The Body Beautiful
Part 4
A Well Oiled Machine
Psalm 133:1
How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity!
It is God's purpose for all believer's
to work towards unity of the faith.
With many Christians,
and especially with evangelicals,
there has been a tendency to confuse faith and doctrine.
Faith is not doctrine,
but obedience to the Lord.
It is through faith that we are saved,
and not by correct teaching
(Eph. 2:8; James 1:22-25; 2:14-26; Heb. 3:12-19; Matt. 7:21-23).
With "unity of the Spirit"
there is room for diversity of beliefs & doctrines.
There can be unity in diversity
and diversity in unity.
Although differences of beliefs, doctrine, interpretation,
and opinion may be held
and expressed among believers,
they should be expressed in love and fellowship
with those who may differ.
This is the essence of true Biblical Christianity,
based upon the freedom that is in Christ,
as it was instituted in the very beginning.
We are all gifted differently. God did that on purpose.
He wants us to share our gifts with each other.
He wants us to concentrate on our own gifts
and learn to use them to the fullest.
I was sharing something
that God revealed to me the other day.
I was surprised that he didn't get as excited
about what I saw as I did.
It confused me at first,
but the more I meditated on it
the more excited I got.
It actually was a good thing
that he and I weren't both focusing on the same things.
God gave me more of a burden
for the Body of Christ.
He shows me many ways
that the Body is hindered.
He gives me insight for a reason.
My friend is gifted in different areas
as well as in some of the same areas.
he sometimes gets excited about things
that never occurred to me.
Through these differences,
We teach each other all the time.
If we all had the same gifts,
to the same extent as everyone else
it would be like everyone in the world being a doctor.
Who would fix cars?
Who would work in stores?
We need to embrace differences in people!
Let's concentrate on what God has given us.
Let's just hop on the train that God sends us
and go where it takes us!
John 17:23 (CEV)
I am one with them, and you are one with me, so that they may become completely one. Then this world's people will know that you sent me. They will know that you love my followers as much as you love me.
One of the reasons for unity
Is to be a witness to the world
Of the love of God
The world knows how hard it is to love some people
So when love is exhibited
By working together
In the spirit of unity
It shows the Love of God
In a way that is unmistakable
Don't serve God in the flesh.
Don't push yourself into a position
that is not within your calling.
Let God show you where He wants you.
He has placed you in the Body of Christ
and has given you the tools that you need.
God will put you together with others.
You will fit in nicely where He places you.
I've said it before, but it is worth repeating.
You are like a piece in a puzzle.
You fit together perfectly with others in the Body.
Other pieces will move in around you
and something beautiful will be the result.
Be open to what God would have you do.
Be searching.
If you aren't sure
then be preparing.
Prepare by reading the Word and by praying.
Keep seeking a closer relationship with God.
Allow the Word that you read
to become alive within you.
You are designed to be used in the Body.
Let God be your guide.
He will show you your portion.
Pursue that with everything within you.
Nehemiah chapter 3 is a beautiful picture
of what can be accomplished
when we humble ourselves
and work together with a common cause.
It is interesting to note
that in this list of people
who deserved honor for their selfless work,
Nehemiah includes a note
about some people who refused to work.
Look at verse 5…
The Tekoites got to work,
and accomplished a lot.
But the nobles refused to work.
Tekoa was a city about 11 miles away from Jerusalem.
These nobles didn’t want to make the trip,
maybe they thought they were too important
to do that kind of work,
maybe they were just scared.
These nobles not only refused to do any work,
they did not support the work of their masters.
What this means is
that they refused to submit to the authority of the leader there.
They refused to submit to Nehemiah’s leadership
and they refused to take part in serving God.
Because of that
they gained a place of dishonor
in the official records,
and with their own people.
However, the people of Tekoa
didn’t let the unfaithfulness
of those nobles stop them
from doing the work of God.
In verse 5 it mentions that they made repairs,
and then over in verse 27
it says that the Tekoites repaired another section.
They didn’t just help out, they went above and beyond.
The average people from Tekoa
had no problem humbling themselves.
They didn’t allow pride or ego to get in the way.
The rebuilding of the wall
wasn’t something that they could contract out.
It was something
that they all know they had to do themselves.
So they banded together,
under the leadership of Nehemiah,
and around a common cause,
from every social class,
to accomplish their task.
This is a picture of the Body of Christ
At its best
a well oiled machine
Different people
Different skills and talents
Coming together
Working together
For a common cause
Is there any organization
that is as diverse,
yet so unified?
Just in this church alone
we have people from many different ethnic backgrounds,
different races,
different social and economic classes,
different political slants,
different talents,
different abilities,
and different personalities.
We are diverse,
yet we are all unified under a common cause.
What we have in common
is so much greater than all those differences.
What we share is of such importance to each of us,
that we are willing and able to come together every week, as one.
We share a common citizenship;
we are all residents of the kingdom of God.
We share a common son-ship;
we are all joint heirs with Christ.
We share a common relationship;
we all have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ
We share a common focus of worship-
The almighty God of heaven and earth.
We share a common partnership-
joining together for the purpose of encouraging
and uplifting one another.
We share a common mission-
to spread the gospel to everyone we know.
Those are the things that unify us.
Those are the things that matter the most.
Those are the things that bring us together
and cause us to lay aside all the differences.
When the people of God keep their focus
we can accomplish so much for the kingdom of God.
It’s when we lose sight of those commonalities
that we begin to become dis-unified.
