Summary: cost of deception can be very high, so Jesus shows us tactic of Satan that always work for him, so if you know them, you have a chance.

Summary: The cost of deception can be very high, so Jesus shows us tactic of Satan that always work for him, so if you know them, you have a chance.

This sermon was delivered to St John's in Girvan and St Oswald’s in Maybole, Ayrshire, Scotland on the 17th November 2013: by Gordon McCulloch

(both are Scottish Episcopal Churches in the Dioceses of Glasgow and Dumfries).

Isaiah 65:17-25 2 Thessalonians 3:6-13 Luke 21:5-19

Prayer: Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of our hearts be acceptable to you O Lord. Amen.


Today’s readings are generally referred to as the “end times prophesies”, and as you know, they are full of fear … and trepidation … and if you dwell on them too long, you will end up full of despondency and despair; but there is hope, if you know where to look.

Today’s prophesy is now known as the “Olivet Discourse” the greatest prophecy ever preached … (some of which we read this morning), and it was made just after Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem that Palm Sunday. Here he was in the great temple, and was just about to leave for the last time with his disciples; when without warning, Jesus started to speak about the last days.

Verses 5 and 6 “When some were speaking about the temple, how it was adorned with beautiful stones and gifts dedicated to God, Jesus said, ‘As for these things that you see, the days will come when not one stone will be left upon another; all will be thrown down.’

When we marvel at the beauty of our Episcopalian churches, we do not want to be told that they are going to be raised to the ground; like that lovely church in Girvan, St John’s; no, and neither did the disciples; particularly as the temple in Jerusalem was so magnificent, in size … in architectural grandeur … and expensive decorations.

In fact it was estimated that the temple area itself covered about one-sixth of the ancient city of Jerusalem; and I guess that would be about the size of Maybole or Girvan or even larger.

The temple was not only the heart and soul of Jerusalem, but of the whole of the Jewish nation; and so these remarks were so devastating that the as disciples voiced their concerns in verse 7, “Teacher, when will this be, and what will be the sign that this is about to take place?’

Now it was clear to the disciples that the temple was synonymous with the end of the world, and after all they had witnessed from Jesus, we could forgive them for thinking that this would happen in their lifetime; so, a wee bit of a warning would not go a miss.

They were of mistaken of course, because Jesus was making a connection between the fall of Jerusalem, (which happened in 70 AD) and the end of the age … the Second Coming … which is still to happen. However, the disciple’s question had two parts.

1 They wanted to know when this would take place.

2. Will there be any signs leading up to this event?

But Jesus deliberately avoided their question; and instead of telling them what they wanted to know, he told them what they needed to know; and that was, how to conduct themselves in the light of the destruction of Jerusalem; by giving them warnings about two very real; but decidedly separate dangers. The first is that they should not to be deceived, and the second is they should not worry.

1. Do not be deceived.

In Verse 8 Jesus says ”Beware that you are not led astray; for many will come in my name and say, “I am he!” and, “The time is near!” Do not go after them.

We will soon be moving onto 2014, and even the most casual observer is alarmed at the spiritual direction of our country. Many are deserting the church, with the young ones struggling for a reason to attend. The result is that churches are closing, and other established religions are being promoted.

There are also the newer religions emerging from the increase in global communication, like the … Mormons, and the … Jehovah Witnesses, and the … Scientologists and … New Age movement to name but a few; all which deny Jesus as the son of God.

And if that is not enough, there are all the spiritual groups, groups that are trying to contact the dead, looking for comfort and advice; in fact they are all trying to offer comfort and advice; and I am sure you can all add to this list; but towards the end of the age, Jesus is warning us that there will be an increase in deception, and a tremendous potential for people to be deceived; … and we can all testify to that.

But Jesus prophesied this all these years ago as such deception is not something new; it is as old as man himself. Genesis chapter 3 tells us how Satan deceived man, and it is interesting to note, that nothing has changed; he is still deceiving us in exactly the same way.

Why do we let him, because his system works? There are three basic, simple steps to his deception, and it is in these steps that advertisers, politicians and general do gooders use to their advantage.

First Doubt God’s Word.

The first step Satan devised was to persuade Eve to doubt the Word of God. Satan appeared to Eve and said in Genesis 3:1 “Has God indeed said, ‘You shall not eat of every tree of the garden.” He implied to Eve that somehow she had misunderstood God; and you can just imagine it, “Are you sure that is what God meant”? (He implied … he casts doubt … but noticed, he did not force Eve, he subtly suggested that what God had said was not strictly accurate … and he made Eve doubt God’s word).

Second Deny the word of God.

Doubt is a quality that we must be careful with, because on one hand, (used wisely), it will protect us, but on the other, (Satan will use it to his advantage), and the road from doubt too denial is very short indeed; and before we know it, Satan is contradicting the things we know to be true; and in this case, the very word of God.

