Summary: In order to succeed in Life you got to lose sometimes

Lose and be blessed

Into: Losing is good

We live in a world where every one wants to win.

We can't stand to lose. Gain, gain, win, it is unacceptable to

lose. I can't lose my stuff, I can't Lose my job, I can't lose my

woman, I can't lose my man. Realize the only way god can bless you in a

new way is for you to lose someone or something. The reason a lot of

people that desire to be married will never make it down the aisle; is

because they refuse to lose. Let go so god can bless you, lose so you

can win. Many people talk about hating there job, but are horrified to

lose their job or try something new. They fear failing, the possibility

of losing. Have faith, you can't get a better job or start a business

if you are not willing to lose the one you got. Don't quit your current

job, but be willing, optomistic about losins so you can win. The

isrealites were slaves, but they refused to leave Egypt afraid to lose

their miserable status. Even in the process of reaching the promised

land they wanted to turn back to being slaves. Being slaves was their

idea of winning. Being free was losing. We may mock them, laugh and

say they were foolish, however we are no different. It took te

Isrealites 400 years to reach the promised land because of their

winning attitude. I encourage you to be a loser. Don't let a winning

attitude keep you from what god has for you. What we call winning is losing to

god. His ways, aren't our ways. His thoughts aren't our thoughts.

Become familiar with (Isaiah 55:8).

I. Start losing

Once you start losing , do not be afraid to keep losing. God is not

done with you, until your done living. If your heart is still ticking

he still has more for you to lose. Keep in mind god always blesses

those who lose. In Genesis Jacob lost his son Joseph for time, and God

returned Joseph to Jacob as a king and provider in time of famine. He was lost to

fulfill a purpose. Even Jesus loss. He gave his life loss for the

purpose of winning, so that our sins could be forgiven and our lives

could be saved.

II. Lose and keep losing to be blessed

Therefore if you want the best for your life, loose it.

Whosoever shall seek to save his life shall lose it; And whoever loses

his life will preserve it. In other words your best life is attached to

moving forward and leaving the past. So if you want a husband you gotta

let go the past relationship that hurt you. If you want a better job

lose the one you have, and get a better one. If you want to keep moving

closer to heaven, lose stuff, you can't climb the mountain looking back

or holding on to stuff. (Matthew 16:19 paraphrased) Loosed on earth

loosed in heaven. In closing, lose in life so you can win.