Summary: This sermon uses a life-sized nativity on stage and strips away all of the non-essentials to find the real reason for the season... Jesus

The Reason for the Season

This sermon was instigated by things I have heard this past week on T.V., on t radio, and in listening to others talking.

I feel that there are some misunderstandings that MUST be addressed. This week I have heard personalities in media who have said things like...

"Helping the poor and needy is what the season is all about."


"Spending time with friends and family is what Christmas is about."


"Christmas is for children."


"This is the season for giving."

The world has grabbed onto these externals and have made them the reason Christmas.

But in doing so the true reason for the season, what Christmas truly is " about"... has either been overshadowed by the externals or pushed to the background or abandoned all together.

As your pastor and as a Christian; I feel that it is my responsibility to something. I want to say it with a visual... a children's message?

Here I have a nativity scene... or manger scene.

It includes the Baby Jesus, Mary, Joseph, the shepherds, the wise men, and animals.

They are all parts of this scene but they are not all... what the season is about.

They are symbolic and meaningful… but not the reason for the season.

1. Animals.

The manger scene just isn't complete without them... Is it? But they are not stars... not what the scene is all about.

They are only important because they remind us where they were...a ban place where animals were kept... primitive, stinky, dirty, and humble.

They teach us about Jesus' humble birth.

They are only important because of their relationship to the baby.

We don't know which ones or how many.

Maybe donkey because beast of burden and probably carried Mary.

How about a horse? A cow?

We are pretty sure there were not any pigs.

We also think of camels because the Wise men rode them.

But were there any animals? The scripture does not mention even one.

What if there were no cows… would the message change?

What if no sheep… or camels… or any animals at all? Would the message be lost?

They are not necessary. They are good... but not necessary.

They represent the “externals” of Christmas.

Modern day equivalents might be... Christmas parties, Christmas break from school... even nativity sets...

They are the peripherals... good, add a lot, make it special... BUT NOT THE REASON FOR THE SEASON.


Again, we can't imagine a manger scene without them.

They were the first to hear the proclamation of the birth. The first to hear a Christmas carol

Let me tell you a bit about shepherds. They were a ragtag collection uneducated, smelly, low-class, social and religious outcasts, a bunch shepherds. First of all, they were religious outcasts. According to Jewish religious law, these men were unclean. Their line of work prevented them from participating in the feasts and holy days that made up the Jewish religious calendar. Why? Well, somebody had to watch the sheep. When everyone else was making the trip to Jerusalem to make sacrifices at the temple, or participate in one of the annual feasts, they were out in the fields, watching over the sheep.

Not only that, but shepherds were borderline social outcasts. Since they were constantly on the move to find new pasture for their flocks, they were looked with suspicion. Kind of the way people today might look at gypsies, or carnival workers. They were often accused of being thieves. If something came missing - it must have been those shepherds. They were not permitted give testimony in a legal proceeding, because their word wasn't considered trustworthy. And on top of all that, they really didn't have much contact with other people. Most of the time, they were "living out in the fields" (v. 8). It was not a 40-hour a week job. They didn't come home at night. They were with the sheep 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

They are important... but only because of their relationship to the baby.

They are there to teach us that God sent his Son to the common man.

Shepherds were as common and lowly as a person could be.

God did not come to the Blue-Bloods, the royals, the upper-class.

Jesus did not start out with or aspire to be with the cream of society.

Instead he chose to spend his life among the salt of the earth.

The shepherds are YOU AND ME… Jesus does not come to us because we are worthy or special… he comes to us INSPITE of who we are… SINNERS!

Still, while the shepherds teach a great truth… they are not the reason for the season.

If you take away the shepherds, or swap them for farmers, or merchants, or beggars… the message does not change… the message of Christmas is not lost.


The three kings are one of the most beautiful parts of the nativity.

How many were there?

Most people believe there were three… because there were three gifts… and because the song says “We Three Kings.”

The scripture does not tell us how many.

I do believe the scripture says there were more than one because the scripture uses the plural.

But what if there were 4, or 2, or 6? Would that change anything.

Yes, the nativity set would have to be larger.

But we do know they were men. How?

If the wise men had been wise women:

1. They would have asked for directions to the stable locally instead of

going to Herod.

2. They would have arrived on time and helped deliver the baby

3. They would have cleaned the stable and brought something practical for the family to eat - like a casserole.

4. And there would have been peace on earth!

They were men of power, knowledge, great respect, renown, and were awesome to behold.

They add the royal touch, the regal flavor to the scene.

If the shepherds are there to remind us that Jesus was humble.... human and flesh…

The Kings are there to remind us that he is DIETY.... King of Kings.

He is God Almighty, creator and sustainer of all creation... come down to earth walk a mile in our moccasins.

