Summary: Parable of the ten virgins was one of waiting for the bridegroom as we are awaiting for Christ.


Matthew 25:1-13



1.) Rather than the bride, they were waiting for the Bridegroom.

A.) This is very much foreign to us today.

aa.) In our day and culture, the focus of the wedding is on the bride.

ab.) In the Old Jewish customs is was just the opposite, with everyone in waiting for the bridegroom.

2.) To understand this parable we need to look a bit at the Jewish wedding. There were twelve steps in a Jewish wedding:

1.) The Selection of The Bride.

A.) Usually brides were chosen by the father of the bridegroom.

B.) He would meet with the father of the potential bride and go from there.

2.) The Price of the bride.

A.) Once it had been agreed upon that the two would be united in marriage a price would have to be determined for the bride. (Dowry)

B.) This price was to compensate the bride’s father for the loss of a worker, and also to show how highly the groom valued the bride.

3.) The Betrothal or Ketubah

A.) The betrothal or Ketubah is much like our engagement today but more serious and binding.

B.) In this Ketubah they would enter into a binding covenant sealed in blood and legally binding.

ba.) At this point the couple was legally married except for sexual relations.

bb.) This Ketubah would usually last about a year.

bb-1.) The reason for this time period was to insure that the bride had been pure, and not pregnant.

bc.) At this marriage ceremony a legal contract or Ketubah would be presented to the Father of the Bride.

bd.) This was an important document that the bride would hang onto and cherish because it contained the promises of the bridegroom to the bride and his love for her.

4.) The Bride’s Consent.

A.) Even though it was a pre-arranged marriage, the bride had to give her consent.

aa.) Gen. 24:57-58

5.) The Cup of The Covenant.

A.) In giving her consent to the marriage the bride would do it through taking a cup of wine offered from the hand of her prospective husband.

B.) Surprisingly, the Lord’s Supper is where we see this today.

ba.) Luke 22:20 “In the same way, after the supper he took the cup, saying, This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which is poured out for you.”

bb.) We have always thought of these words as originating with Jesus, and only in reference to the Lord’s Supper.

bc.) In reality, they were common words to the Jewish audience, but words from the marriage ceremony.

bd.) The bridegroom would hold up a glass of wine to his future wife and say to her: “This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which is poured out for you.”

be.) If the bride accepted the wedding proposal she would take the cup of wine and drink it.

C.) When Jesus said those words as he held up that glass of wine he was saying to the disciples, and to you and I will you be the bride of Christ?”

6.)The Gifts For The Bride.

A.) A sixth part of the wedding was the giving of gifts.

B.) The Bridegroom would give special gifts to his bride that were usually of value such as some precious coins) to remind her of his love for her.

C.) Similar in idea to the engagement ring that would be given today.

7.) What was called the “Mikvah”

A.) This was a pool of living water where the bride would bathe in a ritual purification to get ready to meet the bridegroom.

B.) This Mikvah represents a separation from her old life, and a dedication to the new one with her husband.

8.) The departure of the Groom.

A.) Once the marriage covenant was sealed, the bridegroom would leave the bride and go to prepare a room either in his father’s house for her, or else his own home if he was that fortunate at that time.

aa.) He might be gone as much as 12 months before his return.

B.) John 14:2-3

9.) The Consecrated Bride.

A.) The bride would wait and be faithfully waiting for her husband to come and take her to be with Him.

B.) In this parable we are looking at, that is the scene; it is nearing the time when the bridegroom would come for the bride after this going to prepare a place for her.

10.) The return of the Bridegroom.

A.) Jewish bridegrooms would usually come late at night for their brides, (as in this parable near to the Mid-night hour).

B.) When the bridegroom was coming the Shofar would be sounded and that would signal that the wait was done, the bridegroom had come.

ba.) As he came to meet the bride there would be shouting, dancing, and basically a party in the streets.

bb.) The bride would then go to meet her bridegroom.

11.) The Huppah.

A.) The huppah meant covering.

B.) This was also known as “the Homecoming.:

ba.) Bridegroom takes his bride to the marriage chamber, and are given a full week for the consumation of the marriage, and to enjoy themselves in what we would today call a “honeymoon.”

bb.) During this week, no one was allowed to disturb or bother them.

12. ) The Final Step: The Marriage Supper.

A.) At this reception there would be dancing, and a party astmosphere.

B.) Rev. 19:6-9


1.) They were to wait for His coming.

