On behalf of ______, ... _______, ... _______ and the whole extended _______ family.
We thank you for your prayerful support ... and for taking time this day ....to celebrate the life .... of ... _______ _______ _______.
_______ had a gift ... she had the ability ... to make every person feel ... that they were truly special.
If _______ was in the room... well ... you knew it.
She was always open and ready for a conversation ... to make a new friend.
Now She would make comments at times ... that would make you shake your head ... but if your honest ... it also put a smile ... on your face.
She would play the part of ... a tough cookie sometimes.
But the nurses and staff ... at the hospital and nursing facility ... well ... they saw right through it ... and fell in love _______.
She cared deeply ... for every member ... of her family.
When she would speak of family ... it was much like opening a treasure chest ... with each of your individual names ... on a beautiful box ... with in.
She would open your box ... and speak of wonderful memories ... and glorious hopes ... for each of you.
She loved you ... dearly.
"Faith, Hope and Love, ... But the greatest of these ... is Love." (1 Corinthians 13:13)
During the times that I would visit _______ ... be it at the farm, ... the hospital ... or at the nursing facility.
We would always end with prayer ... and most times we would share ... in communion.
She would say ... I wonder why God is leaving me here so long?
I would assure her ... that her life and her love ... continues to touch the lives ... of so many.
I remember one visit with _______ at the hospital ... late one Sunday evening.
We talked for a long time... and I shared that I was so thankful ... that God allowed her ... to be a part of my life.
And that her strength ... was an inspiration ... and a witness to me ... as well as to her family ... and friends.
At the end of the stay ... we prayed together ... and I anointed _______ with oil.
She shared with me ... that she always felt a great peace ... after being anointed.
Well ... As I beginning to leave ... her roommate who was behind A closed curtain ... called out to me.
She said I heard you both praying.
I am a Christian ... but I have not been to Church in a long time ... would you anoint me with oil.
I would be honored.
_______'s witness ... even from a hospital bed ... touched the heart ... of yet ... another soul.
Beloved.... our life ....and our death .... leave an imprint.
An imprint on all those .... that we encounter.
On all those ... that God has placed ... in our lives.
_______'s life ....and her death .... Has left an imprint .... on everyone .... who had the honor ... and privilege ... to know her.
I will miss her ... dearly.
O' Beloved...cherish those imprints ... Cherish those memories.
Those imprints ... those memories ... that she has left on your heart.
Hold on to them ... And let the love that they contain ... move through your very being. (Pause)
We will all leave this side of eternity ... and .... those who are in Christ Jesus .... will receive ... the crown of righteousness.
The Apostle Paul ... shared these words .... as he approached .... his coming death:
BIBLE "For I am already being poured out ... like a drink offering, ... and the time has come for my departure. ..... I have fought the good fight, .... I have finished the race, .... I have kept the faith. Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, .... which the Lord, .... the righteous Judge, .... will award to me on that day......and not only to me, .... but also to all .... who have longed for his appearing." END (2 Timothy 4:6-8)
(Slow) Paul knew that he would soon be put to death ... as he penned the words.........The time has come.... for my.... "departure."
The Greek word ....in this text that is translated "departure" .... was a term .... that was often used by ancient sailors.
It meant ...a time.... for the ... un-mooring ...of a ship.
Paul was speaking of a ship .... that was about to depart.
A ship ... that would be un-moored from the land ....and would be freed ......to set sail.
In Paul's lifetime .... when a ship would leave the harbor, .... Many would gather at the harbor side .... and they would watch the ship .... until it sailed over the horizon.
Have you ever done that .... stood near the waterfront .... as a ship .... sailed over the horizon?
And as the ship slips over the Horizon.... many on the shore .... would joyfully voice.... there she goes.
There she goes.
Yet ...somewhere on the other side of the ocean, .... there is ... another harbor.
And as that ship appears .... on their horizon ...... you can hear them say, .... Here she comes...... Her she comes. (Pause)
Much like that ship, .... _______ too .... has sailed ... into ... a new harbor.
Un-moored from this side of eternity ... set free.
Set free... to sail .... set free ... to sail .... Home.
