Sermon - Facing Your Giants , Breaking the Chains
Scripture reading: 1 Samuel 17:4-49 Heb 12 : 1-6
While this story is over 3000+ years old. We can still learn from it.
Goliath was this HUGE giant over 9 feet tall and everyone was afraid of him. Obviously, he seemed invincible and intimidating for most people. Then you see David, a little Sheppard boy who was not intimidated.
Let's look at David, and learn from him here tonight.
The reason he was not intimated by Goliath,
David knew that his God was bigger than his problem, the question here tonight is "DO YOU"?
Let's look at the five stones that David choose to slay his Giant.
1. Faith: Faith moves the hand of God, Without faith you can do nothing.
2. Assurance: David had no Doubt that God was with him.
3. Chosen: David knew he was chosen by God .
4. Called: David knew he had a Mission to fulfil.
5. Sent: It was by no coincidence that David was there at the battle, it was a divine call.
The take away points from this Sermon:
1. The Giant facing you holds no power over you, it your fear of that giant that has the power over you.
2. David had to leave the Mountain top and walk down to the valley to slay his Giant!
Tonight there are people sitting here who are facing the Goliath s in their own lives. those giants may include having debt, facing sickness, divorce, anger, jealousy, or abuse. It could be a challenging work colleague, work overload. It could be a broken relationship.ET AL.
So I encourage you tonight to Think of the giants that you or your family are facing. Roll up your sleeve and say: enough is enough! Goliath, … I’m taking you on!
Tonight with God at my side, and the body of Christ praying for me, I am going to break these chains that torment me.
It is a natural reaction when faced with a Giant to
• Retreat from it,
• Hide from it.
• Ignore it
Notice David did not run away from his giant, he confronted it head on. He ran towards Goliath for the confrontation, knowing that he could slay him with the power of God on his side.
My question to you tonight; Do you run towards your giant, or run away from it.? or ignore it hoping it will go away?
As the Praise team comes (Break every Chain), I want you to think about the areas in your life that you need the LORD to intervene
Tonight, I set before you 3 Chairs.
Chair # 1 is the Chair of Commitment.
Those in the body of Christ who sit in this chair walk the walk, talk the talk, and strive to make a difference in a lost and dying world. Their lives reflect their faith in God. They are the back bone of the Church.
But even for them, the dark clouds gather, and the storms of life come to them.
Tonight is the night to slay the giants trying to raise up and destroy you and your family.
Chair # 2 is the Chair of the Luke Warm un- committed church goer.
They know how to play church, they bring their Bibles, they raise their hands. They wear a cross around their neck, but they don't have JESUS in their Heart
Chair # 3 is the Chair of the PAST.
So many in the Body of Christ sit in this chair.
The only thing holding them back from fulfilling their dreams of Tomorrow, is Yesterday.
They live in the rear-view mirror.
Holding on to the hurts and pain of yesterday is like a dog always going back and digging up a buried bone.
Tonight is the night to allow Christ to break the chains of the past.
As the Prayer team comes, if you are facing a Goliath in your life right now, come and let the Prayer Team pray with you.
Point Slides available. Email me:
Disclaimer: The concept of the 3 Chairs came from Kirk Cameron Ministries, the Content is my own.
While this subject has been preached so many times it is difficult not to duplicate points others have made. No plagiarism intended.