Have you ever wondered if Jesus truly knows how we really feel? If the truth be told we may have all wondered this question at least once in our life time.
I. We all know that Jesus came to the world in the form of an human. We know this because of the words found in John 3:16. We also know this to be true because the word of God tells us that when Jesus was born everyone from far and near came to see him when he was born.
2. We know that Jesus died for our sins on the cross, because it is clearly stated in the word of God. Of course there is a movie out call "The Passion of Christ," which tells of the death of Jesus in great detail.
3. We know that Jesus feels or knows our pain, because of the reaction found in the book of John the 11th chapter. It is here that the feelings of Jesus our shown, Jesus is found weeping which means crying in this passage. He is crying because of the misery that sin had caused humankind.
a. Jesus knows how it is to away from a love one.
b. Jesus knows how it is to lose a love one.
c. Jesus knows how it is to have a friend to turn on you.
4. Jesus knows any kind of pain, or sorrow you can ever feel, and Jesus can comfort you when you feel all alone. When you are a child of God, you can turn to Jesus and he will remind you and let you know that you are never alone, because Jesus is always and will always be there for you.