Summary: The central world's clock today is showing, The night is indeed far spent. The signs of Christ's return is here with us.


ROMANS 13:11-14

My Beloved, you are welcome again in the amazing series of the trumpeter. We sincerely appreciate your love and contributions, especially our ministry partners who are praying for the success of this end - time move of God,and in reaching many souls through the undiluted Word,and also preparing the saints for the return of our Lord Jesus Christ.

We sincerely thank God for you.

The enemy of the human's soul may not like many people to hear this wake-up call but by the grace of God, we should continue to advance.

At this point, I wish to say, May you stand for the truth in this final hour. As you occupy for The Lord in your field of endeavor, may you continue to keep your garment pure and clean.

Now, from this series onward, we believe that it's going to be instructional,informative, explosive and also educating. Many of these facts may shock you but in all, for you to be ready at all times.

Today, we shall look at the topic, ‘THE NIGHT IS ALMOST OVER’

First of all, let us pray.

In the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen

Lord God, we thank you for the revelation of your word at this time. Thank you for the opportunity to share in your word.Anoint this lips of clay to speak as you want me to do. Bless my hearer today.Let there be wisdom, knowledge and understanding by the reason of this word. Thank you Lord for your grace through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen


This message will run into three episodes. So, this is part 1 of it.

The Epistle of Paul to the Romans chapter 13 verses 11-14

“And this, knowing the season, that already it is time for you to awake out of sleep: for now is salvation nearer to us than when we first believed. The night is far spent, and the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armor of light.

Let us walk becomingly, as in the day; not in revelling and drunkenness, not in chambering and wantonness, not in strife and jealousy. But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfil the lusts thereof”

The passage was a clarion call by the apostle of our Lord Jesus, the man, Paul-to the Christian brethren in the city of Rome. It's a wake up call and a serious alert concerning the time they lived. If there is a time that suits this message, it is now. The Word of God is seriously emphasizing the knowledge you and I ought to possess.

It emphasizes " knowing the time" There is power in knowledge and no wonder the word of God says in the book of Isaiah the prophet chapter 5 verse 13

Isaiah chapter 5 verse 13

“Therefore my people are gone into captivity for lack of knowledge; and their honorable men are famished, and their multitude are parched with thirst”

So people, today perish for lack of nothing but knowledge. Not anyhow knowledge, but the knowledge of the Word of God which is the standard for life and living.No wonder, multitude are drying up with thirst.

I told you before in the previous edition of the trumpeter, that anyone who knows the time like the children of Issachar is a commander in his generation. For the Bible says in 1st chronicle chapter 12 verse 32, that the men of Issachar had understanding of the times and seasons, and to know what Israel ought to do and so, the result became, that almost over two hundred Chiefs, and all their kinsmen were under their command.

Have you seen it- that anyone who knows the time now or who possesses knowledge is a commander of his generation?

Do you know that the problem of God today is not with the unbelievers, but the scarcity of the messengers with His Word. So, we still see people wallowing in ignorance and darkness.

The Word of God says " it's high time His children wake up". Enough of this Jonah's sleep inside the boat, heading in another direction. You know that the man Jonah paid for his fare and board for opposite direction of his assignment. He was seen sleeping in danger and other passengers on board were busy trying to save the situation. At the time of challenge for all to present their gods, it was only Jonah who had problem with his own God.

Preacher, Apostle, prophet or whatsoever you called yourself,can't you see there is fire on the mountain? How long will you continue to paint your words to emotionalize and entice your members? It's high time in the world today for you to call upon your God to save our terrible situation and stop these sweet-coated words to suit your members, when you see their danger ahead! As you bless them, you should also correct them to live aright for the safety of their souls after here.

It’s high time for us all to wake up for our salvation draws nearer than we expect.

Just look around, what are you seeing?There is a shift and there is problem. When you feel you can't see, can't you also hear?Just look around at our world and you will know that we are living in the season of the second appearance of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. He gave us signs to gauge just where we are on the prophetic calendar. In as much as no man can set a date, we know we are so close.

Nothing will stop you doing your normal business or pursuing your career but just remember, the rapture could be the next event on God’s prophetic calendar and there is no time for spiritual slumber.

Wake up, church! Wake up!

Enough of these business and gimmicks. Enough of this comfort, complacency and apathy. Multitude is on their way to eternal damnation and we keep on fighting ourselves, politicking and playing with people's destiny. We need to wake up and be about God’s work because dawn is almost here. It bleeds my heart, seeing what the church and society is turning into.

