The Market Place
When we refer to the marketplace in this book, we mean:
* the world of business, trade, and economics
* the world of commercial activity where goods and services are bought and sold
* an area in a town where a public mercantile establishment is set up
* where goods and services are bought and sold to the purchaser
* the forum through which human economic commerce is conducted
* the world of trade or economic activity
* the place of business, professional activity, employment, and creative pursuit
* the place at local, national, and international levels that impacts the economy and those working within it
The marketplace touches virtually every person on the earth and this includes the church. The church cannot ignore what goes on in the world and should position itself to be effective in society as a whole which includes the marketplace. The church should use the marketplace to spread the gospel and provide finances for its vision through marketplace activities.
Of the 52 parables of Jesus, 45 had a workplace context. What we do in the church should affect the marketplace and the functions Christians perform in the marketplace should affect the church. Christians can have an influence in the church and also in the marketplace.
1 Corinthians 10:31 - Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.
What we do is important to God. He uses us as instruments to advance His Kingdom on earth and whether we fulfill these purposes in the church or in the secular environment is not important to God as long as we are doing what He has called us to do and as long as it give Him glory.
The church must be effective and influential within and outside its walls so that God’s Kingdom is preached to everyone. In this way, the Gospel will touch schools, workplaces, government institutions, etc. Many of God’s leaders in both the Old and New Testaments ministered to the greatest rulers of their day. The Bible is full of examples of wealthy and influential people who used their wealth to further God’s purpose.
The church needs to understand that businesses can be used as a resource to benefit God’s work on the earth.
God calls people in all walks of life to spread the good news of heaven.
Marketplace Ministry
“The whole world could abound with services to the Lord - not only in churches but also in the home, kitchen, workshop, and field.” - Martin Luther
Marketplace ministry typically refers to Christians who fulfill their calling in the secular workplace.
The concept of ministry is changing as the world changes and it is important for the church to make adjustments to the way people are used in their gifting and profession so that the gospel can be presented everywhere and not only within the four walls of the church. There are people who will never go to a church service and may never hear the good news of the Kingdom unless it is expressed in the marketplace.
To be in ministry means to serve others. Jesus was the best example because to even washed the feet of His disciples.
Mark 10:45 - For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many."
We are called to serve and not be served and we can do this effectively within the church and also beyond the church walls.
Most people relate ministry to the work done by the pastor of a church, missionaries, music ministry, children’s ministry, youth ministry, and Christian counselors and not those who fulfill their life’s purpose in the secular world and in doing so may become more ministry focused.
A Christian who wishes to be in fulltime ministry can fulfill their desire to serve God in the workplace and this can be regarded as being in fulltime ministry.
Many Christians mistakenly believe that those who are in fulltime church ministry have a higher calling than those who fulfill their calling in the secular world.
There are so many Biblical accounts of individuals who were called by God to religious and nonreligious related work.
The Biblical concept of ministry is service rendered to God or to people. The standard set for those in ministry are portrayed in the servant-leadership of Christ.
Ministry involves people and its purpose is to advance the Kingdom of God in word and deed.
Whether it refers to those who work in a church environment, or on the streets of a city, or in the workplace, ministry must be seen as a personal commission from God that works toward the reconciliation of others to Christ through the gospel. It is the fundamental responsibility of every born again believer.
This opens an entire new world for businesspeople, professionals, and employees to live their lives significant for God’s purpose and can see themselves as being effective in ministry and not disqualified in spiritual matters due to their position in the marketplace.
In this way they can also empower the vision of the local church. They can also use their position in the marketplace to influence and impact government policies and social issues as they will be given a platform or open door that is under normal circumstances not available to a local church. They will have access to people of power and great influence that pastors would not be able to engage.
They can become ambassadors for the Kingdom of God in the marketplace and in government and make a positive contribution by helping to bring change in the public arena.
For example, Christian doctors can make their services available to needy communities, etc. This opens up a wonderful opportunity for church members to be involved in full-time ministry without the need to be ordained.
1 Peter 4:10 - As each one has received a gift, minister it to one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.
There are examples throughout the New and Old Testaments showing how God used specific individuals for a specific task, most of which were fulfilled in the marketplace. Some examples are:
* Abraham became the father of the Hebrew nation
* Bezalel was anointed to design artistic works for the Tabernacle of Moses
* Moses was sent by God to Pharaoh so that the Israelites could be led out of Egypt
* Joshua led the Israelites into the Promised Land which he achieved by conquering the inhabitants
* David was anointed to be king of Israel
* Gideon set God’s people free from economic disaster
* Jonah preached to Nineveh and everyone was converted
* Mary was a virgin who conceived by the Holy Spirit and birthed the Messiah
* Cyrus was used by God to rebuild Jerusalem and the Temple
* Jesus, God’s Son, died for the sins of all
* Paul was used by God to bring the gospel to the Gentiles
Colossians 3:23-24 - And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance; for you serve the Lord Christ.
