A famous hymn writer wrote, "Jesus my Savior, brother, friend, my prophet, priest and king. My Lord, my life, my way, my end accept the praise I bring. Jesus, my Lord, my King, my hope, my power and everything. When I see Thee as Thou art, accept the praise I bring. When we are able to appreciate all of the attributes of God we are better able to praise and worship Him with our whole heart, mind and strength and our neighbor, who may have a different perspective than our own, as we love our self.
Attributes of God that appeal more to the Right Brained Oriented Person - Personalized, Emotional, Relational, Subjective. & Intuitive Based Perspectives
1. Enabler - Phil 2:13, I Pet. 4:11, Col. 1:29, Ruth 4:13
2. Everything that we Need- Psa 119, Phil. 4:17-19
3. Displeasure, Indignation, Anger, -Dt. 11:16,17, 26,28
4. Giver of Every Good Thing - Jm 1: 17, Rom. 8:32
5. Faithfulness - 2 Thes 3:3, Phil. 1:6, Heb 10:23
6. Friend-John 15:13-15, Numb. 12:7, Jm. 2:23,
7. Gentleness - Isa 40: 11, Psa 18:35, Mt. 11:28,29
8. Giver - John 3:27, James 1:17, Rom 8:32
9. Grace- Ephl:2,John l:14-16, 2 Cor8:9
10. Healer - Psalm 100, James 5: 14-16, 2 Cor. 1 :4,5
11. Ever Present Stay and Helper - Matt. 18:20, Psa. 16:9-11
12. Hiding Place & Habitation - Psa 90:1,2 & 91
13. High Priest & Intercessor - Rom.8:34, John 17
14. Merciful - Psa 25:6-7, Psa l45:8,9, Heb. 8: 12
15. Rejoicer-Zeph. 3:17, Zach. 10:7, Cor. 13:11
16. Shepherd - Psalm 23, John 10, Psa. 28:9, Mic. 7: 14, I Pet 2:25
17. Holy Spirit of Love, Law, Liberty - 2 Cor. 3:17,18, Jm.1:25
18. Peace - Eph. 2:14, Jn. 14:27, Phil. 4:6-8, Psa. 85:8, Psa.34:14
19. Power, Purpose, Praise, and Glory - 2 Ch.29:11, Psa.62:11
20. Promise Keeper- Numb. 23:19, I Kgs 8:56, Heb. 6:12-20
21. Love - Jn 3:16,I Jn4:10,Gal 5:22,I Jn.3:16,I Cor.13
22. Refuge and Strength - Psalm 46, Psa. 18: 1,32,39
23. Lamb of God - John 1:29, Rev. 5:6, I Pet. 1:19
24. Good - Psa. 25:8, Psa. 119:68, Psa. 84: 11, Psa. 100:5
25. Most Glorious and Blessed - Ex. 15: 11, Psa. 145:5
26. Provider - Psalm 145: 16, Rom. 8:32, Psa. 103:5
27. Deliverer - Psa. 18:2, Psa 70:5, Psa. 144:2
28. Succor - Heb. 2: 18
29. Satisfier-Psa. 103:5,Isa 58:10,Psa. 107:9
30. Sustainer - Ruth 4: 15, Psa. 54:4
31. Bigger than any problem - I Pet. 5 :7, Jer. 32 :27, Lk. 1 :37
32. Miracle worker - Mk. 6:2, Matt. 13:54, Mk. 6: 14
33. Foundation - I Cor. 3: 11, Psa. 89: 14, Zech. 12: 1
34. Prosperer - Psa. 37:7, 2 Chron 32:30, Deut. 28: 11, Psa.68:6
35. Promoter - Psa. 75:6, Luke 16:10,11,
36. Warrior- Zeph. 3:17, Ex. 15:3, Psa. 35:1, Josh. 23:3
37. Propitiation - I Jn. 2:2, I Jn 4: 10, Rom. 3:25
38. Sovereign - I Tim. 6: 15, Psa. 103: 19,
39. Savior-lTim.4:10,2Tim. 1:10,Titus3:4
40. Intercessor - Rom. 8:27,28, Acts 10
41. Mediator- I Tim. 2:5, Heb. 8:6, Heb. 12:24
42. Fearful God - Luke 12:5, Heb. 10:31
43. Blesser- Eph. 1:3, Psa. 21:3, Prov. 28:20
44. Transformer - Rom. 12: 1,2, 2 Cor. 3: 18
45. Revealer, Interpreter, and Illuminator - I Cor. 2:9-14
46. Defender - Protector - Zech. 9: 15, I Pet. I :5
47. Empowers - Acts 1:8, I Cor. 2:1-4, I Thes. 1:5
48. One Who Cares - I Pet. 5:7; Isa 27:3, Psa. 23, Psa. 8:4
49. Champion - Psa 4:1 & 63: 1, 2 Chron. 20:12, Rom. 7:24,25
50. Compassionate-Lam. 3:22-23, Jer. 31:20, Psa. 78:38
51. Adequacy - 2 Cor. 3 :5,6, 2 Tim. 3: 17
52. God is Able - I Tim. 1:12, Rom. 4:20,21, Phil. 3:21, Phil. ..
53. One who Hears - Isa. 46:4, Ex.19:4, Psa. 116: 1,2
