For those not familiar with an Anglican Service there are four (4) Scripture read just before the message. The Scriptures for this day are: Genesis 2:15-17; 3:1-7; Psalm 32; Romans 5:12-19 and Mathew 4:1-11
Desserts have often been called ... a "seduction" ... or a "temptation".
Why? .... Because there is something "delicious" ...offered ... in each bite. (Pause)
Oscar Wilde said, "The only way to get rid of temptation ...... is to .... give in to it."
We laugh about temptation ......and most of us do give in one time .... or another.
Sometimes it is only a 700-calorie piece of chocolate cake, .... which does not leave too severe of a consequence.
Other times the stakes are high .... and the consequences .... are indeed ... very painful.
Some temptations ... become cumulative .... until it becomes almost impossible .... to Not ... give in.
You would think that undesirable consequences would cause us ... to not break down .... To not give in.
Yet we often fail .... over and over again.
The Scripture have quite a lot to say about temptation ....and how .... to deal with it.
Beloved ...... Do Not Be Surprised by ... Temptation:
If Satan had the gall to tempt the Son of God .... he will have no trouble .... in tempting you. (Long Pause)
A man came to the theologian Charles Finney and said this: .... "I don't believe in the existence of a devil."
"Don't you?" .... said Finney.
"Well, ... try to resist him for a while, .... and you will believe." (Pause)
The Scriptures do not teach us .... that after we come ... to the Lord ... we will be temptation free.
One person might be tempted by something ... and have a real struggle .... whereas it might not be a temptation at all another Christian.
We may find ourselves being prideful and say, .... "I would never do that".
And yet there could be another temptation trap ...... that we would be more susceptible ... to fall into. (Long Pause)
(Illustration 1)
There was once a poor country pastor who was livid ...when he confronted his wife with the receipt .... for a $750 dress, she had bought...... "How could you do this!" .... he exclaimed.
"I don't know," .... "I was standing in the store ...looking at the dress.
Then I found myself ... trying it on.
It was like the Devil was whispering to me, "Gee, you look great in that dress .... You should buy it."
"Well," the pastor persisted, "You know how to deal with him! .... Just tell him, ......"Get behind me, Satan!"
"I did," replied his wife, .... "but then he said .... "It looks great from the back too." (Long Pause)
(OR Illustration 2)
Time-lapse photography can compress a series of events ... into a single picture.
Such a photo appeared in an issue of National Geographic.
Taken from a Rocky Mountain peak during a heavy thunderstorm, ... the picture captured the brilliant lightning display ... that had taken place ... throughout the storm's duration.
The time-lapse technique created a fascinating, web from the individual bolts.
In such a way, ... our sin presents itself ... before the eyes of God.
Where we see only isolated ... or individual acts, ... God sees the overall web ... of our sinning.
What may seem insignificant ...even sporadic ... to us ... and passes with hardly a notice ... creates a much more dramatic display ... from God's panoramic view. (Long Pause)
Do not be surprised ... when temptation comes to visit.
Hear God's word from first Peter, BIBLE "Like a lion your adversary the devil prowls around looking for someone to .... devour." END 1 Peter 5:8
We may feel the force of temptation even more ... when we are tired ... or under stress.
When we are alone ...... or when we are away ... from home.
Temptation often appears ... After a spiritual high, ... when we are not expecting it, ......or when we withdraw ...from church attendance.
Some people ......take the view ......that they should isolate themselves from every temptation. ......And therefore.... they will be successful.
This could be good in some cases ... such as: ... not going to a bar ... if you are an alcoholic.
However, ... victory comes not ......through the avoidance of the assault ......but through the resources ... of the Holy Spirit.
We can have victory .... in the middle of temptation.
The Scriptures are clear: BIBLE "Be not overcome by evil, but overcome evil ... with good" END (Pause) (Romans 12:21).
In our scripture reading today .... concerning Jesus' temptation, ......we find that after this encounter, .... Satan left him ......and the angels ministered .... to him. (Matthew 4:11).
In the parallel account of this temptation in Luke telling ... we are told: .... that when the devil had ended all temptation, ...... He .... the devil .... "departed him for a season...until a more opportune time." REPEAT (Luke 4:13)
Satan and the spiritual forces of wickedness ... are relentless.
We need to realize that throughout our faith journey ... on this side of eternity .... that we will never arrive at a place......where we are .... temptation free.
The writer and theologian .... C. S. Lewis made these insightful observations about temptation:
He Said: .... (Slow) "No man knows how bad he is .... until he has tried very hard ...... to be good.
