Summary: No one drifts to intimacy. In fact, what we do is drift to distance. The problem is that distance is dangerous.

The Danger of Distance

In huge bright red or perhaps caution yellow letters it is right there in front of your windshield it says, "Stay back 200 ft.!" The insinuation is that if you tailgate or follow at any closer distance you are putting yourself in a dangerous position. For the health of your car and your physical body it is best to hang back and keep your distance. You have seen them. You have ignored them. We are instructed to keep distance to avoid danger and still we get as close as we can (and I won't even deal with blaming them for the problem we create). So in this instance we are told too close and we will suffer the consequences and still we remain 6 inches off the bumper (maybe this is just me). Ironically, then, when dealing with God we are told there is danger in staying too far away and we refuse to get any closer. We fail to recognize the danger of distance. Today I want to challenge you to do some distance deliberation.

In the 3 years of Jesus' high profile, publicized, miraculous ministry there was a constant. Always there. Right in the middle of it. On the scene. In the mix. Often called the chief disciple. Always mentioned first when disciples are listed. The rock. Water walker. The one who recognizes Christ as the Son of the Living God. He seems to be under Jesus' feet at every turn. Quick to debate. Quick to defend. Quick to deny. Wait that last statement doesn't seem to fit. It seems out of place. How can someone so committed. So sold out. So loyal end up denying Christ? I would submit to you that Peter experiences and teaches us about the danger of distance.

Mark 14:53-54

They led Jesus to the Chief Priest, where the high priests, religious leaders, and scholars had gathered together. Peter followed at a safe distance until they got to the Chief Priest’s courtyard, where he mingled with the servants and warmed himself at the fire.

Mark 14:54 Peter followed him at a distance, right into the courtyard of the high priest. There he sat with the guards and warmed himself at the fire.

Mark 14:69-71 The maid saw him standing there and began telling the others, “There he is! There’s that disciple of Jesus!” Peter denied it again. A little later others standing around the fire began saying to Peter, “You are, too, one of them, for you are from Galilee!” He began to curse and swear. “I don’t even know this fellow you are talking about,” he said.

1. If we are not careful we will allow lack of miracles to distance us.

Peter distanced himself when the miracles stopped.

I can guarantee you that if Jesus had flexed his miracle muscles on Pilate’s steps or while hanging on the cross, then Peter would have run to the front of the crowd. "I told you so. That's my boy!" You know why I can guarantee this? Go look at how close Peter is when Jesus is displaying power prior to this day. He is stuck like glue! But there was no flex, no other wordly display, no rush of angels, and no God show. And since there was no miracle . . . distance.

What about you? What if the miracle you so desperately believe and long for is slow coming or there is no indication that it is coming at all? When Jesus didn't take the desired action or follow Peter's plan Peter stayed at a safe distance. Some of us base our loyalty on His action. That is following at a safe distance.

2. If we are not careful we will distance ourselves in pursuit of comfort!

Peter distanced himself to comfort.

I must remind you that Jesus is not really interested in making you comfortable. He is committed to your character. Jesus was constantly making people uncomfortable. He rattled their cage, jerked their chains, and challenged them to change. However, what Peter did and what we continue to do is distance ourselves to a level of comfort!

Peter distanced himself to fit in. It is amazing how much like Jesus we look . . . in church. But when the crowd changes we change. For some it is a subtle change . . . what you wouldn't laugh at in here or what you would shake a condescending finger at in here suddenly becomes acceptable and even funny out there. For some it isn't subtle at all. The change is complete. The conversation is altered completely. Fan in here a distant follower out there! You are on fire in here but by the fire out there. Safe distance is what you are looking for and trying to find.

Fitting in is comfortable. Peter desired to be comfortable. To warm himself by a fire. Too many of us fit in. We are more committed to comfort than we are to Christ. If you are comfortable you need to be very careful. That is a danger sign. We choose churches based on comfort! Does it make me feel good? Do I fit in? Man if you don't leave here bleeding occasionally you need to be on guard. If you get along with everyone and no one challenges, then you need to check your Christlikeness and you need to be on guard.

