Summary: Who created everything? Who created God?

Let’s see your bibles today, let’s see your bibles today, say word. One more time say word. Let’s see your pens, lesson plan. Let’s turn to Genesis 1. Genesis is the first page of the whole bible. It’s easy. Genesis 1, the first page of the whole bible. It should be easy. As you turn there let me pray for you.

Lord thank you so much for today. Thank you so much for blessing us and we pray that ah you would open our eyes, the eyes of our heart that we may see clearly today. In Jesus’ name, Amen! Amen.

My wife and I like to go look at model homes just to look and how many of you all like to go look at model homes and, how many of you like to look at stuff you cannot afford? Look at you all, look at you all. That’s so ghetto too. You know what I’m saying? Cuz you’re, and ghetto, ghetto for all you all who, ghetto’s not a black term. It’s just ghetto. There’s white ghetto people, black ghetto people, Mexican, can I get an amen? I mean it’s just ghetto. It’s like you stuff that’s just not right. Right? And you go in like you got money right? like Yeah-yeah. And, and they have to talk to you as though you’re a potential buyer and they can tell. They can tell and you know they can tell when they go – Well here’s a brochure. Call us if you need us. That’s when they know that you’re not serious. So anyway we like to look houses and we’re actually trying to move now so we’re looking at a house to buy and you can tell a lot about people when you go in their house. You know how they decorated. Did they take care of the house? Some houses are jacked up and there’s some real nice but you could tell a lot about the owner, their style, their care, their attention to detail.

So behind me we have a living room and this living room is gonna be very instrumental in teaching us about God. This living room right here, now it’s very instrumental in teach about God. Now I’m gonna just point out two specific articles in the living room as a, as a starting point. So on the wall you have back here a cross. Ok see the cross in the living room? It’s on the wall. That’s gonna represent God cuz I’m gonna talk about God over the next few weeks about who, the series called Who is God? So I’m gonna talk about God and that cross is gonan represent God.

This nothing jar, I call it the nothing jar, see it has nothing in it. Ok you all see that. This represents nothing. Now the reason I put the nothing jar there is because some people don’t believe there’s a God or they believe that God is unknown. So we also have on the back just in case if you’re almost an atheist we have an unknown God. Ok? So that’s what this jar means. This jar represents those people who don’t believe in God.

So we got the cross for people who believe in a god and by the way the cross, though the cross represents the God of the bible there are some people who believe in a god. So we’re gonna just lump you in with us cuz I believe the evidence is gonna not only point to a god it’s gonna point to the God of the bible. It’s gonna point to the God of the bible.

Now and so you have the nothing jar. The nothing jar means nothing. Absolutely nothing, no God. Everyone say nothing. Ok so you have, we have an option of a God that we can know very specifically, and know God or just something out there that we don’t know. I’m gonna put those two together. Ok? But I believe the evidence is gonna come and point to a God that we can know and know a lot about and know personally.

Now some people might say – Isn’t belief in God about faith? Absolutely, everyone say faith. But faith is always based on facts. You don’t put your faith in feelings. Feelings change, feelings deceive. Faith is based on facts. And so you put your faith on facts. It’s evidence and, and the bible will tell us that God has given us plenty of evidence to point to His existence and plenty of evidence to describe who He is, what He expects of us, plenty of evidence to describe and lead us into a relationship with Him. So for the next few weeks we’re gonna look at that evidence and hopefully it’s gonna help you understand who God is and what He expects of you and hopefully the evidence will be very plain to you.

So I’m gonna start with a very simple question and this is not a trick question. Ok? it’s not a trick question. How many of you by a show of hands, and if you’re watching online or TV or wherever you are, how many of you by a show of hands, or if you’re watching in north county, how many of you by show of hands will say – There is in fact a living room behind me? This is not a trick question. How many, just raise your hand real quick. Ok. How many of you would say there’s not a living room behind me? Ok there’s not a living room behind me. Ok so for all you who say it’s not a living room, it’s not a trick question. This is really a living room. Look that’s really a table. That’s really a couch. Right? It’s really a couch. You can sit back, lay whatever you want to do. This is really a TV. Stuff is moving on there. It’s really a picture. So it’s simulated. It’s not a house so it’s a simulated living room. So how many of you believe that this is a living room? Ok. It’s intended. So how many of you still say there’s no living room here? Ok that’s fine. You have a right to believe that. Ok right there it’s not a trick question. By, by the way what is it? Ok simulation but it’s a simulated living room. Ok I’m gonna say it’s a simulated living room. Ok do you agree with that? Ok so can we all agree there is furniture behind me? Can we, can we at least say that? Ok. There’s always somebody in the crowd.

