Summary: Christ's power, victory, the Lion of Judah


Rev. 1 (p 861) June 16, 2013


If Jesus delays His return for His Bride the North American Christian Convention will meet here in Louisville, KY, July 9th-July 12th…It’s Theme: Victorious:”When life seems hopeless…read the end of the Story.” The message of Revelation! I’ve had the privilege to be the co-chair for the local arrangements…and because of that I was honored to spend some time with Matt Proctor, this year’s President…Matt and his wife Katie have 6 kids, Matt’s the president of Ozark Community College and in the midst of his preparation for the N.A.C.C. his wife was diagnosed with cancer, a rare cancer that had to be treated with surgery and not chemo…when he shared this at Fern Creek for one of our meetings it was right before his wife’s surgery…and with great emotion he said, “I hope to share with you great news at this year’s convention about Katie, however God works it out.”

Clearly he was in pain because of what his wife and mother of their 6 children was going through and what she would go through, but he was also clearly announcing God’s victory in life and death…His Hope…My Hope….clearly, cancer, surgeries, struggle in His life are not victors for those of us who hope in Christ for all eternity….(At this writing, the surgery was completely successful for Katie Proctor, last week they could find no traces of cancer in her margins)….

Matt will not be the same man who opens this year’s convention with the message…Encountering Christ Powerfully, as he was 2 years ago when they elected him to be president of the N.A.C.C. in 2013…little did he know the struggles, the pain…the faith testing he would go through in preparation to speak about Victory…

The Revelation of Jesus Christ to John the Apostle has a similar story.


Rev 1:1-3 (p861)

It’s not the Apostle John’s revelation…It’s the revelation from Jesus Christ, given to Him by God, it’s given to reveal what must soon take place and …Jesus has sent an angel to John, who has been exiled on an Island called Patmos. Revelation in Greek is “Apocalypse” literally “unveiling”…Jesus unveils…reveals to John who testifies to everything he sees.

The Book of Revelation places a blessing on the person who reads it, v3, but even more than that it puts a blessing on the person who keeps it (takes it to heart)…because the time is near.

So why are we (me) others, so afraid to be “blessed” by Jesus’ Revelation…but… Apparently I’m not the only one who has avoided Revelation. Fred Craddock says that reading through the New Testament is like walking down the street. The Gospels are first, and they are warm, inviting, well-lit homes-a familiar neighborhood. Next come Paul’s letters, still friendly territory. But as you move down the street through the Epistles, the shadows grow deeper-2 Peter, 1 John. The houses are small and neglected-2 John, 3 John, Jude. Then suddenly at the end of the street, shrouded in darkness, stands the frightening, haunted house of Revelation.1

Most of the time we just figure it’s smart to stay away from the haunted house! The reasons: it’s hard to understand…the church father Jerome said, “Revelation has as many mysteries as it does words.” Martin Luther said, “Revelation ought to be kicked out of the Bible because it doesn’t reveal anything!”

Let’s face it…weird images of strange creatures, a beast with 10 horns and claws of bronze, stars falling from heaven, a great red dragon with 7 heads, 666, blood, bowls of sulfur, people cutting scrolls, bottomless pits, the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse, war, pestilence, jasmine and death…Man, that’s strange stuff…hard to understand….2) And the book of Revelation has been terribly abused…strange teachings, obsession, wild speculations…revelation seems to attack wild eyed speculators like WACO’S David Koresh, G K Chesterton remarked, “Though St. John saw many strange monsters in his vision, he saw no creature so wild as one of his own commentators.”

So many of us have avoided it…like one Christian woman who said, “I don’t need to read Revelation…it doesn’t make any sense and the rest of the bible already tells me what I need to know.”

But Jesus Revelation is part of “all Scripture” it is “God breathed,” It is “useful for teaching” and is part of the whole counsel of God. It’s an amazing culmination of old and New Testaments, and it answers the essential human question…of “What is this world coming to.”