For those who are in Christ Jesus...It is a glorious harbor.... where a dwelling place ... has been prepared ......by Christ himself.... for each believer.
Now the Apostle Paul went on to share these words: BIBLE "For to me, ....to live is Christ ....and to die is gain........ I am torn between the two: .... I desire to depart.... and be with Christ, .... which is better ....by far; ......" END (Philippians 1:21-23)
Paul is saying .... "For me, .... to live is Christ .... ......yet.... to die ....is gain
When the Apostle Paul wrote this letter to the believers ... To the believers ... gathered in Philippi, .... the circumstances of his life .... were not exactly .... ideal.
He was in prison ... in the great city of Rome.... and under house arrest ...... literally chained.... to a Roman soldier.
Paul was a prisoner .... and yet his entire letter to the Philippian believers .... shouts with triumph.
It is filled with words .... such as "joy" .... and "rejoicing".
_______ too ... lived the last weeks of her life.... a prisoner in a body .... that was slowly ... shutting down.
Her body kept slipping away .... until the day Came ... for this earthly life.... to give way .... for one .... on the other side of eternity.... For one ... in a new harbor.
Beloved .... For a Christian, .... Leaving this side of eternity ... is entry.... into ... a new harbor.
We gain a glorified, .... immortalized, ... resurrected body.
Each of us....... (Point to Chest) ... live in these fleshly....... these earthly bodies.... That in time.... will wear out.
The time will come .... for this earthly life ......to give way.... for one .... on the other side of eternity.
Beloved ... we live in a broken world ... yet we are citizens ... of a heavenly kingdom.
Our citizenship ... Our true home ... our eternal home... lies on the other side of eternity.
"We are in the world ... but not of it" (John 17:16)
In this present body .... This fleshly body ... we are subject .... to all the sorrows ... all the tears .... that life .... will ... throw our way.
Age, .... disappointments, ...... infirmities ....... Will attack us.
(Point to Chest) ... And too, ... this flesh .... this house of clay.... made of the dust of the earth... will also .... pass away.
But for the follower of Christ .... in death .... we gain a new body, .... that will never grow old, .... that never suffers pain, ......that will never die.
Jesus shared this glorious Truth: "I am the resurrection and the life. .... Those who believe in me, .... even though they die, .... will live, 26 ...... and everyone who lives and believes in me .... (Slow) will ... never die." (John 11:25-26),
Christians .... do not die.
This flesh may die ... this flesh may turn to dust ....... but Jesus shares ... a glorious promise.
Jesus was clear...... crystal clear "Those who believe in me ...... (Slow) will never die." (John 11:26)
Christians ....... followers of the Christ ....... do not die .... they simply change .... their residence.
They simply enter .... a new harbor... we go home. (Pause)
During my last visit with _______ ... that is on this side of eternity ... I held her in my arms and sang:
Jesus name above all names
Beautiful Savior, glorious Lord
Emanuel, God is with us
Blessed redeemer... the living word.
I thank my Lord and Savior for allowing _______ to be a part of my life.
Her witness ... her life ... has left a mark of love on my heart ... that I will always Cherish.
One day .... we will all un-moor or lines .... from this earthy harbor.
One day .... we will all finish this race .... called life. (Pause)
O' Beloved .... The best thing that we can do .... for our children .... our grandchildren .... our friends .... is for each of us .... to be personally right .... with God.
To walk in the way .... of the Lord.
To know him .... not only as Savior.... but as Lord.........Lord of every aspect .... of our life.
To continually seek to be transformed .... to be conformed.... into the image .... of his Christ.
To give Our all ......and when we cross over to the other side of eternity, ......to collapse into our Saviors arms ...knowing .... we had no more to give.
To hear our Saviors voice; ...... "Well done good and faithful servant. You have fought the good fight, ...... you have finished the race."
Well _______, ...you have fought the good fight ... you have finished ... Your race.
Enter in ... and Rest.
Amen and Amen
Help: I retired in November 2017 and am attempting to supplement my income by sharing on Sermoncentral. If this Message has been helpful to you, please consider a nominal donation: Send to The Rev. Jeff Smead 11725 Regent Park Drive Chardon Ohio 44024. Blessed To Be A Blessing.
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