All Christians are called into ministry because all Christians have spiritual gifts that are to be employed for service to the body of Christ.
Everyone has a part to play in the growth of the body of Christ as all Christians are called to ministry.
Throughout history, God has called people from the marketplace to work together with Him to build His Kingdom. All of the men Jesus called to be His disciples were not called from the religious sector, but from the world of business.
Ministry is not reserved for the few. Everyone is called and God excludes no one. That means you do not have to resign from your job in order to do the work of the ministry. Many people think that the five-fold ministry offices are reserved for those leaders who are called to do the work of the ministry.
But when we study God’s word, we find that the church leaders are called to equip the saints so that they can do the work of the ministry. This strongly implies that equipping is performed within the four walls of the church and the work of the ministry is performed outside the church. Marketplace ministry therefore refers to all forms of ministry that is conducted in the normal course of life beyond the four walls of the church buildings.
It is a wonderful privilege to serve Him and be a witness in our places of business. Jesus has called us to go where the sinners are. That means we must learn how to bind the works of the devil and release healing, salvation, and deliverance to those who have been bound.
Marketplace Christians spend much more time at their place of work than they do at their church. In fact, most people have more relationships and greater influence in their workplace than in their church. You can regard your desk or your workbench as your pulpit.
Ministry in the marketplace contributes directly to the fulfillment of God’s purposes for the church. Believers can use their careers to bear witness to the Lord.
Bridging the gap between the church and the marketplace is necessary and Christian leaders and pastors should take the initiative in understanding the marketplace and God’s purposes for it and help their people to see the opportunities God has placed before them.
Created for His purpose
Whether you are called to lead a church or called to the marketplace, God wants you to empower you to fulfill His plans for your life.
God has created us for a specific purpose. We are all special and unique and each one of us has a distinct calling and destiny in God. We are not simply called to fill pews and listen to sermons. Each one of us is called to help build the Kingdom of God through our words and deeds. Each one of us has a very specific role to play in God's divine purpose.
God desires to share His plans and purposes with us so that we will be fully prepared and fully equipped to fulfill our destiny. He never created us to wander around aimlessly through life.
In the Old Testament, ministry was largely the responsibility of prophets, priests, and kings. In the New Testament, all believers are anointed to perform supernatural works for the Kingdom whether behind a pulpit or behind a workbench.
"A society in which vocation and job are separated for most people gradually creates an economy that is often devoid of spirit, one that frequently fills our pocketbooks at the cost of emptying our souls." - Sam Keen
The search for your calling or vocation is different from identifying an occupation. While occupation has more to do with earning money, paying the rent or satisfying one's ego or pride, vocation or calling are tied to one's sense of meaning and life-purpose. As people age and mature, the search for meaningful life and fulfilling their divine calling becomes more important.
God has planned a vocation for each of His children. It is essential then that we seek to find out what it is. If God's calling for you is to be a teacher in a school, you would be disobedient if you became a pastor. Do not be an evangelist if God wants you to be a doctor. Likewise, do not take up a secular vocation if God wants you to pastor a church.
Nevertheless, every believer should be a full-time witness of the Lord Jesus Christ even if they are not in full-time Christian service. A Christian doctor when asked his profession replied, "My profession is to be a witness for the Lord Jesus Christ and to bring souls to Him. I work as a doctor to pay the expenses." Indeed, he had the right perspective.
When vocation is considered from this view-point, we need not fear the possibility of missing God's will. It is when personal advancement and prestige influence our choice that we go astray.
Five-fold ministry
The call to an exclusively Christian ministry is not easily defined. What form the call takes is unimportant, but the one who goes into an exclusively Christian ministry cannot afford to be unsure of his or her call.
Whether we are in a secular job or in exclusively Christian work, our calling is equally to be a servant of God. The nature and sphere of work may differ, but we are all called to represent the Lord worthily before others and to bring them to a saving knowledge of Him.
The five-fold ministry resulted from Christ’s ascension to heaven. These gifts were released by Christ during His ascension and are therefore also known as the ascension gifts. The full expression of the ministry of Jesus requires the full five-fold ministry to be in operation.