It is important for us to remember because it reminds us that God cares for, and comes to us when we are in need, and wants to have intimate personal fellows with us.

It tells us that even when we sin God does not reject us in anger... he comes to in love.

Yes the kings were important to teach us great doctrinal truths.... but even they ARE NOT THE REASON FOR THE SEASON.


Certainly he is a very important character.

Yes, but still not the star, still not what the scene is all about.

That is not to say that Joseph is not important.

Certainly God thought it was a very important choice of the man who would raise His Son.. . Jesus.

This man would determine what type of upbringing, education, role model a guidance Jesus would receive.

Yes Joseph was important.

I think Joseph would represent FAMILY.

Surely family is important anytime... and at Christmas. I am going to drive about 1600 miles and 27 hours this Christmas to see my family. Family important!


Joseph was the earthly father… even though he was not the biological father

Michael Card wrote a song entitled Joseph's Song. To begin this sermon I am going to read a few of the lines from this song.

Listen closely, and from what you know about Joseph, see if these words could have come from Joseph's heart:

Lord I know He's not my own.

Not of my flesh, not of my bone.

Still Father, let this baby be

The Son of my love.

Joseph represents one of the highest forms of love... a man who can love someone else's children... as though they are his own.

Parents who adopt children have that kind of love.... so do many who are raising children from their spouse’s former marriage. It takes a lot of love to do that.

Joseph was a step father - raising Mary's child., and yet he loved Jesus just as his own I am sure.

Joseph represents family... and that is important.... BUT NOT THE REASON FOR THE SEASON.

In fact... you can take Joseph out of this manger scene and the message doesn’t change... Because the message is not about Joseph.

You can take family out of Christmas... and it does not change the message.... would not be as happy for some of you.... but the message is not about family.

5. MARY.

I shudder to say it but it is true...

Maybe I had better cross myself first to avoid being struck by lightening.

Mary, blessed virgin Mary... EVEN SHE IS NOT WHAT IS IMPORTANT HERE.

Certainly God chose her and Joseph for their heart.

Mary is special.

She was overshadowed by the Holy Spirit, she was the one who bore the Christ-child.

Yes she is indeed special.

But the truth is... EVEN SHE IS NOT CRITICAL HERE.

I have a manger scene made in Africa. I traded some baseball hats for it. Well, they stuck me... they gave me a scene with no Mary.

And you know what? 99% of people who see it don't realize it.

Take Mary away and the message is still there. Much of the beauty is lost, but the truth is still there.

Even Mary is only important because of her relationship to the baby.

6. The Manger

Take away the manger and what do you have?

Certainly not a manger scene.

It was just a wooden trough for animals.

It was nothing special... not before.(B.C.)

Afterwards... perhaps the same day... animals ate from it. Did is make the food taste better? NO!

The manger means nothing alone... only in relation to the baby.


All you have left is the baby and there is what the season is all about.

Born to a poor carpenter or a king... in a stable or in a palace... surrounded by shepherds or dignitaries... those things mean nothing.

Here is the reason for Christmas.. Christ's birth.

This is the reason for the season... a baby... God's only begotten Son, Jesus, the Christ, God in the flesh, come to dwell among man, to take on the flesh, to live sinless life, so he could die on the cross to forgive us of our sins.

Helping the poor and needy... important, but only in relationship to the baby.

It only matters if we do it to remember we were needy, in our sin., and God met our deepest need...

He died to forgive our sins.

Giving gifts... only important in relationship to the baby.

We should never give a gift or receive on and certainly not let our children get into the gifts until we are reminded of their relationship to Jesus.

Gifts are not bad... lots of gifts are not inherently bad... so long as we a reminded of the greatest gift of all, given 2000 years ago, when God sent His only begotten Son, to give the ultimate... his life.

Being with friends and family

Certainly I think it is important... I'll drive about 22 hours so we can be with family.

But even when you are with friends and family, enjoying food or presents, or just fellowship.

Remember... it is only possible to have this time., because of the baby. And the fellowship and good times we have here are just a small sample of what awaits us in heaven... because of the baby.

And finally Christmas is for children It is true., the colored lights, the songs, t making wish lists, and the breathless anticipation... they are mostly for t children.

Christmas is all about God's children because God's children... all of us... we sinners, doomed to pay the wages for their sin... death: physical death a eternal separation from the Father.

It was for the children., not the father... that we have Christmas.

You are a child of God, and it is for you that Jesus came to the manger, lived, died, and rose again.

Yes, CHRISTMAS IS FOR GOD'S CHILDREN. I want you to leave here with one thought...

The tinsel, the glitter, the parties, the food, the time off work, time with family, presents, giving and receiving, helping, and giving thanks are all parts of Christmas.

But like the parts of the manger scene… they are not the reason for the season.

This is the reason for the season -- hold up baby

Jesus is the reason for the season.