Summary: What does it mean to be obedient? Where does it take us as believers?

Sermon Brief

Date Written: September 20, 2013

Date Preached: September 22, 2013

Where Preached: OPBC (AM)

Sermon Details:

Series Title: A Series in Acts

Sermon Title: Where Does Obedience Take You?

Sermon Text: Acts 2:1-47 [HCSB]


Over the past few wks we have looked at what obedience means for the believer. We learned that before victory comes obedience. We learned that obedience meant seeking God’s guidance/leadership and turning away from our own wisdom…

Last week we saw Jesus calling His disciples to obedience… and when we left off…they were standing on a hillside staring up at the sky at the ascended Jesus… 2 angels showed up and scolded them to get to work… to begin to DO what Jesus has called them to do!

Today, we are going to look at those SAME disciples who had misunderstood who Jesus was… they believed He was going to be a physical King/Messiah to lead Israel out of bondage from Rome…

Today we are going to look at those same disciples who had been so confused on what Jesus had told them that they just stood looking up into the sky as He disappeared into the clouds…

Today we are going to look at those same disciples who… when Jesus was being beaten, flogged, mocked and crucified… RAN away and abandoned Him.

Those SAME disciples that abandoned Jesus on the day He was arrested, beaten, mocked and crucified… were the same disciples Jesus appeared to with ‘many convincing proofs’ and had called them to be His witnesses to all the world!

I have lifted up obedience to God in my sermons over the past several weeks… today I want to answer the question, “Where does obedience take you?”

Where does obedience take the fellowship that focuses on God and His calling for them?

Where does obedience take the individual believer when they follow God’s calling in their lives?

YOU can ask and answer the question this morning… “Where will obedience take ME as a believer?”

When we submit in obedience we find God will work in our lives… our lives as a fellowship of believers… AND our lives as individual believers!

But what did these disciples who had just been scolded by the angels do? They had been instructed by Jesus in Acts 1 to return to Jerusalem and wait for the Father’s promise…

Now I want us to put ourselves in the shoes of these disciples. We judge them rather harshly from OUR viewpoint, but I want you to step into their shoes for a moment…

First of all they were ALL confused about WHO Jesus was…

They all believed Him to be Messiah, but their vision of Messiah was NOT the vision Jesus had just given them, and now He was GONE! What was going to happen now?

They had followed this man for over 3½ yrs and what they THOUGHT they knew, had all be brought into question over the past 40days…

NOW, before Jesus disappears into the sky, He tells them to return to Jerusalem… the city where Jesus had been crucified… the city where they had abandoned Jesus… the city where the religious leaders were still raging against those who followed Jesus! Return to that place?? That was a place of both fear and pain… why would Jesus ask us to go back there?

Broken and feeling abandoned… these disciples stood staring into the sky watching the One they believed to be Messiah… the Son of God… disappear from their sight…


But after they are chided be the angels we find that they are obedient to Jesus’ command and that is where we pick up the story this morning:

Beginning in Acts 1:12 we see these scared and confused disciples begin to act in obedience to Jesus’ instruction…

12Then they returned to Jerusalem from the mount called the Mount of Olives, which is near Jerusalem—a Sabbath day’s journey away. 13When they arrived, they went to the room upstairs where they were staying: Peter, John, James, Andrew,

Philip, Thomas, Bartholomew, Matthew, James the son of Alphaeus, Simon the Zealot, and Judas the son of James. 14All these were continually united in prayer, along with the women, including Mary the mother of Jesus, and His brothers. 15During these days Peter stood up among the brothers—the number of people who were together was about 120—

Let’s look at their actions here… do they match up with the instruction of Jesus?

Jesus told them to return to Jerusalem and wait for the promise of the Father…

They returned to Jerusalem and about 120 of them had gathered together and scripture tells us that they were ‘…all these were continually united in prayer…’

Everyone was focused and praying for God’s instruction and leading… They were in prayer waiting on the instructions and promise of the Father!

Now I believe that they HAD to be Baptist because waiting on God is NOT something they did well… let’s look at what they did… YES they were obedient to Jesus’ instruction, but we see that they tried to add to the calling of Jesus!

Peter stands up and lays out the logic to replace Judas who has betrayed Jesus and committed suicide… The people quickly follow Peter and they choose 2 men… I want us to notice something here…

FIRST… this was NOT part of the instructions from Jesus. It doesn’t mean that this was a necessarily a bad thing, but it was NOT part of what Jesus called them to do when they returned to Jerusalem.

SECOND… what I see is that Peter lays out both the need and the requirements for filling that need, but NOWHERE does it mention that this was instruction from God. God had been speaking with them on all things, but now they decide to ‘call an audible’ because it seemed like the thing to do at the time…

Have you ever been in that situation with God? Has God ever told you to go to a place and wait on Him? And while you were waiting, you thought, “Hey I can help God out… it SEEMS like this may be the right thing to do!”