Revelation tells how the story of God’s people ends, and only when we know the end of the story can we make sense of the story’s middle where we live right now. If a rut is a grave with both ends pinched out then Revelation rips the bandage off the routine and ordinary…It reveals the terrors of Hell and the glory of Heaven…

It is in this setting that we powerfully encounter Jesus Christ…

I THE ALPHA AND OMEGA (Who is and who was…and who is to come…the almighty)

John is writing to the 7 churches in Asia Minor…they’re listed by name in verse 11 and addressed personnel in Rev. 2, 3.

But the message to these 7 churches isn’t John’s message…It’s a message from Jesus Christ, the faithful witness, the firstborn from the dead and the ruler of the Kings of the earth…

The one who loves us…Has freed us by His blood…He’s made us priests in His Kingdom to serve God the Father…And some day He’s gonna return…coming with the clouds…everyone will see Him, even those who pierced Him…and all peoples on earth will mourn because of Him…so shall it be.” AMEN

These 7 churches face two threats near the end of the first century…the first threat is Persecution. The Jews targeted “these heretical Christians…Paul examines this persecution in detail…and although Roman Persecution isn’t empire wide yet it’s real, especially for those who will not worship Caesar and God…Christians were viewed as traitors because they would not recite the pledge “Caesar is Lord”.

Revelation deals with real suffering…not minor invitations or inconveniences…they’re facing death, not a flat tire, deep despair (not) minor slights…The dogs are being released, the Jews are being hidden from the secret police, the diagnosis is cancer and there is no treatment.

But the 2nd and greater threat John’s reaches here is cultural seduction…leave your first love; conform to the priorities and values and lifestyles of the culture around them. If persecution cannot destroy these churches then the enemy dilutes them through subtle compromise. Why put them in the Electrical chair when a lazy boy is as effective…they can be lukewarm not hot….not cold…vomit temperature is just right.

Revelation is written to a comfortable church in an immoral culture and the application for American Christians is clear.

Ronald Sider’s book The Scandal of the Evangelical Conscience: Why Christians Are Living Just like the Rest of the World cites surveys showing that Christians aren’t living much differently than the culture—percentages of spousal abuse, giving habits, cohabitation, divorce, racism, and addiction to pornography are almost the same as those among non-Christians.8 John writes to challenge his readers—there are 72 second-person imperatives in the book—not to give in to the world. This book is not a crystal ball but a megaphone in John’s hands-a trumpet call to faith and endurance and radical holiness of life. When you understand the historical setting, you will begin to see Revelation’s relevance.

John is a fellow Christian, a companion in the struggle and the suffering…He’s exiled remember, on the Isle of Patmos, because of God’s Word…because of His testimony about Jesus (v9).

And then verse 10 says “On the Lord’s Day I was in the Spirit, and I heard behind me as loud voice, like a trumpet.”

John’s told to write on a scroll what He sees and send it to the 7 church’s in Asia Minor…and then John turns so He can see the voice that’s speaking to him…listen

Rev. 1: 12b – 18 (p 861)

I was a B U I C K that stands for (Brought Up In Church Kid) I saw flannel graph pictures of a gently kind brown flowing haired Jesus in a white robe and sandals…Usually holding children or a lamb…A gentle “Mr. Rogers” Jesus.

And while I know Jesus is gentle and humble of heart…Have we theologically declawed the Lion of Judah and made him a household pet?....Have we lost our reverence, fear and awe of the “Ruler of the King of the Earth”

In Revelation chapter 1 Jesus is not a house cat…..He is a roaring Lion.

In Revelation 1, I am overwhelmed by this glorious, dreadful vision of Christ. This is not the gentle Jesus with children on his lap. This Jesus speaks in Niagara thunder. He blazes with blinding supernova brilliance. This Jesus could play kickball with our planet. This Jesus could flick his finger and send our solar system spinning off into space. He is clothed in glory and majesty and splendor and power and authority, and this is not a Jesus in whose presence you can just casually stand around. This vision of Jesus washes over you, crushing you like a tidal wave and leaving you fighting for your life, your very breath, John fell at his feet as though dead (1:17)

It’s this Jesus who places His hand on our shoulders and says…


“Then He placed His right hand on me and said, “Do not be afraid”…

I’ve got to be honest…I’m not sure how you do that! How do you go from “on your face as a dead man in abject worship before the King of Kings…and not afraid?

