Summary: There is an abiding love to comfort us as the righteous fight the good fight, on the battlefield of faith.

Christ Is An Abiding Love


Dr. Gale A. Ragan-Reid (10/29/2013)

“If ye keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love, even as I have kept my Father's commandments, and abide in his love” (John 15:10, King James Version, KJV [Christ promiseth Comforter]).

Greetings in the Name of Jesus,

My brothers and sisters, do you know there is an abiding love? Christ Jesus is an abiding love. Do you hear the children of the light crying? Why do they cry when they are the children of the light? They continuously say, “Tell ...”

I ask you, do you want me to tell the United States Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia not to say “the blacks” in discussion of the benefits of The United States of America 14th Amendment? Are you black or not? Or, is it that he said, “the blacks” that blatantly sounded offensively racism? Perhaps, in all fairness, he should mention, “the whites”, “the browns”, “the yellows” and “the reds”; all of them a rather lethal grouping in combination as they are lethal in grouping singularly.

Do you want me to tell you of the whole of America's rise on the backs of “the blacks” and tell you of the whole of America's fall out of the greed of oppression? In the words of a deep south apostle in southwest Georgia, “Many of you did not just start to be low-down, dirty, and nasty” (personal communication, 2013). Sometimes what is--amounted to the whole of nothing or nothing out of the whole, for the oppressed peoples from all the groups. In particular, you should know by now how “the blacks” spoken of so generously by Supreme Court Justice Scalia must share with all the other minorities (men, women, and children) and white women, in what some call the oppressed of America. Yes, the white man stands alone, primarily evidenced in payroll by what the white man takes home for pay and what those in the oppressed group takes home for pay. Yes, the white man stands alone, secondarily evidenced in privileges by considerations especially in economic hardship. There is the old cliché' when white America has a cold, black America has pneumonia. This interpretation altered by public opinion, the times we live in and personal preference might not always be evident. One fact remained that no one wanted to be singled out; not ever, so we generalize until we pass out in disgust of the status quo.

The United States14th Amendment states, “Rights Guaranteed Privileges and Immunities of Citizenship, Due Process and Equal Protection”(Amendment XIV of the United States Constitution, 1866;1868). However, someone is crying, do you hear them saying, “Tell ...” Do you want me to tell Justice Scalia the true intent of the 14th Amendment was not about anchor babies, those who interpreted the 14th Amendment to gain citizenship for their families through birthright in America? Sensibly, sooner than later, the babies do come but to purposely decide to come to America to birth children in order to anchor citizenship, if not at that time then later, for “the blacks” who are the original unwilling immigrants, just does not sit well or does it? Is it the anchoring of babies for citizenship in America via the 14th Amendment that is so disturbing or solely Justice Scalia's use of the words, “the blacks” that is the outrage?

I want to tell you about Christ Jesus. He said, “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends” (St. John 15:13). It mattered less that you singled me out, targeted my group, in your opinion because deep down inside you feel I “the black” stands in a superior holding to the 14th Amendment, owning it every day of my life not happen chance; if, the 14th Amendment showed itself relevant in my suffering moments then I still could waver and jump over the stick of citizenship but I “the black” needed it like I needed my mother's milk the day of my birth, not just that day but everyday. Yes, the 14th Amendment is “the black's” suffering stick, able to persecute or provide relief


but you would rather I say, the 14th Amendment is now a thorn in all our sides, if it benefits one more so than the others; if it holds one higher than the others; if it saves one group of peoples “the blacks” more than the other groups of peoples. Let us consider the truth of practice in a failed justice system which denied “the blacks” you speak of, their 14th Amendment rights guaranteed privileges of citizenship, due process and equal protection.

I must let go and let God's love prevail. We all must let go and let God's love prevail. Many are still crying, do you hear them crying, “Tell ...” Firstly, let us place the words of Justice Scalia, in perspective, now that we have some background on how some of our minority groups used the 14th Amendment. According to the Washington Post (10/16/2013) article, Supreme Court justices skeptical of affirmative-action arguments; this time around the argument was for banning affirmative action in college admissions in the State of Michigan. Justice Scalia was cited saying, “that the 14th Amendment—which was explicitly passed in the wake of the Civil War to establish citizenship and voting rights for former slaves—doesn't protect “only the blacks”.