He went on ... We are never so spiritual .... that something cannot get to us. (Long Pause)
(Illustration 1) There is an old story concerning sin that is worth sharing once again.
One night an Arab had settled in for the night and had just fallen asleep .... when his camel named "Sin" ... came and asked permission to just stick his legs inside the tent ... to keep them ... warm.
Granting him permission the Arab went back to sleep.
A little while later the camel woke him a second time and asked permission to stick his head in.
Again, ... permission was granted.
This continued on throughout the night until finally the Arab woke up to find the entire camel inside the tent with him.
When he told the camel that there just was not enough room in the tent for the both of them ......the camel suggested ...... that the Arab might want to leave. (Long Pause)
That is exactly what Satan does. ...That is exactly what sin does in our life.
Sin slips into our lives ...a little at a time ....and one day we wake up ....and find that there just is not enough room for both the Devil and Jesus in our lives.
To which the Devil suggests....... that we ask Jesus to leave. (Long Pause)
(OR Illustration 2) There is a phenomenon ... that happens at Niagara Falls every year ... that helps Illustrate the subtle effect that sin ... can have ... on our lives.
In the winter ... the Falls are Wrapped in a white winter garment of ice, ... and the falls glisten ... in the bright sun.
As the birds swoop down snatch a drink from the clear water, at the edge of the precipice, ... tiny droplets of ice ... form on their wings.
As they return for additional drinks ... more ice forms on their wings ... and weighs down their bodies ... until they cannot rise ... above the cascading waters.
Flapping their wings, with all their energy ... the birds suddenly drop ... over the falls.
That is exactly what Satan does. ...That is exactly what sin does in our life.
Sin adds a burden on our lives ...a little at a time ....and one day we wake up ....and find that we have aloud sin to take us away from all that is eternally precious. (Long Pause)
Beloved ... Not only should we not be surprised when temptation presents itself .... but we need to realize ... that temptation.... is not necessarily bad.
Why? .... because it allows us ... to test our convictions.
It has been said ...... "Your convictions are only as strong .... as they hold up .... under pressure.
A person has not shown true obedience ...... if they have never had the opportunity .... to disobey."
Temptation is not meant to weaken us .... but to make us emerge ... stronger from the ordeal. (Pause)
At the beginning of today's Gospel text, ... we find that Jesus was...... "led by the Spirit ... into the desert .... to be tempted the devil."
You may wonder ....... why would the Spirit lead Jesus ... into a situation ... to be tempted?
Our immediate thought may be, ... "This is not a good thing!
The Greek word used here for tempted is peirazo (Pear rod zo) which means: .... to test, try, prove.
Temptation helps us to see ... how we will respond ... when the pressure is on.
Beloved Remember, .... Temptation is only a question.
Your Response ... Your response ... is the answer. (Repeat)
"The Holy Spirit .... is as apt to lead us into the wilderness .... as into green pastures."
Remember the Holy Spirit led Jesus into the wilderness .... to be what ...... tempted.
Peter again reminds us why trials abound: .... BIBLE "These trials have come so that your faith......of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire .... may be proved genuine .... and may result in praise, glory and honor ......." END 1 Peter 1:7
The Greek word translated "These trials" .... means a type of ... proving.
It could be considered ... Trial under fire .... A faith that will be able to stand up ... under temptation. (Pause)
It has been said: ....... That the "wilderness experience ...... is the Holy Spirit's .... seminary class ... for mature discipleship."
The writer of Hebrews speaks to Christ's trials. Hear God's word: .... BIBLE "For (Jesus) was in all points tempted as we are ... yet ... without sin." END (Hebrews 4:15)
We might think ...... of course, Jesus could overcome temptation ...... He is God.
Yes .... He is fully God, .... but Jesus was also .... fully man.
While he was on earth Jesus felt hunger.... he felt fatigue .... he felt sorrow......he was fully man.
Jesus was tempted just as we are.
And .... The Apostle John summarizes how we are tempted: ...... BIBLE "For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life is ...... not of the father ... but of the world." END 1 John 2:16
Jesus was tempted in these three areas.
The lust of the flesh .... the Lust of the eyes ... and Pride of life.
Eve was tempted in these three areas, ...... and we too ... will be tempted .... in all three of these areas.
The lust of the flesh .... the Lust of the eyes ... and Pride of life.
Scripture tells us several things that helped Jesus ... resist the temptations ...... that were presented to him.
Beloved Jesus ...was full ... of the Holy Spirit
Speaking to a large audience, ... D.L. Moody held up a glass and asked, ... "How can I get the air out of this glass?"
One man shouted, .... "Suck it out with a pump!"
