Summary: The Character and work of God's Sovereignty in Election is truly a teaching of the Extravagant Grace of a Powerful and Providential God.

4 21 13 The Character of God’s Sovereignty

Romans 9: 1-13

Last week we examined the privilege that is ours in God working in such a way, conforming us into the image of our Lord Jesus Christ, in order to bring glory to Him and to the Preeminence of Christ: He is and will be the ONLY one to hold that esteemed heavenly position for time and eternity, and should be holding that position today in our hearts.

When I was MUCH younger, “there was a television show called, “To Tell The Truth.” It was a game show which would have three guests, each claiming a single person’s identity and the object of the show was to determine who was the real “Mister X.” When all the clues had been evaluated and all of the questions asked, the announcer would then say, “Will the real Mister X please stand up?” And the true owner of that identity would stand. As we come to this chapter, we could ask a similar question, “Will the Real Israel please stand up?” (example from John Stevenson, PCA Pastor)

Paul answers some of the toughest questions ever faced by man as he contemplates the Sovereign actions and works of God in Romans 9-11. We read in Chapter 9:

1 “I am telling the truth in Christ, I am not lying, my conscience testifies with me in the Holy Spirit, (Paul is taking an oath before God.) 2 that I have great sorrow and unceasing grief in my heart. (How amazing, that Paul can be “rejoicing always”, and yet having this unceasing grief at the same time.)

3 “For I could wish that I myself were accursed, separated from Christ for the sake of my brethren, my kinsmen according to the flesh, 4 who are Israelites.”

I have been reading large portions of Paul’s writings (and Acts which describes his ministry) and I am STRUCK by HOW conformed to the image of Christ, Paul actually was. Paul continually exemplifies the Christ who HAS died for him. His life is a picture of the Lord Jesus in his selfless, sacrificial life for His Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.

Paul: A Personal Example of Godly Passion

Paul’s desire here is a Personal example of Godly Passion by God’s Choice. He has an unending burden for the lost, for his countrymen, his family, and his friends. It’s very difficult to forget those who are without the Grace of God in Christ if you are constantly rejoicing for this eternal relationship that you have IN CHRIST. Whenever Paul is reminded of the tremendous gift of God, he is also reminded of those who are without. That is the reason that those who HAVE CHRIST, can pray, even for their own persecutors: we see our old Adam images reflected back to us in an unsaved world, and it causes us to immediately be reminded of the Priceless Grace we have received and the punishment that has been paid for us. Lord, have mercy on the lost.

Paul says: “Not only would I be willing to give my PHYSICAL LIFE for Christ to show my gratitude to HIM, but if God would allow it, I would give up my ETERNAL LIFE so that my family, friends and countrymen would accept the free gift of forgiveness and salvation in Jesus Christ. It never enters Paul’s mind to say: Lord, what is the minimum requirement for me in serving you and others? instead, Paul is willing, if he could, to give FAR MORE than God even allows us to give. (You should hear some “biblical bells” ringing from Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount.)

Another Old Testament person said the same thing? Moses had gone up to Mount Sinai for a meeting with God in order for God to give him the Law and when he came down, he heard singing and dancing, but it didn’t sound anything like worship. He found the Israelites were worshiping the image of the golden calf: While Moses had been in the presence of the HOLY God receiving the PERFECT LAW of God which said, “You shall have NO OTHER gods beside me,” Aaron had helped the people to make an idol to worship.

In Exodus 32: 30 it says: “On the next day Moses said to the people, "You yourselves have committed a great sin; and now I am going up to the LORD, perhaps I can make atonement for your sin." (Moses is pointing toward the Savior to come.) 31 Then Moses returned to the LORD, and said, "This people has committed a great sin, and they have made a god of gold for themselves. 32 "But now, IF YOU WILL, forgive their sin, and if not, PLEASE BLOT ME OUT from Your book which You have written!” (Moses offered to be the atonement for sin.)

Neither Moses or Paul POSSESSED what Israel needed, a sinless sacrifice, but God would certainly provide the SAVIOR that was needed, and both Moses (before Christ) and Paul (after Christ) demonstrated that they had a Jesus-heart not a Jonah-heart.

