Summary: What we do with our time is God's business. How can we honor God with what we do?

Tithing Your Time

August 19, 2012

Matthew 9:35-38

Words can carry a great deal of power. They carry us to various destinations. Sometimes we're transported to places we like and other times, places we loathe. Words can be powerful reminders of people and things . . . painful and joyful. One of the most powerful things about words is how they connect and reconnect us to powerful memories. Words which are powerful to your memory are likely different and cause different reactions for each person. Yet, we all have those triggers. For instance, as I say these words and phrases, consider your responses:

Summer Vacation Summer School Sports

SAT’s and ACT’s The IRS Christmas

Homework Alcohol D-day

President Obama Mitt Romney Forgiveness

Dancing Jesus Sermons on $$$

Behind specific words, lay all kinds of perceptions and ideas. What's behind a word for you may not be the same for me. For instance, when I said ‘forgiveness, some of us may have felt ourselves tighten up, because of the need to forgive or be forgiven; while others may have had a sense of power and joy, because of the forgiveness you have received or extended.

Let me say another word: evangelism.

What impressions go along with this word? Is it someone yelling on a corner? Someone getting in your face about Jesus? Someone knocking on your door? Or is it someone like Billy Graham, lovingly sharing the good news of Jesus Christ?

As a follower of Jesus, I have to deal with this word, because it's attached to what it means to be a Christian. It’s been said only 10% of Christians have the spiritual gift of evangelism. Yet, I believe in many respects we’re all evangelists.

The word evangelist is only used 3 times in the Bible, but what is important about that word is its meaning. In Greek, it’s pronounced εὐαγγελιστής. yoo-ang-ghel-is-tace. It means “the bearer of good tidings or good news.” We can be evangelists on many topics. Have you seen a good movie lately? Do you want others to see it, too? Did you go to a great new restaurant and you’re so excited about it, you tell others? When you share good news about a child’s accomplishments, you’re an evangelist — you’re sharing good news.

You end up evangelizing. That’s right, you’re sharing the good news about the movie, or restaurant, about a person, and maybe even about church and Jesus.

To be an evangelist for God is to be a messenger of the "more than." To be an evangelist for God is to be a person who invites others to authentic life; life beyond the shadows and temporary and into what is permanent and everlasting.

Our passage today tells us 35 Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the GOOD NEWS of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness.

In some versions of the Bible the phrase GOOD NEWS is translated as GOSPEL. They have the same root word. In Greek it’s εὐαγγελίζω (yoo-ang-ghel-id'-zo)

You see, people were hearing the Word of God, because Jesus was preaching the GOOD NEWS (the Gospel). Jesus was evangelizing, simply sharing the good news; and powerful healings taking place.

Matthew then tells us 36 When Jesus saw the crowds, He had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.

The word compassion means Jesus felt their pain all the way to the deepest parts of His being. It’s when we’re suffering and a friend hugs us, sits with us, or cries with us, and we know, we know without a doubt, they’re feeling our pain, they’re with us . . . in that moment. They’re not taking our pain upon themselves, but they’re entering into our grief.

That’s how Jesus felt as He looked at the people. Why? Because the people were "harassed (troubled) and helpless (intentional thrown out/scattered), like sheep without a shepherd."

Jesus saw the multitudes as weary, worn out, discarded, unwanted, harassed, wandering people, with nobody to lead them.

In our world, people face great trials that leave them weary and worn, feeling harassed and helpless, unwanted, and discarded – –

We face physical trials Family and relationship issues

Financial troubles School and work problems

Mental / emotional struggles Spiritual battles . . . and more.

We live in hurting world. So, what’s our response to the pain the world around us is dealing with? And not just the pain of the world, but our own suffering and pain, how will we respond to our own pain?

Will we look at the world with the eyes of Jesus, and see people who are hurting and in need of a good word, a helping hand, extra grace - or do we see low-lifes, whom we can’t be bothered with?

Jesus wants His followers, us, to see people as they are and be moved with compassion to help them.

Most people would say their spiritual gift is not evangelism. We would say, we believe in Jesus, trust in Jesus, yet for to walk up to someone and ask,

"Do you believe in Jesus?

If no, then you’re going to hell.

Do you know the 4 spiritual laws?