Moody replied, ... "That would create a vacuum ... and shatter the glass."
After numerous other suggestions ... Moody smiled, ... picked up a pitcher of water, ... and simply filled the glass.
"There," he said, ... "all the air is now removed."
Beloved ... a victorious Christian life ... is not accomplished ... by "sucking out a sin here and there," .... but by being filled .... Filled to the brim .... with the Holy Spirit.
Beloved Jesus was what ... He was full of the Holy Spirit when he went into the wilderness.
Are you filled with the Holy Spirit?
You should be and you can be.
Are you spiritually prepared ... so that when temptations come; ... you can recognize them ... through the wisdom ... of the Holy Spirit.
Do you know them ... for what they are ... even if they are subtle, ... half truths ...... and look pleasing in and within themselves?
Beloved...... Be filled ... filled to the brim ... with the Holy Spirit.
When we give in to temptation ... it leads to trouble.
(Illustration 1)
Such was the plight of a man that I read about in Reader's Digest.
This man said he was shopping in the mall with his wife .... when a shapely young woman a short, form fitting dress walked by.
And as she walked by ... his eyes followed her.
Which caused his head turn sharply ... to the left.
Without even looking up from the clothes that she was examining his wife said, ... "Was it worth the trouble ... you are in?
That is the trouble ... with temptation.
Temptation comes through ordinary things and through ordinary desires.
When it comes .... we are often .... caught off guard. (Long Pause)
(OR Illustration 2)
One morning ... A man took his little boy ... up to a mountain spring ... for the very first time.
When they jumped into the water ... the little boy began to shiver with cold ... and cried, "Oh, Papa, Oh Papa that was terrible!"
His father led him out of the water, ... rubbed him down with a towel ... and they got dressed.
"Oh, Papa, that was really bad!" purred the little fellow, .... tingling with pleasant warmth.
The father asked, "Do you know the difference between a cold bath and sin?
When you jump into a cold spring you first yell 'Oh!' and then you say 'Ahh!'
But when you commit a sin, you first say 'Ahh!' and then you yell 'Oh!'" (Long Pause)
The Devil is no fool ... when it comes to temptation.
Jesus knew the Scriptures ... and how to use them skillfully ... in answering Satan.
The Spirit strengthens us ... with whatever Scripture ...... we have hidden in our hearts.
Remember these words from the Psalms: BIBLE "I have hidden your word in my heart .... that I might not sin ... against you" END (REPEAT) (Psalm 119:11).
1. Thou shalt not live by bread alone (Matthew 4:4)
2. Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God (Matthew 4:7)
3. Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God and serve Him only. (Matthew 4:10)
Are you feeding The Scriptures ... into your heart?
Are you prepared for the temptations ... that "Will" be set before you?
The Scriptures are spiritual food ... and you must eat from them each and every day.
BIBLE "I have hidden your word in my heart...... that I might not sin against you" END (Psalm 119:11)
Jesus Response Was Non-negotiable.
He did not discuss it with Satan ... as Eve did.
Do not stick around ... to debate the issue.
Remember ... A fish will not be caught ...... if it does not open its mouth.
Do not prolong the temptation. ... Let your Yes be Yes ... Let Your No be No. (Matthew 5:37)
Walk from temptation.
For we are assured the following Hear God's word:... BIBLE "that if we Submit to God. And Resist the devil ... he will surely flee from you." BIBLE (James 4:7)
Beloved ... "Greater is He that is in you ...than He that is in the world." (1 John 4:4)
When the reformer Martin Luther was asked how he overcame the devil, ...he replied,
"Well, when he comes knocking at the door of my heart, and asks:
'Who lives here?' the dear Lord Jesus goes to the door and says, "
Martin Luther used to live here, ... but he has moved out. ......Now I live here."
Quit answering the door ... of temptation.
Be Mature ... men and women of Faith.
Make mature decisions.
Beloved... if we listen to the counsel of the Scriptures,
If we listen to the counsel of the Holy Spirit who lives within us ... we will make ...... fewer wrong ones.
When we meet the allurements of sin ... do not test God ... trust God.
Trust God ... and His word!
Let God ...rather than your feelings rule your life.
Trust God ... not your Feelings
Remember ... Temptation is Only a Question......Your response is the answer.
And Beloved ... when you flee temptation, (SLOW) leave no forwarding address.
Amen and Amen!
Help: I retired in November 2017 and am attempting to supplement my income by sharing on Sermoncentral. If this Message has been helpful to you, please consider a nominal donation: Send to The Rev. Jeff Smead 11725 Regent Park Drive Chardon Ohio 44024. Blessed To Be A Blessing.
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