Each office of the five-fold ministry carries its own distinct anointing and has its own individual work. For these offices to work together and accomplish the building up of the body of Christ, they must recognize their differences and be yielded and submitted to one another. Each of these offices is directly responsible to the Lord Jesus Christ and is directed by the Holy Spirit, to the work of service.
It is important that we recognize that these are the ministry gifts given by Jesus and are not the same as a secular vocation. Jesus selects certain people to hold office in His church to carry the responsibilities of leadership. They are apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers. They are Christ's gifts of leaders to His church. Most of these will probably be engaged in full time ministry.
Their responsibility is to lead the church and to train the members who will do their work of the ministry outside the four walls of the church in the market place.
These five-fold ministries are given to the body of Christ as a gift. It must be clearly understood that a gift is not earned. For this reason, these five-fold offices cannot be earned. No one can appoint another person into these offices. The Holy Spirit may use the church leadership to confirm the call of God on an individual but they cannot decide to appoint a person into any one of the five-fold ministries.
The ministry gifts are appointed by God and not by the choice of men. Unlike the Old Testament, this gift is not inherited from one generation of a particular family to the next. The genealogy regarding spiritual inheritance finished with Christ. For this reason there are no recorded inheritances of the anointing from any of the apostles to their children.
Christ is the head of His church and it is He alone who determines who is called into any of the five-fold gifts. Each person is divinely endowed with the spiritual gifts necessary to carry out that calling. All the offices of the five-fold ministry are different functions and for different purposes and are to be performed by people who are chosen and anointed by God.
The five-fold ministry gifts of Jesus to His church are not founded upon the Law. Jesus gave new gifts under grace instead of under the Law and now includes the Gentiles also.
Christian businesses and entrepreneurs
Proverbs 22:29 - Do you see a man who excels in his business? He will stand before kings; He will not stand before unknown men.
Christian businesses are to be a shining light to others around them and have the ability to create hope and life into both their business and community.
Christian businesses should have objectives that are greater than just financial profit. They should find out how God wants them to contribute towards the Kingdom of God. Impacting communities can be accomplished in more ways that just being involved in projects that have a focus on helping the poor. A business can also impact communities just by the way they treat and invest in the staff.
A Christian business should exist to serve their customers, suppliers, the environment and employees with products, service, and monetary exchange that provide fair value for all. A company that continually serves with excellence will gain a reputation that will encourage more business.
Christian businesses should maintain integrity in all circumstances, being open in communicating their visions and values, showing respect for all employees and customers, and demonstrating compassion and mercy when it is needed. They should also seek out and invest in potential employees who have an aptitude for growth, by equipping and encourage them so that they can realize their full potential.
Christian business initiatives not only bring upliftment to those who receive from the benefits but they bring honor to God. The means of honoring God, is when we take the responsibility of representing Christ to unbelievers, and in doing so, God will reciprocate and cause blessings to fall upon the individual or business.
Christian entrepreneurs have a greater purpose than just ensuring their businesses make a profit, for they are in an advantageous position to change lives, bring hope and instill Godly-principles into their employees.
Businesses that invest in the Kingdom define success by the measure to which they impact the world for God. They should also have a commitment to their people. This includes the area of fair compensation, performance recognition, and providing growth opportunities, both professionally and personally.
It has been determined that organizations that recognize the needs of their people and create opportunities for them to fulfill those needs are able to bring out the very best in them.
If we intend to run a company on Kingdom principles, we also should look at Christ’s life and do our best to apply principles and teachings of His life to our activities, both in business and privately.
Although it is true that the essential element of a Christian business is profit, it should not the most important element. The purpose of any Christian in business is to glorify God.
Colossians 3:23 - Whatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the Lord rather than for men.
God’s blessings releases finances
Abraham was God’s Covenant partner. He was a man of faith and he pleased God. When you please God, God is going to please you. A happy father is a giving father. Abraham believed God and he did things which were right in the sight of God.
He was the first entrepreneur that we find in Scripture. God made a covenant with Abraham and promised that he would bless him and as a result he would excel and prosper in every aspect of his life.
Genesis 12:2-3 - “I will make you a great nation; I will bless you and make your name great; and you shall be a blessing.”
Genesis 26:13 - The man began to prosper, and continued prospering until he became very prosperous;
Genesis 13:2 - Abram was very rich in livestock, in silver, and in gold.
Abraham’s success and prosperity had everything to do with his personal relationship with God and obedience to God and as a result he was able to impact all the nations around him including the kings.
He knew where his blessings came from and understood that without acknowledge and serving God, he would lose the blessings. He also interceded for others and paid a tithe to King Melchizedek.