Well for John it might be the memory of that right hand, and the way “Do not be afraid” is said…Both would be familiar wouldn’t they.

Have you ever gone from terrified to relieved in an instant? From Fear to thanksgiving in the blink of an eye? We all have haven’t we…?

Let Jesus take the wheel a moment and then the side of the road baby safe in the rear seat, prayer of gratitude…

John has seen heard touched and witnessed God in the flesh; it’s why he writes his gospel and letters…He proclaims…He testifies “One life appeared…We have seen it!” (1John1:2).

He says, “I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written.” (John 21:25) (About all that Jesus did).

But on this Sunday, while he is in the spirit…He does not encounter the Nazarene Carpenter, not even the word that became flesh and made His dwelling among us…(John1:14) John encounters the risen, resurrected, and glorified Alpha & Omega, the One who was word is and is to come…! The all Powerful “Shekinah” Holy King and Lord of Lord…

He encounters this Powerful Jesus as a fellow sufferer….He’s being commissioned to reveal a message of hope…and it’s to 7 churches in Asia Minor, and all these who suffer or struggle to remain culturally pure.

John’s been exiled, punished…persecuted for his testimony about Jesus and the word of God.

This conquering, powerful, risen, glorified Jesus has his back…and his future. This King has all authority…more authority than Caesar and the Roman Empire! “He holds the keys to death and Hades.” “He’s the living one” He says, “I was dead, but now look I am alive forever and ever.”

[Hope isn’t found in present circumstances…Hope for John, the 7 churches, for every born again child of the King in….what will take place later…

Today is Father’s day…my earthly Father has been gone almost a decade…but he taught me a great deal about hope, hope is revealed in endurance, patience…”stick to it-ness.” Some might even say “Stubbornness”, an orneriness that will not let “circumstances” or “trouble” Win…that is the overall message to the churches in revelation and us…”nothing happens accidentally to you…Trust and be Faithful to this Powerful, Almighty, providential Savior…

Nine years ago as my father ended his earthly life in a battle with cancer my friends at WJIE asked if I would right something for Father’s Day for their newsletter…

Our Father Knows No Accidents

Our God is such an awesome God! He is so amazing in His care and comfort, and I know without a doubt that your prayers have interceded for the Burdette family. My Dad is about to go to heaven. In fact yesterday I told him to give Jesus a hug for me until I can get there and do it myself. He assured me he would.

I’ve thought a great deal about God’s providence. I know it’s not a city in Rhode Island. It’s God’s plan and purpose for our lives. If you’ll forgive my nostalgia for a moment I would to share with you from a letter I read today. Dated March 6, 1945, it begins:

Dear Mom and Dad:

I am now in a general hospital here in France as I said in the letter I wrote Fern (Fern’s my Dad’s older sister). I do hope you received it O.K. I am feeling fine and am getting the best care. Uncle Sam really takes care of his boys, never fear about that. But better still I am in the hands of a person greater than all the powers on earth. I have all my faith in Him and I know he is seeing me.

Mom, don’t worry about me. I am going to be as good as new! (The whole US Medical Dept. backs me up on that. If you ever fell like worrying Mom, remember this, it’s a phrase I learned once and have always remembered “God Know No Accidents.” I’m coming home Mom, and so many of the boys are not. I’m not going to be a cripple; I’ll be as good as new.

I’ll say so long for now. Give my love to all the folks. I’ll be seeing you in the states soon.

All My Love,


My Dad wrote that letter to his Mom nine days after losing his leg in Germany. He knew without a doubt God’s providential plan was perfect. Minus a leg, but with a faith forged in battle and the promise of home. He still believes, “God Knows No Accidents!” and he has the promise of going home. This time, not just to see Granny, but to see the Heavenly Father show has guided His steps for almost 80 years. By the way, Dad providentially met my Mom in that hospital he was sent to Stateside. Is God awesome, or what?

I love you dad,


It’s the truth for John exiled on Patmos, each of the churches in Asia Minor, for Rick Burdette and each Father in the spiritual fight for their families…”God knows no accidents…He is powerfully at work…Trust Him…Serve Him…until you get Home!