1 SAMUEL 17: 33-40
I'm inspired by God's word to remind us to inform our young Christian generation that they are in this thing with us. They are not just youth but required and equipped to assist the Christian world to continue on the mission that the bible mandates. That mission is to Give Worship, Have fellowship and Do Discipleship. (That's a future Word!). Please share this with a young Christian.
1) The World Thinks So "You Are Just A Youth"
In verse 33 of this chapter Saul said you can't do, It you're just a youth. Saul assumed that because David was young, he did not have what it took to defeat Goliath. Even though Saul knew that Goliath was skilled since his youth, he could not see that David was at the beginnings of a great life of destiny. Saul wanted David to battle with His armor on. God had equipped this young man with skills and weapons that he could use against this giant,different skills and weapons but yet not carnal ones.
We may have that SAUL mentality. We may think that the young people of today can not battle their giant enemies of our day. Peer pressure, the temptation of the world, sexual promiscuity ,drugs, family issues and economics are Goliath size problems that a young person may not even attempt to defeat assuming that they have time to deal with them later. Ecclesiastes 12:1 speaks against this viewpoint when it says, "Remember now your Creator in the days of your youth, before the difficult days come, and the years draw near. When they do begin to do battle with the Goliath's of today we want them to fight as we did with our means and methods. WELL
2) The Word Says No "You Are Not Just A Youth
Read David's reply to Saul's assertions ( 1 Samuel 17:34-37)
Young people today have had some struggles and won many battles with giants in the past which equips them to deal with today's issues When they are doing chores of life (oh! you do remember chores, right) they have some struggles and overcome them. God delivers them from giants also. Therefore, young Christians should be willing to fight battles and believe that they can win them. We have some young people that have that testimony.
Like Paul warned young Timothy to go forth and be used by God in 1 Timothy 4:12 when he said, "Command and teach these things. Let no one despise you for your youth, but set the believers an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity" We should encourage Christian youth to lead by example.
Read Jeremiah 1:4-7 Where God calls Jeremiah into service He tells him in verse 7 Do Not Say I'm Just A Youth
We mature Christians should say like the Psalmist;
Now also when I am old and grey headed, O God, forsake me not; until I have shewed thy strength unto this generation, and thy power to every one that is to come. Psalm 71:18
Tell a young Christian