I know I have… I know I have been guilty of jumping into action before God has called me…How about you? Have you ever jumped to do something you THOUGHT would help God out?

But what I want us to see is that is what is happening here in these verses… Jesus had instructed them to go to Jerusalem and wait…

Now I will say that waiting on God does involve prayer, so it is NOT the prayer I am speaking about here… it’s the other activities we see them do!

We see them trying to ‘fix’ what was broken… Judas was gone and he needed to be replaced. They did not go to God asking IF he needed to be replaced, they simply took it upon themselves to replace him.

So often we are led by God in a direction and for a time God uses us in a certain area in a certain way, then God wants us to wait on Him for a season…

MOST of us believe God is going to come back and pick right back up where we left off… but that is not always the case! So often we simply try to keep doing what we ‘think’ God wants instead of waiting on Him to tell us what He wants!

Now I am NOT saying that the election of Matthias was evil, but what I am saying here is that the election of Matthias was not what Jesus instructed them to do…

After all let’s look at how Matthias was selected…

Peter set the need… we had 12, lost 1 and need to replace that loss

Peter set the requirements for the replacement… had to be a man who had been with them from the baptism of Jesus until now

The people ‘selected’ 2 men who met the qualifications set by Peter… Matthias and Justus

Then here is the interesting part…

24Then they prayed, “You, Lord, know the hearts of all; show which of these two You have chosen 25to take the place in this apostolic service that Judas left to go to his own place.” 26Then they cast lots for them, and the lot fell to Matthias. So he was numbered with the 11 apostles.

They prayed to God to reveal whom He had chosen…and then they cast lots to get the answer! Do you realize what this means; it means that they basically flipped a coin and accepted that coin toss as God’s answer!

Instead of praying for God’s direction and what his desire was for them… they were making plans and placing people in position all on their own! Jesus’ instruction was to go to Jerusalem and wait… but they did more!

So, what does this mean for US? It means that as a fellowship, we can be doing some really good things, but if we are doing things without God’s instruction…

IF it is NOT the things God wants us to do, then it is not what we should be doing! This applies to us as individual believers as well…

God calls us all the time to a lonely place to wait on Him… the question here is DO YOU? Do you wait on God and the promise that He will guide you and instruct you? OR do you try to get things going on your own?

We all hate the waiting room… I know I do… but we must be willing to WAIT on God and His instruction if we are going to be TOTALLY obedient to Him!

But I digressed a bit this morning… We started out with these disciples being obedient to Jesus’ instruction and I asked the question, “Where does obedience take us?”

The destination for obedience to God is not a particular location, but it is found in what happens in our lives when we ARE obedient to His instruction!

Let’s look at where their obedience to Jesus’ instruction took these disciples! To see this we need to look at Acts 2

The first destination of their obedience was:

They were empowered in their obedience! V1-4

1When the day of Pentecost had arrived, they were all together in one place. 2Suddenly a sound like that of a violent rushing wind came from heaven, and it filled the whole house where they were staying. 3And tongues, like flames of fire that were divided, appeared to them and rested on each one of them. 4Then they were all filled with the Holy Spirit…

These disciples who had been obedient to God’s calling on their lives… were supernaturally empowered by God’s spirit to become the witnesses Jesus said they would become!

Remember Jesus’ instruction were to go to Jerusalem and wait on the promise from the Father… then Jesus said THEN You shall be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in Judea and Samaria and to the ends of the earth… meaning that they would witness of Christ to ALL nations!

When the Holy Spirit showed up at that prayer meeting… where 120 of His followers were praying…

they were empowered by the HS and filled with his power

it was a power that would prove to overcome their fear,

it was a power that would overcome any lack of ability to serve,

it was a power that would break down any and all cultural and social barriers that may hold them back from serving!

This EMPOWERMENT by the Holy Spirit gave them the power to become the witness Christ desired!

People when we surrender in obedience to the calling of God, we are going to be empowered by God’s holy spirit to do what He has called us to be… His witnesses!

As a church this means, we submit to God’s instruction, that the leadership of the church, meaning myself & our ministry staff…

It means that we do NOT jump into programs or events without putting them to prayer and receiving confirmation that it is what God wants…

It means that we as a body are in constant and continual prayer for God’s instruction on our fellowship!

For YOU, this means that you surrender to the instruction of God. It means you read His word, it means you kneel in prayer every day, and live your life in an attitude of prayer and thanksgiving.

For YOU, this means that when you are willing to surrender and submit to God’s instruction that He is going to empower you… empower you to:

become empowered and filled with the power of the HS

empowers you to overcome your fear of serving Him

empowers you to overcome any lack of ability to serve,

empowers you to break down any and all cultural and social barriers that may you back from serving Him!