Satan then said to Eve in Genesis 3:4, “ye shall not surely die“? A flat contradiction of what God had said, because on eating the fruit, Eve did die; not a physical death, Eve died a spiritual death, a death that separated her from God; a separation that could only be brought together by the death of Jesus many years later.

Third Replace the word of God

Satan’s first tactic is to doubt the word of God, his second is to get you to deny the word of God, leaving you wide open, … and receptive … for him to replace the word of God, … with his own word as he then goes on to say in Genesis 3:5 … “For god does know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil”.

Satan is telling Eve here that she will be as God, and can therefore decide for herself what is good and what is evil. Satan has taken the word of God totally out of context, and convinced Eve that she will be as God. Do you see the subtlety in this?

Do you honestly think the Anti-Christ, when he appears will be a horrible ogre? No way, he will be very presentable … and charming … with good social skills … and a great sense of plausibility and … deniability.

This is the type of person our society holds in esteem; someone who can challenge our old values, normally with the excuse that they are out of date with the modern world; then subtly twist them, … or take them out of context, … or tells us that they do not work for everyone; … leading to that open door for replacing them on the third stage … with their new value or concept.

We have all seen it time and time again, the old values, are eroded from our culture, and replaced with new “modern” ones. Watch the adverts on TV to see this in action; then read again how Satan deceived Eve all these years ago.

Please take this to heart … as I believe that we are living in the edge of the latter times; it is not here yet, but the spirit of deception is certainly rampant in our world, and we must be aware of it, and familiar with it, to counteract it.

We must not be deceived and I have laboured this point because the cost of being deceived can be very high indeed; and the payback can be even higher as I am sure you know. It cost God the death of his son, to pay Satan back for deceiving eve, Eve and putting things right.

Secondly he warns, DO NOT BE AFRAID.

But, apart from the deception, and to move quickly on, Jesus also warns us that we should not be afraid, and from that, there is hope, hope for the future.

Today we read of a constant barrage of negative and frightening predictions of things to come; so how do we deal with them? Do we head for the hills and set up a dwelling with guns and groceries in preparation for Armageddon, … or do we give into these dire predictions, and cave in to our fears?

Well, neither, because Jesus said in Verse 9, “When you hear of wars and insurrections, do not be afraid; for these things must take place first, but the end will not follow immediately”. Notice the words, “do not be afraid”; because there has always been wars … and rumours of wars, ... and that is not a sign of the end of the age; and neither are the words “will not” follow immediately.

Jesus goes on to say in verses 10 and 11“Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be great earthquakes, and in various places famines and plagues; and there will be dreadful portents, and great signs from heaven”.

These things will happen, and have happened, but they are not the sign that the world is about to end as verse 12 goes on to say, “before all this occurs, they will arrest you, and persecute you; they will hand you over to synagogues and prisons, and you will be brought before kings and governors because of my name”.

Very few people in the Western world have suffered this, … (and it has happened this very week in North Korea but the western world was very shocked and enraged by it, and that is a good sign); and so is verse 13, is more optimistic by saying “This will give you an opportunity to testify. So make up your minds not to prepare your defence in advance; for I will give you words and wisdom, that none of your opponents will be able to withstand or contradict.”

I like the words “do not make up your defence” … because God himself is going to give you words and wisdom … and also a defence to overcome.

However, verses 16 and 17 descend us into despondency again, “You will be betrayed even by parents and brothers, by relatives and friends; and they will put some of you to death. You will be hated by all, because of my name”; … … Oh Dear…. but we are still not down … because verses 18 and 19 restores hope, “But not one hair of your head will perish. By your endurance, you will gain your souls.” And that is not encouraging?

The persecution being described here is something that will take place in the future; and Jesus has promised that His disciples, (and that is us here today), that we will never meet these tribulations alone; … not only will Jesus be with us; … he will prepare us in advance.

Rather than being blown away by persecution we are to persevere … and to persevere we need strength … his strength to endure … and stand firm … in him … and through him … “the hope of Glory”. … We are told directly here, (not implied), that we are not to be frightened; … we are not to be afraid … because he that is God himself … is going to prepare us. … He is going to give us words and wisdom to protect us … something the no other religion, or spiritual group can proclaim.

I just love it when all this comes together, in a nice neat message. We are not too allow ourselves to be deceived … and we are not allowed to be afraid, as 1John 4:4 simply puts it, “You are of God … little children … and you will overcome: … because greater is he that is in you … than he that is in the world”.

Amen, let us pray.

Father we thank you for Jesus, we thank you he died for us all those years ago; and father forgive us if we do not fully understand what that truly means.

Teach us this day, that we belong to you … that we are part of you … and as such, you are watching over us all time. ... Father, show us, that despite our fears … you have our best interest at heart, interests that are lining up with your will.

Father give us the wisdom … the strength … and the courage to recognise deception when it comes calling; and the path that deception is trying to take us. Father empower us to say NO to such deceit, and the endurance to stay firm.

Father we stand by you in Jesus name, Amen.