Ok so here’s another thing. Here’s another thing. Are we all agreed on that? And by the way if you don’t agree that’s fine. You don’t agree that’s fine. Ok you don’t, I’m not trying, you don’t have to agree. So there’s a simulated living room. There’s furniture behind me. How many of you by a show of hands believe that somebody put it there? Ok just, does anybody believe (laughter), does anybody believe that the nothing jar put it there? That nothing put it there, just by itself came there. Does anybody believe that? Nobody. Ok so we all believe that somebody put it there right? It has a cause, somebody put it there.

Ok let’s take it to, let’s take it to the next level. How many of you, how many of you believe that somebody put this building here? Ok very good, very good. How about, how about somebody put your, your shirt together? Somebody created your shirt right? You don’t believe that nothing did your shirt, made your shirt right? Right. How about, how about your car, anybody if you have a car or bicycle or you’re gonna take the bus or your car or your sneakers that’s your deal. That’s your transportation right there. So somebody, I’m sorry I keep having you to raise your hand but you know I’m up here talking so you can raise your hand. How many of you all believe that somebody caused all those things? Very good, very good, ok.

So what you just did is that you just affirmed a law of logic called the law of causality, say causality. The law of causality or the law of first cause says that a limited object cannot cause itself. In your notes you’ll see limited object, a limited object cannot cause itself. Now a limited object is an object that cannot cause itself. Well what is that? Everything you know. Your house, your car, you, the stars, the moon, everything, everything that you know in this whole universe that you’ve ever seen or read about is a limited object and it had to have a beginning. No limited object can cause itself. It cannot begin itself. So everything you know has a cause.

Matter of fact you would never believe that anything you’ve seen just happened by itself. You would never believe and I, and now I’m putting words in your mouth but don’t you know disagree with me if you want to in your heart is that I don’t think any of you believe that nothing can produce anything. Matter of fact I believe it’s a scientific fact that nothing produces nothing. Can I get an amen? I mean if you have no thought process, and you have no energy, you have no power, you have no arms, ears, whatever, that nothing produces nothing.

So when you see all that, all the something that there is and all the something that you see is limited and cannot cause itself something had to cause it. That’s why you all agree that there’s a simulated living room behind me. Ok? Because somebody had to do it.

Matter of fact it’s like when you were a little kid and one of your brothers and sisters if you have brothers and sisters or your friend and someone spills milk on the carpet and a parent comes in and says – Who spilled the milk? And everyone goes – nobody. Well you know that ain’t true! Somebody had to do it.

If you ever watch CSI, CSI crime happens the CSI comes because they know based on the evidence they can find out who did it cuz somebody done it. Can I get an amen? Say somebody done it. Ok. So we’re gonna call that somebody done it a first cause, the person who did it. Say first cause. Very good. So if you think about all the things that man caused: cars, buildings, church, living rooms. Great. Who caused all the things that man didn’t cause? Ooh. The universe, let’s start with big, let’s go big.

Now the size of the universe I don’t think anybody knows. You go on websites and it says 27 million, billion light years, 93 billion light years. That’s like they got words octillion, sextillion like 21 zeros, 40 zeros, just ridiculous. The universe is ginormous. The sun is 93 million miles away. Ok it’s just, it’s just you know our solar system has 100-200 billion stars and that’s one solar system in 134 billion galaxies in the universe. It’s just ridiculously big! Well you didn’t do it. I sho enough didn’t do it. And certainly nothing didn’t do it. Can I get an amen? You know nothing did it. Somebody had to do it.

So who caused what man didn’t cause? Who caused man? Now you didn’t cause man. Now your mama and your papa they caused you but then who caused them? And who got to go back to the first man. OK? well I’m gonna propose to you that God claims to be the cause.

#1 in your notes if you look in your notes, #1in your notes it says this—God is our uncaused cause. Ha-ha. Now if you’re in your, if your mind going –Hold up, hold up, hold up. Well who caused God? Good question, good question. Before I answer that question let me read the bible. I’m gonna answer your question and it’s gonna be a good answer. You may not like it. You may not agree but we’ll get to it in a minute. The bible claims that God is the first cause of all the limited things that we know of the universe.

