Our Enemy the Devil
John 10:10/I Peter 5:8
Ill. Years ago, there was a PBS Special that covered the events leading up to the "Battle of the Bulge" during WWII. It was the autumn of 1944 and Germany had been beaten back behind its borders. The Nazi war machine was in tatters and the repeated bombing raids of the Allies all but assured that Hitler’s forces would never rise again. Around the perimeter of Germany’s borders, the Allies spread a thin line of forces. One person observed that Allied forces were was so scattered that a man could slip between its lines without being observed.
All across Europe, there was celebration. Parties, dances, speeches all rejoicing in Germany’s defeat. The war was effectively over. The only problem was (pause) somebody forgot to tell Germany.
Even as his forces were being shattered and driven back Hitler was devising a plan for one last onslaught. Underground factories churned out more weapons, armament and ammunition. More of Germany’s young and old men were conscripted and trained for war. And as Europe rejoiced, Hitler planned. His goal was not to drive back the Allies into the sea, as much as it was to divide the British to the North and Americans to the South, so demoralizing them that they would sue for peace on his terms. Hundreds and thousands of men died because somebody forgot that the enemy still lived and that the war was NOT (completely) over.
APPLY: Paul assures us that the enemy still lives. The war IS NOT completely over. And you had better not let down your guard. We MUST put on the whole armor of God and prepare for battle. (Sermon Central Ill.)
The Devil is more evil and more cruel than even the very worst of men! If we hope to stay away from the devil schemes we must at least be familiar with what they are.
(Transition): Although there could be so much more said, lets analyze the Devil on three fronts: 1) As a destroyer, 2) as a deceiver, and finally 3) as a devourer.
The Devil is a Destroyer
Hebrew name for Satan is Abaddon it means “Destruction”. “And they had as king over them the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon, but in Greek he has the name Apollyon” -Rev. 9:11
“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy;...” - John 10:10
He goes about like a wrecking ball destroying anything good in this world; especially good institutions, And since there are many for time's sake I want to bring to your attention 3 institutions He goes about to destroy:
1) The institution of Marriage –
We see the devil trying to destroy this institution as a whole through redefining what marriage is.
The Bible is clear that marriage is between man and woman Gen.2:24, I Cor. 7:1-3, Col 3:18,19, Hebrews 13:4-7
Satan says 'Marriage is not between a man and woman it can be between anyone or anything.' (give examples)
Satan will destroy your marriage on a personal level – He whispers - “marriage is too much work” “You can do so much better, you know you're unhappy” “this other person would treat you so much better” “You are not good enough to be with him” “She doesn't love you” “Just walk away, you know you can not endure this”
I read an interesting testimony this week from Karen Blake, a pastors wife who with her husband Chris have worked with Bill Wilson's Metro Ministries in Brooklyn NY. They had a great ministry in operation there. They had effective bus ministry and sidewalk Sunday schools. They were effectively taking the word to the people on the streets, and they were seeing thousands come to Christ. But she admits that it didn't come without a price. She said she had been cursed at, threatened, rocked, and egged. She had seen people beaten, shot, robbed, and killed. She adds, she had awoken to the sound of broken glass and people trying to escape burning buildings. They had been caught in the crossfire of Gun fights in the inner city, one of which almost cost her husbands life.
But more than any of that she said, the enemy came for their marriage. Satan has no authority to take you out of the position God has placed you in, and He knows this, so he tries to get you to leave it yourself. How does he do this? – through deception. He goes about destroying the union between husband and wife.
2) The institution of Education –
Satan has infiltrated the education system. It really all began when they took God out of schools. I remember saying the Lord's prayer with the pledge of allegiance in the morning at school. Can't do that now. It wasn't too long ago the public school house and the church house were the same building. Today the courts have made that illegal. Separation of church and state seems to only go one direction. The devil does not mind the state in the church, its the church in the state that He wants to destroy!
We not only have kids killing kids. We not only have teachers raping their students. But now we see not only is God being taken out of schools, we are seeing Satan being put in his place. Through blasphemy and perversion being taught to our children. From the youngest to the oldest: From militant atheists who despise all religion teaching college classes, (don't doubt for a minute they don't let their feelings on the matter unknown) to Sex education and homosexual deviancy being taught to kindegarteners, No wonder more people are turning to home school. Satan goes about destroying institution of education.
