Summary: Everything you need to succeed has been incorporated into your life. God has an original intention for your life; He has something written about you. God has a specific blueprint for all the human beings he has created.


Acts 3:1-8

It is a wonderful story indeed to see someone that was carried in the morning but was able to walk by himself later in the day.

A burden in the morning but a testimony in the afternoon

A man expecting money but got what morning cannot buy, a liability a while ago but now an asset

When it is your turn things turn around. I have good news for you that it is now your turn, you have waited for long by the gate you need to enter into your inheritance.

God has created everyone uniquely. Everything you need to succeed has been incorporated into your life. God has an original intention for your life; He has something written about you. God has a specific blueprint for all the human beings he has created. But there are some wicked powers that redesign people.

1)Peter and John together

Learn to walk together with others, a Lone Ranger in life never get far. There is power in agreement.

Amos 3:3

Matthew 18:20

Learn to associate with right people. Don't die in your sorrow - share it with someone. A problem shared is half solve.

Many are too proud to be in friendship. Don’t be a lone ranger. The highest form of poverty is to be without friends. Two types of friends Pillars (build you up) and Caterpillars (they pull you down).YOUR SURROUNDING DETERMINE YOUR SOURING.

Some friends that you need in life:

Burden Sharers

Dream Makers

Way Makers.

# Burden Sharers are people who share your burden, they help you carry part of your burden. If you don't have the burden sharer you will be burdened.

# Dream Makers they are like Samuel who make your dream comes through I Samuel 9:

Saul have a dream but vision enhancer and dream makers

# Way Makers -Those who can put their life at stake for you to have way - John the Baptist was a way maker for Jesus. Way makers break barrier to protect you.

2) At the hour of prayers

Those that are going to experience miracle must have an hour of prayers. It could be long or short. Prayer will keep you from evil and keep evil away from you.

Do you know one thing sickness and decease are contagious but good health are not. In order for you to maintain your healthy environment you must sanitise the same with prayers.

Psalm 5:3

Psalm 119:4

Romans 12:12

Ephesians 6:18

Philippians 4:6

Everything by prayers.

You must have an hour of prayers. An hour of prayer in the church let us raise the standard of prayer

Then comes the picture of a man

3) A certain man lame from his mother's womb

They forgets his name and use his disability to described him.

His problems became his identity and his problem replace his name

Men may call you any name but what name have you determine to answer to.

People are specially trained to name your problem that is why they are called professionals.

Blind Batemaeus, woman with the issue of blood, a lame man from his mother's womb, how do they know they are researchers.

4) The man was carried

He was a liability. You must refuse to be a liability you an asset, don't be a burden to others.

Tell yourself that you will have qualitative live. But this can only come by making quality decision.

You have the power to do Well in life

5) They drop him at the gate call beautiful

But an ugly man. Why the gate? May be they thought, he cannot get healing, may they thought he was not part of our group. May be they thought people should not see him with us. May be they are of the opinion that there is no hope for him any more.

Though they drop him at the gate but he was current about what could happen around the beautiful gate. You must be current: You need to be connected if in order to be current, this is an information age, don’t go about with empty heart, surround your life with good materials and tapes, read journal know what is going on. You need to be connected to be current. If you are not connected you cannot be current, if you are not current you cannot be correct and if you are not correct you cannot collect the blessing.

2 Kings 2:15 And when the sons of the prophets which were to view at Jericho saw him, they said, The spirit of Elijah doth rest on Elisha. And they came to meet him, and bowed themselves to the ground before him.

6) They position him daily at the gate (Position your self rightly), the way you position yourself in life will determine where you stay in life. Right position determines your allocation in life, YOUR POSITION DETERMINES YOUR POSSESSION. You can locate yourself in Egypt and want to enjoy the blessing of Israel, locate yourself well if you want to enjoy God’s blessing. Example of Zachaeus short but wants to see Jesus he climb a sycamore tree to see him and he got his desires.

No matter our ranks now we are not a write-off as long as we are alive there is hope, you may be nobody now, but we can still be somebody that God has design us to be. Only we must be ready to change, our willingness to work it out, physically and spiritually are seeds that will grow into harvest of joy, if only we would programme ourselves, perform, persist, persevere and be patient.

7) He asked for an alms verse 3

Learn to ask

Don't be like a man by the pool of water dying of thirst.

Mark 10:46-52

Jeremiah 33:3

Isaiah 55:6

Joel 2:32

Matthew 7:7-8

John 14:14

Philippians 4:6

It is not time to resign. You do not loose anything serving God. God is more willing if you are ready

1 Peter 5:7

Cast your care upon him for he careth . There are moment in my life that I don’t know what to do so I laid down all at his feet. Hand over the problem into him, don’t carry problem on your head or else you will have headache

Men ought to pray and not to faint (Luke18:1) And he spake a parable unto them to this end, that men ought always to pray, and not to faint; Prayer is the license by which you can get things from God – solution for your confusion.

Prayer can bring the glory of God that will bring changes to your life.

Prayer is the pilgrim staff to walk with God Effective prayer will bring down the glory of God it is prayer that helps us to access heaven

In conclusion when God decide to lift you up no power can stop it, He will begin to trouble those that are concern. That was what happen to the lame man at the beautiful gate this is God divine arrangement. I pray may the Lord trouble those that are suppose to show you kindness in the name of Jesus.

I pray that the Lord restore you back to your rightful position in the name of Jesus.