Summary: A sermon that encourages people from Romans 1-16 to be unashamed about Christ and the Gospel.

Romans 1:16New International Version (NIV)

16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile.

There once was a Shearer – All kinds of things had happened to him and one day he found himself in prison. He was devastated because he knew this was badly affecting his life. Then God met him in his prison cell and his life was changed – he gave his heart to Jesus. This Shearer then came and did a 3D course with us and his life was changed. Dave now lives in Perth and unashamably tells people that he follows Jesus.

Dave is not only a Christian sharer he is also a Christian shearer.

Paul says For I am not ashamed of the gospel.

Have you ever been embarrassed by someone.

I remember as a child at school in Winton – Parents were invited to inspect our work in our classrooms. I, and I believe a number of other students, sat like statues as our parents wandered around and inspected our work. I don’t know why but somehow I was embarrassed when my two worlds, home and school, collided.

We get embarrassed when worlds collide. And this is the case when this world and the world of Jesus collide.

Some things are just embarrassing. Imagine pouring out all your thoughts about some difficult person writing all the hideous things in your mind about them. Imagine coming into the room and finding them reading your diary.

People are not embarrassed by Anzac day – every year they gather together to remember the people who went out and fought in wars and sacrificed their time and sometimes their lives for the particular war that they fought in. Actually most countries are rather proud of their war heroes because they went out and risked their lives for a cause that is bigger than them.

Charles Upham won two Victoria Crosses for his service during world war two. His stories of heroism in the book Mark of the Lion make almost unbelievable reading. If you were asked to give a talk on him you wouldn’t be embarrassed even though he was a deadly killer because he was considered a war hero and here there is no collision of worlds.

Jesus the son of God gave his life for all of humanity all the wrong on both sides of arguments and war all the backbiting hatred lust and evil were dealt with in this one death. Greater love has no man than he lays down his life for his friends but Jesus who spilt his blood for the greatest of all causes is often discarded by the world. In fact his closest friends are too ashamed to share about him with others.

And most don’t even really understand why!!!

But not Paul!!!!!!!!

In Romans Paul is writing a letter to people who live in the most sophisticated society on the planet.

Rome - Rome was dominant throughout the Mediterranean region and was one of the most powerful entities of the ancient world.

Roman society contributed greatly to modern government, law, politics, engineering, art, literature, architecture, technology, warfare, religion, language and society. A civilization highly developed for its time, Rome professionalized and greatly expanded its military and created a system of government called res publica It achieved impressive technological and architectural feats, such as the construction of an extensive system of aqueducts and roads, as well as large monuments, palaces, and public facilities.

Under the Empire, the Romans absorbed the mythologies and religions of their conquered subjects but beginning with Emperor Nero in the 1st century AD, Roman official policy towards Christianity was negative, and at some points, simply being a Christian could be punishable by death.

How do you go head to head with all this culture, sophistication and religion with a story about a carpenter from an obscure village in a far flung outpost of the Roman empire when that very Empire had slaughtered him as a criminal?

Paul is about to visit Rome but he is not ashamed to share the gospel.

Why Paul tells the Roman’s , because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes

Sometimes you might think that your voice in the face of overwhelming opposition is meaningless what difference can I make? What difference can Paul make? – well some during his life, but also, he helped start a little snowball that turned into an avalanche so that by 391 ad All religions except Christianity were prohibited by an edict of Emperor Theodosius I.[211])

What is it that motivates Paul to unashamably share the gospel ? and what is it that motivates you?– You see when you get this motivation thing sorted amazing stuff happens.

Paul was called to speak into the most sophisticated and advanced technological society that arguably had ever existed up to that point of time – and so are we,

His persistence paid off – why? because the message he had was relevant, powerful and true.

This morning I want to encourage you about what you would need to do to be a shameless share-er of God’s word. Many people are unable to share the gospel but the same people will tell you it is the most important cornerstone of their lives.