We want to distance ourselves to be comfortable. We refuse to get close to anyone because that isn't comfortable. We show up late and leave early to be comfortable. Comfort is overrated. Comfort is not the recipe from growth. Comfort is not a desired characteristic for a disciple! Comfort may keep you warm but it won't keep you close!

3. If we are not careful we will distance ourselves with conversation and with companions.

Peter distanced himself with conversation and with companions. Distance impacted his mouth! Out of the abundance of the heart. Your mouth will betray you long before you betray Him. Distance will surface on your lips before it shows up in your feet. How do you talk about Him? Do you talk about Him?

Distance made him comfortable with different companions. People who would have been enemies suddenly became his entourage. What Jesus thought used to be important but now Peter is more concerned about what these folks think! We will quickly choose people over God. Too many of us substitute human companionship for holy company! Fear of being alone. Warmth of a man rather than relationship with the Son of Man is paramount. People can get you to distance yourself from God. So here is the question . . . why do you not want to hang out with the folks that cause you to get closer to Jesus? You used to but now you want to hang out with a new/different crowd. Why? Why are you no longer comfortable with the ones who held you accountable? Why are you running from relationships that were established for your good? It is at a distance that we become comfortable with our actions, attitudes, habits, and behavior more closely resembling those that are far from Christ! Their standards become our measuring stick rather than Christ being our standard!

This morning some of you need to listen to what you are saying in conversations. You wouldn't have dared talk that way 2 years ago or even 2 months ago. But now your conversation reveals distance. Some of you need to examine your companions. Who you are with shows you who you are not with!

4. If we are not careful we will distance ourselves into denial.

Peter distanced himself into denial. The longer you stay at a distance from Jesus two things will happen:

a. You will grow cold.

Peter, away from Jesus, is cold. Away from Jesus what used to move you will no longer move you. Apathy will set in. He watched as his best friend, Lord, companion was beaten ruthlessly, ridiculed, spit on and Peter did nothing. Your heart will grow cold. Your worship will wane. Your fire will go out. Your passion will die. That is bad enough but the second is even worse.

b. You will deny Christ.

Peter swore he wouldn't deny and He ends up swearing while denying! It may not be a vocal denial like Peter's was but the further you stay away from Him it is just a matter of time before you will deny Him in your attitude, your conversation, your morals, your use of money, your choice of entertainment, who you hang with. I can assure you the result of distance that Peter experienced hasn't changed throughout history. Distance leads to denial. Distance leads to disaster. It is inevitable. If you don't want to deny Christ you have to stay close to Christ!

The goal is not to see how far away you can stay! I have yet to find a church that would tell you that the goal is to stay at a safe distance from Jesus. Don't let Him get into your work life. Don't let Him get into your friend selection. Don't let Him get into your marriage. No!! The goal is to get as close to Him as possible.

But we continue to follow at a safe distance. What is a safe distance?

Close enough to get to heaven but far enough away to keep heaven from getting to you. Close enough to watch Him/hear Him but far enough away to be able live the way you want! How close are you really?

I am here to tell you to keep your distance . . . I don't want it. I want to be close to Him! I see too many of us in danger because of distance!

Coach Norman Dale had coached his rag tag team to the Indiana Regional Championship Basketball Game. In the finals they square off against the heavily favored team from South Bend. Struggling to compete Coach Dale looks at his player who is trying to guard South Bend's best player and says, "Think of him as chewing gum. By the end of the game I want to know what flavor he is!" At the end of the game the young man approaches the coach and says, “Dentyne”.

Do you know what flavor Jesus is?

Are you following but at a safe distance? Is that distance really safe? How close are you? Close enough that what happens in here bleeds over into what happens out there? Close enough that it shows up on your lips? Close enough that Christ comes before companions? Is there any fire left in you? Or are you cold?