Summary: Redeem your suffering by searching for understanding, asking the right questions, comforting others, developing a teachable spirit, identifying with Christ, and by becoming sensitized to other’s suffering.

The psalmist asked; Did I keep my heart pure for nothing? Did I keep myself innocent for no reason? I get nothing but trouble all day long; every morning brings me pain (Psalm 73:13-14 NLT).

After shooting his mother in the head four times while she lay asleep, Adam Lanza dressed himself in black, armed himself with a military-style assault rifle loaded with ammunition designed in inflict maximum damage, and shot his way into Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut. Moments later, 20 children and six adults lay dead. Shortly thereafter, Lanza ended his life as well.

One week later, on December 21, 2012, chiming bells reverberated through this and many other cities nationwide to commemorate the 26 victims of Lanza. Some rang 28 times to honor the total number of deaths in the massacre.

We Search for Understanding

In response to the why of the above senseless tragedy, Rev. Lou Hays of St. Paul’s in Mount Lebanon, said, “It’s the toughest question we have as people of faith.” Others recognize suffering as one result of free will. Bishop David Zubik of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Pittsburgh remarked, “God only wants what’s good. But it’s the personal freedom, how people use it is how that evil really comes into the world.”

While suffering is ultimately outside the realm of God’s will, it becomes beneficial when we turn to him for understanding, for liberation, and for the strength to persevere. Assigning blame only intensifies our anger, fuels unforgiveness, impedes the healing process, and results in endless speculations-the answers to which God doesn’t always provide. Trusting God in the absence of full understanding increases our faith in his promise to somehow manufacture good out of the most evil situations and often brings out the “better angels” of our natures. Let suffering drive you closer to God instead of turn you against him.

We Should Ask the Right Questions

We three brothers crouched snugly in a booth at a local restaurant rehashing old memories and considering life’s complexities and our current situations. We were doing what we hadn’t done in years-spending alone time together in the same place at the same time.

Though we were all younger than middle age, our list of sufferings seemed quite lengthy. Parkinson’s. Diabetic neuropathy. Heart malfunctions. Disability. Financial struggles. Several divorces. Rebellious daughters and angry sons. And we could identify with rebellious children. We had shared in a few uprisings ourselves. Growing up as preacher’s kids wasn’t easy. Pious parishioners and unrealistic expectations often pummeled us into areas better left alone-and the consequences were normally unpleasant. But we had mended our ways, so why the frequent anguish?

The psalmist clashed with the age old question of suffering but then comforted himself. Be still in the presence of the Lord, and wait patiently for him to act. Don’t worry about evil people who prosper or fret about their wicked schemes (Psalm 37:7 NLT).

Why is the typical question when suffering has us in its sights or when things aren’t going our way. And while the why may be important, the what is usually more essential. What is my relationship with God? Unpleasant circumstances can be God’s way of illustrating our need for a faith experience with him. What are my priorities? I’ve had a relationship with Jesus Christ since I was nine, but there have been periods when he wasn’t first...or even close. Jumbled priorities can creep up unexpectedly and be challenging to untangle. What is my plan for spiritual growth? God can stretch our faith with distasteful situations, and these often drive us to prayer, his Word, and wise counsel-all good growth sources. Let God help you redeem your suffering by asking the right questions.

We Should Comfort Others

She developed as a tropical wave on October 22, 2012 in the western Caribbean Sea and quickly swirled into a tropical storm named Sandy. Seven short days later, she stepped ashore as a hurricane near Atlantic City, New Jersey. Hurricane Sandy devastated parts of the Caribbean along with the Mid-Atlantic and Northeastern portions of the United States, killing 253 people along her seven country strut and inflicting 65.6 billion dollars in damage.

Yet in the midst of suffering came hope and comfort. Disaster relief units descended on New Jersey bringing shower/laundry units, mud out crews, counseling teams, chain saw crews, and feeding units. Churches responded with “Buckets of Care for New Jersey,” providing tools, first aid, and safety item supplies for storm victims. Comforters in South Carolina alone filled 466 buckets.

While the cause of our sufferings may escape us, one result never should. He (God) comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When they are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us (II Corinthians 1:4 NLT).

I’m certainly not an enthusiast of afflictions, but I’ve also learned the truth of the statement. Responding with “What are you teaching me God” instead of “God why are you allowing this” yields radically different responses. The first increases my sensitivity to what others are experiencing and sensitizes me to ways I can assist them. The second only makes me bitter, drives me farther from God, and causes me to waste unique opportunities to intervene in someone’s life. God’s comfort involves strength, encouragement, and hope to deal with our situations. Our comfort provides the same to others. Instead of blaming God and getting angry, learn from troubles so you can comfort others who are facing similar circumstances.