3) The institution of Church -
Satan has been trying this for centuries. The church changes throughout the years but the devil's tactics never do. He usually attacks the church through division. He will pit one against another, over small things like the color of the carpet or the walls or the flowers etc. or it may be big things like adding another service, changing the style of worship, or adding a new salaried staff member. But Ron Edmondson points out there are other ways Satan attacks the church for example:
a) Burnout- Satan loves to burnout volunteers, staff members, or a pastor. He will try to make them feel not needed, not appreciated, or that they no longer have anything to offer
b) Scandal- Satan loves a gossipy news headline in the local paper
c) Rumors/Lies- nothing like half-truths or bold faced lies that will damage a church's reputation once they spread throughout the community. One thing I notice in 'Acts' is how often the dissenters would whip up a mob against the disciples to hinder their ministry. Different era - same tactic
d) Busyness- Satan will destroy a church by having so many activities that no Kingdom building, outreach, or evangelism is even taking place.
e) Marriage and family disruptions- Satan will try to destroy a home before he tries to destroy a church. He especially likes to go after key leaders marriage (elder, deacon, trustee, lay ministers, even pastor) He encourages prodigal children. He wants to cause families to fight fight fight. Because it is families that make up the church. A family is a mini-church congregating with other mini-churches.
“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy;....” - John 10:10
(Transition): He is a thief, and a murder, and a destroyer. But He is also the world's greatest deceiver.
The Devil is a Deceiver
Ill. In the classic "Twilight Zone" episode from 1960, "The Howling Man," an American on a walking trip through central Europe gets caught in a raging storm. Staggering through the blinding rain, he chances upon an imposing medieval castle. It is a hermitage for a brotherhood of monks. The reclusive monks reluctantly take him in. Later that night, the American discovers a cell with a man locked inside. An ancient wooden staff bolts the door. The prisoner claims he’s being held captive by the "insane" head monk, Brother Jerome. He pleads for the American to release him.
The prisoner’s kindly face and gentle voice win him over. The American confronts Brother Jerome, who declares that the prisoner is actually none other than Satan, "the father of lies," held captive by the Staff of Truth, the one barrier he cannot pass. This incredible claim convinces the American that Jerome is indeed mad. As soon as he gets the chance, he releases the prisoner—who immediately transforms into a hideous, horned demon and vanishes in a puff of smoke!
The stunned American is horrified at the realization of what he has done. Jerome responds sympathetically. "I’m sorry for you, my son. All your life you will remember this night and whom you have turned loose upon the world."
"I didn’t believe you," the American replies. "I saw him and didn’t recognize him"—to which Jerome solemnly observes, "That is man’s weakness…and Satan’s strength." (Sermon Central Ill.)
One of Satan's greatest assets – is his convincibility. 2 Cor. 11:14- “And no wonder! For Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light.” Satan will befriend anyone in order to deceive them. One thing that I notice about our adversary is that He greatly benefits himself by making forbidden & deadly things seem harmless and enjoyable. (liquor, drugs, sex, greed) The main way Satan deceives Christians is by causing them to doubt God's word. We see this from the beginning: Genesis 3:1-4.
“Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals the LORD God had made. He said to the woman, “Did God really say, 'You must not eat from any tree in the garden'?”(Gen 3:1) Satan uses doubt to deceive us. He attempts to make Eve doubt God by proposing a false question – “Did God really say you can't eat from any tree in the garden?” First of all, God said they can't eat from the tree in the middle of the garden not any tree of the garden. Notice Satan's subtlety in changing words to mean different things. Changing one word can change the whole context of what God said. The context of what God says and what Satan says God says are always different. There are people and even ministers who use the word of God for their own benefit by changing the context of the scriptures.
Frankly, there are those who hate God and his word but that doesn't stop them from using the Bible to justify what God clearly condemns. There are homosexuals who say that God supports homosexuality because 2 Samuel 1:26 tells about David describing his great friendship with Jonathon as being greater than his love for women. (some reason that must mean he is gay) You can share with them scriptures throughout the bible that denounce homosexuality or abortion or murder or theivery and their response will be similar to that of Satan's to Eve. “Did God really say that?”
The woman said to the serpent, “We may eat fruit from the trees in the garden, but God did say, 'You must not eat fruit from the tree that is in the middle of the garden, and you must not touch it, or you will die.'” 'You will not surely die,” the serpent said to the woman. ' (Gen 3:2-4) This is a doubt and a lie at the same time! Satan's deceits are as diabolical as they are impressive. By saying 'surely' He implies that the wages of sin is God's fault, not man's. As if to say “God's too good for that” So many people have fallen for that lie, even today! The wages of sin is death. And yet the Devil flat out lies and says “No, You will NOT surely die” Tell me church, do you see Adam and Eve around today? You know why? Because they died.