Our brother Sony okosun sang a song when things were alright, "Which way, Nigeria" but I think this is the ripe time to ask, Which way the Church and our society?

I'm not talking about the church or believers in Christ only. How about an unbeliever who feels so pompous and arrogant? Do you think that this message is not for you also?You are dead already and so, this call of urgency is for you


Wake Up!!! You know for you to close your eyes here is to open it the other side in a second, and so there is no more life amendment or anyone to preach to you again.Remember, I do say, everyone of us must spend eternity somewhere. It's a must. No escape! So begin now to prepare where to settle after here- Will it be in heaven, a place prepared for Gods people who prepared themselves or hell, a place designed for satan and his followers? I'm not praying for you to see yourself there and I know it is not your wish also. So do something about this call.

Wait! do you know that in a period of 100 years to 120 years to come,everyone of us living now, both a child delivered this night must leave this stage called world. You may just postpone it somehow but some day, you just have to surrender. You may be an atheist who says, there is no God. It may work for you in the day time but in the night, I hear you whisper quietly, Oh, God, remember me. Do you know Why?

The reason is that every engine, I mean your heart and soul must remain quiet in the night and return back, and in the control of the engine operator-God -and when you wake up in the morning, you start again from where you stopped in your terrible lifestyle and unbelief.

What are we saying now? ‘THE NIGHT IS ALMOST OVER’ How long will you continue to sleep?

You know that almost all the dangerous activities take place at night. The central world's clock today is showing, The night is indeed far spent.

The signs of Christ's return is here with us. We now have horrific weather patterns, brutality to our fellow human being and great apostasy in the church. Right now, everything is in the hyper-drive. There are many signs that tell us we are now living in the end times and so what are the reasons for you to wake up?

May I show you some of them!


Beloved, we are in the era of massive apostasy and deception. Jesus Christ said something about it " take heed that no man deceive you" In short, anyone who is not deceived now will not be deceived again. We are into it now. The era of explosive apostasy. The devil is looking for large followership for he knows he has but a short moment.

I've never seen in my life such a twisting of the gospel taking place in the body of Christ. One of my friends mentioned to my hearing last week, My brother, the gospel has been pirated! Did you hear that, ‘the gospel of the kingdom of our Lord is pirated today! Beloved, It’s not a laughing matter. It calls for a great concern.

Do you know what is piracy?

It is the unauthorized reproduction or use of a copyrighted book, recording, television or radio program, also patented invention or trademarked product.

So you can call it copying, imitation, counterfeiting, hijacking, stealing or smuggling.Have you seen it? The gospel today has been hijacked or in the hands of the hijackers. It is in every profession- call it medicine or engineering. It's everywhere.

The word of God has been watered down to the point where it is hardly recognizable any longer.Now, you may hear, "God is a woman, David and Jonathan were gays because their love for one another surpassed that of a man to a woman or you hear some people say Jesus married Mary Magdalene and had many Children and everybody is going to heaven because we are basically good people. Many people believe that " God helps those who help themselves. Really?, Well,I ve never read that in the bible. The actual question is how far can you help yourself even when you are sleeping?

I pity some of our 21st century preachers who may hear from the Master and owner of the work we are doing" I never knew you" . So upon all our preachings, gimmicks,dramas, entertainments,styles, competitions and Miracle arrangee, He wasn't in the whole thing. What a loss!

Do you know, that it is in our generation that a worldly preacher claiming to serve the Lord will organize his thugs to borrow different assorted cars and to park in the church premises on the ground that it belong to the members of the church, without knowing it was borrowed and be taken in by agents during services so that others must join, in the name of crowd or multitude following the ministry. What deception!

Some bury a live cow or goat at the church door post for a sacrifice which means the amount of maggots it accumulate are the number of the confused and hypnotize crowd to come or the money to be received.

What are you hiding, man of God? The night is far spent!

My friend, who are you following? You may say it did not concern you or where the person gets his power, all you want is your problem be over,but listen to me, in as much as you are in the world, problems cannot be over and remember, where a false prophet is,at the end of the day is where his members and followers will be. For antichrist ,false prophet and Satan cannot be in different places at the day of judgement. They must be at the same place. The evil that is being spewed out of the mouths of some of our trusted men of God is shocking. One assured his congregations that the sin you have committed in the time past have been atoned for, the ones you are committing now is cleansed already and the ones you will commit after now is wiped out also. Say, Amen! And people were shouting and clapping hands with the assumed holy kiss on the ground already. What a ticket to hell.