There are many other entrepreneurs in the Bible who were blessed by God with wealth and prosperity such as:
a. Job
Job 42:12 - Now the Lord blessed the latter days of Job more than his beginning
b. Isaac
Genesis 26:12-14 - Then Isaac sowed in that land, and received in the same year an hundredfold: and the LORD blessed him. And the man waxed great, and went forward, and grew until he became very great: For he had possession of flocks, and possession of herds, and great store of servants: and the Philistines envied him.
c. Jacob
Genesis 36:7 - For their riches were more than that they might dwell together; and the land wherein they were strangers could not bear them because of their cattle.
d. Joseph
Genesis 45:7-8 - And God sent me before you to preserve a posterity for you in the earth …, God has made me a father to Pharaoh, and lord of all his house, and a ruler throughout all the land of Egypt.
e. David
1 Chronicles 29:28 - And he died in a good old age, full of days, riches, and honour: and Solomon his son reigned in his stead.
f. Solomon
2 Chronicles 9:22 - And King Solomon passed all the kings of the earth in riches and wisdom.
g. Daniel
Daniel 6:3 - Daniel distinguished himself above the governors and satraps, because an excellent spirit was in him; and the King gave thought to setting him over the whole realm.
h. Joseph of Arimathaea
Matthew 27:57 - When the even was come, there came a rich man of Arimathaea, named Joseph, who also himself was Jesus' disciple: He went to Pilate, and begged the body of Jesus. Then Pilate commanded the body to be delivered.
Impact your world
The gospel of the Kingdom can be spread to every nation by Christian entrepreneurs who think and apply Kingdom principles.
People who are successful in business have a lot of influence. Where there is money, there is the opportunity to impact others. That is how the economy of the world works. Christian entrepreneurs therefore have a great opportunity to impact their communities, cities, and nations with their creative ideas for business success. With the help of the Holy Spirit, we can do so much more that ordinary business people. That is our apostolic mandate which extends our influence to the ends of the earth!
When you have a business, you attract people to you. You will attract those who need employment and others who want to do business with you.
There are several kingdom principles which God has set in place in order for mankind to prosper and if we would just adhere to them, there would be no limit on our ability to impact the world with the blessings of heaven.
1. Know that God wants you to proper
Many Christians today do not believe that God wants them to have access to wealth, but the Bible teaches us differently.
God wants only the best for us and His best is financial abundance. Many Christians suffer from financial lack because they do not apply simple principles that God has ordained to open up streams of abundance.
Financial freedom begins with your mind-set. Many do not believe they can overcome their financial struggles.
You cannot begin to release your financial potential unless you believe that God wants to bless you in every way possible with physical things, including money.
Proverbs 10:22 - The blessing of the Lord makes one rich and He adds no sorrow with it.
Psalm 35:27 - Let the Lord be magnified, Who has pleasure in the prosperity of His servant.
The above passages of Scripture confirm that God wants His people to live in abundance of all things. That includes money!
A common misconception is that Christians should not be concerned about money. Many of the parables Jesus taught had to do with money and stewardship. God’s people must know and understand that God does not want them to live in lack or poverty. So many Christians think that God wants them poor and the poorer they are the holier they think they are. That is not supported by the Word of God in any way.
Jesus preached the Gospel of the Kingdom to poor people so that they could learn to defeat poverty.
You cannot begin to release your financial potential unless you believe that God wants to bless you in every way possible with physical things. It pleases Him to heap blessings upon you.
2. Make God your partner
God has not placed us on the earth to struggle financially. He has anointed us to lead others and that includes financial blessings.
We should never underestimate the power that finances have. God is looking for ways to bless us. Of course, He does not want us to chase after money, but wants us to chase after Him and to build a relationship with Him.
If you chase after money, money will elude you. If you chase after God, money will chase after you and the things that come from the Lord will not cause any sorrow.
Matthew 6:33 - But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.
Make God your number one priority and then you will see how He begins to bless you.
3. Discover who you are
When Jesus fulfilled His Father’s plan for His earthly life by dying on the cross, He took poverty and nailed it to the cross. There is therefore no poverty in your purpose because God used Jesus to destroy poverty when He fulfilled His father’s plans.
Believers who do not know God’s plans for their lives live an aimless life. Moses was absolutely lost until the age of eighty. But all that changed when God revealed the plan He had for Moses. Until that happened, he lived a seemingly fruitless life by starting out in Pharaoh’s palace and ending up looking after his father-in-laws’ sheep in the desert. It is never too late to find out who you really are.