Now we know we didn’t do it. We know that. Can I get an amen? That’s a consensus. None of you all did it. We know that nothing can’t do it. Nothing can’t produce nothing. So if there’s no God that, that don’t work because somebody had to do it. So look it, look at what God says. God says, the bible says in the beginning God created the heavens and earth, everyone say God. That’s what this book says. Ok? Verse 3- God said – Let there be light and there was. Do we have light? Ba-da-boom we got it. You know ba-da-bings coming.

Look at, look at, look at verse 9 – God said – Let the waters under the heavens be gathered together in one place and let them, and let dry land appear and it was so. Ba-da-bing we got it. Ok.

Look at verse 11 – God said – Let the earth bring forth grass and herbs yield seed, and fruit that yield, fruit trees that yields fruit after its own kind and it was so. Ba-da-doom. Ok.

Verse 14 – God said – Let the light be in the firmament of the heavens and the skies to divide the day from the night and let them be for signs and seasons and for years and days. In other words the sun comes up in the day. The moon comes up at night. The stars tell us that it’s night and they tell us what time of the year it is. You could, when it’s winter, spring, summer or fall. They tell us direction just like God said. God said – I did it. We didn’t do it. Nothing didn’t do it. Ok.

Verse, verse 20 – God said – Let the waters abound with abundance of living creatures. Let the birds fly above the earth, across the face of the firmament of the heavens. We see birds. Amen? We see fish.

Look at verse 24 – God said – Let each bring forth living creatures. Let the earth bring forth living creatures according to its kind, cattle and creeping things. Some of those creeping things are people but that’s another story ok. And the beasts of the earth and each according to its kind. Cows make cows. Horses make horses. Roaches make roaches. Right? We see it. God said – He did that. I didn’t do it. You didn’t do it. Nothing didn’t do it.

Look at verse 26 – God said – Let us make man in our image. Who is us and our? The Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Father, Son and Holy Spirit said – Let us make man in our image. We were made in God’s image like nothing else He made by the way. And by the way out of everything He made He only made us in His image and one of the many benefits of being made in His image is that we can have relationship with Him and really understand what He’s talking about and give Him glory. Hoo! And love like Him, encourage like Him, and teach like Him, and create like Him! Ok He made us in His image. Mini-mes.

And it says verse 26 – Let us make man in our image according to our likeness and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, birds of the air, the cattle and the creeps that creep on the ground. God has said to us – I want you to care for my creation. I want you to care for it. I want you to take care of it. Don’t abuse it. Don’t destroy it. Ok? So what are we saying? God is our uncaused cause. God says – I’m gonna create everything and I’m gonna put you in it and I want you to care for it.

Now some of you are still with that question – Well who caused God? Who created God? How many of you all are thinking that right now? How many of you all are thinking that? Ah not a lot of you all. A lot of you all online are thinking that, definitely on TV thinking that. Let me, let me give you a little illustration. Ok I’m a football player so my body is, is, is having convulsions inside right now cuz I’m holding a basketball. Ok? I’m cheating on my wife with football ok so, so here’s the deal. I want you to imagine this basketball, this basketball is the universe. Ok now 93 billion light years and expanding at the speed of light which they suspect it is and the bible says God over, God spreads out the heaven light a curtain. Man observes that the universe is expanding at the speed of light and the bible says God’s the one doing it. Ooh! I’m not doing it and nothing’s doing it but it’s happening and God claims He’s doing it at the speed of light foo-foo-foo-foo. I get chills how big that dude is.

Man here’s the universe bham-bham-bham. I want you to imagine that everything we know in the whole universe is in this basketball. Of course not this small but this is a smaller version. Everything we know is in the universe. So what God said – I’m gonna make creation and we’re gonna, you guys are gonna call it the universe so let’s call it the universe. And that’s this basketball and, and what God did is He instilled in the basketball/in the universe laws of science, physics, biology, chemistry you know math, all that stuff to govern the universe and that’s the only way we can know math, the only way we can understand the things around us is because of science. Science is, it helps us understand what we, how things work, how things relate to each other. So He says – I’m gonna, I’m gonna put all these laws in here and I’m gonna put man in there, and by the way man was made in my image, man’s gonna be intelligent, creative, coordinated, loving, compassionate. What man’s gonna do is man’s gonna figure it out and man is figuring it out. We’re learning all the time about how to, how to measure distance. We’re learning all the time about our bodies, about plants, and animals, and we’re constantly studying about the ocean and God said – Keep, keep figuring it out. You’re getting there.

