what’s going to happen in the face of the terrorism and continued violence and destruction/damage/disasters we are seeing daily … But I do know two things for absolute certain:

1) Jesus is Lord, and,

2) If our faith and focus is not in Him we have no real hope.

- Pray