Just Words: Healed
Scripture Text: Mark 1.29-39
Peter must’ve loved his mother-in-law, …because he brought Jesus to her!
I’m sure that you’ve heard any-number of mother-in-law jokes… …such-as: What is the worst thing an emergency room doctor can tell you after admitting your mother-in-law to the hospital?
“Sir, we were able to save her!” [“Ughhh!] But, Peter must’ve had a better-relationship with his mother-in-law, than-that!
I. Healing
She was sick with a fever; …and that-was a serious-thing… Now-a-days, we generally-think-of ‘fever’ as a minor-kinda-thing. It’s unpleasant. It’s not-something that you’d wish-on-a-person; …but, when you have a fever, you take a Tylenol and go-to-bed. But… that wasn’t the case before Wal-greens and pharmaceuticals! A fever could be a life-threatening experience.
When Jesus-and-Peter enter the house, …Peter’s mother-in-law is lying-down, sick-in-bed, …sick with fever. We don’t know how long she’d had the fever. We don’t know the cause of the fever. We don’t know how high her temperature was. All-we-know is that she had a fever and that it had laid-her-low.
Jesus went to her. He didn’t have a magic potion. He didn’t do a medicine-man dance, around her bed. He didn’t do cartwheels or wave a magic-wand. No… He simply reached-out, …took her hand, …and helped-her-up. And the fever left her!
I think that what we can take-from-this is that Jesus wasn’t in-to putting-on-a-show! We have seen healing-services turned into theater. We’ve seen it made into a show. But, that’s not the way that Jesus went about healing folks. It was simple. It was personal. He took her hand, …helped her up, …and the fever left!... Gone! Adios! Restored to health. Feelin’ better. What-a-difference the simple-touch of the Lord-Jesus makes!
Mark goes-on to-say: “That evening, after sunset the people brought to Jesus all the sick and demon-possessed.”
There’s a couple of interesting things to notice here. They are still in Peter’s house… By-the-way, …archaeologists have discovered both: Peter’s house and the synagogue of Capernaum! I don’t know if you’re into-that-kinda-thing, or not… But, Peter’s house was similar to other-houses of that time. It was kinda-like a compound with a wall-around-the-outside and separate small living-structures within the wall. So, there might-be a two-room-house in one-corner of the compound ~ …and that’s where Peter and his wife-and-kids lived. And, there might-be another, two-room-structure in a-different-corner of the compound ~ …and that’s-where Peter’s brother, Andrew lived with his family. And-then, possibly, a smaller, one-room-structure over-against another-wall ~ …and that’s-where Peter’s mother-in-law lived ~ …ever-since she became a widow.
The whole-thing was encompassed by a wall – for security and privacy. And in-the-middle of these dwellings were good-sized-courtyards. The whole-compound had a single entrance ~ …and that’s the “door” that Mark refers-to, when he says that the whole-town gathered at-the-door. There was room in the courtyards for many people ~ …but the crowds were flocking-there, in-such-numbers, that they couldn’t all-get-in, all-at-once! But, as they came, Jesus touched them and healed them. It must’ve been a pretty-cool time! People-gettin’ carried-in, …drug-in, …hauled-in ‘cause they were so sick; People-gettin’ escorted-in because Mark tells us that-they-were possessed by demons. Lots-of-them… Many-of-them ~ …Jesus healed. He restored. It must’ve been a pretty-cool time!
Can you imagine the buzz, …the excitement, …the energy that must’ve been radiating as bodies-were-healed, …hearts-were-freed, …and people-were-amazed by all-that-they-saw Jesus doing right-there, in-front-of-them!?!
Peter’s mother-in-law gives us an interesting-example of how-to respond to God’s grace. She immediately got up and began serving. The-moment-that she began to feel well, …she put-on her apron and became-the-perfect-hostess to her guests!
Some people might think this is a little extreme ~ …They might-think that she oughtta-take-it-easy for a while; …They might-think that she shoulda-taken-her-place in the lazy-boy-recliner; …They might-think that it’s-unrealistic to expect someone to dive-right-in, right-after she was laid-low with a fever!
Some-people might-think these-kinda-things, …but that’s not-what Peter’s mother-in-law thought! As-soon-as she was well, …she got-to-her-feet and took-care-of-her-house-guests.
If you were to read the Gospel of Mark all-the-way-through, ...what-you’d-find is that Mark really-emphasizes immediate-action. In-fact, as-you-read through Mark’s Gospel, it almost feels-as-though he’s racing toward the end-of-the-story ~ …moving like a race-car, from one-event-to-the-next ~ …and just-like in the case-of Peter’s-mother-in-law, …there’s no wishy-washy, mamby-pamby mulling-it-over (on-the-part-of those who see-and-hear Jesus)! No!... People react. Some with faith. Some with shouts. Some with anger. Some with disgust. But, everybody reacts, immediately.