(Remember how Jonah, a Jew, went to the Gentiles to bring the Word of God, and he was disappointed when God didn’t shower them with judgment instead of His grace. Not so with Paul: Oh Lord, if I could trade MY eternal security for the forgiveness of the LOST, I would do it. Paul’s desire is NOT to impress God but to persuade others who do not know His Grace in Christ. That is what Jesus did in order to secure our forgiveness: He emptied Himself in order that we would have what we did not own.

Israel: An Example of National Rejection

Paul continues that THESE same people have received enormous historical and redemptive evidence: “My kinsmen according to the flesh” (my blood brothers), These “(4) who are Israelites, to whom belongs the adoption as sons (that phrase is one word: God called THEM HIS OWN and to show His devotion to them, He showed HIMSELF the following),

“and the glory” (God’s very presence in the Tabernacle and Temple and so many other GLORIOUS WORKS that only God could do!)

“and the covenants and the giving of the Law” (God came down and met with Moses and patriarchs) “and the temple service” (all of the sacrifices and worship pointed to the coming Messiah which would be the atonement, the Lamb of God.)

“and the promises, whose are the fathers,” (God’s direct dealings with the patriarchs: Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, whose name God changed to ISRAEL to emphasize HIS POWER and PROMISE to save. THEN all the Jewish Prophets, who received direct revelation from God, and then to top it all, in these LAST DAYS:)

from whom is the Christ according to the flesh, who is over all, (Christ is over all, He is one with the Father, Preeminent and Sovereign with the Father:) God blessed forever. Amen.” (Amen, so let it be! THIS is true!)

Paul rightfully gives credit and praise where it is due: to the Sovereignty of God and to His Christ. It was God who arranged the Adoption. It was God’s GLORY that was revealed in so many ways. It was His promises, His Law, Worship of His Holiness, not Israel’s. The promises were given by Him, the Prophets and Patriarchs were ALL chosen by Him; and the Lord Jesus, although His earthly PARENTS had a fleshly lineage, He was the WORD of God, God’s chosen Messiah, God from God, HE WAS THE ISRAEL (the TRUE Prince) of God.

How could the people of Israel NOT believe? As a matter of fact, they STILL do not believe? Their mindset MIGHT be: If God’s Promises and the Prophets WERE true, why DIDN’T we believe? But that is just futile thinking. Today, it seems that Israel esteems their STATEHOOD as their redeemer. Does this mean that God cancelled His promises? Has God or His Word become unjust, unrighteous, untrustworthy or ineffective because Israel rejected the Messiah? THE FACT STANDS: with all of God’s Historical and PERSONAL Redemptive evidence, Israel stands as a Sobering Example of National Rebellion against God’s salvation, but so does MOST OF THE unbelieving world.

Verse 6 answers the question: 6 “But it is NOT as though the WORD OF GOD has failed.” Israel’s unbelief, or ANYONE’S unbelief, or rebellion, has NO bearing whatsoever on the effectiveness of God’s Word or of His CHRIST. The second part of the verse says: “For they are not ALL Israel who are descended from Israel .” ISRAEL is certainly the dominant theme in the next few chapters of Romans: Israel’s rejection of Christ, their unbelief and God’s purpose, the present condition and Israel’s need for the Gospel, but in ALL OF God’s DEALINGS with Israel, God demonstrates His Sovereign Character in choosing who will be the recipients of God’s salvation in Christ. They are THE REAL or True SPIRITUAL ISRAEL. The recipients will include a small part of Israel (called a remnant in chapter 11) but NOT THE WHOLE of national Israel, and will certainly include many NON-JEWISH Gentiles.

Look at verse 7: “nor are they all children because they are Abraham's descendants, (not ALL Abraham’s SEED) but: "THROUGH ISAAC YOUR DESCENDANTS WILL BE NAMED." 8 That is, it is NOT the children of the flesh who are children of God, but the children of the promise are regarded as descendants.”

Paul reminds us that even the racial and national promises made to Abraham were NOT made to EVERY physical descendant of his but only to those born through Isaac. Abraham’s other children by Hagar and Keturah were not chosen to receive those promises. The Israelites incorrectly trusted in their physical birth as being the TRUE Israel, but that was not so:

Jacob: An Example of Divine Choice

Look at the next verses 9-13, where Jacob is given as the example of God’s Divine Choice: 9 “For this is the word of promise: "AT THIS TIME I WILL COME, AND SARAH SHALL HAVE A SON." (Sarah’s son of Promise was Isaac.) 10 And not only this, but there was Rebekah also, when she had conceived twins by one man, our father Isaac; 11 for though the twins were not yet born and had not done anything good or bad, so that God's purpose according to His choice (the word is “eklogç”, election, the act of picking or choosing) would stand, NOT BECAUSE OF WORKS (not of things accomplished by your hands) but because of Him who calls, (invites) 12 it was said to her, "THE OLDER WILL SERVE THE YOUNGER." 13 Just as it is written, "JACOB I LOVED, BUT ESAU I HATED." (from Malachi 1:2-3)

A person does not enter God’s family by physical birth; you do not enter his Kingdom according to the flesh or on natural advantages. Not all of those who are children of Abraham are the true SPIRITUAL children of God. If that was so, then BOTH Jacob AND Esau would be “LOVED” by God.

In God’s Sovereign plan, He chooses SOME Jews and SOME Gentiles, and He chooses SOME from one natural family and SOME from others, but it is crystal clear here that a person does NOT enter God’s Family because of their works. (THAT’S A BLESSING isn’t it!? I would never qualify if that was so.) Before Rebekah’s twins were born, BEFORE either of them had done ANYTHING good or bad, God’s purpose according to HIS CHOICE of election, was NOT based on their personal merit or effort, but rested ENTIRELY on God’s own sovereign CHOICE to provide His salvation.

Now Listen: God did not have an emotional “hate” for Esau; God still chose to made him a great nation and fulfilled all the promises that He made to him, but Esau was the “father” of the Edomites, who became the enemies of Israel, (even to this day,) and God destined Esau for divine judgment from the beginning.

On the other hand, God chose Jacob to receive His Divine blessing and protection, based on God’s own divine selection and prerogative. God gave to Jacob, not an earthly birthright, but the right to be HIS CHILD by FAITH. When Jacob wrestled with God in Genesis 32 (explained in Hosea 12), he came face to face with the pre-incarnate Lord Jesus Christ. Jacob named the PLACE "Peniel", but GOD gave HIM a new name. Jacob was changed from “supplanter”, or “one who tricks or deceives”, (he was born holding the heel of Esau who was born first. Jacob was a “leg-puller”) TO “ISRAEL”, “one who strives or prevails with God”.

Instead of “pulling God’s leg”, God touched Jacob’s hip and caused him to limp from that time forward. Why do you think that was? Gen. 32: 30 says: “I have seen God face to face and yet my life has been delivered.” It was so that Jacob would FOREVER remember that He had only been spared by God’s Grace. If God could cause him to be a cripple, He could have been destroyed by God …but God chose to give Him life, forever leaning on HIM. He could only walk with God’s help.

It is important to understand that God’s Sovereignty in His Choice or Election is no to discourage or dissuade doubters or unbelievers, but rather to encourage them to persistently seek God in humility. God sent His Son into the world so that anyone who comes to Him might be saved! That is the Gospel, and Jesus is the door into the Kingdom of God Matthew 7:1-12 command us to ask and you will receive. Seek God and you will be found by Him. Persistently and humbly Knock on the door of God’s Kingdom and He will open the door for you.

Those who HAVE BEEN SAVED know the extraordinary character of God, in that, totally underserving sinners, enemies of God, have received the Gospel of His Grace. Gratitude wells up in them where they can identify with 2 Thess. 2:13: “Thanks be to God for you, brethren beloved by the Lord, because God HAS CHOSEN YOU FROM THE BEGINNING for salvation through sanctification by the Spirit and faith in the truth.”

God is God and I am not. He has Grace to give, and that is what sinners need the most; for those who have humbly received His Grace and Faith in Christ, to God alone be the glory!


I. Paul: A Personal Example of Godly Passion

A. An unending burden for the lost.

B. Willing to give FAR more than God allowed.

C. Demonstrated a Jesus-heart not a Jonah-heart.

II. Israel: A Sobering Example of National Rebellion

God’s special treatment of Israel: His Adoption, His Glory, His Covenants, His Law, His Temple, His Worship, His Promises, His Prophets and Patriarchs, His Messiah

A. Unbelief has no bearing on the effectiveness of God’s Word.

B. God demonstrates His Sovereign Character in choosing THE REAL ISRAEL.

III. Jacob: An Example of Divine Choice

A. A person does NOT enter God’s Family by natural birth.

B. A person does NOT enter God’s Family because of works.

C. God chose based on God’s own Divine selection and prerogative.