When Moses obediently pursued God plans, he left Egypt with all the wealth that had been accumulated by the Egyptians. This wealth was accumulated way back when Joseph made Pharaoh one of the richest men who ever lived, because of the wisdom God gave Joseph.
The Egyptians paid for the journey with their gold and silver. When you obey God’s call for your life, God will make sure you have the finances for the journey. All the riches of Egypt left with Moses when he obeyed God.
Do you have any idea how much wealth and blessings God is about to pour out onto your life when you begin to trust Him and believe in Him and when you take that first step of faith? Perhaps you are working so hard to create a financial nest egg for your future that it is consuming your entire life and the rewards really are pitiful. Just think how much God can do for you when you obey Him.
Your arrival on earth was not an accident. It was planned by God because He has a divine plan for each and every one of us. But we need to discover what that plan is. This is so important. Even Jesus had to discover what His purpose was.
Luke 4:17-19 - And He was handed the book of the prophet Isaiah. And when He had opened the book, He found the place where it was written: "The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me, because He has anointed me to preach the Gospel to the poor; He has sent me to heal the broken hearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed; to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord."
4. Pursue who you are
Discovering your purpose and pursuing it are two different things.
There are a lot of Christians who know what they are called to do, but they do not necessary obey the call. Jonah knew what God had called him to do because God made it very clear to him.
Jonah 1:2 - "Arise, go to Nineveh, that great city, and cry out against it; for their wickedness has come up before Me."
That was a simple definition of Jonah’s purpose on earth. He carried a unique anointing that would unlock the chains that bound the people who lived in Nineveh. God told Him exactly what his purpose was. But he chose to go in the opposite direction.
Jonah 1:3 - But Jonah arose to flee to Tarshish from the presence of the LORD. He went down to Joppa, and found a ship going to Tarshish; so he paid the fare, and went down into it, to go with them to Tarshish from the presence of the LORD.
Proverbs 10:22 - The blessing of the Lord makes one rich and He adds no sorrow with it.
Jonah decided to head in the opposite direction. He even paid a price to run away from what He was called to do. When we do our own thing, we have to pay the fare. When we do what God wants us to do, He will pay for it!
When you are disobedient to the call on your life, it causes problems for you. God only blesses us when we are obedient, especially when He gives us a specific assignment to carry out on His behalf.
Jonah eventually found himself in the belly of a large fish. God cannot bless us when we do not pursue that for which we have been called.
There are so many Christians today who tithe faithfully and give generously, but they do not experience God’s full blessings because they do not want to follow Him fully by being obedient to the call they have on them.
There is no greater level of blessing and provision that you can experience when you find out what God wants you to do with your life. When you know who you are, you can become bold and confident and you can militantly follow the dream that God has for you. You can step out fearlessly because He will provide for you.
When you discover and fully pursue your purpose, you have no idea the vast resources God will make available to you so that you can fulfill that for which you were born.
5. Be bold and fearless
Joshua 1:9 - Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go."
Be bold and confident knowing that God is the one who goes ahead of you.
Step out in faith and allow God to enhance your talents so that you and others can prosper. The Christian who has knowledge, understanding, and commitment to a Christ-centered business will do what God has commanded.
Ethics in business
Integrity is about Christ-centered living. It is about doing what is right rather than what is expedient. The organization with integrity will make its business decisions based on the standards and principles of God.
Titus 3:8 - This is a trustworthy saying. And I want you to stress these things, so that those who have trusted in God may be careful to devote themselves to doing what is good. These things are excellent and profitable for everyone
If an organization is to be recognized as an exemplary one, one whose goal is to glorify God through its commitment to excellence in its service and product, it must always honor God and be thoroughly cognizant of its role and mission in a pagan world. Such an organization never forgets that God has called them to be His witness to the lost world in which they do business.
When business organizations commit themselves to the pursuit of excellence, they exalt the Word of God. And will demonstrate God’s power to transform lives, not only through their employees but with their customers as well.
1. The secular business environment
Running a business does not mean an absolute guarantee of success, because there are many factors in life which cannot always be anticipated, such as for example war, fire, floods, etc. A business is a great responsibility. It requires a lot of effort, management, and time. A successful business does not happen by accident, but rather by the concerted effort and skills of its owners, managers, and employees.
All aspects of any business organization and individual employment should be governed by integrity and honesty.
God has built moral laws into the world and these moral laws are just as real and powerful as any of the other laws God has placed within the universe.
These moral laws operate just as reliably as all the other spiritual and natural laws and no person is immune from their effects. Applying these laws leads to success and ignoring or rejecting them leads to failure.
