Summary: In the first chapter of Colossians, Paul, the writer, addressed his remarks "to the saints and faithful brethren,". In verse 2 he went on to describe exactly what it meant to be a faithful brother or sister in Christ. This sermon is Part 1

God's Check List (A)

Colossians 1:1-12

When I was in high school my father had his pilot’s license. We used to fly all over the place and I got to fly the plane most of the time when I was with him. Before we could crank the plane there was a check list that we had to go through checking off each thing as we did it.

There were 27 things to check starting with the nose of the plane and going around to the pilots side of the plane. We checked ailerons, flaps, cables, tires, water in the fuel line, condition of the prop, and a lot more. It was necessary to make a safe flight. I used to get so excited about flying that I did not want to take time to do the "Run down" as it was called. I just wanted to jump in and fly. Then, one day, our instructor, Pete, needed to make a quick trip. He had flown the plane the night before and felt it was not necessary to do the "run down". That day Pete crashed and died. Sometimes a check list can be a great help.

In the first chapter of Colossians, Paul, the writer, addressed his remarks "to the saints and faithful brethren,". In verse 2 he went on to describe exactly what it meant to be a faithful brother or sister in Christ. In thanking God for the spiritual attainments of his readers, he gave us a pretty good check list to see how we are doing. Let's look at that list and check yourself out.

1. Intercessory Prayer

In verse 3 Paul writes, "We give thanks to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, praying always for you." In verse 9 he reiterates, "for this reason, since the day we heard of it, we have not ceased to pray for you.

Prayer is a great NECESSITY for a Christian, a saint, a faithful brother or sister in Christ.

Daily, CEASELESS, continual prayer is a necessity.

Prayer is a great PRIVILEGE because

We get to go into the presence of God in a special way.

It allows us to be a part of what God is doing.

It is the best way we can minister to others.

We are face to face with Almighty God

Prayer is a great RESPONSIBILITY because

God has demanded it of us "Pray without ceasing."

People are counting on us

Our spiritual growth is dependent on it

Everyday, habitual, disciplined, prayer is what is required!!!!

But I believe that one of the best ways to check yourself as a Faithful brother or sister is to answer these questions…

When was the last time I prayed specifically for another?

What was the name?

What was the need?

How many times did I pray about it.

See, our needs and desires will force us to pray .... for us!

But what about others?

And listen to this..... when was the last time that you prayed about a spiritual need of another?

Verse 3 said they prayed for others, "since we heard of your faith in Christ" and verse 9 said, "Since the day we heard of it [ salvation]"

We Christians, especially older Christians, should pray WITHOUT CEASING for new believers and their spiritual growth.

When was the last time you prayed for a new believer's knowledge, faith, fruit bearing, etc.????

What is ..... The biggest reason that more people are not being saved today?

Christians are not praying about it.

Praying would create a burden in the saved and a desire in the unsaved

Prayer would make us witnesses and make them "fertile ground".

What is ..... The biggest reason Christians are not living victoriously?

Christians are not praying

Praying makes us more conscious and aware of sin and need for faithfulness

Praying would help them have extra strength .... not make us islands.

The scripture says, "A cord of three is not easily broken."

3= one needing prayer, one praying, God

One of the key distinguishing marks of a mature Christian is INTERCESSORY PRAYER FOR SPIRITUAL GROWTH OF OTHERS.

Verses 9-12 tell us how to pray for them

v 9 Knowledge-

v 9 Wisdom

v10 Walk that is worthy

v 10 Please God

v l0 bearing fruit

v 11 steadfastness

v 11 patience

v 12 give thanks


Luke 14:26 If anyone comes to me and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes even his own life, he cannot be My disciple."

You cannot understand love without understanding hate as the bible uses both words.

I am well aware that there are three Greek words for love ...

Eros sexual love

Phileo brotherly love

agape God's love

But regardless of which love is meant, love always means one thing in scripture ....


And hate is like that. ... it always means to put in last place

So when God says that we should love our neighbor as yourself, or love your wife, or love God He means that we are to put that person in first place .... above self.