When we let personality differences,
personal preferences,
differences in style,
and petty details
dominate our attention
we lose sight of the big picture.
The unity that God has spoken of
Is a unity that allows for differences
Even for disagreement
But yet strives for the common good
Of the Gospel
Acceptance of others
And their differences
And even oddities
Will eventually lead to an embracing
Once we get the revelation
that the differences
are what makes us complete
whole, stronger & better
God did not design man to be alone
He designed man to work together
In the church
It is not about the leaders
The Pastor’s
The church is to be a type of Christ
A Body – all working together
Yes there is a leader
That is God’s design
But the leadership of the church today
Is unfortunately
Very similar
To the recorded history account
Of the Tekoite nobles
Refusing to do work
They considered as “beneath them”
Too many church today
Have leadership
That is all about
Do as I say
And not as I do
But called us all to work together
Yes we have different jobs and positions
But yet we are all to contribute
To the spreading of the Gospel
It is not the Pastor’s job
Or the Elder’s or Deacons
It is about all of us
Working together
Doing our part
The church is too fragmented
So concerned about propelling its own agenda
Its own membership
Its own plans
That it is missing out
On the most important point
Coming together in order to
Show the love of God
To the world around us
John 17:23 (CEV)
I am one with them, and you are one with me, so that they may become completely one. Then this world's people will know that you sent me. They will know that you love my followers as much as you love me.
When we come together
in the Spirit of unity
that witness
shows the Love of God
greater than all the programs
and plans man can ever put together
So how do you become a part of this
Well oiled Machine,
The Body of Christ?
It’s easy –
Find a church home and commit
If you can give of you time on Sunday
Then it’s time you follow through
Become a part of what is happening
Evangelical churches struggle the most
Because we do not have the tradition
Of older denominations
Many evangelicals have the false understanding
That their commitment is not necessary
That somehow
They can be independent of church
And still involved in the “Body of Christ”
Too many evangelicals
Rebel against what they call
“organized religion”
This movement is counterproductive
To the health of the Body of Christ
How is it possible
To be a Part of the Bride of Christ
And not be committed to a local body?
How can a Christian be in expectation of Christ returning
Assured of their salvation
Assured that they are a part of the Bride
Whom Christ is coming for
A Bride without spot or wrinkle
When so many are purposely being wrinkles
Refusing to be a part of the local Body
If God wanted you to be a lone Christian
Without the ability to reach beyond yourself
Then why didn’t He just take you home
The moment you got saved?
Loners are the exception
Not the rule
Man can accomplish a 1000x’s more
With others than alone
Just in the practical matters
of feeding & clothing the poor
visiting the infirmed & the imprisoned
trying to do it alone
you can do so little
but when your efforts are combined
with the efforts of others
your money combined with the money of others
it’s amazing what can be accomplished
At our hands today is more technology
Than ever before
We have more ability to be united in Christ
Than in all of History
But yet man is fighting unity
And so many are out there
Doing their own thing
We have a greater ability today
And ever before
To fulfill the New Testament calling of the church
Together we can feed & clothe the poor
And we can do it so well
That there would be no need for government run
Soup kitchens where you cant
Tell the people about the love of God
Together we can visit the sick and lonely
And we can do it so well
That there would be no need
for government subsidized
Companions & Homemakers
where you can’t
Tell the people about the love of God
Together we can house the unwed mothers
And save the unborn babies from
The vacuums of the greedy doctors of death
And we can do it so well
That there would be no need
for government subsidized abortions
or Government subsidized housing
where you can’t
Tell the people about the love of God
God created the Body of Christ
To operate as a Well Oiled Machine
Operating day after day
Week after week
Continuously – till He returns
Showing the love of God in ways
That only unity can
We do not need more government
It’s impossible to legislate morality
But together
The Body of Christ can and will make a difference
Such a noticeable difference
That the world will take notice
Such a noticeable difference
That God’s love will permeate His church
This state
This country
And this entire generation
If we
The chosen of God
Will stand up and be counted
Come together in Unity
Lay aside our differences
And get to work
For the time is truly short
And the day of His coming is soon approaching
For some the days of our work
Are nearing an end
The time we have here on earth is getting shorter
When will it be time to focus on your destiny
On your purpose
Instead of on your retirement
Retirement is short lived
But your destiny
Your future with God is eternal
But all of our striving
All of our planning
All of our laying up in storage for retirement
Will yield us nothing in eternity
God chose this plan
To use the Body of Christ
To use you
A vital member of the Body
So that you would reap a blessing
That would be accounted to you in eternity
Mat 6:19-21
Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal:
But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal:
For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.
God has called The Body of Christ
to a life of radical obedience
embracing the cross and the blood of Christ
in unwavering service
to the lost, broken and needy of this world
In doing this, we fulfill the scripture
Of becoming completely one ---
John 17:23 (CEV)
I am one with them, and you are one with me, so that they may become completely one. Then this world's people will know that you sent me. They will know that you love my followers as much as you love me.
This is a radical idea
Its life changing
it requires obedience
To be committed to a local body
It requires obedience to be radically sold out
But it’s this obedience
that can transform this world
By the expression of unity
The love of God
We will make a radical difference
In the lives of our family
And the families around us
So today
The choice is up to you
Continue to be just another Christian
Living life as He or She see fit
Relying on God’s grace to cover you
If your wrong
Join the revolution
Get in on the Body of Christ
Find your place and make a difference
Become a part of God’s chosen plan
For the redemption of the world
Through His Well Oiled Machine
The Body of Christ