Summary: "Liking" and "Loving" are two different things. We may not like but we are called to love. The church is a cohesive body of believers who display the love of God among themselves and to the world around them.

1. I’m Fine

I’m afraid that we tend to be like the fellow in the old story who showed up for a court hearing concerning an accident in which he had been involved. His arm was in a cast, there were bandages all over him, & the exposed parts of his body were clearly bruised, scratched & cut. He was a real mess.

Looking rather surprised, the judge asked about his injuries. He replied, "Judge, I’m in a terrible condition. I have cuts & stitches all over me, & I’m feeling awful."

The judge said, "I don’t understand this. The accident report filed by the Officer says that at the time of the accident you told him you were just fine."

"Well Judge," the man replied, "let me explain. I was driving my pickup & pulling a trailer. In the back of the pickup was my old dog Shep, & my mule was in the trailer. All of a sudden an 18 wheeler sideswiped me, knocking me off the road."

"My pickup & trailer rolled over & over, & we ended up at the bottom of a big embankment. The next thing I remember, a police officer was picking his way through the wreckage. I saw him stop & examine my mule, then he pulled out his pistol & shot the mule between the eyes."

"Next, he got to where Shep was lying, & after examining him, he shot old Shep, too. Then he walked over to me & asked, "How are you?" And I said, "I’m doing fine."

2. So, how are you doing? – Our tendency is to say, “Fine,” even though the world is falling apart.

3. [If your phone rang at 3 AM and you found out there was an emergency with your family three states away; and you had to get there immediately; then you find out your car needs repair – who would you call?

a. Some have a group of friends they could lean on in a situation like this

b. Many of us do not have a Group in times of need

c. Part of the issue is the time factor – come home from work; close the draw bridge; cocoon;

d. Then when there is an issue we have a struggle because we don’t know where to turn

4. The Solution – John 13.31-38

5. Concern for others

I. Jesus Displayed Concern for Others

A. His Concern for the Father

1. Glory to Father – DBR

2. Do his will – John 4.34

B. His Concern for the Disciples

1. He called; led; and taught them

2. Washing feet – even of Peter and Judas

3. Love is an action word, not an emotion – can practice love for someone without “liking” them

A comic strip showed a young man was declaring his undying love for his girlfriend: "I love you with all my heart," he said, "I love you more than life itself; my love would move mountains and change the course of mighty rivers for you," he says fervently.

To all this, in the second frame, his girlfriend replies, "Can you come over Saturday and help me clean the junk out of my garage?"

In the final frame the guy looks up and says, "I hate people who take advantage."

4. Lay down life -- 12 “This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. 13 Greater love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. 14 You are my friends if you do what I command you. John 15.12-14

a. Peter said he would – but didn’t (at first) – John 13.36-38

b. Yeshua (Jesus) said he would – and he did

II. Jesus Desires Our Concern for Others (John 13.34-35)

There was once a Christian celebration on the west coast of Africa, when converted natives brought of their meager possessions to show their devotion to Christ, a young girl only recently saved from paganism brought a silver coin worth about eighty-five cents, and handed this to the missionary as her gift to the Savior. The good man was astounded at the size of the offering, and hesitated to accept it, supposing it must have been obtained dishonestly; but when he delicately asked for an explanation of this lavish gift, the convert told him that she had gone to a neighboring planter and bound herself out to him as a slave for the rest of her life for this coin.

Thus, she brought the whole monetary equivalent of her life and placed it as a single gift at the feet of her Lord. In essence, by serving another, she served God.

A. The Exhibition of Discipleship – “One Anothering”

1. First and Second Commands

2. One Another Commands:

9 Let love be genuine; hate what is evil, hold fast to what is good; 10 love one another with brotherly affection; outdo one another in showing honor. 11 Never flag in zeal, be aglow with the Spirit, serve the Lord. Romans 12.9-11

15 Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep. 16 Live in harmony with one another; do not be haughty, but associate with the lowly; never be conceited. 17 Repay no one evil for evil, but take thought for what is noble in the sight of all. Romans 12.15-17

13 Then let us no more pass judgment on one another, but rather decide never to put a stumbling block or hindrance in the way of a brother. Romans 12.13

7 Welcome one another, therefore, as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God. Romans 15.7

11 Finally, brethren, farewell. Mend your ways, heed my appeal, agree with one another, live in peace, and the God of love and peace will be with you. 2 Corinthians 13.11

13 For you were called to freedom, brethren; only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love be servants of one another. 14 For the whole law is fulfilled in one word, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” Galatians 5.13-14

31 Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, with all malice, 32 and be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you. Ephesians 4.31-32

15 And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in the one body. And be thankful. 16 Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teach and admonish one another in all wisdom, and sing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs with thankfulness in your hearts to God. 17 And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. Colossians 3.16-17

18 Therefore comfort one another with these words. 1 Thessalonians 4.18

B. The Excellence of Discipleship – as Yeshua (Jesus)

1. In Hebrew – New can be translated as RENEW – a Renewed Commandment with a twist

2. Standard Yeshua (Jesus) set – as I have loved you

3. The Standard is not the individual – it is God

We see the need for one another. So What?

A wife remarked to her husband after the church service: "Did you see the hat Mrs. Jones was wearing?" "No," said her husband, "I didn’t." "Did you see the new dress Mrs. Smith had on?" she asked. "I’m afraid I didn’t," said her husband. To this his wife replied: "Well a lot of good it does YOU to go to church!"

1. Too often we are content on “showing up” to church to do the minimum

a. What is the least I have to do to get the most gain?

b. 5 steps and 5 acts

c. Question – Is that what the bible teaches?

d. Is there more to our walk with God?

2. Too often we find ourselves in need and nowhere to turn

[Rick Warren notes 5 Questions that Potential Church Members ask:

• Will I be accepted at this church?

• Will I find friends at this church?

• Will I make a difference at this church?

• Will I benefit from joining this church?

• Will there be expectations of me at this church?


3. A solution – make church more than a meeting place for worship – make it a community

a. Yeshua’s (Jesus’) declaration to Peter – “I will build my church” – two possible meanings:

1) Ekklesia – the called out assembly

2) Edah – witnessing community – all of the one another passages are a witness to the community we live in of who Yeshua (Jesus) is

b. Synagogue (origin of the church) – a community – worship center; study center; school; activities of the community

c. Get involved in Groups within the congregation – HOME Groups; Ministry Groups; interest groups; friendship groups

d. Remember our few Shepherds and Staff cannot care for the entire congregation adequately – it has to happen in smaller settings – help them shepherd by finding a Group to belong to

e. Can’t find a Group? Start one – we’ll help

4. Let’s grow past making everything about “ME”

a. None of us is in charge of the church – it belongs to Yeshua (Jesus)

b. The church exists for the benefit of others

c. Real joy is found when we serve more than are served

5. Let’s Love as God Loves – Any Way