Summary: As Christians, there are some things that God used in the generations before us and it's high time we dig afresh some of these wells and allow God to provide 'a well of springing water'.

Opening illustration: Illustration of the well at our home in Muladha, Oman.

• The water in our faucets was stinking

• Found a dead cat in our well

• The well needed to be covered and air tight

• No contamination allowed from outside environment or sources

• No space for things to fall in and pollute the entire well

• Occasional chlorination was needed to kill all bacteria, germs and contamination

• These are the lessons the well of our home taught us.

Let us turn to Genesis 26 and see the lessons the wells in Gerar taught Isaac and his family.

Introduction (vs. 17-18):

• In the narrative preceding this text, we see that the Philistines were jealous of Abraham’s prosperity so they had clogged all the wells with mud and dirt that he had dug for his livestock and family.

Isaac pitches his tent in the valley of Gerar (to dispute, combat, pilgrimage) and finds that he needs a source of water. Isaac remembers that during Abraham's day there were some wells that had provided his needs and decides to dig again those wells. Isaac found that the wells that had provided water for his Father still provided for him. As Christians, there are some things that God used in the generations before us and it's high time we dig afresh some of these wells and allow God to provide 'a well of springing water'.

• Later on when Isaac came back to take possession of his property by re-digging the wells, he was denied access so he retreated but would inherit it in God’s timing.

What wells will we encounter in our journey to be fruitful?

1. Well of STRIFE + CONTENTION— Esek (vs. 19-20) – Hebrew: Argument

• Contentions rise over the re-digging of wells

• Prosperity also brings contention and strife

• Well of living waters is for LIFE not strife and death

• In our Christian journey we are surely going to encounter such wells because the world will not like to see you having the joy and peace of God in your life.

Illustration: Years ago, a large statue of Christ was erected high in the Andes on the border between Argentina and Chile. Called "Christ of the Andes," the statue symbolizes a pledge between the two countries that as long as the statue stands, there will be peace between Chile and Argentina. Shortly after the statue was erected, the Chileans began to protest that they had been slighted - the statue had its back turned to Chile. Just when tempers were at their highest in Chile, a Chilean newspaperman saved the day. In an editorial that not only satisfied the people but made them laugh, he simply said, "The people of Argentina need more watching over than the Chileans."

Sometimes we get into unnecessary contentions and strife when it can be solved just by one person putting out the sparks, which could apparently ablaze and end up in ashes. Are we the ones that spark the fire or put it out? Isaac took a stand to put it out.

2. Well of ACCUSATION + HATRED— Sitnah (vs. 21) – Hebrew: to oppose

• The word of God says that we will be hated for Christ just as He was. Isaac was hated for God’s blessings upon his life.

• Luke 6:22 says, “Blessed are you when men hate you, And when they exclude you, And revile you, and cast out your name as evil, For the Son of Man's sake.”

• People will accuse you falsely and fuel a spirit of quarrel in your life because you are Christ’s

• The world cannot comprehend and endure your blessedness

• In the marketplace when people are aware of your allegiance to Christ, they don’t like it!

• Your composure and patience will win them

Illustration: When Abraham Lincoln was running for president of the United States, there was a man who ran all around the country talking about Lincoln. He said a lot of unkind things. And sometimes he would get to the point that he would even talk about his looks, saying, "You don’t want a tall, lanky, ignorant man like this as the president of the United States." Lincoln never responded or reacted to the remarks. He just stayed focused and went on to become one of the most far-reaching and daring presidents of the USA …

Do you remember what Joseph had to undergo from his brothers because of being blessed? What do we do in such circumstances? What did Isaac do? He moved on. Joseph went on to become the prince/prime minister of Egypt. Our business is to keep moving on and not be perturbed by what others think, say or do. Do not let useless things of this world take away your focus and your blessings!

3. Well of ENLARGEMENT + FRUITFULNESS— Reho-both (v. 22) – Hebrew: to make room

• Distancing from contention.

• God desires to enlarge our fruitfulness. He will make room and establish it.

• Because of Isaac’s Persistence God Made Room For Them to Be Fruitful

• We may be delaying this process by our own actions.

• Time for us to be still and know that He is God.

• We are recognized to be Christians by our fruitfulness.

Illustration: The story is told by Dr. John R. Rice that once he was preaching in a conference with the late Gypsy Smith. After the service he walked out of the building to catch a cab back to his motel. Once in the cab, he began to witness to the driver, whereupon the driver with tears in his eyes, told him that a strange little man had already won him to Christ. Gypsy Smith had already gone before brother Rice and led this cab driver to Christ.

What a testimony to these great men of God! There is fruit out there; the trouble is that most don't go and witness for the Lord. Soul winning is the main business of the Christian. Will you? Let us re-dig some of God's wells today! (Winning souls is our real blessing and fruitfulness)


• What are we going through in our lives today?

• Our forefathers dug these wells of strife, accusation and finally of enlargement.

• While we go through a similar journey in our lives, are we ready to re-dig these wells before experiencing God’s abundant blessings and fruitfulness in our lives.

• The journey is not going to be comfortable but tedious and costly. Are you ready for it?

• Is it a Storm before the Stillness?

• Is it Chaos and Confusion before the peace is established?

• There is fruitfulness only after we have gone through the tough situations of our lives and have overcome them by the Holy Spirit.

• Don’t be discouraged by the things going on in your life, but depend on God for all things to be established.