It is the idea of SACRIFICE.

Love is ALWAYS sacrificial and to say sacrificial love is redundant and repetitive like saying "loving love. "

And when God says that we should hate our parents and family .... He means they are to take a back seat to HIM because we are to love Him, put him first.

If you do that, really, people will feel that you don't like or even hate them.

God says we are to have love for the saints. DO YOU??????

answer these ...

Do you tithe? [10%]

Do you pray for others?

Do you tell others of Jesus?

Do you attend Sunday School?

If NO ... then you don't love God or brethren!!!!

You may react with fury ... "Oh yes I do, who are you to say that?"

You have confused emotion with love ... LOVE IS NOT AN EMOTION!!!!!!!


Some people believe that because they become emotional in a service that they love God

Some believe that because they cry tears during hymns that they love God

Others believe that if they feel warm and tingly about what Jesus did ... they love God

Some believe if they break down in tears when they pray ... that they must love God

Love is not tears, or emotions, or tingly feeling, or warm fuzees, or singing love songs, or writing poetry to God, or praying beautiful prayers.


If you don't tithe ... you don't love God ..... you hate God because you don't give him first place

If you don't go to church ... you don't love God .... you hate God•

If you don't pray every day you don't love God You Hate God

If you don't read the Word you don't love God you hateGod

If you walk by the offering and don't give so you can but .... you hate that person

I know that some of you are upset.. .. I'll tell you what I'll do ... you find me one scripture that teaches anything else about what love is ... how you can love god or people but not put them in first place ... and I'll write a whole new sermon: and print a retraction in the bulletin.

>'1"" •

Love is putting the other person and their needs and their desires and their comfort before your own

[[[ Booker T. Washington's brother, John, wearing the flax shirt to break it in]]]

I'd better move on before I cause some of you to have a stroke.


"because of the hope laid up for you in heaven. "

What is Hope? Most people define it as a desire, a strong desire for the future.

The scripture defines Hope as the settled confidence in something unseen just as certain as if it was in your hand.

But the world uses the word hope for something they would like to have or happen but they are not sure it will.

Our hope as Christians is eternal life, eternal presence with God, that one day Jesus will return to take all of God's children home to live with God eternally in a perfect place ..... that our name is in the book of life and it can never be erased .... that in this world, when we face troubles Our Father never leaves or forsakes us but will help us. That even if we are to die, we will live eternally.

Most of you know how annoyed I get when Christians are asked if they are saved or if they are going to heaven and they say, "I hope so!"

They are not saying, "Absolutely, it is a done deal and I am certain of it" = HOPE

They are saying, "I'm not sure I've been good enough, I'm not sure I'll make it. "

The latter is not hope .... it is doubt.

In verse 27 Paul spoke of "Christ in you the Hope of Glory."

You made a decision to confess your sin, repent of them, and ask Christ into your life. He sent the Holy Spirit. The Spirit is the down payment, the guarantee that the thing will be brought to completion. Christ in us means we have hope CERTAINTY in the future.

Do you have hope?

Do you know that if you die right now you will go to heaven?

Do you know that Christ is in you and you have the power to win every battle

Do you believe that in your darkest hour, God will not leave you?

"Of which you previously heard in the word of truth, the gospel"

It is the gospel truth!!!!!!

You can have confidence .... not in your worth or works, but in the Word.

"These things we write that you may know that you have eternal life."

Beyond any doubt or hope so or wish or dream

Know it like you know you are in this building and sitting in that pew.

Well, how did you do ... on the check list

1. Intercessory Prayer for others spiritual life

daily? 2x a week? weekly? monthly?? LESS????????

2. Love for the Brethren

Who do you really love?

Do you really love anyone more than self?

Do you love the brethren?

Name one example, in last week, where you loved a brother/sister

3. Hope laid up in heaven

What do you know, for certain, about the future that you would be willing to stake your life


Do you really have ANY hope?

Where do you fall short?

What do you need to confess?

Where do you need God's work in your life?

Come today, He is ready to do a great work in you.