Summary: To be a top Soldier in the Army of the Lord, one cannot often be AWOL from formation. Excessive absenteeism from Church leads to a weak line of defense against the battles of everyday life in the ungodly environment we face in this world.

Have you been in any battles lately?

Did you win, or were you put down?

Sometimes it seems that our daily walk with the Lord is definitely a form of warfare.

In your biggest battle, were you about ready to surrender and give it up?

Some folks do. Some give up without a fight, some give up after a little struggle, but thank God a Sainted few hold on until the battle is won! PTL.

David’s battle with an enemy bigger than anything he had seen before could have been lost had he not been so confident in his own strength and with God’s help.

Imagine the shock when he saw that giant of a man challenging all his people and daring them to come a fight him!

The beauty of this account is that a very small, very young, and very inexperienced boy took it upon himself to defy and even challenge the enemy with all the enemy’s army and all Israel’s army as witnesses.

(Note to self: Give a quick example of the details up to, during, and after the battle.)

Some of us in this room have fought a seemingly impossible battle and with God’s help we won those battles! PTL

One of our Platoon Sergeants during basic training had been in WWII and also in Korea and saw combat in both wars. He had a Bayonet scar all the way down his right jaw from temple to his chin. He wore so many combat decorations that it covered the entire upper left portion of his dress uniforms. He also had the Bronze and Silver stars. Even a novice could recognize that he had been a fighter as well as a survivor!

He had enough battle scars he could have even been a Preacher! LOL

It isn’t that easy to recognize a veteran in the Lords Army, even when that veteran is dressed up many battle scars are hidden. There are other reasons why it isn’t that easy.

The first and maybe the most important is the commitment or the oath or promise to defend.

• When a Soldier deserts his duty he is liable, and even apt to suffer severe penalties while the Christian can make excuses and allow battle after battle to be fought and never lift a hand to help.

• When a soldier doesn’t show up for a formation he is considered AWOL (absent without leave) and when a Christian doesn’t show up he is considered too busy to join the formation.

• When all soldiers are present it means they are ready to execute their duty and defend their country or their way of life, and when all Christians show up it shows the Devil and all the world that we are ready to defend Christianity.

Are we really veterans in the Lords Army or are we slackers that he can’t count on in the heat of battle? You be the judge now, and Jesus will be the Judge later. Amen.