Another aspect of the moral law of God is that it is universal. It works for all people, for all cultures, and at all times. It was given to man for a framework in which to live successfully.
It must also be noted that business is a major social institution. Society will reward companies that keep promises and are honest, but will punish enterprises that regularly miss deadlines, produce substandard products, and are unethical in dealing with their customers.
There is no force to keep leaders ethical. Doing the right thing ethically may not be in the best interest of an individual or an organization. Unfortunately, even those who profess to accept a certain ethic are frequently unwilling to pay the price. The temptation for material gain can outweigh all of these motivations for integrity. It seems that the current worldview deems that the only wrong thing about shady business dealings and immoral workplace ethics is in being exposed.
Employees are under constant pressure from employers to ensure that the organization achieves maximum profitability. They require that everything possible must be done to enhance this objective. This may mean applying unethical methods to gain an unfair advantage over other competitors.
Most secular business owners are not interested in the personal moral values of their employees and feel that they have no right to interject personal values into corporate matters.
Good workplace ethics is an extension of the personal standards inherent in the people who make up the workplace.
Companies can enhance their image and performance by investing into employee development through ethical training.
Honesty is not subject to criticism in any culture. Business ethics are essential in guiding employees and managers in their actions. Most often people exhibit character, integrity, loyalty, respect, and ethics as a matter of personal practice.
Businesses should take every opportunity to implement ethical practices and to introduce incentives for those who have a good work ethic. Employees who are corrupt destroy the profitability of any business. Business entrepreneurs who are dishonest can ruin the reputation of the business thus reducing its viability and effectiveness.
The value of the products and services a company offers says more to the public about the real character of the company and its people than perhaps any other aspect of the company’s profile.
Repeat business comes with trust which is won by quality products at fair prices. A business cannot run indefinitely if it is based on corrupt practices.
2. Corruption
Psalm 14:3 - They have all turned aside, they have together become corrupt; There is none who does good, No, not one.
Leviticus 19:35-36 - You shall do no injustice in judgment, in measurement of length, weight or volume. You shall have honest scales, honest weights, an honest ephah and an honest hin: I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt.
It is hard to understand how saved individuals can end up involved in corruption. Although many cases of corruption involve behavior that anyone should know is wrong, it is not always so clear cut.
Circumstances like group pressures, organizational structures, fear, and temptation can contribute to a person lowering their standards. Perhaps an individual also wants to avoid conflict. Understandably, being a whistleblower can ruin a person’s career. This causes many people to keep quiet.
Many people think they will be happier with more material gain and less of a good conscience.
Sadly, people do become comfortable with actions when they occur in small steps that they would never allow if these happened all at once. Once these actions take hold, they are harmful to the organization and to the individuals involved.
Some people believe that an organization cannot survive unless there is a certain amount of cheating. The problem is magnified when the unethical players are in management.
People tend to be most comfortable in organizations where ethical standards are similar to theirs. Those who are opposed to unethical behavior may leave either by choice or they could be asked to leave.
An ethical culture in which honesty is normal and in which cheating is not, can go a long way toward minimizing corruption. It has to be very clear to the employee that the culture does not allow cheating. Corruption is less likely if employees feel comfortable speaking up.
Even though people can be easily corrupted, they still know right from wrong. Often people who are engaged in wrongdoing do not talk much about it to family and friends because they know it is not right.
Competitive advantage should not be obtained by stealing information and bribery. Costs of dishonesty include turnover of honest employees and pilfering by dishonest employees. There is also an increased cost to the organization of increased monitoring of employees.
People have to be held accountable for actions but punishing wrongdoers should be accompanied by an examination of the organizational structure that contributed to the problem. Simply replacing the people is not enough.
3. Stewardship
Luke 12:42-44 - Who then is this faithful and wise steward whom his master will make ruler over his house and to give him their portion of food in due season? Blessed is that servant whom his master will find so doing when he comes, truly I say to you that he will make him ruler over all he has.
Stewardship is managing the resources that belong to another. The essential idea of stewardship is trust. Not that the steward trusts the owner but that the owner trusts the steward. Stewards are entrusted to care or manage the resources that do not belong to the steward. Faithful stewards manage the resources not for themselves, but for the purposes of the one who has entrusted them.
All believers are stewards of the resources which God has entrusted to them such as time, talent, abilities, possessions, and money.
Stewards give an account to God on how they have used His resources. God is the owner of all things and has temporarily trusted these resources to others and they should use God's resources to advance His priorities and not their own.
