Wise Dads
Dorn Ridge June 17, 2012
(Portions of this message are based on an article of same name by Shawn McMullen in The Lookout June 21, 2009)
Father’s Day reminds me of many things for which I'm thankful. I'm thankful for a heavenly Father who loves and cares for me.
I'm thankful for an earthly father and grandfather who loved me and led me to love God.
I'm thankful to be a father to three sons and the blessings that have come with that.
Resting in the love of my heavenly Father and reflecting on the love of my earthly father. I see more clearly the role of wisdom in fatherhood—how wise and godly fathers make a difference in the world around them.
1.) They lean on God for direction.
A.) Wise dads heed the advice of Solomon: "Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight" (Proverbs 3:5, 6).
B.) One thing that can be very hard for a man is to acknowledge that he needs direction.
ba.) It has been a long time joke that men will drive an extra fifty miles before asking for directions.
baa.) Perhaps there is some truth in this, as we all want to have the ability and knowledge of life on our own, without the help of others.
bb.) Sometimes, even in more important things of life it is hard to acknowledge we need direction.
bba.) But one of the greatest points in our life is when we can come to that place of not only realizing we need to have direction, but also to seek that God would be the one to direct our paths.
bba-1.) Certainly as fathers, grandfathers, and great- grandfathers we need to heed that advice of Solomon, and: "Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight"
2.) They lean on God for salvation.
A.) They agree with the words of the Apostle Paul.
aa.) Eph. 2:8-9
B.) Just as a wise Father will acknowledge God for his salvation, there is nothing that will bless his heart more than to see his children also walking in the truth and salvation of Jesus Christ.
3.) They lean on God for strength.
A.) Like Isaiah the prophet, they know the source of their strength.
aa.) Is. 40:31
B.) There are times when everyone of us get down and discouraged. There are times we feel defeated, and beaten down.
ba.) In those times, just the presence of God, and His abiding presence give us the strength to carry on.
baa.) Certainly this is one of those blessings things that wise fathers have learned, and also pass on to the next generations.
4.) They lean on God for wisdom.
A.) James expresses on the true search for wisdom.
aa.) James 1:5
B.) There have been many times that I have personally prayed this prayer of James 1:5.
ba.) There are times when there are difficult decisions, and aspects of life that require more wisdom than you have on your own to reach into.
bb.) Certainly during those times, we are truly already wise, who reach out to others, and pick their mind for further guidance.
bc.) But ultimately, all wisdom comes from God Himself. We need many times to have the humility to bow before God, and just ask Him for the wisdom we need.
5.) Wise dads know they can't go it alone.
A.) They trust God to provide what they lack
B.) 2 Pet. 1:3
C.) The truth is that no matter what we have been given in knowledge, and have developed in experience and wisdom, we still cannot do it alone.
ca.) The presence of God needs to be sought for what we are lacking.
1.) They lead at home as they model Christ's headship in their marriages.
A.) The consideration and respect they deserve 1 Pet.3:7
2.) They lead their children, adhering to the wise counsel of Paul:
A.) Eph. 6:4
3.) They lead in the church.
A.) Peter exhorted elders in the church, "Be shepherds of God's flock that is under your care, serving as overseers—not because you must, but because you are willing" (1 Peter 5:2)
B.) I don`t think it is a mistake when Paul listed qualifications for leaders in the Church of their ability to deal with their own family first.
ba.) It is in the home, that men are developed to be the best they can be, and learn to become leaders in the Plan of God.
4.) At home, at church, and in society, wise dads understand the value of example.
A.) Some may lead by position or personality, but all wise dads lead by example.
B.) Ultimately, there comes a point when it is not our authority, or power, but just our example that will be a guiding and directing force with our children, grandchildren, the church, and those around us.
1.) They love God, accepting the challenge Moses gave to Israel to love the Lord with all their heart, soul, and strength (Deuteronomy 6:5).
A.) This is a hard challenge.
B.) Sometimes to so put God first, even before our spouse or children can be a difficult thing.
ba.) Yet as difficult as it can be at times to consistently do this, the more we try to, the greater will be the blessing of our lives on our wife and children.
bb.) It is not always easiest to have God elevated to first place, your spouse to second place, and your children to third place.
bba.) But the wise man and husband, father, and grandfather has learned that when this is done, He actually elevates his family to a higher and greater place than if the order is reversed, which sometimes will happen.
2.) They love their wives as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her (Ephesians 5:25).
A.) What a great honour for any woman to have a husband that so loves her, he would even die for her, if that is what was demanded in his expression of love to and for her.
3.) They love their children, trusting that '"He who fears the Lord has a secure fortress, and for his children it will be a refuge" (Proverbs 14:26).
A.) The love of a father for his children, and grandchildren makes their home like a strong fortress.
aa.) It is a place of refuge for the children and grandchildren to want to be.
4.) They love the church.
A.) They love people, willingly embracing Peter's challenge to "have sincere love for your brothers" and to "love one another deeply, from the heart" (1 Peter 1:22).
aa.) The truly wise father and grandfather is one who has learned to love the church.
ab.) It is no mistake that among many Christians their closest and dearest friends are those within the Church.
aba.) The wise person, draws to those in the church because of sharing that precious faith, and experiencing the greatness of Jesus Christ.
abb.) That does not mean we separate ourselves from the world. In fact Christ desires we be in the world, and make an impact on this world.
abb-1.) But the truly wise man has come to see those of the church as his own family.
B.) They love purity, seeking to "discern what is best" so they and the churches they serve "may be pure and blameless until the day of Christ" (Philippians 1:10).
C.) They love unity, making "every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace" (Ephesians 4:3).
1.) The wise father who leans, leads, and loves as God intends will bear fruit in his own life and see the fruit of his labor in the lives of those around him.