Summary: Holiness is an action word. It is what God does in us and what happens to us when He does it. Peter tells the church to "prepare our minds for action."

Holiness 101

2 Peter 1:13-1:21


I want to look at holiness for a minute and I know that the word holiness strikes fear in some because it plays to our weaknesses and draws attention to our failures.

If I asked you in three words to describe yourself, what would it be?

If before you answered, I told you that I asked your wife or family member the same question for you, what words would they use?

While you are thinking, does the word holy come to mind?

Or does holiness in your mind indicate the preacher, missionary, Bible professor, and people that go into the monkhood.

Peter, in his letter to believers and to the church gives us a look at holiness and what holy living looks like.

It was written to believers being persecuted and struggling to live a life that is pleasing to God in a world that has forgotten God.

Some commentaries think that the letter could not have been written by Peter because they say that he used educated words and he was only a fishermen.

I would have to disagree with them on the basis that if Peter was under the anointing of God, that nothing is impossible with God and God can use whatever words he desires to use.

Throughout the written word of God, God’s people are told to be obedient and they are told to be holy.

Both things are impossible without God’s help.

Leviticus 11:44

“I am the Lord your God, consecrate yourselves, and be holy, because I am holy.”

This thought is repeated in the text:

1 Peter 1:13-1:21 (read text)

Peter tells the church, (13) “Prepare your minds for action, be self-controlled, set your hopes fully on the grace to be given you when Jesus Christ is revealed.”

Holiness is an action word- to the church, he was telling them to grab those long gowns, and be ready for action and that you will only succeed by the grace of God working in your life.

Let’s define Holiness (God’s holiness)- both the Greek and Hebrew word for holy is translated; to be separated; to be set apart. Separated from sin and impurity, and set apart to God.

(15) “But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do, for it is written be holy, because I am holy.”

God calls his people to holiness- to be in the image of God, to be set apart and consecrated to Him. Then very clearly lets us know that we cannot do that in our own strength, our disciplines, and our actions.

God is calling His people, those people that profess His name as Lord to holiness.

To swim upstream against the current because most of the world is not living holy lives.

This book is about holy living and our conduct as believers.

Living stones and God’s chosen people

Submitting to authority and rulers, but still standing up for the final authority- God!

Holy living in our marriage and our relationships.

Most important, living for God, understanding that to be a believer, we must strive to be holy, to be like Christ in our actions.

You must understand the stages of holiness

(1)- Understanding what God means by holiness;

Understanding that He does not mean perfect.

Does not mean you are better than anyone else.

That you are going to make mistakes.

That in our conduct and life, we will live a life pleasing to God.

(2) Process of Holiness- you are not the way you use to be, but praise God, He is not finished with you yet.

(3) Living holiness- in your life, you want to please God.

No one should have to wonder if you are a believer.

We do not have to be afraid of the word holy, it means that we were changed, we are being changed,

We are sold out to Christ.

We are set apart for His glory.

1 Corinthians 5:7-

“”Therefore, if any man be in Christ, he is a new creation, old things are passed away, behold all things are become new.”

Holy life is a committed life-

God does not require perfection to fellowship with Him (Praise the Lord!)

He expects us to take serious our lives that are committed to Him.

Holiness is not just on Sunday

It is not just in church, it is every day, every aspect of our lives.

Matthew 5:16-

“In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father.”

A holy life reflects Christ to this world

To your family.

To your workplace.

Holiness will show in our live for God

Holiness will show in our intimate relationship with God.

Holiness will show in our reverence for the things of God.

Holiness is an action word!

(13) “Therefore, prepare your minds for action”

To be set apart, to be separate from the world, yet make an impact on them.

Let your light shine, that they might see your good deeds and praise God! Amen.

(14) “As obedient children, do not conform to the evil desires you had when you lived in ignorance.”

Adopted into the family of God by Christ- live like the children of God and do not revert back to the old ways before Christ was in your life.

Holiness is not a list of do’s and don’ts. Rules and regulations.

It is conforming to the character of God and desiring to please God by your actions.

Understanding that when we fail, we repent, turn from that sin and our heavenly Father forgives and moves us again towards obedience.


Our holiness was bought with a price- (19) “but with the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect.”

(21) “Through Him, you believe in God, who raised him from the dead and glorified him, and so your faith and hope are in God.” (repeat)

Action on our part

Grace and mercy on God’s part

“So your faith and hope are in God.” Amen.

1989- A book was written “7 habits of highly effective people”. If you did the 7 things, you would be what? Effective… according to Steven Covey the author.

Well, the authors of the Bible collective, and under the anointing of God, tells us that we are set apart, separate, sold out to the things of God. We are Holy and consecrated people of God.

Really quick, there are some habits as believers that we can put into our lives that are pleasing to God.

#1 Understanding Scripture to be the guide for our lives

It is not a center piece that sits on the coffee table. It is the word of God for our lives God’s people are sold out to Christ and should be read everyday.

God’s people should love God’s word.

They have hid it in their hearts, and they share it when they get an opportunity.

#2 God’s people seek Him daily through prayer

If you are consecrated to God and committed to Him, you will be speaking to Him daily.

Prayer changes circumstances.

Prayer changes you.

#3 God’s people realize being a Christian is not easy, but are sold out to Him.

Jesus suffered and they are willing if necessary to do the same.

What breaks God’s heart will break our also.

#4 God’s people live each day by the Holy Spirit

“Keep in step with the Spirit.”

The fruit of the Spirit is active in our lives.

Love, joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, self-control.

Inviting the Holy Spirit to be active in our lives 24/7 everyday and every situation.

#5 God’s people love being in God’s house

Hebrews 10:25

“let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another.”

If church is not a habit, make it a habit you keep.

You need something to do, get involved.

You cultivate holiness by living holiness.

Closing, going back to verse 17

“Since you call on a Father, who judges each man’s work impartially, live your lives as strangers here in reverent fear. For you know that it was not with perishable things such as silver or gold that you were redeemed from the empty way of life handed down to you from your forefathers.”

To redeem in the Bible usually means to rescue them from some bad situation.

Israel, taken out of bondage.

This side of the cross, Jesus forgiving sins and ending the empty way of life we had without Christ.

The atonement in Jesus Christ is perfect. There isn’t anything that can be added to it. It is spotless, impeccable, flawless.

It is perfect as God is perfect. A. W. Tozer

God’s definition of holiness is commitment to Him.

Willing to allow God to change us into the image of His Son Christ.

We desire to please God.

Man’s idea of holiness is keeping an appearance of goodness, being religious, and doing good deeds to make them feel good.

Which do you want? God working in your life or spend your life chasing things that we hope God will be okay with? You are not perfect, none of us are. We can experience God in a new and fresh way! We can live in the grace and mercy of God and when we fail, we can repent and know that God will lovingly embrace us and willing mold us into the people of God that He desires.

Amen. Close as God leads.