Biblical stewardship requires that a Christian views money differently from the way the secular world views it. The secular world equates affluence with success and happiness. Therefore, society constantly struggles to acquire as much wealth as possible.
Stewardship means making the best possible use of and conserving scarce resources and is a vital objective from both a corporate and an individual perspective. An employee should be obedient to their employers and be good stewards of the organization’s resources entrusted to them.
4. Applying Godly ethical standards
Many people think of the Bible as a book of spiritual advice, but it contains many true statements about economics and has a wealth of good advice on how to run a business.
Many principles used in businesses today can be traced to the Bible and play a valuable role both in society and in today’s workplace. Employers and employees consciously or unconsciously integrate Biblical principles with business practices.
The foundation of a good business is made up of a workable business plan, honesty, trust, integrity, and hard work. These core principles are also Biblical. It is not difficult to see that these Christian policies have been instilled into major business policies today.
Implementing Christian ethical business practices may cause a company to lose money in the short-term, but they will reap benefits for the long-term. Labeled as such or not, Bible-based principles can be actively applied in the workplace within reason.
Many corporate executives do not believe in mixing work and religion. However, success and profitability can be realized by incorporating Biblical principles personally and corporately.
Many employers and employees alike argue that religion in the workplace hinders workflow and work performance and that incorporating Biblical principles is not a necessary part of conducting business. Activities such as praying before work, Bible study, and witnessing are seen as averting attention away from the purpose of work.
Christian ethics do not wish to segregate the Christians from the non-Christians. Businesses therefore should offer personalized levels of religion in the work place.
5. The Christian business environment
Early Christians were able to fulfill their ministries and conduct business at the same time because their business activities took them away from home to places where the Gospel had not been preached. These business people played a vital role in expanding God’s Kingdom to previously unreached places. These believers fulfilled a dual function by being ministers of the Gospel as well as business people.
Today, Christian men and women also fulfill these two functions as they connect business and ministry functions. These people are able to witness to others in the secular world through their business activities. Under normal circumstances these people would not be reached.
A Christian business is also one that is created for other Christians or for people who specifically seek out Christians. Because of the principles of religious and moral integrity, people may consider a Christian-based business as trustworthy, even if they are not personally familiar with the owners.
One may wonder if business management based on Biblical principles can survive economically. A Christian business may attract profitable business opportunities simply because it is operated by believers. It must be kept in mind that some potential customers may be wary because they are afraid they will receive a sermon while they shop.
The Bible teaches that wealth is a result of God’s blessing and there in nothing wrong with obtaining wealth if it is pursued ethically. There is a warning though of complacency which can lead to pride and forgetting God.
Ethical standards created by man can also be changed by man. By contrast, Biblical business ethics rests on values that are not subject to negotiation. Any business would benefit greatly if God is placed as the head of that business and that honest Biblical principles are applied. Instead of seeking personal gain, the priority should be to glorify God with every aspect of the business. Everything must be done within the boundaries of God's Word and every activity should bring glory to God.
When it comes to running a business, two choices can be made. The business will either run on Kingdom or worldly principles.
These Biblical principles may indeed collide with other established standards. Adherence to Biblical ethical standards in business has its price. In many instances, not all business opportunities can be explored. But in the long term, it has been proved that adherence to Biblical values will result in sustainable economic success. In practice it has been shown that there is a correlation between economic productivity and influence of Christian values.
Christians should promote business ethics not only because good ethics is good business, but because they are ethically required to do so in accordance with the Word of God. In business, Christians must be prepared to pay the costs of ethical behavior.
The costs may sometimes seem high, but that is the price one must pay when applying Christian ethical conduct in business.
6. Characteristics of a successful Christian business
Proverbs 22:29 - Do you see a man who excels in his work? He will stand before kings; He will not stand before unknown men.
Running a business is not a matter of opening a shop, putting some things into it, and hoping people come and buy. It is an intelligent activity, which involves a lot of planning. It takes foresight, wise decisions, and consideration of many factors such as:
* A clear and concise mission statement and business plan.
* Integrating prayer into the company activities.
* Commitment to excellence and integrity.
* Generous and giving.
* Accountable relationships and checks and balances in place to ensure responsible business practices.
* Consistent commitment to personal spiritual growth.
* In partnership with the Lord and willing to place God’s priorities first.
* Persevering even under difficult political and economic conditions.
* A positive attitude.
* Anticipating changes that are needed and making adjustments especially in changing market conditions.
* Keeping abreast with advances in technology.
* Good interpersonal skills and able to get along well with other people.