54. Beauty & Desirability - Psa. 45:2, Isa. 33: 17, Psa. 27:4
55. Counselor-Psa. 33:11, Prov. 8:14, Psa. 32:8, Jn. 16:13
56. Potter - Romans 9:21, Zach. 11: 13, Isa. 45:9
57. Sufficiency-2 Cor. 12:9, 2 Cor. 9:8
58. Jealous - Josh 24:19, Nah. 1:2
59. Consuming Fire - Heb. 12:29, Psa. 18:8, Psa. 46:9
60. Lion of Judah - Rev. 5:5, 2 Sam. 17: 10, Hos. 5: 14
Attributes of God that appeal more to the Left Brained Oriented Person - Objective, Analytical, Logical, Rational, and Scientific Perspectives
1. My Owner - I Chron. 29: 11,12, Psa. 50: 10, Psa. 74:22
2. Master - Roman 11:31-33, John 6
3. Lord - Roman 14:7-9, John 13: 13, I Pet. 3: 15
4. Omniscient - Psa 139, Job 42, Matt. 6:32-34
5. Omnipotent - Jer. 32: 17, Psa 66:3, Mark 10:27
6. Omnipresent-Psa 139,Eph. 3:14-21
7. Light & salvation - Psa 27
8. Creator and Controller - Genesis 1, 2 Cor. 5: 14
9. Food, Fortress, & Fisher of Men - John 6, Psalm 46, Matt. 4: 19
10. Author & Perfector - Heb.12: 1-3,
11. Purpose, Planner, & Producer - John 15, Jer. 29: 11
12. Exalted One-Eph 1, Phil 2:9-11, Col 1:15-19, Heb. 1:3-4
13. Champion- Psa4:1, Psa63:1,2 2Chron 20:12,Psa 45:3-5
14. Greatness - Jer.10:6,7, Mal 1: 11, Psa 8:3-4, I Chron 29: 11-12
15. Life - John 11 :25, Jn 14:6, Col. 3 :4, I John 5: 12,20 John 10: 10
16. Planner - Jer. 29: 11, Rom. 12: 1,2, Psa. 34:8-14
17. Holy - Isa 6:1-3, I Pet. 1:15-16
18. I AM - Mk. 12:26, Mk. 13:6, John 8:58
19. True Vine- John 15
20. Living Bread and Living Water- John 6:48 and John 4
21. Sanctifier - I Pet. 1:2, Jn. 17: 17, Eph. 5:26
22. Judge of all - 2 Pet. 2:4-10, Heb. 9:27
23. Authority - Matt. 28: 18, Matt. 9:6
24. Possessor of all Knowledge and Wisdom - Mark 11:2-6
25. Creative-Heb. 1:3, Gen. 1:1
25. Truth, Way, Life - Jn. 14:6, Jn 17:7
26. Worthy of Worship - Rev. 4:11
27. Beginning and the End - Heb. 12:1,2
28. Unresting - Psa. 121:4, Isa. 40:3 1
29. Eternal-Psa. 90:1,2, Heb 1
30. Guide - Psa 73:23,24, Prov. 3:5,6
31. Keeper - Jude 24, Psa 121
32. Wisdom and knowledge - Col. 2:3, Rom. 11:33-36
33. Nourishment - John 6, Psa. 16;11
34. Trinity - John 16:23, Rom. 8:26-32
35. Holy-I Pet. 1:15,16, Psa. lll:9,Prov. 9:10
36. Perfect - Matt. 5:48, Psa. 19:7, Job 36:4
37. Total Source-Rom. 11:33-36, Phil. 4:19
38. Immortal, Invisible, Wisdom - 1 Tim.1:17
39. Honorable, Noble, Majestic - Phil 4:8, Psa. 8:9, 2 Pet. 1:17
40. Gift Giver - Gal. 5:22, Psa. 84:11, Psa. 18:50, Jer. 5:24
41. Almighty - Psa. 91:1, Rev. 1:8, Rev. 4:8, Rev. 11:17
42. Victorious - I Cor. 15:57, Psa. 20:5, Psa. 33:17, Prov. 21:31
43. Steadfast - 2 Thes. 3:5, Lam. 3:22,23, Psa. 51:10
44. Unchanging-Heb. 13:8, Psa.90:4
45. Courageous - Josh. 1:9, Acts 28:15, Deut. 31:7, I Chron 28:20
46. Conqueror - Rom. 8:37,38, Rev. 6:2, Heb. 11:33
47. Promise Giver and Keeper - 2Pet. 1:3-9, 2Cor. 1:20,Gal.3:16, Heb.6:12
48. Justice - 2 Pet. 2:4-10, Psa. 37:28, Psa. 89:14, Psa. 99:4
49. Humbler of the proud - I Pet. 5:5,6, Psa. 107:12, Lk. 14:1 1
50. Master-Luke 5:5, Lk. 8:24, Lk. 9:49, Lk. 14:22, Lk. 17:13
51. Pilot - Phil. 2:13,14, Psa. 67:4, Jn. 16:13
52. Author and Perfector - Heb. 12:1, Heb. 2:10
53. Teacher- Mt. 8:19, Mt. 10:24
54. None Like Him - Ex. 9:14, Dt. 33:26
55. Incorruptible-Psa. 102:26,27,Jm. 1:17
56. King of Kings - Psa. 10:16, Psa. 24:7,8
57. Morning Star - Rev. 22:16
58. Righteous - Matt. 6:33, Psa. 11:7
59. Resurrection and Life - Jn. 11:25
60. Infinite in Understanding - Psa. 147:6
61. Head of the Church - Eph. 1:22,23
62. Manager- Matt. 25:14-30