So God put all these scientific laws in here to govern the universe. Ok? And one of those is time. Time governs, is one of the things that governs the universe. And you, so you’re getting back to – Well what caused God? Every limited object which by the way is confined to this universe. Everything in here in limited ok? It needed a beginning but everything outside the universe goes by different laws. That’s where God is. God is not limited by time. God is not limited, He’s is not a limited, He is not a limited object. He is not a caused object. He always was. He always will. He is not confined by the laws of the universe. He’s on the outside. We in our ego think that the universe is all there is and we in our ego think that the laws that govern the universe are the only laws there are. God says – No-no you don’t understand. I made that. I made it up. I created it and put you in it.

It’d be like a parent saying to a kid – I’m gonna, I’m gonna go buy a car that was made by Ford or whatever, I’m gonna put gas in the car. I’m gonna give you the keys. I’m gonna give you a map but you have the responsibility to drive the car.

So God says - I’m gonna make this universe and I’m gonna put you in. I’m gonna give you intelligence. I’m gonna give you direction. I’m gonna give you insight and I’m gonna talk to you but you have a responsibility to understand what this is all about and as we discover, and as we learn about our universe we are learning about God but a lot of people are denying.

Matter of fact Romans 1:20 says - The invisible attributes of God, since the creation of the world. Romans 1:20 look it up at some point. Write it down. Romans 1:20. Romans 1:18-20 – Since the creation of the world the invisible attributes of God are clearly seen by things He made. The universe, God’s creativity is clearly seen by His universe, clearly seen by when you look at a human. Think about it. You have trillions of cells in your body that each cell is like a, it’s like a factory. It’s like a computer. That’s a fact! Trillions of them. Your brain it does trillions of calculations per second. You don’t even know what they are.

Matter of fact when you die your brain, this is a trip. Look to the person next to you and say this is gonan be a trip. When you die your brain continues to function for about 30 minutes. Now you know you ain’t doing it cuz you’re dead. Your brain is just shutting things down. Oh he’s dead so he don’t need that no more. He ain’t gonna need that no more. Bham-bham-bham-bham-bham just takes about 30 minutes to just wind down. It’s still doing stuff for 30 minutes. How? Somebody and by the way if the universe is so big, somebody bigger had to create it. If we are really complex which we are someone more complex and creative had to create it. So who’s the first cause? #1 God is the first. God is the uncaused cause. He’s uncaused cause.

#2 in your notes-God is our sustaining cause. God is our sustaining cause. What does that mean? It’s just that just because He made it doesn’t mean it’s gonna ah take care of itself. How many of you have ever had your bedroom stay clean by itself?

I mean we have 3 kids and 1 of, 1 of our kids she’s an artistic person. You know artistic people are just kind of, they’re not linear they’re just everywhere. It’s not a, it’s not a bad thing it’s just how God created them. They just, they’re abstract. Everything’s vague you know. Be downstairs at 10. Well is it really 10? Is it around 10? So we try to get our daughter to clean her room and artistic people, again it’s not a bad thing. They’re just that way. They, it was difficult for her to understand the concept of clean/order. So we tell our other kids go clean your room and they take then you know a half an hour or whatever cuz you know they had to make their bed, put their clothes away blah=blah-blah. My other daughter we just gave up. We just said just close your door. So they all go upstairs at the same time and the artistic one comes down in like 30 seconds. She just shut the door. That was it because it was a lost cause.

But the point is that either you have the room, somebody has to sustain the room. Now very quickly what sustains your bedroom? You. What sustains your car? You and when you take it to get it washed you take it to the car wash and you know we sustain this building you know and take care of the building. It’s a constant maintenance problem.

But who sustains the things man doesn’t? God. Well certainly nothing can’t sustain it. Someone had to sustain it. What makes the earth turn? Why isn’t the earth stopping? God. Turn to Job right in the middle of the bible right before Psalms – Job. This is, this is kind of funny. This is when God talks trash by the way. God/Job is a man who was very wealthy. His name is spelled J-O-B. Job was a man in the bible who was very rich, very righteous. The devil takes everything he has, almost kills Job and Job starts to complain to God about why is this happening to me? And God answers Job basically saying – Don’t question my righteousness and don’t question me with ignorance. Cuz a lot of times when we complain against God we’re complaining against God with ignorance. We don’t know what we’re talking about. God why, why did they get that raise? Shut up. You just, it’s none of your business. It’s way over your head. You don’t know. It’s just, stop, stop.

