Micah 6:4
4 For I brought thee up out of the land of Egypt, and redeemed thee out of the house of servants; and I sent before thee Moses, Aaron, and Miriam. (KJV)
4 Porque yo te hice subir de la tierra de Egipto, y de la casa de siervos te redimí; y envié delante de ti a Moisés, y a Aarón, y a Miriam. (RVG04)
The prophet, inspired by the Holy Spirit, places the name of Miriam alongside that of her two well-known brothers as being a great leader of Israel.
I. The Womans' Place
Miriam is the first woman that we find on the pages of the Bible who had a career outside of the home. The Word of God is explicit in teaching that a woman's primary place is in the home.
Titus 2:3-5
3 The aged women likewise, that they be in behaviour as becometh holiness, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things; (KJV)
3 Las ancianas asimismo, sean de un porte santo, no calumniadoras, no dadas a mucho vino, maestras de honestidad; (RVG04)
4 That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, (KJV)
4 que enseñen a las mujeres jóvenes a ser prudentes, a que amen a sus maridos, a que amen a sus hijos; (RVG04)
5 To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed. (KJV)
5 a ser discretas, castas, cuidadosas de su casa, buenas, sujetas a sus maridos; para que la palabra de Dios no sea blasfemada. (RVG04)
Without doubt, this is the supreme task of a married woman. However, at least in some cases, this does not have to be her only occupation.
II. Her Place in Ministry
She was an assistant. One could say that she was a politician of sorts; a stateswoman.
Her place was one of leadership, but always subject to Moses.
The woman was created to be a help-meet.
We ought to be wise enough to know that some matters are better handled by women than men. Evidently, Moses and Aaron saw some of those qualities in Miriam.
III. An Old Maid (Mature Single Female)
From all that we can gather from the Bible, Miriam was never married.
It may be that she was so involved in her career (ministry) that she never took time to fall in love. If she showed no interest in the young men, then naturally, they were not too interested in her.
A second reason that she may have not got married was due to her intelligence. She was a brilliant young lady. Most men want to be looked up to and not vice-versa. This being the case, any would be courter probably felt uncomfortable around her presence.
So ladies in waiting, it may to your advantage if you are a "little blond", or at least, let the guys think so.
III. Called Out
Regardless of our thoughts and opinions of Miriam, it is quite evident that she was divinely called of God. Just as called as Aaron and Moses. The Jews and other ancient people groups had a real hard time accepting the case.
Jesus handled this matter in the New Testament and Paul wrote about it.
Ga. 3:28
28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus. (KJV)
28 Ya no hay judío ni griego; no hay esclavo ni libre; no hay varón ni mujer; porque todos vosotros sois uno en Cristo Jesús. (RVG04)
IV. Ministry in Action
A. From Her Youth
As a young lady; probably a teenager, she was faithfully taking care of her younger siblings.
She helped her mom make a floating basket with pitch and prayer. They believed that it was the only hope for her little brother. Then she watched until she saw someone on the other riverbank pick up the basket. Herein we see her brilliance. Upon seeing the reaction of the egyptian princess, she knew that Moses was no longer in danger. But merely being spared from death was not enough. Miriam was smart enough not to reveal that she was related to the baby. She keenly offered to find a good nanny for this baby. Thus, she arranged for Moses' own mother to raise and train the boy with protection and provision. Miriam was a quick thinker even from her youth. Her outreach was that of helping others.
B. As a Woman of Stamina
On the shores of the Red Sea. Seemingly she has the charge over a large group of ladies. She is singing and leading in worship and praise. She composed a song that glorifies God for the victory and also prepare them for difficulties that lie ahead.
C. Her Moment of Weakness
Being of strong character, Miriam easily recognized the flaws and shortcomings of others. Being older than Moses and having been his tutor, it was hard to always to stay in her subordinate position. Bitterness sprung up in her heart. She surely drug Aaron into her plot to confront Moses. Soon she was struck with leprosy. This gave an outward sign of what was already in her heart.
Aaron was not chastised with leprosy. Probably because he did not have envy and bitterness in his heart. He was merely coerced to confront Moses at her side. Aaron was a weak man. Miriam was a strong woman. Thus Miriam was disciplined heavily by God for getting way out of line.
Heb. 12:15
15 Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled; (KJV)
15 Mirad bien que ninguno caiga de la gracia de Dios; no sea que brotando alguna raíz de amargura, os perturbe, y por ella muchos sean contaminados; (RVG04)
V. Moses' Forgiveness and the Mercy of God
Moses decided not to confront anger with anger. He pleaded to the Lord on her behalf.
Nonetheless God let her suffer for seven days in her leprousy. Meanwhile the children of Israel were stayed for a week. No progress would be made until Miriam fulfilled her discipline.
Again we see that no man or woman is an island unto himself (herself).
Moses saved himself and Miriam by applying a principle that Jesus himself would proclaim years down the road.
Lk. 6:28
28 Bless them that curse you, and pray for them which despitefully use you. (KJV)
28 Bendecid a los que os maldicen, y orad por los que os calumnian. (RVG04)
This truly is the secret weapon with which we can win the world.