Obviously, this is why you do not trust for the good of the people because it always turned out for the good of the pencil and paper, what sounded right but it is not right, if it left anyone worst off than their neighbor at such a level of disparagement that made it virtually impossible to close the gap of disparity. How can it work for some and not for all? For all things are possible in our Lord and Saviour Christ Jesus. Yet, the children of the light in the light of day still cry out, “Tell Senator Durbin (Illinois) the second most powerful Democrat in the Senate not to sell us out over social security and medicare, for he said he was willing to accept a cut in order to engage in a grand bargain with the Republicans”. Do you know Christ Jesus' abiding love and the God you serve will not accept a cut of your love but he will accept less of representation from a grievously sinful city.

Abraham proved God's acceptance of less representation from Sodom when he negotiated to save the righteous in a wicked city that was doomed to death and destruction. Are you counted righteous, for righteousness sake? God said for 10 righteous citizens instead of 50 righteous citizens of the wicked city, Sodom, he would save Abraham's nephew who lived there (“Wilt thou also destroy the righteous with the wicked...Shall not the judge of all the earth do right” St. John 18:23,25). Sodom was so wicked they attacked God's angels. Do you know a place like this that attacks anyone new that comes to their city for their wicked purposes? Surely, the angels with the power of God to save and destroy, did destroy Sodom and saved Lot's family, except his wife who drew back (Genesis 19:26).

Is America righteous? How many of you God saved yet you drew back? I can tell Senator Durbin of God's abiding love in Christ Jesus for truly he must know that Jesus saves. I can tell the Republicans hostage-takers not to cause America to default on our debt. Will they hear, do you hear, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand?

What about the God you serve, do you think he does not hear the cries of his family here on earth for the Washington Post's and the New York Times' editors tell lies and deny that there is a climate change? The people demand to hear the truth and cry out for the truth. How many liars do you personally know? Satan is a liar and was a liar since birth. Have you not seen and heard people possessed of a demonic spirit lying through their teeth and when you say there is definitively climate change they say, oh no, there is not climate change?

Whatever you say liars have an excuse---an outright lie, in response to what you say. They always try to cajole you over to their lie, to accept it over the truth while they laugh at Christ Jesus who is truth. Yet, the children of God still cry out, saying, “Tell the Justice Department they've had enough the the fraud of the Wall Street crooks who brought down the country. Why do you let them out of prison?” Sometimes, I wonder is justice ever served or are we serving justice in malpractice in a failed system of justice but God is still on the throne and the arm of God truly judges those who think they can get away with their sinful nature no matter how many times Jesus saves them.


The children of the light cry, “And many charged him that he should hold his peace: but he cried the more a great deal, thou son of David, have mercy on me” (St. Mark 10:48, KJV [Request of the sons of Zebedee]). “And he cried, saying, Jesus, thou son of David, have mercy on me. And they which went before rebuked him, that he should hold his peace: but he cried so much the more, Thou son of David, have mercy on me (St. Luke 18:38-39, KJV [a certain blind man]). “Some therefore cried one thing, and some another: for the assembly was confused; and the more the part knew not wherefore they were come together” (The Acts 19:32, KJV [Demetrius raiseth an uproar]). “And some cried one thing, some another, among the multitude: and when he could not know the certainty for the tumult, he commanded him to be carried into the castle” (The Acts 21:34, KJV [Paul apprehended by the Jews]).

Yet the children cry all the more, “Tell them not to deny the farm bill checks (Mitchell County, GA). Tell them not to take my horse; my property (Mitchell County, GA and Brooks County, GA). Tell them not to increase property taxes 500 percent from $2,000 to $10,836, just because some of the natives, descendants of slaves, known as Gullah Geechees, sold their inheritance lands (Sapelo Island, GA). Tell them … Tell ...”

There is an abiding love. Christ Jesus is an abiding love. Christ Jesus saves, even the cuts in food stamps. Do you hear the children of the light crying? I do not want to let go of my man, my house, my car, my truck, my life, for liars.

Do you believe there is an abiding love? Do you believe in Christ Jesus? Are you righteous? What about your faith and your practice of God's commandments? Can you be counted for righteousness sake?

There is an abiding love. Let go and let Christ abide in you as he abides in his Father and his Father abides in him. Let the faith of Christ Jesus be with you. May the spirit be with you. Amen.