I think we have to say the reason that many are ashamed of mentioning Christ is because to do so is to directly oppose the Kingdoms of this world. It is to invite hostility. Sometimes.

Many many times if not most great conversations follow.

We know what it says in Romans chapter 8 that the natural man is hostile towards God.

Rom 8:7 the sinful mind is hostile to God. It does not submit to God’s law, nor can it do so.

But we also know that the word of God is powerful – as it says in Ephesians it is like a double edged sword.

Rom 5:10 For if, when we were God’s enemies, we were reconciled to him through the death of his Son, how much more, having been reconciled, shall we be saved through his life!

This morning I would like to encourage you of three key steps you can take to unashamably share the good news about Jesus Christ.

1. The danger to others needs to outweigh our fear of rejection or conflict. When we grasp the danger of living without Christ and when we understand we are in a lost generation then our hearts will be moved to compassion.

The man who was a witness at the Children and Young persons shooting in Ashburton last week tells of how he was just stunned as the man shot the woman behind the counter – when the man reloaded his gun, there was a small window of opportunity, he failed to confront the killer but he and the security guard who was there to protect the staff both ran for it. It all happens so quickly – but what was needed was for the man to jump on the killer and others join him but we are taken by surprise in such situations. But there is nothing surprising about the dangerous position that our society are in – without Christ there is no salvation we must act and quickly to save all we can.

The first step is understand and internalise the position or situation that everyone is in.

1 Jn 5:12 He who has the Son has life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have life.

Rom 6:23 For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

The position that everyone is in without Christ is perilous – he who does not have the son of God does not have life. When we were in Tonga recently we had an outreach on the streets during the Block party. I was preaching a lot and our team were holding out the hope of Christ to those wandering down the street. A number made commitments to Christ that night in a simple prayer. But what struck me was that there was a sea of people and unless they accepted Jesus as the son of God and as their saviour they were lost.

This was punctuated for me the next day I think when I saw Sarah Cowan in tears. She explained to me that the vast crowds had had the same effect on her only much deeper it seems she felt their plight.

1 Jn 5:12 He who has the Son has life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have life.

Friends people are going to a lost eternity it is our task to stop them – but often we can be afraid ashamed of Jesus it seems. But Jesus says Matthew chapter 10 verse 32 Therefore everyone who confesses Me before men, ... for he himself says, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven: ...

2. Having identified the problem and the urgency we need to offer the answer.

Someone once said Our Gospel is not education or sophistication, but salvation. It’s not reformation or rehabilitation but redemption from the penalty and the power of sin. If anyone is in Christ he is a new creation; old things have passed away all things have become new. 2 Corinthians chapter 5 verse 17

Romans 1:1616 For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes

You have power to do something about the world’s dilemma – many are perishing but Christ can save those who will listen – but as the bible says how will they hear if they don’t have a preacher? Many people have incredible power in the word of God but they choose not to use it they would prefer to be popular to the world rather than in heaven. Recently I was looking at a photo of some elders in our church – half of them are now dead. When you walk down a street and pass many people in a city, then know this, some may not live out the year.

16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile.

You see you have power to do something about it. Not everyone knows that cars need oil. Some people are not very mechanical. Imagine travelling with someone like that in their car and you notice that the oil light is on. They are not the least concerned – in fact they appear a little irritable that you are annoying them over such a pointless detail. However for peace they pull over at a service station and allow you to check the oil and there is just no oil on the dipstick well you top it up and save them the hassle of a blown motor. Who among us would not help someone see that they need to put oil in their car when the oil light is on?

No-one. Well how much more important is it for you to point out to someone who is perishing without Christ that they need him without him they will spend a godless eternity at the best!!!!

It said in our reading this morning 16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile.

The gospel the good news that Christ died in our place for our sins is revolutionary and transformational.

We should not be ashamed of this Robert Laidlaw the man after whom Laidlaw college is named had many conversations during world war two and I would like to share one with you:-

Laidlaw spent World war 2 as a Christian worker in Britain and then in occupied Europe.

