The Butchered Bible 5
March 2, 2014 Morning Service
Immanuel Baptist Church, Wagoner, OK
Rick Boyne
Message Point: God gives us the ability to face adversity in our lives through the strength of Jesus.
Focus Passage: Philippians 4:10-13 (Pew Bible page 1351)
I. The Butchered Bible Version
a. Out of context, this verse means that we can have super-human power and do stuff
b. The implications are that God will give us strength to do whatever we want to do whether it is His will or not
c. Well meaning, but serious theological implications
i. If we fail at something it is because God could not do it.
ii. If we fail at something it is because our faith wasn’t strong enough.
II. The Verse in Context
a. The immediate context of this verse is suffering
b. Paul is talking about different living conditions because of the Gospel
c. Paul is saying that he has learned how to get along in any circumstance and REJOICE in it
III. Implications and Application
a. While it is always good to use Scripture to encourage one another, don’t use it to give false hope
b. We must learn how to be content in any situation and rejoice in it
c. We must trust God to give us strength, but realize that sometimes, failure, at least from our point of view, might be in God’s will for us