So Job jams God, ah God jams Job up but He talks about some stuff Job really don’t know. Look what it says in chapter 38:1. It says – The Lord answered Job out of the whirlwind and said – Who darkens counsel by words without knowledge? Job 38:1 The Lord answered Job out of the whirlwind, out of a storm, who is this who darkens counsel by words without knowledge? Imagine you talking to somebody and, and, and the storm talking to you and saying – Who is this fool talking that has no idea what he’s saying? That’s what He’s saying to Job.

Look what it says next. Now prepare yourself like a man and I will question you and you shall answer me. Look at verse 8 – Who shut in the sea with doors when it burst forth and issued from the womb? Well a woman’s womb? No the womb of the ocean. What womb? Exactly, exactly. You don’t know. I didn’t know the ocean came…. Exactly Job.

It says verse 9 – When I made the clouds its garments and thick darkness its swaddling band, when I fixed my limit for it and set bars and doors and when I said – this far you may come but no further and here your proud waves must stop. Listen to what God’s saying. Job you know when you go to the beach and the waves go right here and you play with the waves? Oh play with the waves. I’m playing with the waves. So you go to the beach and you’re running with the waves, running with the waves right? And the waves come up and the waves go back and you all played that game before amen? Guess what God’s saying? I’m the one who tells them where to stop.

Look what it says in Job 38:10 – When I fix my limit, when I set bars and doors and when I said this how far you come but no further and here your proud waves must stop. When you stand at the beach and the wave stops there God did that. Well that’s not really true. The moon and the gravitational force… the way the gravitational force from the moon is what does, determines the tide. It has an impact on the tide. Well who put the moon there? Who created gravity? Who decided the distance from the moon and the gravitational force and the size of the moon and how it would impact the ocean? God. You didn’t. Nothing didn’t do it. God did it.

Let’s keep reading. Look at verse, look at verse um 12 – Have you commanded the morning since days began? Have you, are the one Job that started morning? That’s a big question. You know morning when the day begins did you do that? Cuz I thought I did that, God says.

Verse 13 – That it might take hold of the ends of the earth and the wicked shaken by it, shaken out of it. I’m the one who creates morning all over the whole planet. No matter where you go on this earth there’s morning. Job I did that.

Verse 19 – An another thing. Job where is the way to the dwelling of light? Where’s the light, where does light live? Light lives someplace? Exactly. And darkness, where does it go when light is turned on? Where does darkness go? I don’t know.

Job look at, look at verse 31 – Can you bind the cluster of Pleiades or loose the belt of Orion? These are constellations in the sky. Job did you do that.

Look at verse 32 – Can you bring out the Maze Roth in its season? Or guide the great bear with its cubs? By the way the Maze Roth is the zodiac what you and I call the zodiac. The 12 zodiac signs, for all you all who read your horoscope guess what? God put that up there. He said – Job are you the one who brings out the Ram and Aeries? I did that. Aquarius? I did that. Virgo, Virgin? I did that Job. I do that every, matter of fact I do it every day and 12 times a year there’s 12 scenes of the gospel. That’s what it is by the way. The devil perverted it to make it a horoscope to make you think that the stars dictate your life which is 100% garbage. Garbage, no truth in it at all. So God says – I did it.

So Job, so Job, so I want you to tell me I’m the one who does this stuff every day, the sun, the stars, the fish. Let’s keep reading. Look what it says in verse 30, ah 39:1, 39:1 and you keep reading. This is all fascinating. 39:1 – do you know when the time when the wild mountain goat bears young? Job is like – what’s a mountain goat? Exactly fool!

Look at verse 1 – Can you mark when the deer gives birth? Can you number the month that they fulfill? Or do you know the time when they bear young? Come on Job. Are you questioning me? This is what I do every day. I sustain them.

There’s a little bird called a, let me get this right. It’s called a bar tailed got wig. I don’t know who named that bird. It travels from Alaska and New Zealand and Australia. It flies 7,100 miles in 9 days without stopping. Ok. So I’m a got wig. I don’t know where I came from but I’m a got wig right? Again someone had to create me right? I didn’t, nothing didn’t do it and we didn’t do it and I’m just here and by the way if I came out, if I came out of the big bang who banged it? And who, who put the material to get banged and got, who gave the power to bang? I mean this is a very basic question. Ok. So, so the bang, ok the bang and then all the sudden you got this little bird and all the sudden the bird says – You know what? I’m gonna fly 9 days straight and I’m gonna go down to New Zealand. Well how do I know New Zealand is there? And why would I go to New Zealand when I can eat just right here? And how am I gonna eat food enough to get energy enough to fly for 9 days straight without stopping day and night? Well so the, so the question is – Who? God. God. It ain’t you. It ain’t me and it ain’t nothing. We’re not even gonna get diggity to say nothing, we’re gonna say nothin.