* Withstanding criticism.
* Strong communications skills.
* Being resourceful, creative, and proactive.
* Respect for money and God-given resources.
* Organizing business ventures and assuming the risk for it.
* Formulating and implementing short and long term goals.
* Seeing opportunity in setbacks or unexpected events by targeting particular occupations or industries and looking for untapped niches.
* Never blaming others for their situation.
* Taking responsibility for their actions and doing whatever it takes to improve the business or themselves.
* Continually looking for the next big challenge.
* Exuding confidence.
* Professional and well-groomed.
* Investing time building mutually beneficial relationships and partnerships.
* Saving and investing money.
* Committed to continuous self-improvement in terms of technology and business skills.
* Committed to working hard and for long hours to achieve goals.
* Willing to take important and difficult decisions.
* Willing to take risks.
* Having a fierce determination to succeed.
* Slow to anger.
* Working at building good relationships and useful network contacts.
* Demonstrating flexibility.
* Self-motivated.
* Willing to tackle new tasks and develop new skills.
* Willing to do any type of work as long as it is honest and ethical.
* Staying focused on business goals and not distracted into other unproductive or unrelated activities.
* Complying with the law of the land and all other legal requirements.
* Trustworthy.
* Good reputation.
* Serving others.
* Providing a quality service or product for a fair price.
* Honoring all creditors.
* Treating employees fairly and understanding the worth of its hired help.
* Treating customers fairly.
* Honoring God.
* Operating under the guidelines of Biblical ethical and moral principles.
* Seeing opportunities in the world to bring healing, redemption, and transformation as well as to portray the true nature and character of God.
* Making decisions on the basis of God's Word and not on circumstances, feelings, or what is acceptable to society.
* Leading others to the Lord.
* Paying fair wages and treating employees with respect and dignity.
* Tithing into God’s Kingdom.
* Providing finances for the poor and needy.
* Providing employment opportunities to other believers.
* Providing resources for personal development of staff.
* Aware of how results are obtained and will choose the course of highest integrity in guiding their affairs and avoid all malpractices in order to maintain credibility in the marketplace.
Churches in business
God always intended for the priesthood to reinvest a portion of the tithe, with the expectation of a return. It was part of His plan to show the priesthood that He was their portion. Though it has been part of God's plan for the church, very few today are actually doing it.
The marriage of religion and business has deep roots in American history. Itinerant Methodist preachers from Francis Asbury (1745-1816) onwards addressed camp meetings of thousands of people, and often borrowed marketing techniques from business.
In his 1925 bestseller, “The Man Nobody Knows”, Bruce Barton pictured Jesus as a business executive who picked up twelve men from the bottom ranks of business and forged them into an organization that conquered the world and regarded His parables as the most powerful advertisements of all time.
A church should be an active, contributing member of its community, rather than a closed-off mini-community that keeps to itself and this can extend to becoming involved in business or in the business community.
There is a range of ministries and para church organizations that blend aspects of ministry and business. They have now realized that they cannot accomplish their two-fold mission of winning souls and shepherding sheep without money.
Accordingly, there has been a radical shift of emphasis from mere collection and counting of offerings and tithes to owning and running businesses.
It is now very common for churches to have income-generating projects, business breakfasts, and fund-raising dinners where business experts come and present business principles and strategies.
Three reasons why owning and operating a business should be an important part of the church model:
1. Jobs impact the community. When a church is engaged in the community and it helps to create jobs, everyone takes notice. The church could be the one place that the city and government turns to when it is looking for answers.
2. Profit benefits the church. Once the business arm of the church files its tax return, all of the profits that are passed to the church are tax free to the church as a donation. The church can then use those funds however it wishes. These profits can contribute to the costs of running the church and help it fulfill its vision.
3. Financial protection. Since the business is a separate entity, none of its liabilities can fall on the church. This separates the church from any liability the business may face.
In today's changing times, opportunities for churches to create alternative sources of income abound. Churches are beginning to invest some of their time into building income streams that can supplement income from tithes and offerings. Some examples are schools, property investment, bookstores, skills training, and many more.
When a church develops multiple income streams, it breaks away from the traditional and also sets an example to its membership that is worthy to be duplicated.
When a church relies on traditional fundraisers to help meet budget, it limits itself to small thinking and may come across to society as a harmless and irrelevant group of people.
When a church has a number of real income streams it brightens the outlook for its financial future and it becomes more investment worthy. Banks are in business to make money and when they consider whether or not they will make a loan to a church they look at it from the perspective of whether or not the church can repay the loan.