We Should Develop Teachable Spirits

Having once been a student, I can relate to those who share the same disdain toward learning I once did. “How is this going to help me?” “Why do I need to know this?” “Are we going to do something fun today…” as if traditional learning isn’t.

Prior to college, I despised school. Elementary, middle, high…I hated them all. Didn’t like any teachers and saw nothing beneficial in learning history, math, English or science. I studied just enough to get by and learned very little in the process. Homework was a bore and just the teacher’s way of inflicting further punishment.

Maturity settled in by the time I entered college. I was eager to learn everything I’d missed out on because of my laziness and unconcern. Although I couldn’t recapture all I had neglected, I absorbed all I possibly could. Like the psalmist, I now had a teachable spirit. Teach me your decrees, O LORD; I will keep them to the end (Psalm 119:33 NLT).

Many students equate the learning process with suffering-and some teachers make it easy to do. But knowledge is imparted through the process. It can also be absorbed through physical and emotional struggles when we respond appropriately. When things are cadillacing smoothly, I tend to think, “God, I’ve got this. No help required.” Yet when illness, tragedy or other various setbacks arrive and lay me on my back, I quickly change my mind. “God, need a little help here.” Fortunately, God overlooks my stubbornness and selfishness and comes to my rescue…although not always in the way I had hoped. If we’ll allow him, God will create teachable spirits in us through episodes of suffering. Instead of responding with anger, bitterness, rage, disappointment, and discouragement when suffering knocks, let God teach you life-changing lessons.

We Identify With Christ

Dietrich Bonhoeffer, in The Cost of Discipleship, said, “When Christ calls a man, he bids him come and die.” And he did.

Bonhoeffer was a Lutheran pastor and theologian who resisted Nazi dictatorship, opposed Hitler’s euthanasia program and his persecution of the Jewish people, and even joined the German Military Intelligence Office in their plans to assassinate Hitler. The Gestapo arrested him in April of 1943 and hung him two years later, just 23 days before Hitler surrendered. Bonhoeffer stood for his faith, suffered for his faith, and ultimately died for his faith.

No one enjoys suffering, but it does put us in good company. Instead, be very glad—for these trials make you partners with Christ in his suffering (I Peter 4:13 NLT).

Jesus’ suffering began soon after his birth when Herod attempted to murder him for fear he would eventually wrestle the kingdom from his control and extended to the very end when the religious leaders eventually persuaded Pilate to kill him for fear he would lead a rebellion against Rome. Add to this the in between episodes when he was criticized, misunderstood by friends and family, and followed for the wrong reasons, and his entire life was one long stream of anguish.

Jesus says his followers will suffer as he did (John 15:20). When we walk in his shoes by exposing evil, by uncovering injustice, by confronting hatred and unforgiveness, and by shining the light of righteousness of all forms of sin, we’ll suffer. Even if we don’t die physically as Jesus and Bonhoeffer did, we may experience deaths of friendships, relationships, finances, and even employment because we were willing to identify with Christ. But in the midst of the pain, be glad. You’re partnered with Christ and will enjoy rich eternal rewards for your stand.

We Become Sensitized to Suffering

Johnny was born with Down Syndrome, but his own suffering didn’t prevent him from being sensitive to other’s needs.

Johnny was 19 and working as a bag boy when his company conducted a customer service training program. Their goal was that customers remember the service as outstanding…beyond the norm…service that stood out. Though merely a bag boy, Johnny invented a plan he thought might work. As a lover of inspirational quotes, he decided he’d deposit one in each customer’s bag and say, “Thanks for shopping with us today. I’ve placed an inspirational thought in your bag that I hope you’ll enjoy.”

And it worked. Imagine the store manager’s surprise when he entered one day to find all the customers in one line when three were open. Once a week customers patronized more frequently just to see Johnny-a 19-year-old bag boy who transformed the store with his sensitivity.

As an early missionary traveling in regions where the gospel wasn’t always received enthusiastically, Paul was accustomed to suffering. But it sensitized him to others who were enduring similar circumstances. Even when we are weighed down with troubles, it is for your comfort and salvation! For when we ourselves are comforted, we will certainly comfort you (II Corinthians 1:6 NLT).

Suffering is a side effect of sin’s presence in our world. Famine, disease, crime, abuse, broken relationships, economic breakdown, homelessness, addictions, loneliness-all symptoms of a sick world. All conditions evidencing people’s need of a Savior. Personal suffering allows us first-hand experience that when entered into properly triggers us to focus less on ourselves and more on others. Christians know the ultimate healer who brings comfort regardless of how severe the suffering is. Let God help you redeem personal suffering by turning your attention to others who are suffering also.


Redeem your suffering by searching for understanding, asking the right questions, comforting others, developing a teachable spirit, identifying with Christ, and by becoming sensitized to other’s suffering.