The correct question is " What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound? And the answer is "God forbid! Somebody say, how can I? How can I that is dead to sin, live any longer therein" How can I? This is your victory, not depending on cheap promises from the pit of hell these days, supporting you to sin more- which means, you sin and hope in advance to confess!

Look,Let me tell you, the master is returning back to the temple again with anger. The soul which sins shall die. Many people are dead already and the Word of God says, their sins are ahead of them to the throne above.Don't you know that judgement will soon begin in the house of The Lord?

To a believer, hearing my voice, may I advice you. Please don't,because of hardship stretch your legs where angels are afraid to tread upon. Hear me, the economic Recessions inside the bush can never make a lion or leopard to eat grass. It must wait for a meat. So, wait for God for He shall supply all your needs according to His riches in glory through Christ Jesus. He will never leave you nor forsake you. The truth is so far the world and satan exist, there must be problems and tribulation but only, depend on the word of your maker and manufacturer which is God.

The correct word is the Word of our master Jesus Christ in John chapter 16 verse 33

John chapter 16 verse 33

“These things have I spoken unto you, that in me ye may have peace. In the world ye have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world”


I'm talking about the increased apostasy in the church where people claim to be of The Lord but denying him with their lifestyles and character.

Beloved, The word of God is telling you to wake up. Salvation is nearer now. Can't you see it? Another reason through the sign is,

2. MONUMENTAL INCREASE IN EARTHQUAKES, severe extreme weather patterns, floods, droughts, pestilence and famine. The news are everywhere.It seems every time now, we have extreme weather event. There is a heat wave going on in many parts of the world. Now, you hear of strange fire in Califonia, great flood in Brazil and Mexico, hurricanes like former Katrina, Irene,sandy even Rita on yearly basis. Earthquake is almost everywhere.

Can you stop to mention the flood experienced in some parts of country last year, in Bayelsa, Rivers and Kogi states ,even here in our Beloved state, Anambra and more warnings are here with us.The largest tornado ever recorded just hit Oklahoma and Colorado few years ago. Recently,India is experiencing the worst flooding ever hit that region,and we are still witnessing massive numbers of wildlife dying for unknown reasons, and a new disease discovered recently, beginning in Saudi Arabia where the Moslem pilgrims who went for their pilgrimage were ordered to put on mask compulsorily.

One may just be saying after all, these things are just natural phenomenon or green house effect and I will leave you to your doubt because all these are rampant, not in any of the generation long ago but ours now.

Think about all these! and so the Word of God is saying, Wake up!

Wake Up and get ready for departure. It's either through the undertaker and that is death when it may come or by the upper taker , which is the rapture which is the Glorious taking of the church. How great that day will be! Some people will regret ever been born after that event.Do you Know that even the Moslems are waiting for their 12th Imam which they called Mahdi, which they say will save them and destroy the infidels.

Well, I'm not praying to remain here, for what is this life after rapture?- total chaos and disaster.

I won't end this message tonight. By special grace of God, it continues in the next episode and that is THE NIGHT IS ALMOST OVER -PART. 2

But my listener, in the midst of all these, there is still hope for you. I told you in the previous edition THE SIXTH DAY, you can be saved now. You can be healed today or be deliverd from your affliction. Your soul is more important to heaven in as much as I pray for your material prosperity or elevation in your career.

I now offer you the golden opportunity for your salvation.

Are you ready to give your life to Jesus Christ?

Now,Pray this simple but mighty prayer with me and believe it with all your heart.

"Lord Jesus, I come to you today by faith. I'm a sinner and I can't save myself. I have heard your word and discovered that I need your mercy and forgiveness. Come into my life and be my Lord and personal savior.Forgive me all my sins. I reject self and the world and hereby promise to worship you sincerely. Thank you Lord for saving me today. Amen

I now pray for you

Lord, I pray for my listener who had prayed this prayer now. Please accept him into your kingdom. Forgive all iniquities and transgressions and give him or her a new life to live for you. Thank You Lord for we pray in Jesus Name. Amen

My friend, thank you for the new life you have received in Christ Jesus today. Congratulation, and begin to study the word of God on daily basis and ask the Holy Spirit to help you with His understanding always. You may begin with the gospel of John and fellowship with other believers in Christ for your growth.