Who sustains you? When you are a down the bible says weeping may endure a night, joy comes in the morning. Who brings that joy? God. Who stirs in your heart to do good? God. Who brings divine appointments into your life? God. Who created love? God. Patience? God. This concept of a second chance, this concept I’m gonna keep going, I’m gonna fight? God.

The only reason we’re alive today is because somebody caused us and someone is sustaining us but at some point you’re gonna die. Because if nothing caused you then you have no nothing. You’re just, that’s not even a logical statement that nothing caused you. It’s not logical. And someone will say you can’t use logic to God. Why not? Even saying you can’t use logic to define God is a logical statement. You, God gave us logic.

So look at #3 in your notes and we’re gonna end with this. God will be our terminating cause. Ooh-ooh He is your uncaused cause, your originating cause, the beginning less beginner. He is your sustaining cause and He will be your terminating cause.

Turn to 1 John 5 the 5th book from the end of the bible, the 5th book from the end of the bible. 1 John 5 and this doesn’t mean that God is waiting to kill you. This in other words you should look at it this way that God is sustaining past the day you should have died. How many of you, you can say amen to this, you can raise your hand. How many of you know you could easily be dead by now? Easily. And the only reason you’re not dead God, you’re on borrowed time but when you die you’re either gonna go to heaven and be with God forever or you’re gonna go to hell and be separated from God forever and it’s all based on God’s definition of salvation and forgiveness and eternal life.

Look what it says in chapter 5:11. It says – This is the testimony that God has given us eternal life and this life is in His Son. He who has the Son has life. He who does not have the Son does not have life. God said – I made the universe. I made everything in it. I made it to honor and glorify me. I made man to have a relationship with me but man sinned because man has a free will and so I made a way for man to have a relationship with me and re, and have our relationship restored. I made a way for man to be forgiven. I made a way for man to have salvation. I made a way for man to exist when he leaves the universe as we know it and he dies and enters into eternity. I made a way for him to enter into eternity with God.

Now man car reject God and man can say – I don’t believe in God. I believe in nothing or whatever and that’s fine and so there is a place for that person as well. We don’t want you to go there cuz that place by the way was also caused by God but it wasn’t caused for us. It’s called hell. Hell was caused for the devil. You go there because you choose to reject God’s salvation.

So in a minute we’re gonna pray and you’re gonna have an opportunity to say – God I acknowledge that you are the uncaused cause, that you are above me and I acknowledge that you love me and that because of your grace I exist and I acknowledge that you have made a way for me to have a relationship with you. So Lord I want you to forgive me and I want to live for you and I want to live with you and I want to walk with you. So let’s all bow our heads and pray.

Lord we thank you so much that you love us and that you have an incredible plan for our life. And we thank you that you brought us into existence out of your love and that you have made a way for us to know you, to not only know that you exist but to know you personally through your Son Jesus.

There may be some of you listening right now whether you’re here in the sanctuary, or you’re at our satellite location, or on TV, you’re online there is a God who caused you, a God who loves you, a God who is infinite, a God who wants to have a relationship with you. If you would like to ask that God to forgive you of your sin, if you would like to cast your burden on that God. He wants your burden. If you would like to establish a relationship with that God pray this prayer with me in the privacy of your heart. Pray:

Dear God, I believe that you exist. I believe you are infinite and eternal and I believe you sent your Son Jesus to die for my sin and rise from the dead. Please forgive me. I surrender my life into your hands God. I surrender my burden into your hand. Please fill me with your Holy Spirit, the Spirit of God. Thank you.

As our eyes are closed and our heads are bowed if you prayed that prayer in a minute I’m gonna ask you to stand up and by standing you are acknowledging your plea to God for a relationship, for forgiveness, for hope, for encouragement. If you’re watching online we want you to check the box that said you prayed and we will have a pastor there who will reach out to you. If you’re in the north country someone there is gonna pray with you as well. So when we ask people here to stand we want you to stand.

So right now if you prayed that prayer just stand to your feet and acknowledge God’s forgiveness in your life. God bless you. Stay standing. God bless you. God bless you. God bless you. God bless you. God bless you. God bless you.