A.) They did not know how long it would be before the bridegroom came back for his bride.

B.) Likewise, today, we do not know how long we will have to wait for the return of our bridegroom, Jesus, the Christ.

ba.) Though we do not know how long it will be, we are to wait for His coming.

bb.) We are to be faithful, and looking for His return each day.

2.) They were to wait for as long as it would take.

A.) If the bridegroom was to prepare a room that was already in his father’s house he would not be too long.

B.) If the groom had to build a room onto his father’s house, it would certainly take longer for him to return.

C.) If the groom was building a whole house of his own, it would certainly be a lot longer wait.

D.) When Jesus left, we did not know how long it would be until he comes again. But what we do know is that we have to be ready for as long as it will take until Christ returns.

da.) Today, it appears more all the time that the day is getting close.

db.) Whenever He comes we must be ready.

3.) They were to be ready to go on a moment’s notice.

A.) Matt. 25:6

B.) As Christians, we must be ready at any and every moment to go with Christ.


1.) The preparations need to be done in advance.

A.) None of the virgins knew when the bridegroom would be coming.

B.) Like these virgins, we cannot wait until Christ comes to get ready.

C.) Perhaps one of the best tools that Satan has ever developed in the hearts of man is procrastination.

ca.) Satan does not need to convince man to reject Christ.

cb.) Satan does not need to introduce great sin to keep people from Christ, though sometimes he does.

cc.) Most of the time, the only thing Satan needs to do in order to keep people from a saving relationship with Jesus Christ is to tell them they have more time.

cc.) We see this attitude of procrastination with Felix.

cc-1.) Paul used the opportunity of his trial to challenge Felix with his need for a saving relationship with Jesus Christ.

cc-2.) Felix felt troubled and convicted in his heart, but put off his relationship with Christ.

--Acts 24:24-25

cc-3.) There is no record that Felix ever gave his life to Christ.

cc-4.) Sadly, Felix is but one of the countless numbers who have believed Satan’s lie of more time, and now has all of eternity with nothing but time to think of his Godless existence, and eternal fate.

2.) The preparations need to be for the long-haul.

A.) In the parable some were prepared for a short time, others for as long as it takes.

B.) In the Christian life, some who prepare to serve Christ for a time, but are not prepared to make a commitment for life.

C.) Many dates have been given for the time of the second coming of Christ.

ca.) When these dates are announced, people focus on Christ.

cb.) When 9-11 happened, all across North America, Church attendance increased by over 20%..

cc.) Where are those 20% now? We need to be prepared even for when we do not expect Christ’s return, nor when things are so troubled, that we are more prepared.


1.) When the Bridegroom comes we will know.

Matt. 25:26

A.) When Jesus Comes again we will all know it. The coming of Christ will not be quiet, and the event will not be known by only a few.

B.) Thessalonians describes the coming of the Lord with a trumpet blast from heaven.

ba.) Certainly, that is how the announcement was made of the bridegroom in the Jewish wedding. The Shofar would be blown, to announce His arrival.

bb.) When the Trumpet Of the Lord sounds Christ will return.

2.) When the bridegroom comes the call will go out to meet Him.

A.) There will only be one call on that day.

aa.) Matt. 25:6

ab.) Take note of what this verse says: It does not say to get ready to meet him; it does not say that you have two more hours to get ready, but the call says to “Come out” that means now.

3.) When the Bridegroom comes the time to prepare will be past.

A.) We can look at this account as say, that is just a story.

aa.) Certainly in one sense that is true. Parables are not necessarily based on actual events that happened

ab.) But at the same time, they are given to teach us on the will of God.

ab-1.) Jesus is here teaching us that there will be a day when He returns, and on that day it is only if we are prepared that we will be with Him.


1.) Those who are prepared will be welcomed in.

A.) Matt. 25:10

2.) Those who are not prepared will be shut out.

A.) Matt. 25:7-11

B.) Jesus is giving us a warning that we need to be ready now.

3.) Those who are not prepared will have no further opportunity to prepare.

A.) Matt. 25:10b-12

B.) What a sad commentary!

ba.) Those coming without the preparation are shut out.

bb.) Those not prepared will be rejected as a stranger before the Bridegroom, which stands for Jesus Christ.

4.) Those who are here must prepare because we do not know the day or the hour.

A.) We today need to keep watch, because we do not know the day or the hour.