So the first destination of obedience for YOU today is EMPOWERMENT… God will empower you in your obedience!

When we are obedient… our first destination is the empowerment OF the Holy Spirit… we are FILLED with His power to become the witnesses God wants us to become!

But the 2nd destination I can see that God brought to these disciples in their obedience to Jesus’ instructions was…

They were enhanced in their obedience! V4-

4Then they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in different languages, as the Spirit gave them ability for speech. 5There were Jews living in Jerusalem, devout men from every nation under heaven. 6When this sound occurred, a crowd came together and was confused because each one heard them speaking in his own language. 7And they were astounded and amazed, saying, “Look, aren’t all these who are speaking Galileans? 8How is it that each of us can hear in our own native language? 9Parthians, Medes, Elamites; those who live in Mesopotamia, in Judea and Cappadocia, Pontus and Asia, 10Phrygia and Pamphylia, Egypt and the parts of Libya near Cyrene; visitors from Rome, both Jews and proselytes, 11Cretans and Arabs—we hear them speaking the magnificent acts of God in our own languages.” 12They were all astounded and perplexed, saying to one another, “What could this be?”

All those in the upper room who were filled with the power of the Holy Spirit began to speak in different languages… Their ability was ENHANCED by the power of the Holy Spirit!

This was the miracle of Pentecost… God spoke thru His obedient servants… He empowered them by filling them with His holy spirit and then He enhanced them by giving them the ability to communicate His message to ALL who were there, regardless of language!

They were enhanced in their witness of Christ! Without their obedience to receive the Holy Spirit, they would not have been empowered… and because they had rec’d power, they were now able to do ministry they had NEVER thought possible!

People when we surrender in obedience to Christ, He is going to empower us and IN that power of Christ we will be able to do FAR AND ABOVE anything we thought was capable! God is able to use obedient servants to do things they NEVER believed could be done!

These disciples were uneducated people… they had not special skills, but under the power of the Holy Spirit their skills were ENHANCED to the point where they were speaking in another language!

Now when we submit in obedience and when the power of the Holy Spirit fills our hearts and lives it does NOT mean we will start speaking in another language…

But what it DOES mean is that we will be able to do things we NEVER thought we could do! If we are obedient and submitted to God’s instruction… He will empower us and enhance us to do great things in His kingdom!

Let me give you an example of what I mean… Michelle, my loving wife, is a good bible teacher, but she does NOT speak well in front of others… she is nervous and shaky and just does not speak in public that well.

Michelle has always been a home body, not wanting to go very many places… but last year, Michelle decided to submit in obedience to the instruction and guidance of Christ and she agreed to go on a mission trip to Haiti!

We were supposed to have another woman going to lead the ladies conference, but she could not make it, so the job fell into Michelle’s lap…

Now I want you to know Michelle was NOT worried about what to teach… but she was worried about getting up in front of people she did not know and teaching thru a translator… for 5 days!

But in her obedience God empowered her spirit and her body to be up for the task… God also enhanced her ability to speak in public to the point that she was used by God to do things she NEVER would have thought possible…

God took her to Haiti to see His word proclaimed and several women come to know Christ as Savior… one woman was delivered from a demon right before their eyes!

When we are open to God… when we surrender in obedience to God… that obedience leads us to EMPOWERMENT by God and EHNANCEMENT of who we are and what God can and will do THRU us… enhancement FAR beyond what we would ever think possible!

But it is also far beyond what others would think possible as well… These disciples were doing what God called them to do and there were those there who simply could not believe that these disciples were doing these things, and even accused them of being drunk…

People when we submit in obedience and allow God to use us… our ministry is going to be enhanced to the point that the world will sit up and take notice.

Many are going to say, how in the world can Oak Park do that? They don’t have many people… they don’t have much $$... they are a white church in a black neighborhood… HOW CAN THEY DO THAT? They must be doing something illegal…

Empowered by God…

Enhanced in ministry… are the 1st 2 destinations, but I can see a 3rd destination for obedience and it is…

They were emboldened in their obedience! V4-

14But Peter stood up with the Eleven, raised his voice, and proclaimed to them: “Men of Judah and all you residents of Jerusalem, let me explain this to you and pay attention to my words. 15For these people are not drunk, as you suppose, since it’s only nine in the morning. 16On the contrary…

They were empowered by the Spirit…

Their abilities were enhanced by the Spirit and now…

Their actions were emboldened by the Spirit…

For the past 40 days or so Peter and these disciples had been trying their best to hide from authorities… and NOW after the Spirit has come… they are placed on the front row… with all eyes pointed at them!

God places them in the very center of attention on the very busiest of festivals in the heart of Jerusalem… thousands of people had come to Jerusalem to celebrate the festival of Pentecost… which celebrated the giving of the law thru Moses at Mt Sinai!