Do you know the Romans Road?

Romans 3:23 - All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.

Romans 6:23 - the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life

through Christ.

Romans 5:8 - God demonstrates His love for us, that while we were sinners,

Christ died for us.

Romans 10:9 - If you confess with your mouth and believe in your heart, God

raised Jesus from the dead you will be saved.

If you don’t know them and turn your life over to Jesus, you’re damned!

That’s not who most of us are.

Yet, we can’t turn away from the haunting statement from Jesus to us ~ 37 Jesus said to His disciples, "The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. 38 Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field."



That statement should suck the air right out of you. Because what was true over 2,000 years ago — sadly is still true. The workers are few. They’re hard to find, they’re there, but when the Shepherd asks for volunteers . . . most put their heads down and pretend to be taking notes or checking to see if they have a text message.

I’m talking about 2 things here. First, I’m talking about being active in the church world. I’m talking about all aspects of the church. There’s those committees, which always needs someone new, someone who sees life and church a little differently, that stretches us and helps us. There are the workers, those who don’t want to be on a committee, but they want to get their hands dirty. You don’t have to be a member to get your hands dirty. You just have to want to get involved.

My personality style, and some of you know this — I don’t go around asking every person if they can serve. I expect it. So, if you say, “well the pastor never asked me, so I’m not serving,” then consider yourself asked to serve, but help me or Pastor Doug know what you want to do. We’ll do our best to plug you into a ministry which meets your gifts and talents.

We can always use people to help in the nursery or preschool, cutting grass, teaching Sunday School, getting in the choir, joining the praise team, and lots more, even helping to plan special or outreach events; and more.

Secondly, we need to be involved in what I call LIFESTYLE EVANGELISM. Simply put, LIFESTYLE EVANGELISM is living our lives in a manner which helps others take notice in a positive manner of Jesus Christ. It means we become proactive in living out our faith. It’s not always easy . . . and boy, there are some days, days when you could just explode at some clerk, moments when your children help you to feel broken, when friends don’t seem to be godsends, when a co-worker makes you put on your armor. When looking at some Christ followers makes you want to dissociate with the faith; or at least hide your faith so your not considered like them.

You get the point!! We all have those moments, or at least those potential moments. We can put ourselves down and believe we don’t have what it takes to make a difference in the world. But that’s hogwash. We make lots of excuses not to get involved.

You see, I picture the church as being like a firehouse. Our church building is for training, team building and rescuing a hurting world. We meet regularly for worship, training, preparation, inspiration and perspiration. We’re preparing for that moment when we are called into action. And the alarms are sounding and the calls are coming in. We must do more than feel good about ourselves, hold hands and sing "rescue the perishing." We must move out from our buildings and respond –––– regardless of the danger.

I’m talking about our time, and what does it mean to give God a


What would that look like? In fact, before I mention what that would mean, let me just ask each of us, myself included, how much time did you give to God in prayer, in Bible study, in service, in anything this past week. Not working in order to get a paycheck, but how many hours did you give to the Lord of Lords and King of Kings? How much time did we give the One who died so that we could be saved.

Did you know there are 168 hours in a week, 24 hours in a day and if we were to tithe our time to God. Remember the word tithe simply means 1/10 or 10%. So, it means we would give God 16.8 hours per week, or 2 hours and 24 minutes per day. Doesn’t that sound like an incredible number? But just think what would happen if we gave that time to God. Think about how this world would be so different if we were really giving God 10% of our time, and we could do whatever we wanted with the other 90%. Of course, the assumption is we would always be doing good.

So . . . what are we called to do and how do we do it? Well, there are ministries to get involved in, there are people to serve, there is a God who is calling you. Yes, even you and me are called to go out into the world and make a difference.

Will you participate in making a difference in Alexandria and Madison County? Will you make a difference at work, at home, in the schools, in the community, at the stores, even at church . . . will you make a difference so that someone sees Christ in you.

Where are you going to step in? A relationship with God is not a spectator sport. It is a reality program. There are many events coming up and many future events which need you and your assistance. Would you please pray about how you can become active in the Kingdom of God, for your sake and for the sake of someone who does not know Jesus, and needs to experience His power and grace.


35 Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness. 36 When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. 37 Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. 38 Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”