After a trip to Northern Ireland he was coming back across the Irish Sea when he struck up a conversation with the Captain inside the darkened steamer.

When Robert told him what he did he got an instant and vehement response.

“Don’t talk to me about Christ.” He said indignantly, “I am not interested.”

Robert had obviously hit a raw nerve.

“Well,” he replied a little taken aback by the outburst “Can you suggest a topic?”

“Yes.” Replied the Captain, “Which do you think influences a man’s character the most, environment or heredity?”

Robert knew this one immediately, “Heredity,” he said.

“Why?” asked the Captain looking back with interest.

“Well,” he said “if you put a pig into a parlour, its heredity will soon turn its environment into a pigsty.”

The captain was not thrown off. “If that is so,” he said, “what hope have we got against evil hereditary tendencies?”

“Not much, but God has a master solution although you said I mustn’t discuss it with you.”

“What is it?” said the Captain.

“A new heredity,” he said, “which Christ expounded to Nicodemus in the third chapter of John’s gospel, when he told him of the new birth, of being born again of the Spirit of God. Which imparts a new power and a new life. The life of God himself.”

“That’s a new one to me.” Pondered the Captain, “Will you please let me think that one out for myself.”

Just a normal conversation but for Laidlaw he is not ashamed of the gospel – that’s the thing.

The response is the Captains responsibility in this story

Back in 1830 in the USA George Wilson was convicted of robbing the U.S. Mail and was sentenced to be hanged. President Andrew Jackson issued a pardon for Wilson, but he refused to accept it. The matter went to Chief Justice Marshall, who concluded that Wilson would have to be executed. "A pardon is a slip of paper," wrote Marshall, "the value of which is determined by the acceptance of the person to be pardoned. If it is refused, it is no pardon. George Wilson must be hanged."

But the sharing is the Christians responsibility.

We are responsible for sharing about Jesus. Paul says I am not ashamed –

Finally we need to care for the person we are sharing with.

Deep love and compassion will bridge the gap of shame.

Most people are in need. All need Christ.

When we feel their need and they acknowledge that need the conversation is easy.

Elevation produces elitism and with elevation comes shame.

We become ashamed of the cross because we expect opposition and rejection but it is not so likely to happen in the face of deep need.

In John 4-Jesus is at the end of a very hard effort he is tired it is hot and his disciples go off. He is at a well. A woman turns up she comes at a time when all is quiet perhaps not wanting to be seen – She has a trial of broken relationships her life is propped up = broken up – shamed up – even among the Samaritans she isn’t on the most popular list. Life has been tough it’s partly her fault and she knows it = five different husbands and, just guessing hardly any friends – her needs are leaking out of her – you can see it in her face the worry lines – the pain creases and the tightness in her voice. Jesus Prophet as he is knows her deep need and speaks into it there is no conflict here when he speaks up she opens up and the word goes forth and God’s word doesn’t return to him void a village undergoes revival.

One of the reasons we often don’t see fruit from our ministry is we don’t go to women like this with the springs of living waters that Jesus offers. Instead we go to immovable people like the Pharisees – we try to be nice to them and are hesitant to share the gospel because they are important but Jesus when he confronts people like this is very direct his lack of shame about the gospel and his lack of respect for his personal welfare means he calls them hypocrites, blind fools, blind guides, whitewashed walls, snakes and broods of vipers. You would struggle to call that nice but you also wouldn’t call it ashamed of the gospel. Direct, truthful yes but ashamed no!!!!

How is that caring – because it may – just maybe provoke them into responding and turning to the living God and receiving the gospel. The cold truth may explode truth in their hearts. Does for Nicodemus.

Love does not always use the language of the television commercial.

Jesus took a risk he could have saved them if they listened – cost him his life – and it could cost you but when you are not ashamed of the gospel really not ashamed and you walk in the Spirit of God you might start winning some people for Christ but who will do it? will you? will ?I if we do we might just begin winning some for Jesus.