John 8:44 - “.... He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.”
The Devil is subtle and sensible – what he says makes sense and if you were to give him your full time and your full attention his alluring and hypnotic words will persuade you every time! (It's easy to see how the Anti-Christ will be followed without hesitation)
(Transition): The devil is a Destroyer, a Deceiver and He is a Devourer
The Devil is a Devourer
Satan tries to devour you like a lion and devour the seed you sow like a bird.
1) A Lion
“Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.” - 1 Peter 1:8
Here we read from Peter to be alert and of sober mind. Paul wrote to the Corinthians something similar “to not be ignorant or unaware of Satan's schemes”. Satan does two things like a lion. Both seem to contradict each other. But it perfectly represents the Devil
A) He Prowls
The Greek word for 'prowls': 'Peripateo' means 'to make due use of opportunities'. Satan is an opportunist just like a prowling lion, who stalks around in the high grass or amongst the trees waiting for unsuspecting victims to come too close to the watering hole.
Satan like a prowler, can come from unlikely places. - for example after hearing Jesus predict his death Peter took Jesus aside and rebuked him “God forbid it, Lord! This shall never happen to you.” Jesus said to Peter. “Get behind Me, Satan!” Interesting that He turns and tells Peter, the one whom was called the rock, the one with such great faith, and says 'Get behind me Satan!'
Satan is so subtle, He can tempt us by the unsuspecting hands of our best and dearest friends. He got to Adam through Eve, He tempted Job through his wife, and tries to assault Jesus through his dear disciple, Peter.
This is why Paul tells us not to be ignorant of Satan's devices. Who is speaking is not as important as what is being spoken. Be so familiar with the Holy Spirit that you can recognize the voice of Satan whether it comes from a Saint or a serpent, once you hear it. RUN! Whoever would keep you from doing good or have you afraid of doing too much for God, speaks Satan's language. If you resist him, he will flee. If the hunting is no good for the devil, in one place, he prowls to another.
Job 2:2 – “And the LORD said to Satan, 'Where have you come from?' Satan answered the LORD, 'From roaming throughout the earth, going back and forth on it.”
B) He Roars
Satan is Fierce and He is Cruel. It seems a lion couldn't stalk unsuspecting men and women if it was always roaring. That is, unless the victims are paralyzed with fear. The devil hopes to show you his power and your futility against it. Charles Spurgeon points out that today, his roars are more like hissing cats. The church has spread far and wide, he can not roar against it like He did in the days of Peter. However his temptations definitely roar against our souls don't they?
2) A Bird.
“And it came to pass, as he sowed, some fell by the way side, and the fowls of the air came and devoured it up.” -Mark 4:4 “some people are like seed along the path, where the word is sown. As soon as they hear it, Satan comes an takes away the word that was sown in them.” - Mark 4:15
Satan is a thief and an opportunist who is always looking for a chance to steal the word of God from men's hearts before the gospel seed had a chance to take root in them. It is so much more easier for a bird to devour a seed than to uproot an entire tree. Why fight against strong Christian men filled with the Holy Ghost, wearing the Armor of God, armed with the Sword of the Spirit; when you can keep men from becoming Christians in the first place. Satan is a thief of many sermons, He can steal this word before it reaches your ears by distraction, disruption, or diversion.
(Transition): Let's not allow the enemy to steal the word from us this morning, because He would definitely not want you to hear this last part,
Conclusion: 1 John 4:4 says “Ye are of God little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.” YOU ARE OVERCOMERS!
Ill. Overcoming locked gates, tall fences and snapping dogs presents a challenge for meter readers in rural Oklahoma, where they are required to read all meters: no estimates are allowed. One time a meter reader succeeded in getting past a particularly vicious watchdog tied to a chain that was long enough to give him sway over the entire back yard and driveway. Later, the man was questioned by his supervisor: "How were you able to get past that watchdog? The customer is curious." He said "That’s easy, boss,... I parked on his chain." (Sermon Central Ill)
In John 10:9 Jesus said “I am the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved. He will come in and go out, and find pasture.” While it's true that the thief “comes to steal, kill, and destroy” the rest of John 10:10 says “...but I have come that they may have life and have it to the full.” Don't forget you have the one who can NEVER be destroyed, devoured, or deceived: You have the one who came to give life so that you can escape death. You have the one that has already conquered all. You have victory in Jesus!