Summary: To be the best we can be as either a parent or grandparent, we need to have a right relationship with God, a proper relationship with our family, and a willingness to serve God.


Luke 2:1-2:7

INTRODUCTION: Giving birth does not make a woman a mother. It takes a special woman to be a mother. A mother is a person who is willing to take the responsibility of investing her life into another human being who is totally de-pendent upon her to do so:


1. Mary Was A Person Of Spiritual Integrity .

A.) Luke 1:30

B.) The message of the angel to Mary was that she had found favour with God.

ba.) What could be more beautiful of an announcement from the angel of God to anyone of us than the message that God has found favour with us.

C.) Scripture does not elaborate on how God had found favour with her.

ca.)Certainly there are many areas in which we can speculate on this pronouncement.

cb.) He could be referring to her purity before the vows of marriage, the fact that she descended from David, could have been that she was a very Godly and devout woman, perhaps someone with a good reputation, kind-hearted, generous even in her poverty, thoughtful, etc.

cc.) Even though the angel does not tell us exactly what he had meant by that statement, I am sure that a great number of these factors, perhaps even all of them came into play in the decision to honour her with the privilege of bearing the Son of God, and Christ of this world into this world of sin.

D.) We will never be given the honour that Mary had of bringing the Christ-child into this world, but we can see her spiritual integrity and apply it to our own lives as well.

da.) Today whatever the role or level of parenting we serve in is a ministry to the glory of God.

daa.) Today, rather you are a parent, a grandparent, or even a great-grandparent, you need to be giving the next generation models of spiritual integrity as an example for them to follow in their relationship with God.

db.) The majority of you in this room today have reached the place that you may feel your time of parenting is over.

dba.) But regardless the age of your own children the role as a parent never ceases to exist.

dbb.) Through the years your role may have changed, as also the level on influence you have over your children, yet for as long as you have breath you will serve in a role to guide, direct, encourage, and sometimes rebuke your children when there is need.

dbc.) Even when our days on this earth are over, the role we have served as a parent, grand- parent, will continue to influence our family.

dbd.) Even those generations beyond our lives, will be influenced by the values, and Godly integrity we have shown in the past, the present, and if God should give us that privilege, in the future as well.

2. Mary Was A Person Who Enjoyed The Presence Of God.

A.) Luke 1:46-47

B.) Certainly this passage of Scripture tells us a great deal about Mary and the faith she had in God. C.) For Mary to say that her soul glorifies God, and her spirit rejoices in God says an awful lot about Mary and of her view of, and relationship with


D.) As we serve Christ in ministry to the next generations, one of the greatest things we can instill in our children, grand- children, and great grandchildren is to let them see that we genuinely love God.

da.) That is not something we can bluff. We have to have a faith that is so genuine, and real that it motivates every part of our being.

db.) We need to have a faith and love for God to the point of being willing direct the important decisions of life in accordance with the Word of God.

3. Mary Was Woman Hungry For God.

A.) Acts 1:14

B.) Mary is seen as a woman faithful in worship, and in fellowship with The church and God.

C.)The first thing necessary to become an outstanding mother is a personal relationship with God.

ca.) Our faithfulness to God, and to the church gives a strong message to the next generations of what is really important to us.

cb.) Today, even if our children are gone from home, it still makes a powerful impression on them to see the values of Godliness, and of worship in their parents.

cc.) At those times in life when life seems uncertain and difficult, even now as adult children, your own family, and also extended family can see that in times of trouble and of great difficulty that no matter how bad things could get you have a faith in Jesus Christ that keeps you strong, and from despair.


1.) Mary Supported Her Husband’s Leadership.

A.) Matthew 2:13,14; 19-23

B.) At one time or another most of us have had to pick up and move at least one or two times in our lives.

ba.) That is never something that is easy, especially with young children.

bb.)Mary supported her husband in this, and was willing to do what was necessary.

bc.) If you look at the scene they moved at least three times in the first couple of years of life. some of these moves were sudden and in the middle of the night. Mary respected the leadership of Joseph, and ultimately of God in this regard.

2.) Mary Taught Her Children Discipline In Honour of God.

A.) Luke 2:51-52

aa.) Jesus was trained by his parents in the way of Godliness, and to honour and love God in life.

B.) Proverbs 22:6

3. Mary Was Faithful To Her Children.

A.) John 19:25


--Luke 1:38

-- Deuteronomy 10:12,13


As I close today, most of you in this room are to the stage of life that you no longer have young children at home with you. But because your children are grown does not mean your role as a parent has ceased, or has lost its importance. We need to realize that we continue to have an influence with our families and extended families for all of life.

Let us as we leave here today show to our families the example that Mary has given us to have and demonstrate a personal relationship with god, a proper relationship with our families, and a willingness to keep serving God.

* Note: 18.% of this message (primarily the main points) came from a message written by Wayne Searls.