The religious leaders were CERTAINLY watching out for these disciples… I am SURE that the Temple guard was on alert looking for those who had gotten away after Jesus was crucified.

Word of Jesus’ resurrection had spread throughout the religious leaders and they had told the soldiers to lie about it and tell people that Jesus’ body had been stolen… and I am sure they had also told these soldiers that if they see any of these disciples to arrest them immediately…

The disciples had been in hiding, but NOW because of their obedience, their spirit had been empowered, their abilities had been enhanced and now we see their actions were now EMBOLDENED beyond anything they would have ever thought!

The people are saying that these men are drunk… but Peter jumps up and speaks up and in a bold and daring move, begins to preach a sermon starting with the Prophet Joel!

Peter tells about Jesus and how they saw the miracles… how they heard His teaching… how they saw the proof of him being Messiah and yet they still crucified Him…

Peter proclaims Jesus before the people! Peter does NOT run away! None of the disciples run, in fact, they are all emboldened and begin to share Jesus with those around them!

Just one day before they had been in hiding and now they were in the streets, proclaiming the Jesus who is risen… the Jesus whom these people had crucified… the Jesus whom they served!

They were NOT in fear any longer… God had removed their fear and had given them the spirit of boldness and courage!

I think of Joshua when God told him to NOT fear but be of courage and serve God!

I think of the many to whom God has shown Himself and he has said, ‘do not fear’ just before He calls them to service… and then they are able to face ANYTHING in their service to God.

This does not mean the danger was gone… we see that eventually ALL of the disciples are captured and killed for their belief in Christ…

But what this path of obedience did for them was bring them empowerment THRU the Spirit, enhancement because of the Spirit and an emboldened walk in Christ as the Spirit of God moved in their lives!

What does this mean? How does this apply for us here at Oak Park?

Generally it means that we are to travel the road of obedience and it is going to lead us to the destinations of empowerment, enhanced abilities to serve and emboldened spirits to proclaim Christ!

An empowered soul with enhanced ability to serve God is emboldened to share Christ and continue in obedience to Him… This leads to victory for those in obedience! How do I know this???

Look at v.41… 41So those who accepted his message were baptized, and that day about 3,000 people were added to them...

Can you imagine a service where 3,000 people surrender to Christ? Can you imagine a service where 300 people surrender to Christ?

I believe I would be happy in a service where 3 people surrender to Christ as Savior… but here we see full and open obedience leading to overwhelming victory in 3000 people coming to know Christ!

We have seen victory in our fellowship when we have been obedient… we were obedient in starting and doing the bb ministry for the youth…

We have seen over 20-25 young men touched by the light and love of Christ, several of them have made decisions to accept Christ as Savior and many are seeking to know God, but have not taken that final step of receiving Him into their lives!

Every week Ben and those who work with Ben are submitting in obedience to Christ in doing this ministry, and we have begun to see the victory out of that obedience… As a fellowship we can experience more and more victory in Christ when we surrender in obedience!

But preacher what does this mean for me in my life… in my personal life, my personal time… how does this affect me?

I see it like this… For the Christian, this points you to obedience! This sermon points you to beginning a life of obedience to God’s instruction!

Of reading your Bible, of praying without ceasing, of sharing your faith, of being willing to allow the power of the Holy Spirit to move in your life to serve Christ!

Obedience to God in the small things leads to obedience to God in things that matter for all eternity… Obedience to God brings about Victory for the obedient… do you want to see souls won in our church? We must be obedient!

Do you want to be the believer God wants you to become? Obedience is how you can do this… when you submit in obedience to His calling; he is going to bring victory into your life!

Obedience brings empowerment by the Spirit… He will give you strength and power far beyond you ever thought possible!

Obedience brings about enhancement of your ability by the Spirit… what you NEVER thought was possible is now something God can lead you to do!

Maybe you NEVER thought it was possible for you to speak with your neighbor about Christ… well if you are obedient to Christ and submit to His instruction then He will give you power and enhance your ability to do what is needed!

Obedience brings about an emboldened spirit that is fearful of nothing! The disciples were mocked, flogged and beaten on many occasions after this happened but we can see that they NEVER cowered in fear because they were supernaturally emboldened in their spirit!

Do you want to do BOLD things for Christ… submit in obedience!

Do you want to be used beyond your own abilities for Christ… then submit in obedience!

Do you want to see the power of God flow freely in your life? Then submit in obedience…

So the answer to the question this morning of “Where does obedience take you?” We can see that obedience leads us to the destination of an empowered spirit, enhanced ability to serve and an emboldened heart to continue in that obedience!

People this destination leads to Christ being exalted and souls being won to the kingdom! When we are obedient to God’s instruction, his kingdom grows and our ability to serve increases… Are you ready for victory today?

Give invitation here…