Peter’s mother-in-law gives an immediate-reaction to the healing-touch of Jesus: …she gets-up from her sick-bed, and begins to hostess! In-this, she gives a-tremendous-example of responding to what God does in our own heart and life. Do you see the take-home-principles that Mark wants us to learn from her example? ~ …live gratefully; …live generously; …our hands are to be led by our hearts; …give what you get; …share what you receive.
God pours out His grace to us abundantly, …surprisingly, …certainly. What are you going to do with that? ~ Peter’s mother-in-law is a great-example of how to respond to God’s goodness-and-grace. Faith. Service. Hospitality!
II. “Rock Star”
News was-spreading very quickly. Crowds were gathering. Jesus was developing “rock star” status. We’re not-even to-the-end of the first-chapter, …and-already, it’s-as-though the whole-town is showing-up! It’s gonna get worse! Some might think it’s a good-thing… I’m-sure the disciples thought all-this-attention, …the excitement, …the celebrity-status ~ …I’m sure that the disciples were already thinkin’, “This is awesome! “Just think of what Jesus is gonna be able to do!”
But, …crowds can get outta control. Crowds can develop their own truth. Crowds don’t always listen very closely… And-many-times, crowds act on perception, hear-say, and impulse.
Jesus seems to prefer the interpersonal interactions. Conversation. Touch. Questions. “Rock stars” work their celebrity. They work the crowds. They limit their interpersonal-connections. They prefer publicity. Performing-miracles would-add to the “rock star” status.
But… Jesus knew the ambiguity of miracles.
“He meant them to be… signs of the kingdom of God. They were intended to arouse repentance and faith. The grave danger was that people, seeing his acts of healing merely as spectacular feats of magic, would not alter their relationship to God in the slightest.”
“Rock Star” status is fleeting and based-on the fickle-attitudes. People swarm from one celebrity to the next… And that’s not-the-kind of following Jesus wanted to create!
Jesus tells the people whom he released from demonic-control ~ …He told them not to tell anyone who he was! Does that sound strange to you?... Why would He tell somebody to keep quite? Why wouldn’t He want anyone who truly-believed Him-to-be the Son-of-God ~ …why wouldn’t He want them to spread the news!?!
Hear-me-closely: Miracles have their place. Miracles are powerful-testimonies to Christ’s power over the natural-world. But, if our faith centers-on and revolves-around miracles, …then we are missing-the-point! If-our faith is all-about-the-miracles, …then it’s a short-step to the attitude: “What have you done for me lately?” ~ …and if-that’s-where our faith is-at, …then it’s not-a-very-good-relationship, at-all!
The kind-of-following Jesus wants to create is based on devotion …and dedication …and most-of-all on love.
I hope you’re gettin’ all-this: Miracles are a good thing! And Jesus performed miracles on-purpose. But, …He did not want people following-Him simply-because of the “show”. As Mark tells us what-was-happening, …more-and-more people were being-healed and restored to full-health. More-and-more people were witnessing miracles. Those-experiences, …those-miraculous-events left a powerful-impression on everyone. And, they help us understand how His fame grew so quickly, …and why so-many-people were flocking to see Him.
But, more-than-anything, …Jesus wants people’s faith to be based on personal-decision. Maybe they-received a physical touch, …or maybe it’s through something He says, …or something they see Him do ~ Miracles-are-great… but, Jesus always intended them to be the catalyst to faith.
III. The Hunt
Now, let’s step-back for just-a-second… Mark tells us that after-that-incredible night-of-ministry at Peter’s house, Jesus got up early ~ …before anybody-else rolled outta-bed; …before the rooster-crowed; …before the sun peaked-over the horizon ~ …He got up early and went into the wilderness ~ …not-just to escape the crowds, …but-also to renew His mission, …His purpose, …His calling.
Mark says ~ in verse 35 ~ that Jesus went-off to a solitary-place, where he prayed. The whole-thing sounds like an echo from-something we’ve heard-before. Do you remember that-after Jesus’ baptism, …that He went into the wilderness to fast-and-pray? While-He-was-there, He was sorely-tempted by Satan.
Could that be what’s-happening, here-again? …Mark doesn’t give us the details, but… If-you-remember, Luke tells-us that when the devil left Jesus ~ …after those forty-days of tempting-and-testing ~ …Luke tells-us that the devil left Jesus, “until an opportune time”. Could-it-be that Mark is alluding to another-time, here, …another-opportunity in-which Satan tries-to-tempt Jesus, again?
In the first-set of temptations, …the devil tried to push-and-prod Jesus into becoming a miracle-man, …a different-kinda-Savior. But, Jesus kept His eye–on-the-ball; …He kept His focus on the mission that God-the-Father had called-Him-to; …He came to love-and-to-serve, and to save humanity through death-on-a-cross.
But, here-we-are… Jesus is experiencing success-after-success in ministry ~ …healings, …exorcisms, …an effective teaching-ministry ~ …could it be that Jesus was tempted-again to morph into a different-kind of Savior ~ …Jesus Christ ~ super-star?; …and bigger-and-better “rock star” than the world-has-ever-seen?
Could it be that He retreated into the wilderness to re-connect with His Heavenly Father ~ …restoring His commitment to the path of a Suffering Servant? Could it be that He was escaping-the-crowds, …the positive-press, …breaking-away from the “rock star” celebrity, …so that He-could focus-on the mission that God-the-Father had called Him to in-the-first-place ~ …a mission that inevitably, would lead to rejection and suffering and death on a cruel-cross?
There’s something here for all of us! When success comes our way… When others are singing our praises. When we’re seeing victories for the kingdom ~ …beware of the subtle-temptation to make it all-about-you; …beware of the subtle-temptations to re-invent the calling God has placed on your life. Go into the wilderness. Escape the crowds. Find time to spend with God, …one-on-one, …and let Him speak to your heart and guide your vision. Jesus went to a “solitary place”, where he prayed.
This all must’ve been very confusing to the disciples! Where was Jesus? Why’d He get up so early and disappear? “We need to ride this wave… We need to make some more public-appearances… “We need to ride this train all-the-way to Herod’s palace!”
But-when they woke-up the next morning ~ …the disciples discovered that Jesus had “bugged-out”. Mark tells in verse 36 that the disciples went searching for Jesus. And… in verse 37, when the disciples find Jesus, …they say-to-Him, “Everyone is looking for you”. And-in-that-verse, the Greek word is passionate, …intense, …it definitely conveys a strong-message: …”Everyone is looking for you” ~ ….In-other-words, they are “hunting” for Jesus. They are pursuing Him. They are strongly-motivated to find Him.
Where does this leave us?... What do-we-take-home this morning, and apply to our lives? Well, we might zero-in-on ‘healing’ ~ …and we might hear God challenging-us to deepen our faith that God really-can heal us ~ …whether it’s physical, …or emotional, …or spiritual healing that we’re in need of. Trust Him. He can do it!
We might-also zero-in-on ‘service’ ~ …Peter’s mother-in-law provides a terrific example of how to respond when God graces our lives. She was healed…and immediately she got up and started taking-care-of her house guests. Service arises out of gratitude and generosity and thankfulness for what God has done for us.
But, the longer I study this passage and listen to what God is whispering through these verses ~ …the more I’m convinced that there’s something else He wants us to focus-on. Here it is:
Sometimes we get so wrapped-up in what Jesus can do for us ~ …when we really just-need to find Jesus!
Miracles, …healings, …wow, …wonder, …astonishment ~ …Jesus is meeting-needs, left-and-right. The disciples see it. The crowds see it. The temptation is to zero-in-on what He can do for us. We come to where He is, list-in-hand: …our needs, …legitimate needs, ..sometimes not-even, concerns for ourselves ~ …but we want Jesus to do something for our loved-ones ~ …and we get all-wrapped-up in what we want Jesus to do, …the miracles we want Him to perform, …the bodies we want Him to heal, …the situations we want Him to fix.
Sometimes we get so-zeroed-in-on what we want Jesus to do for us, …that we forget that it’s really all-about-pursuing Jesus! Hunting. Searching. Following. In-the-end ~ faith is not-about what we believe Jesus can do for us; …rather, faith is more-about going-after Him wherever He leads! He may lead us into the crowds; …or, to the leper colonies. It may be into people’s lives; …or, He may lead us into the wilderness! But, wherever He leads you ~ …wherever Jesus leads our church, we have got-to-face this question: …are we hangin-around Jesus because we’re hoping He’ll take-care of our laundry-list? Or… are we following Him, …pursuing Him, …chasing Him because we love Him and we trust Him and we know that life is futile and meaningless and empty without Him!?!
We’ve all got a list-of-things we want Jesus to do for us. And-it’s-o.k. to ask Him ~ …He invites us to cast-our-cares upon Him.
But, more-important than believing Jesus is able to-meet our needs, …and able-to-perform great-and-mighty miracles ~ …more-important is trusting Him and loving Him whether-or-not He does what we want-or-ask of Him! What Jesus wants is for us to follow Him; …to pursue Him; …to search for Him! The hunt is on!